The Day Greg T Lied

Published Mar 22, 2017, 2:24 PM

Greg T left a pack of cigarettes at Skeery's apartment, Bethany gives us Humpty Dumpdates, and Mr. Program Director wants more music.

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I'll just go up your show boy. Yeah, it's awesome, so Fanny to listen to in the morning show. I think that's great advice. Just turn it up. Welcome to the day. It is Wednesday, March two, Is it really? Yeah? You know one day you just wake up and it's Wednesday. Mar Hey, Froggy, good morning, good morning office, and good morning to you, Danielle, good morning, good morning to you, bets in the good morning, good morning they. Hey, we had a great night last night. We'll talk about that later, but one of our favorite moments of the night was a performance from Dimmi Lovado right there in front of us. She was just totally, totally fantastic. Her voice comes from some place outside of that tiny body. It's a gift from God, gift from gods. Scary. Wou would Tavado music you have for let's see you want to play a heart attack, something old school like that. You want to play something, give me something fast and fun and I'll wake us up a heart attack? All right, all right, thank you, Dimmi Lovado. Also, our friends b Miller performed and Leon Else performed last night at the Musicians on Call Gallet. It was tremendous, and it was of course hosted by my friends Danielle Minaro and bethan A. You know when you show up to an event and they tell you here, here's your microphone, you're the host. Go You know what the funny part about that is Evening and I were talking yesterday afternoon and I said, are we doing anything tonight? And she goes, knowing us that we'll wind up hosting. How funny is that? I walk into this event, this beautiful event at the Edison Ballroom last night, totally sold out, raising money from musicians on call, and I see Danielle and Bethany in the corner talking to the producer of the show, and I'm like, well, I'm gonna get pictures with him. What are they doing? They look like they're working what I means of paper. I was going, what about me? What about my pictures? And they said, well, leave them alone. They were talking to the producer about the hosting job they're doing. They're not hosting. So you just walked into this to this gala event and they just said here you're on, you're the host. Basically, here's a cute card and I love in the middle of it. Banter here. Okay, well you did a fantastic job, because I don't remember what we said. We raised over three hundred thousand dollars from musicians on call last night. It was it was a great night, a night of twists and turns and congratulations. By the way, you looked amazing, which is all that matters. But you, it was such an incredible night. So many people said so many beautiful, very true things about you. And then there was Darren Chris who said you were a jackass. But you know, we'll get to him later. Hey, let's start with our first caller of the day. It's Rich. Hello, Rich, Hey guys, good morning, Rich. Are you on your way out to h to keep New York City safe? Yes? Absolutely absolutely, you guys got my day going. Rich you guys every morning. Well, thank you. You You know, it's a blessing to have you. Of course, Rich is a member of the very very cool n y p D. Let me be the first or maybe the second or third to tell you keep it safe out there and make sure make sure you take care of yourself. Okay, thanks, I tried, Thank you. I'm sure you're gonna do a great job, and I feel better knowing that you're out there. Yes, can you imagine if Greg t was on the police Well, listen, thank you so much. Rich. We're gonna send you an Elvis Durant hurt since you are the first call of the day. Now you really thank you, Thank you for all you do. Guys. I appreciate you. Guys. Listen to the guys in the morning makes my day going. Hold on one second, please send Rich the best shirt you can find. Let's go around the road and we'll start with you, scary. What's on your mind today? So I started pondering would I rather be the jack of all trades and a master of none, or would you rather be like legendary and known for one thing? Because I went out to a restaurant in Miami over the weekend and I met a guy. His name was the duck Man. This guy does nothing but make peeking duck for forty years straight. And I choose that Peking Duck be known for one thing, but like the best in the world. Yeah, that's that's what I was thinking. I agree. Once I met the duck Man, I'm like, I wish I had something that if only you could be the duck Man, you could start working on it. Never too late to