Broncast | Análisis previo al juego Chiefs vs Broncos de la Semana 18

Published Jan 4, 2025, 6:55 PM
Bienvenidos al análisis previo del juego de la Semana 18 de la Temporada 2024: Chiefs vs Broncos. ¡Vamos Broncos!

La Temporados, Milburn, Tiquatro, sta Aki Elcudo and Kelos den b Broncos who ran past Temporada Serra and the Rivald Divisional Kansas City Chiefs Ages Visitaran and power Field and man High conn Roster Mudi Sinto sine Bago no na Una Victoria and pat Los Broncos who run lasig Tesmana and Buffalo and Arndaa wild Card Unadota Pera, the Los Vengas Dolphins, o ages Parace, Los Broncos Califician, the careers companion those Milburn Tiquatro Kasara there so it mass plat camos rumbo la s manaocho so j hero yes s.

L broncast.

Amigos amigas the Broncos country menidos and has started stamos and lutimo Broncos. The La Tempora does milquatro, the temple regular oh clark case, the temporar regular johla then ma.

To mas s the you know the locate.

Luti uego the la regular not part and being plait carlessta promotionando manaola temp regular and being promotion the Broncos peaking esta la Temporalcember Broncos to be Status participate in Igana premios from se man As room Nuo for films.

St Jersey throw back.

The Principio mas Puntos a Jersey is the Lujo Jose.

Aman Jersey throw back, even.

Major puntos and Broncos peakingest Nila dos Milvin Tiquatro, Binola show recording, ld.

Tameno s T M.

B Arnest and Semana Numero on those quegos bayan j Su Kinila participates totalmente gratis par on part of the Broncos country ala is an Jlo and MiG Poor participate and Broncos speaking Jello a chost is says bamos commentsara the coll information graslos stan a qui saludando Juan Juano Livares is saludostel Juego Domingo la juan Zula is when bo when I started the stepin Semana optineus is saludos Familia Denver Broncos is a Maria Fernando Saludo Benida says I is the spacio broadcast bamos the spos saludos losbito as a girl commentando bamos start in terra tondo cones controspecto a loos para rombasa chio partido, the regular yellow Repetio can Sanzio, Los Bronco, receivian Alos, Kansas City Chiefs, bamos and Tardeno Lo preparado, commensamos going last, not.

En la primer not tngo s L Regrezzo.

The uniform throw backs, the uniform susters brands, the one contract hashtag throw back to seventy seven Regresso the uniform case you saw Controler raiders and Manaulouego and can Serprennestos Broncos concerned, not the favas, the bout Nicks lea Sincola, Keto knows, re la Machias the uniform he knows, then Una Victoria Contralos, Kansasity Chiefs sytem informs there's the lostentas orcenas ata minoill know and say and utilo the format of the former recurrente one of Los dember Broncos that tempo tran regrezzo wound still logo the lad when Jersey k So st on movie fans, the John Alway Lo bram Bisto, Huggar uniforms k know and Rido is a jersey recommendo so majos opportuny that the recop last tradition as the Los dember broncos A travest the est uniform s, the throwback jerseys ks, the proxim Domingo Treans and empower Villa mal Him Joe so I fund the denber Broncos inform on John Alway, Real Davis Lotally so you're supposed to be l Cambio, You're almost then inform s controspect to Altema, the into beastos autos.

Lost lasnas and not.

Can is the last letter Los Broncos cola conneste logo bastar the Luo.

He went on se combina on start by j Rio Jazz and Ro denver Is dynasty is in Mahia.

The Domingo Perwen I started presenting El frio induda bos noticia yes sentiment for part of the n f L A lost rosters, the jud rosters, they lost Probol games. It's those Probol games and Transformado and whoever Pro Bowl as on whoever those actividades and the Pro Bowl Qua masa Marinamica. I bought at Portartellos fans both as younest per parto expertos sabines and loss, jugadores kevan participar and Esta's activita and the Pro Bowl games also Calbo and Orlando Ustamenta mana.

Previa al super Bowl k.

