Empire Builders with Nick JamesEmpire Builders with Nick James

Tyler Garns: The 4 Simple Ways to Double Your Business

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In this episode, Nick James sits down with Tyler Garns, former VP of Marketing at Infusionsoft (now Keap) and successful agency founder.

Tyler breaks down the four fundamental levers any business can pull to double their revenue, shares his journey from employee to multi-million dollar agency owner, and explains why business growth is simpler than most people think.

Plus, learn why automation is crucial for scaling your business without burning out, and get actionable insights on where to start with systematising your operations.

Don't miss their upcoming one-day workshop in Birmingham on December 7th, where Tyler will work directly with attendees to implement these strategies. This exclusive event is available to Empire Builders community members for just a £1 booking fee, but seats are limited to 40 attendees. Book your spot at expertempires.com/automation.





Nick James

Nick dropped out of university at the age of 21 and failed spectacularly with his first coaching business, which forced him to take a £16k/yr telesales job. 

Within 12 months he was the top performer and left to start his second business at 24. This time he discovered a winning formula and before long had a multi-six-figure company.

He then made a huge mistake which nearly put him out of business and cost him £50,000 in personal cash!

Fortunately, Nick kept it afloat, turned it around, and sold that business 2 years later in a seven-figure deal. 

He then co-founded a multi-million-pound marketing company, which he exited in 2015, and created Expert Empires.

Today, Expert Empires is known as the UK's number one business event for Experts, with world-renowned celebrity speakers like Gary Vaynerchuk, Grant Cardone, Chalene Johnson, David Goggins, and Lewis Howes gracing the stage.

Nick also specialises in helping Coaches, Consultants, Speakers, Trainers, and Authors take their businesses from zero to six figures and beyond through his Expert Empires Mastermind programme.

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Welcome to EMPIRE BUILDERS with CEO, entrepreneur, and International speaker, Nick James.  Nick is  
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