learn how to peek king a duck. What I'm saying? What's up with you today, Danielle? So I found a new use for a banana peal. Okay, can we talk about it on the radio. So yesterday I had too much lipstock on in the car and I had just eating a banana, and I go the banana pills perfect because I didn't have a tissue. So I blotted my lips with a banana, feel the inside of it, and it worked. It's so excited. They say the acids in the banana are fantastic in removing stains. So apples are nature's toothbrush. Bananas are nature's napkins like naps. But well, thank you eat it and then clean your house with it. What's up there, bethany? Okay, So if you're like me and you're a crier, uh you know how like there are certain times when you start to cry and then you just cannot stop. And there's like every time, like a small thing happens. That was last night for me crying. I was crying whole night. And I have to give a shout out to our del lashes because their lash glue is amazing. My fake lashes stayed on the entire time while I was sobbing. I mean, I ugly cried last night, you guys. Yeah, she was in the middle of this festive event and just in a ball cry because it's like the most incredible organization and the things they do for people in hospital roles, and they played video and once the video roles, I'm on the floor. Yeah, it was a great night. And musicians on call, they're worth a good tier or two. Uh. And by the way, we don't have all the stars just came in here. Thank you for that great text. You're rich, so I appreciate its fabulous. All right, well it's okay to cry. Cry it out, baby, let's get into your horse coops. You're a first inn alright, Reese with a spoon. Happy birthday to you, Capricorn. Your adventurous side is in full swing. Take part in any last minute trips. You'll have more fun than you think. Your Days of nine Aquarius a sudden change ahead of your way. Keep an open mind and get ready for some new beginnings your days attend. You can't do everything by yourself. Don't be afraid to ask for help. From your close friends. Your days and eight Darius. Your intuition can give you an edge when dealing with others. Listen to it. Your day is an eight towards. You're energetic and you're exciting. Use these qualities towards any projects that require creativity. Your days of nine Gemini. You may get an unexpected visit from an old friend. It's important to be a good listener and take the time to catch up. Your day is an eight al right, can't swer face the future head on? A positive comes going to come from this recent change. Your day is a nine Leo. Events may happen that are out of your control. Although this may not feel ideal, it's important to look at this as a blessing. Your day is at ten Virgo. Continue to show everybody how dedicated you are. All your recent success is about to manifest into something great. Your day, isn't it Libra. It's understandable to feel uneasy when changes are occurring. The future is only looking up, though, so trust the process. Your day is a nine Scarpio. Being skeptical may feel natural. More become more open minded. You're gonna see a positive outcome. Your days and nine and Sagittarius. The anticipation leading up to a meaningful discussion is driving you wild. Expanding your dreams requires much patience. Your day is a ten, and those are your Wednesday morning horse. Welcome to the day. We have no guest today, by the way, Oh no, no no, no, we do. Oh my god, we have the most incredible guest today, Julia Michaels. Oh yes, Oh my god. You are going to fall in love with Julia Michaels. You've already heard her music, if not all the great huge hits that she's written. Uh, she brooke sorry for Justin Bieber. She wrote a lot of things for a lot of people. But of course she has her own thing going. Let's talk to her way till you meet her. You're gonna love Julie Michael. She'll be on in about an hour and a half. All right, into the headlines. What's going on, Bethany, Let's talk about North Korea? Okay, all right? Kim John Who's latest missile tests are a failure. They tried to launch a missile yesterday, but it's bloated almost immediately. This is a good thing? Is that is that true? Though? What is this fake news? Well? I hope not okay, Well back to you. It's good. This is good. Apple is introducing a new tool to help in the global fight against AIDS. The company has announced it will offer a special edition red aluminum iPhone seven and seven plus as part of its decade long Red campaign. Proceeds will contribute to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS. The phones will start at seven forty nine. They'll