Denver Brown because we're on not ificados tres scuga seram part the lost Pro Bowl games even la valadeski totalment meios argument is falta algunos is. The Esta is the centermoss whuelers were on more more buenos and boquadro po los tres from jamos commoti tou laesus provol games. Son Mari means junior como the patadas in portante repeat and loss, and the carrera losos at mina como pro Bowlers is as a Marvin Marvin Memes junior a. The mass de pat certain is the corner back Grando M's visto on.

Mana mana.

Pat certain trace the mouse Pro Bowl, the sus quatro Annius in line f croquet Macellan and no butt con Probowl pers the mass stado the former recurrent Elo is a loudside and backer nick Bonito.

Loooos visto at.

Top past the st tipo juego common aido relevante and the spectro and conser sacks and consecut includso and consengue and not nick boos visto interceptors and not colos calls.

The other form of the come of pick six per.

Cele the fomballua los puntos contar nick manito lad esk mis respectos com como pro bowler lasso the peg You're a men respect in los dembo broncos when against Lando. This is informed the grand defendi lost tent crush common nests. Yes, it's an informed k was sar los aplements super Bowl ganon los broncos los tent this oky who trist brother is the money as Yes, when I instars release those incos contoo pa playoffs see felisaya todos just to it on the port yellow let's felisano and amigos and luna pasado perguena qui tamine los felisaeo is pro q in low personal.

Let's buy a moien.

M plantosus sus propositos to sus metas is the k raman buenos a king broncos country. This sermost inform to conrado evolvert alos players this job shots on saludo job, comestas saludos ivan comostas minos, bimenial Broncas, sluos, the Colombia Go Broncos, maamos Broncos, Carlos, grascias, grassport lavelta a quy al broncas in platic car. He went on, as I stand lostress who others are pro bowls? Who rescues on como party the Reserva, Simons Cantrol, the Repente, who or stan Lesionados or no ki and participate Slugar Autroskys, the Castle.

I Ocho, the Lost Broncos.

Castle, the Queen Miners Gusto that we ever heard though, the two large pro no Sally Gary ballst me into a movie. Full Back Michael Burton, bon Nicks back, Novato Nostro, long snapper Michell Fravoni, Will lots through Kicker Sack Alan Tausta. Do you ever see the pro bowler Buenot Brandon Jones Safety but I stand lost when I start? And Los Pomos version the part Yeah, the Man of the Lost Probol Games. This is almost like an arvanda, Go Broncos, this ivan movie bamos, the Sposo. Okay, P's Trying to not contry Ila Confirme, losm bour Brancos, The Domingo, Hugar super Partido Numero Meal, The Temporary Regular, Jevan sent Astas, the Momento Record, the Centa As dos Milbeni Quatro and Temporar regular Is, the Kenos, the Canados Quato d s Patis, Lo Sientos, No Huegos, El Domingo part Numero mill Solamente Lease Frankisias, the Line of Actual ten Master Milk Diegos Regular, Los Broncos Esta Francisian nomerod Is, the Domingos, the Mochi Portancia Sarlo Coneste Uniforme row Back Loos, the The Lima Peru, Carlos, Moja Conto, Broncos, Lugar Parados Playoffs, Movie in rasp The Man Carlos, the The The This Felisagno in Nuevo As cancel As and bibot and and Passia Playoffs, The Nemous Record Canador.

This Pedroa.

Is excellent considered as c Elliot Patria in the Ras Roster and the Playoffs, m hmm in serament No Tmas part and Momentum and the Cared The c elliott A quot bncos the next momento cin cerament.

This is Domingo and no a straight story.

This Juan yess uh at the cat Domingo and baas because as Mo buenas the imman Corrindo oku naive yellows, broncos, con cassid Victoria and alad Domingo. He pass playoffs pergueno. This is a labamos pour playoffs. This felisago clara felisano a todos, I start Domingo, cerra l juego numero mill the temp regular, the lost, denver, broncos algo can know passa ca Domingo ask leo the water format you like called passe playoffs when mamos standings Justina mucho practical mene lost chiefs, jas campaigns, visionally lost charges, ban segundo, los broncos, caan and Terceo.

Raiders and ultim.

