Daily Highlight: You Put WHAT in the Laundry?

Published Mar 19, 2025, 1:33 PM

Elvis Duran's Daily Highlight

Elvis Duran’s Daily Highlight is your go-to podcast for the daily best of moments from Elvis Duran and the Morning Show. Each day, we bring you the fu 
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Despite what the ‘Big Show’ may say, caller Dan argues that you should always put the cup into the laundry. Do you agree?!

Today's Daily Highlight from Elvis Duran in the Morning Show. By the way, we we just covered a lot of territory a few minutes ago about fact checking and this and that and you believing everything. TikTok, says Dan from Burnington, your Jersey objects to something we said, and he wants to correct us. Look, let's open our minds and see what Dan wants to say. Hi Dan, what's going on?


E this?

Hey everyone? I was just texting in to say that, you know, Froggy's actually wrong that you should put the cap of the laundry detergent in the washing machine, because when you don't do that, it just builds up and you get this ugly glob that builds dust and dirt, and then you keep putting more detergent in that cup and it's gross. So you throw it in the wash. It washes the detergent out of the cup and then you have a clean cup every time.

Okay, how can we dispute that? I mean, it is technically cleaning the cup. Why can't you just rinch the cup under like water at the sink.

Because it takes.

And I don't have a sink in my laundry room. So I'd have to really make a trip and everything, so it's just seeming they take it out when you're done.

You have a laundry room that doesn't have a slop sink. Yes, I love that term slop sink, that's what they are. We've got questions, yes, Gandhi, are you.

Not running the risk when you throw that plastic lid into the wash that one it melts it if it's hot, and then gets all over yourself. Or two it breaks apart and then you have plastic shards all over instead of just taking the cup a few steps to a sink and washing.

What do you think you know, because those aren't gonna melt in that temperature, that that plastic's not gonna melt in the temperature washing your clothes, because then your clothes we get damaged. It well, it doesn't usually break because it's you know, within the clothes and everything just getting thrown around. But I wouldn't put it in maybe with delicates, if you know you're worried about stuff like that, wait wait, waitit, but otherwise otherwise I throw it in with every load.

Now, sometimes you forget, like you know, and you grab your stuff from the washing machine. And you throw it in the dryer.

What if you forget the cups in there and then the cup melts.

And the drying your dryer doesn't get hot enough to melt your clothes, so it's not gonna melt the cup. And so sometimes if I don't find it it got mixed in with stuff, I just throw it in the dry It comes out nice and clean still, but you're still.

Running the risk of it just shredding your other clothes. If there's you know, a little chip, or if it breaks in any capacity, then you have a whole load of laundry destroyed because you couldn't walk to the sink.

Well, I've been laundrying myself for over twenty years and I've never had a cup break on me yet.

Okay, Well, I will tell you this. Who I used to live with for many years, he did the same thing. He would take the laundry detergent cup and throw it in the wash and we never had a problem ever.


But also doesn't spread around the water. Aren't you supposed to dump it kind of around and get it all over everything instead of it's all concentrated into one small area.

Well, you know, I do dump the stuff around, but then I drop the cup in so the cup gets cleaned.

Look, you know a lot of people with Dan. I don't mean I just look. Do what you want to do. Man, if you don't want to put the cup in, don't put the cup in. I can definitely see there could be argument from some points of view. I don't think that either the washer or the dryer is gonna get hot enough to tear up your cup. At the same time, I don't know my detergent never ever clogs in my cup. My cups always don't do.

That with anything else. We don't do that with anything else that we use a cup to measure a device. We don't just take the whole thing and throw it in there. To take the measuring cup and dump it in your soup.

It's not the same thing. But is this really my question is is this really worthy of an argument?

Not at all.

This doesn't affect my life in any capacity. I'm going to keep doing my laundry the same way, and he can keep exactly.


Look like seriously, for years and years, i would pull the laundry out to put it in the dryer, and I'd find the cup. I'm like, always look for the cup because he always puts scuff in there. What ever, it's okay, Scotty is sur perplexed. Yes, Scotty, what my question is this?

Who uses a cup?

The top of the detergent container is a cup and.

You that's what he throws the okay.

But you just screw it back on and deturgeent goes back in the bottle.

You don't have to rinse it out.

None of you have one that's a larger bottle with the spout to dispense it. So it's not, you know, not the model that I get.

Dan, don't sound so angry at Dan.

Stop telling you angry. Dance Dan, You're okay. Don't let them, don't let them yuk. You're young and I'm the scary saw on TikTok that you're supposed to drink the detergent. Those pods are right, I Dan? You go, do you?


It's all good.

Thanks for listening to us.

Thank you, Love you guys, long time listener. Have a great day. God.

Somebody told me the pods are bad for your clothes. Is that true? Sometimes they don't disintegrate.

That's the problem.

I hate that.

When they're good and they don't disintegrate.

So what do you use? Do you use pods or do you use liquid? I use lick liquid or powder?

I use liquid, I use power, I use lit And they told me that, you know, in the dishwasher, the dishwash guy came over to fix the dishwasher. What do you say, the gel detergent is your best bet? Yeah, they always say that. I've heard that too, But I do have a big box of pods, so I'm gonna I'm gonna use them in my dishwasher. But they say, do not put the pod in that little box that closes the door. They should just put the pod in the dishwasher. They said, that's the way you should do it. Okay, but this is all a bunch of TikTok bull crap. So this is what they say. You know what I'm saying this is don't take it. Don't take anything on the show in fact.

Ever, ever, nothing we say ever. I love that you guys.

It was like Dan was living in the castle on the hill and you all had your torches and you're.

Going down killed.

There was a big steel knocker on the door. Boom, come out, dad, damn, come on, the detergent lid using person

Detergent Dan

Elvis Duran's Daily Highlight

Elvis Duran’s Daily Highlight is your go-to podcast for the daily best of moments from Elvis Duran a 
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