also be available They're available Friday. Apple also announced a new version of its nine point seven inch iPad for three nine is going to have a brighter display touch I d Froggy's already waiting in line for it is already bottom. Yeah, I'm ready to go. He's got I need him. Team USA B Japan to advance to the championship for the first time. They play Puerto Rico today. Here is your hourly reminder to take a deep breath. Thank you, And we have a dental version of Breaking Bad. A fake California dentist is in trouble for running a meth lab under the cover of a dental office. He's fifty nine. He ran an unlicensed dental practice. Everything you'd find in a real one dentist, chair, X ray machine, dental tools, but he also had tools and equipment used for making meth. It makes sense a dentist would be running a meth lab because meth makes your teeth fall out. It's true. So yeah, next time you go in, your dentist just asked to look in the back room. Make sure there's not beakers and stuff, beakers and Bunsen burners. All right, thank you, Bethany. You guys ready for your day. Let's go see in the morning show Upside. The smart new way to buy travel is upside dot com. You save money. You get a free Amazon gift card with every trip you buy. Use my name Elvis, and you're guaranteed at least a two d dollar gift card with your first time using upside dot com. Save huge on travel. Minimum purchase supplies seaside for details upside dot com. Phone tap replay Elvis, Elvis durand the Elvis Durant phone tap. All right, Dave Brody, Hello, colleges, study his phone taps. Let's see what they'll think about today's What do you have going on? Elvis? Our listener Lena wanted a phone tap her dad. She and her father have been fighting for almost a year now over her getting her own car, So I call with her from a car dealership and we bone tap dad. Alright, phone tapping dad not always a good idea. Let's see what happens on today's Hi. I'm looking for Michael Space. Please. My name is Phil Tanner from Bush to Financial calling reference to your car loan from where applied for leave. Okay, well, uh, your daughter said that you co signed with her. I got this paperwork on my desk because we need a needed installment A seven paid and she suggested I call you, let go the phone with us. She don't say nothing like that, and some ways in trouble. Do you want to speak with her right now? Yes? She is? Yeah, hello daddy. Yeah, um, I kind of bought a car. Uh huh. And I didn't really didn't think that you were gonna mind, being that, you know, Grandpa left you some money. And yeah, well I do mind, and I'm not clo signed, not knowing, but it's kind of already done. Really, two people talk about things like this. I didn't think it was going to be that bit of a problem. I'm gonna talk to him. Yes, please hello, Mr Space. Yeah, okay, the car is in your name. I don't know how the cause of my name if I never signed no paperwork house, I'll be going there personally with an attorney and the police at both for you though. All right, so this don't need to threaten me, all right, don't be a tough guy. That's not even a threat. It sounds not even a threat. I'm just trying to tell your power. First of all, did paperwork illegally? No, I didn't trouble. Yes, you didn't, and legally I have your information here with your signature and my signature. Okay, you run my daughter to have a problem, and she's gonna have a bigger problem signature. Listen, dude, there's no reason to be cheap by you daughter. The damn car. What's the big deal? Look, scum bag, talk to me that? Oh now, I'm peace listening. Are you you think I'm talking to guy doesn't love his daughter? Apparently I love it, saddy? How why are you knowwing up the poor man? No one tell me, Oh you don't love your daughter? Oh you don't love You could get locked up right now, but you wouldn't lock me a long your daughter. I'll have that place surrounded and within twenty five minutes I don't care what Grandpa left me. You don't even know what he left me. I don't know, but I figured it was a lot. I didn't say that it was a lot. You said it so much that you could buy three new cars. Yeah, Ellie, you taugh a little dirt bag. He wants to talk to me like that. I sweating out break both of damn lakes. You do not go around putting down my damn SoC Security number. Okay, I'm telling you that right now, right now, you did grand laws of me. You better case you damn mother on the phone, because I'm finished with you. Okay, but Daddy just hold down one second. He wants to talk to you. Hold donald, Okay, I want to talk to this punk. Hey, hey, genius, how do I know that