You know a canca will Posnesto choses the Califician playoffs coupar septimus uglandmos a playoff picture, ms rebizados, manas solamente you lugar and La Conferencia Americana para los playoffs est momento Lo Coupa, Los Broncos and Septima and Septimo Lugar pero I those mask I do keepos Masque stan Buscando to Villa s lugar que Coupa and estmental Los Denver Broncos. You know Los Dolphins, lotro so Los Bengals loos Broncos Pasada the Lamna, he says, Frona lost Chargers, Una Victoria in Los Angeles, in Cincinnati last party and Sapo extra and Cincinnati and obtain Victoria perro sig estando Sola Victoria dependino.

They just missmos h el Savado, the.

Man mbibo or the Ferrido l Bernes Banna in Frontcellos Bengals contract lost Steelers, I justin and para Mantla's experances and when don alaos Denver Broncos, Gernando just time playoffs in Portoase and Trilos Dolphins, Los Bengals pero Silos Broncos to Madera, the Penderian the lost Steelers like Los Bengals Coatara boost Cando when look the Loo communce Elo Steelers, the Bengals, Karen lost Ravens, the Ganalo Ravens, Lost Steelers and hospiraian Uh comp the division prom or Cans and Esperueno al punto los Bengals, Ganner Yes lost Dolphins, Los Broncos, Si Los Dolphins, cavang controllos jets he lost Bengals can controls Steelers and to los Broncos, Perto Domingo.

Employe baas Penser Victoria cancer.

In this Nicolas Indoda al and Domingo in l b w bamos Broncos, los Speramo all those fans and Mexico I and the s and p a sport I put the d la la see kens the visitor when can confines and la North and I can jes case estadis.

And destas soon as the last a mexicoples still mass fans. This flut Los Broncos, the cat like Ganta Domingo, job Sea most Influenza.

Persta and Grassio grass plos Salon George Comstas. There's the Monterey Domingo and namos compais just a Bengalos, Pronosicos, Ucas, Temperano, Palisa, Broncos and quatro passes the touch on the bone next Stambiosoda the sun memesracien is the bar those interceptions. Okay, movielateas both the the the profeta as controspecto loc and cita por parts the broncos paracalf permos, yeahs Celebrando pass broncos a la poste when yeah, the po the vlaktas houstos comments are plat car the post last positions post position on the Los denver Broncos and draft those milbn t sincot international fan of the quin save and amos Pero star representante and draft those milburn Ti Sinco. I can recorded kill los primelos the suture where sons calif playoffs, n est Momental los Broncos stand in a position bene the Califica playoffs aries perar Lemine playoffs, lons parasa position and primer Rondos de bronks Momento stand lost standing in a position being lad. You know sos Texans the Art Conference Americana. When is the la los Broncos then masa position beIN Perena I can consider and okay a java el camino the los demb broncos para drapped those milla jue this north La is the style restaurant and can and stopped and the pant Line and city shops and the North Accompany juan Is, the various Fans, the Los denber Broncos, There's the Huego, the Las Mana Benga Bos Last Information Location k s l Juego, the Last Manna Semana Show, thee Looking subord the boc Medio Marble, the Wholades, Contrelos Chiefs and narrow Head and qual Parsia, La Victoria's Anda ars In Embargo and cut Mahugada, Quipos Specialist pad No Victoria and Loos Chiefs and Standing to Hermmento Standing Victors Manuerdo, the sat and Guitar Is, Calidadian Victors, losil sluc Perueno, La Mano, sine Bargo, Sutanto, Distintos Victories st Juego, Serra, Domingo Sinco, the Eno alasdos Benco, the latd Las Montagnas, Tresco, La l Centro de Mexico, Bayan bartando Is, the Reservando and su Calendario, est Radio Porque Serra and power Field at Manhai Whosetamente in Denver, Colorado. The Temporar Regular that Historic Coals Post Lost Kansas City Chiefs lideran in Uinco st Star and the Victoria's consecutive pens lets. You know the spots, the larger Racha Yes Premos m p s I Liberal, the Sposed, the local Tempora post Broncos, Los Chiefs and Frontalo and Los Playoffs, the La tempor and Los Broncos and narrow Head sky I start El Dato historical ultimate Occasion and manad l d S the mbre Don the Los Broncos field goal, the consiger Victoria no produces plan Bounce Basar Slevana contract label, Janos part mal Juan Yeah Commodation PCA and and the otter coastal to Manansu's decisions. King lietenant Contrado was clem the the pasada when the Denver and Errow Whustamente commensando as the annual when Klima Stava handle calves and says anicell party does the pro Domingo assinko or the denver Stara entrance the tres Grado's farren had locate in Sios Logrado, so Logrado and Tirado Who's tolling l juelo starving okay I podcast probably as the the precipitation No I alertas then basta you know for you see p almnos no clim ummelo n barber precipitation alin altam partio considerata quas faring height on mano s quatro gras and tira doos yes rio para frioesta and member posilamente they can start trying killoo. I stand last condition as klimatic as paras the proximo proximo Domingo mamos ablar the lokevi and question the lessonados l injury report reported the lesionados was bernest l ultimate report recorded Domingo to m P there's the mir college reports Labrad the Noticias de los sever conocer the miracles solamente is in fermida tackle Frank Crome he question less lamented Tyler baby elsto and Toernando the manera regular antestos tresias the preparationion proximo juego tanta alan como ben powers les des canso non as stell miracles and that let's announce you know implementedposeron p part of the Leipoa Allen and miracles empowers no practical pero tantae severnes ambos practicalando the Manera regular.

Esty lista and los tresas the.

Former regular and lamna menia since esta estav and the report and practical the Manera regular solamente Frank Crome Nova Hugar Tyler Badya question PoTA participation. No, no is the perard lok pasa Who's ante the communcel juego Proximo Domingo, you went on lost chiefs a key l caso especial Seattle is previsto. I suppose the agnado alos Steelers, Yes, primer the La Conference Americana ju is tit larist not todos perosi like Majoria diad Isaiah Pacheco, Javan Taylor, Mikol Harmon wide receiver. I mean the specialist Jell and Watson cornerback, Los keestandsos p tener participations. The Preximo Domingo is Chris Jones, Patrick Mahomes quarterback McDuffie cornerback, Nick Bolton linebacker, dam being a trunk will Outo linebacker, Karim Hunt, running back George Carlaftis is on on outside line backers Roger Travis Scales stands Justin reed to Safety Club and the in the Croster de los Chiefs. It also just when Dodos in the band at the participation as the Proximo Domingo Pensando and Recooper the lessons the star frescos Paros playoffs, Yeal prim man Fronto wild Card as ca Yeah, the cancel Sudes Carson Wentz babac titular and the Proximo Domingo Cosa. When most Latins who go for Latado the la color runs similar cancer to Lades and so much stuff for the momento and throw Carson Wentz susu Willac.

It is the back up. Carson Wentz, I mean Grado.

When Selba and Frind they got tom Loms just then Vasil as a platic card. This is a North Puerdo superb contract pass for wins of folds for Nick Foles mister Manoe, Nick Foles Coreacti to Laden Momento Poorky Carson Wentz. You know Rodia control rams and the Para MBP Temporda Elsa in Philadelphia and Nick falls aslow rest La Tempora Storia los los Eagles andos Mildia. The lesson Mars is Noticia Holt and and in sports bar okay esperamos.

The tempora and broncos lou lous and Mauricio.

Is the.

And gran paratos peruana is the.

The sports, the a plato, the statema when the Lousano chips and algos lean and really that laverion los chiefs came in plentist approximal do mingo inver los numerous capresent and is the quanto defence and lade p f las siet por pas lads portier test back and vermucco never se different chiefs not conferno repido I just and he says partios come homes conco puntos totalisk los colloca and position no qua puntos port partio even and the fence a lados one p f f stand a lott of movie and land control lace covert ila says presidenando alcora permittuntos port partido position as the permittian portuce does in puntos totalists can permitted to chiefs if repido esto not in the implemented so numerous and from los chiefs so never the talmentist cinemargo.


For for the Andy Reid medicine res Peto coaches and like told that Londo logos sientes, Carson Wentz perro i Stan and the read Alan save.

Moversuso sus h is.