you didn't sign this? It ain't my problem. You could play all the games you want right now. Your phone is being tapped right now, Genius, my phone, my daughter does not tell you what I do for a living. Your daughta told me you're looking to buy a car today. That's not gonna happen. Dude. You're finished, all right. So the only game we're playing stars a phone tap. That's it. This is Dave Brody Melitter in the Morning Show. You just got phone tapped. You don't play jokes like that, only plays with my money. Have an idea for a phone tab? Go to Elvis Durand dot com. Click on the phone tap tab. Tell us what you want to do. This table was prerecorded with permission granted by All Party Space. Elvie durand phone Tab were on Elvis Durand in the Morning Show. Elvis Duran in the Morning Show. Alright, another free money phone tap on the way worth a thousand dollars. Hey, uh so, great tea. How was it sleeping at scaries house last night? Me and scarys couch? We're dating now, Yes, that sounds creepy. It's a nice couch. I've spent many nights on the couch. So another night last night at at his place. You know, don't forget, we ust to be roommates. So it's kind of like, you know, I could walk around naked in front of him. It doesn't bother. I'm sure he loves that. So last night we had a very said my late event at the Edison Ballroom here in Manhattan, which, by the way, Times Square. It's like it's like Christmas time. The traffic is so bad right now, what's going on? It's it's I think that's always Broadway shows were going on last well no, but okay, I do right. I'm telling you traffics worse than usual. Um anyway, so the musicians on call Gallo last night was fantastic and thank you guys for coming. It was an amazing night. So so Greg T. You know, he lives far away, so when he does these late night events, he sleeps on Scary's couch because I spent many many nights here at my desk on the floor and that's not fun. But Greg T, Scary would like for you to return something. Kindly return something and no questions will be asked. What happens Scary? Well, actually Elvis, I would like to return something to him that he forgot. Oh wait, wait a minute, so what's the backwards saying? What did Greg T leave on your coffee table? Hey? Greg T, here's the cigarettes and the lighter that you left on my coffee table, medical insurance. Hold on, It only looks like one cigarette is missing from your pack of Marlborough. Okay, listen, I think, hello, lady smoker, you're not smoking if you smoked a cigarette. You are a smoker. When you go out and you're in the city and you're having some drinks and you have some good times, you feel like it urged have a puff, you know, so like it was like one of those nights where I'm like, you know what, I need a puff? You know you know what. That's like me saying I like to have sex with men, but I'm a virgin, and you do say that a lot. You shut up so great, I think as as to help teach you a lesson, I think it's messed up that scared did well to help teach you a lesson. Even though one cigarette is smoked out of this pack, we're boys here. We're gonna make you smoke the entire pack. Your parents do. Sit here and drink that alcohol until you like Okay, I'll drink the alcohol. Now go downstairs and finish off this entire pack. I haven't been downstairs with the smokers in so many years. I mean, you would probably miss me. You can fit like five in your mouth and one in your train. Oh god, seriously, I didn't know you still smoke. I don't, but you did. You did blanch, did I I enjoy cigars every now and then, but a cigarette. I just needed one. It was late night and I just we had I'm not a smoker. We had some bourbon. I needed a smoke as well. Just happened. But you're a drink on a cigarette, you know, when you go out with like some friends and okay, okay, we we understand what you're trying to make us feel and think. The truth of the matter is is if you smoke, you're a smoker and great tea. Listen, like if like, we all know smoking is bad for you, right, we all know that it causes all sorts of nastiness. But if you want to be a smoker, then be you don't need to embrace it. If that's what you're doing. What I'm not embrace your embrace your smoky Stop listen. Listen. Okay, no, no, listen to what Bethany is saying. If you're going to be a smoker, don't try to make us feel like a bunch of idiots. And I think you're not a smoker. You are a smoker, you know all of us. I'm not really a meat eater, but ma'am, would I love a giant steak. But when you eat it. Wanting one is one thing. Eating it is another. Okay, but none of you guys like you know, do something you