John Stan confiadolo the grand Man located much confiance is not tantoke presenter lokelos broncos and Sabido Carle provecio pet Movilano pasado, selega, chiefs, competos, wen dember Cai pro java, victoriao no lo ro lo confiance com peton Savido hu garle and and sta procupo prounce this Cardenas saludos Charlie benidos esperando saloso, the chiguaa this a waira saludos victor lad in Chihuahua. The Coberlo per Bueno is the saludosa comos chiefs consinti tou larees stud and casa yes missimnel stuos and nada de logardo practical.

For tuita.

La perguen mast domingo seaga una historia too talimented. Tinta can clers running back the Kansas and returns yea pero job delano magi puran is running back no montres eating and on on full back cast causes. In the Santees Satan, the Tranquilo pero se p Huaja Porque was jackonest bamonos rappie alas claves del partido, the broncos stallion com venga bamonos alas clavez del partio, just thamos and las claves del partido salos that is on andrano saludos comonos.

He is the phoenix I.

Used on the stumos as mucco Who's tament in the super Bowl pergueno saludos parajas is a snarsta com fiado thamos peranzados lucionados como resto selenardist Jose moving premier cla partido in Paris when the Infranas, I want to Quipo k Oh presenter roster differente postulaes pero, la macho muchos banister buscando mantequipo or la confianza.

Para co auto contrato, esto.

Taos and qualis and called minimum portia the monster, las cosas product la prima clave n Ste Parduceria is hugar seguro.

In Ballons.

Quipo k membat and Madame Costan the talent to Pero and cost ganas banner Star presented to Chiefs Australia Tan Tranquilo, con Manja, Ballon the former Segura, Jose Carreos and Trelos tagles comos move when the move not running back saving gold part and tre tacklists having from Perta las estimate tam being Ca Javonte, Williams and Tis Movin McLaughlin and case different the running back almost rock combelos that Lucy that the mines capas the care and tacklics case who's on the vinings gold who tackles defensive linebackers includes a lot of safeties, says Kamos said Ballon no cal mass i k, she's on tresiadas Bendrela consecut mass per the appentest ballon.

Gold Peke balonel to a Coneso and Casa.

There was the the tenor and cuenta st situation. That's Porto just prob Church cameos the man then Tempo and al and k Benga bamos h p Balon. It passes the no start Lansando repentech passes Alo Perfundo ortak car de manera int nore is a carportun i is on the joelas clavicivall balon Nottunias yes and co here momento polemos.

Segunda clavi paris the pro Domingo kaokey it must be.

Sto ultimate mena josek Bamos, algoist into Pero k uh sabido and a wide receiver Numeanto and Caslos Steelers, George Piakens, Pico Collins, Gonna Tejanos.

It's those, it's too chiefs repent in and it's the situation.

And like saven and l and ombre of and the casto and hug Areo when sindo cro loke mas jamal attention, Scrtland Son Cortland when temp controlo saints whenas repent and not lomos contrasting, contrasting sinnati lo mos whoever that does not controller raiders Laicho bast and Cortland sod just jamar munch attention l and l Harker, Sara mansmos is as pond l yao the bombs the novatolm bisto move when as caused us the proximo domingo e non seramente the pender the Cartlands sern you know the total rest of the roster inclusive and in alos must be to repent savon and save Hen Puntoslo and Andrea no Ike the and Carol U and Esperando passy casanlos pass the b Nicks. If not numero tres sera a mental rest Yes you know the stage and pause, then move repent, come okay, no or no swelling certain insistent and hot McLaughlin, las Mana, Pasada, Louis movie in controls, Bengal set us, com estimate controlos, mismos, chiefs, k tambiendo, much of the Pero, the repente cause as the stat I guess it's the i K mantainers and Stalina and insistent hosts.

And the.

Bahl and Friando the lost chiefs, no a star Macomes Nickels. The tournament has no less opportunities. Joe kro Rover rest lokesan presentado prescient crocket City like Pesta who restores stress factories sind Abaramas, while the train consider k Padria tain significant Differentia Domino the Hello and Loss commentaries.

When Babos all Alas club is defense.

Cro lab America Ki is no super Carson Wentz not in activity that pero repido. Carson Wentz bastar booth scandals you see in the contrato len you know and lu Parti color rams, chiefs Caremosnike Confiernos implemented not a needle activity that in a sido a west largest as a temple the Jo cancer, Patrick Mahomes Repido called quarterback Canandi Reed.