know on the edge, you know, when you're out drinking your friends you don't like. You know. We're not saying none of us have vices, but then you can own up to the vice, like I'm not. I'm not judging you for smoking. I'm judging you for smoking and lying about it exactly. We're judging you from trying to make us feel like you're not a smoker when you are. Now. I was gonna like going on and on and on. So you were under pressure to drink beer last night from Tom Pullman. Tom Pulman made you drink. Okay, So are you a drinker? I'm not a drinker, no, but you are. You're a drinker. I'm not turned out some good liquor though. You're a drinker. If you drink, I do enjoy, you know. Yesterday had to go to the doctors and I had to fill out a little um like like a little survey and it says do you daily drink? I had to say yes, Okay, so you're a drinker. But we're not giving you hell for being a drinker. We're giving you hell for trying to make us think you're not a drinker when you are. Let's go talk to Sydney High Sydney, what's going on? Hey, So I have an idea of what you can do for Greg Tea. Here's my dad when he was a kid. If his parents caught them smoking, he made them eat a cigarette. Well, I don't know, can I kill him? Can we look at that online? Before? I would think that's a bit toxic? I mean smoking it is toxic. Why wouldn't eating it? So white white, Sydney. So your mom made you eat a cigarette? Well not, my dad's parents made him eat one. You never again? All right? What do you what do you see on the googles? All right, Sydney, we're gonna look into that. Thank you for that great idea, bad and thanks for listening to us. I love you too. Great Tea doesn't love you, but we love you. Before you're again, thank you, Sydney. You'll be fine if you eat, Okay, tell us about eating a cigarette. So it's going to take a lot of nicotine to kill you, like in one dose. So long before you reach this level, your body will react with nausea and other alarming symptoms, including vomiting. So it is possible to die from eating cigarettes, but it would take a lot of determination and maybe some medication to overcome your body's reaction to them first. So don't eat the filter, right, don't eat the filter. But according to Cora, you could eat one. Okay, hello, Amanda, Yeah, yeah, what does your friends say? Um, my friend, we don't we don't count him as a smoker, but we'll call it social smoking, social drinking. Okay, that's drinking and that's smoking. Still, keep in mind, we're not giving him crap for smoking. We're giving him crap crap for lying to himself and us about whether he's a smoker. I wouldn't have lied, scared to bring him in. Okay, thank you? Alright, So social smoking, social will drink. Does not smoke like yourself. Let's tell you let yourself off the hook. Do you know how much cigarettes cost? All right, thank you very much, Amenda. Think I couldn't believe I was blown away. I smoke it every single one of our heart jingle bowl content because we're drinking. That's what happens here. Here's a bowl with a fork and a cigarette, bowl of cigarettes. Here's a bowl of cigarette. The internet says you'd have to eat about fifty cigarettes to get nicotine. Let's have Onephy. You are the worst, big sister, but I don't think that anyone at home should eat a cigarette. Can we also make this very clear? Please don't eat cigarettes. Why is it worse to smoke it then? Then too? I think chemical reaction, probably with the burning. It's okay, he could do. We gotta move on, but we have. I'm going to post a picture of your breakfast. One more call from Stephanie High. Stephanie, Hi, my dad when he's just most cigarettes. Growing up in school, we're taught like, don't take a r every time I caught handy, you stop to pay me a dollar. So eventually he just ran out of money. There you go. Eventually you went broke and you had no inheritance. Well well, Stephanie, so so thank you for listening. Do you smoke today? Absolutely not. I'm a teacher myself, so I teach my kids the same thing. Don't smoke, all right, thank you, thanks for listening to Stephanie. For you, Thank you, Gregory. I don't like those smoking commercials. It's very bad. It's it's a bad thing. Let's get into the Daniel report, Greg, he's about to have his breakfast putting that cigarette. Wait, don't take don't take a bite into. We can take a picture of all of you. All right, Daniel? What do you have going on? Alright? So the season finale of This Is Us came in second in the ratings. Twelve point eight million people checked it out. So that is so cool because everybody loves This is Us. So congratulations to them. Um. So, I