Medic Prospecto in Confiernos lance passes la.

Pero, la mea and k the most tremous catac lajor for certo and astral Frank Tantos sacks come those milli los broncos pression and to momento. Carson Wentz travest the la pression, the loss ax and broke balon a sueltos.

Ceble protection and mobile and scramble e was lod jo and Patrick.

Mahomes p tmoco and then experience and the NFL move suos n f L and loos Eagles move control, drunk I start know and at the car Carson Wentz Perro Callo the for production Carlos Rico. If you got the la la Lino and.

P f F the.

Mo andla largo mo buen alamos is the logo and manades los broncos major then efficient opportunis miss chiefs when las Agunda is okay I sta of eniva only dimensional dimentional rest no factor prest the Kansas City Respondo, SAMADIPI auto running back, the report the Contradiolar but started into Joe RelA, Bartner party, Carreos Concurson steel Case full back Sky those run running backs, I c limitar loos andstri parqu total pla and Carson t k notch ACTIVI rapido es caca rores you and and as the mismos pig six orcomo cos s n Evans Joseph you know latter clad the Isndaria Segue Tormando, Reno pensando ya and playoffscus Victoria las mana pasada una the last probas last problest complete call as the the those milvan quatro and question the defender l pase friends on Joe Burro and like Toli dad on pard Receptories Okay, the Lacida the jamar chase it T Higgins can see se mejorando massless is complete calor lesson in mass Tormando and read contra las japon macmillion rep is the wajo lomos visto those who are sit and creser who's to an esta momento paraqu larndo wild card then the most a spiral ana Victoria and wild card the cancer worthy not and reportster mado and no standard report cancas you considered Yak the saber worthy. But start this Proximo Amingo case nova who is Michael Hartman Tempoco, Travis Kelcey is the bras losnicos in the latta ke and when start as Hollywood round past presented a ben Yeah he's on business and Ria Carson when as to this position you when not on lasciva la be amos algo distinct los broncos, Domino and estaff and the lost chiefs who others paracelo momento to Marino mejor larndo the wild card, yeahmo is the jo mas tengo pronostico Proximo Domingo.

Uile el marcador.

Marcadores pos the esto you when not pronostico del partido Joe in cerament Ok, bamos amplias res puntos, yes puntos they lost denver broncosla both the profeta the Rason pork pray Let's put puntos quatrapuntos. He lost Chiefs and Sivamo cat puntos jo be cator, The lost Denver, Broncos, starvest handled Proximo, Domingo el Passia playoffs, The Suppose the Key, There's the those Milkings fell out in Californana playoffs then and Nolan Concido as Momento, the rompere is, the star Racca, the res terrabot On they lost playoffs, Los Proximo, fin Samanna and Buffalo and the wild Card Abria Peraguando Programma as the Partido Reception, Saval Domingo Pero Sindula, the Stentos al Information and Socials and Broncos and Espanol Questasy and Instagram x on Loca Twitter I point and contrad to Contino Henera and Broncos Totalmente and svidiom A s Como and Broncos Fanaticos Houstamente Broncos as part of the Contindo and espanel Sumadola and Entre Migos con Carlos Victor Emanuel Been vitan Zo, Las gracias no trimos hemos. Information is the most totalmentos ben los broncos, Yes, Jose me this says the is gonna los broncos. Mauricio Ben says puntos Nidia the nicolor moto Mauricio is locust and esperando los officials, los broncos sing conestopos, practical menage gamos al finale, the Ultimo Broadcast, the tempor regular La Broadcast, the playoffs, the Toronto, the wild Card, la los broncos juans to los cestrum presented. He commented, graciases no sa possibly hla kenesmos man Papa, the Dull, the caamas a blad tls Blood. The tendencial albums are the local Lost Bills pod and Presenter, the Penderla, the Domingo equallyf can playoffs.

Me number is the hero. Let's know las gracias g those midi.

Much margino wos soutando la tem Prado's middleman. The thing about a concrete primero perro when I just say lost the cells lost was proctimamente the enamous must mass notice a qui and broncos and espanel grass totos mespio asta lap proxy

Entre Amigos, El Podcast - Official Denver Broncos Podcast

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