don't know if you've noticed the similarities between two songs that we play, Shape of You by Ed Sharon. Here's what it sounds like. Here we go. Shape of You is right here. Okay, hit it scary. No, I'm singing like you know, very familiar with it. Okay, and back in the day a little to I'll see No Scrubs. I don't want to give they do have similarities. So a lot of people were pointing this out on the internet. So what did Ed do? He went and he gave the writers of No Scrubs a co writing credit for Shape of You. Very cool. He's a cool guy, so he knows. He knows what's up. Look, when you write a song, if there there's always a chance it's going to sound like another song. You may you don't even think about it, but it's a cool thing to do. And don't don't fight it in court to say, hey, you know what, You're right it does sound like your songs, because one day someone is going to come out with a song that sounds like one of ED songs and he's gonna expect him to be cool about it too. Yep, this happened to me once at our I Heart Radio jingle Ball because I couldn't find an electric outlet to pump my boobs when I was breastfeeding, and the pain that I felt from just like five hours of not pumping was ridiculous. Well, Kristen Bell, she didn't pump for twenty four hours. Why she wanted her boobs to be massive for the Chips movie that she was working on. All I can think about was the pain that she wasn't felt. Let me tell you talk. I'm sorry. I was shooting milk everywhere at that point. All you had to do was touch me, and I was shooting it out. It was crazy. Everyone were safety goggles anyway, so I could just imagine how she felt. But her boots probably looked fantastic. Can you still do it? Now? I can try, it won't come out. Mariah Carey song All I Want for Christmas As You is being turned into a children's television show like a little mini movie. It's going to come out very soon. It's based on the book she wrote back in two thousand five, which was based on the song. So we are getting that and tonight on television. I couldn't care about anything else except for Empire. I'm glad you brought that up. They sent Empire bingo? Yeah, what do we do with it? Okay? So like for this bingo card here, they're all different. If someone sings at a piano, you crossed this space off. If someone kisses someone, if Cookie swings a bat, I know that's going to happen. If they do it, Cookie's gonna do it tonight with Lucius there you go look at that anyway, here here play play Empire Beingo tonight on five. Yeah, Nia long Eva, Longoria, Demi Moore. They're all going to be joining in on the fund. So that's all I care. But Elvis and Daniel sit just far enough apart that watching Elvis try to reach those bingo cards. Over to Danielle was like watching to t Rex is trying to high five right next time. Thanks for Suz. She did seventy three questions for Vogue magazine. We'll talk about that. Hey, scary turned me to the sound page. So last night for Musicians on Call, thank you guys for coming. No Elvis, thank you for having us. And you you were honored last night, which I know you're probably not going to talk a lot about, but you were honored last night for all of the work you've done with them for thirteen years. And that was really the most beautiful point of the night. You gave an incredible speech, you said incredible things, and uh, I just want to stop down and say congratulations because you absolutely deserve that recognition. You guys, I'm sure you're tired of me dragging you to these things, but you did a great job of hosting. It was excusively dressed up. It was a lot of fun. Uh, Musicians on Call, let me explain. When someone is in the hospital. Look, it's needles, it's it's no there's no carpeting. You know, it's a cold place. Luckily the staff people who work in hospitals are the best. But it's still it's a very isolating feeling and you get scared, you know, uh, and you've got a heel too, you've got something you're fighting or whatever. Musicians on call taking musicians into the hospitals to sing, to perform for patients, to get a smile, to erupt on a face that hasn't smiled in weeks, sometimes months. Some of these patients don't leave the hospital, and if you think about it, a lot of times the visitors stopped coming because you get visited a lot when you first come in and then people move on with their lives and you're still there. So musicians on call, it's all about funding, funding and getting money together to help you bring music to the bedside. And even Dr Oz was telling me, excuse me, how it works when you know, we've talked a lot about meditation on our show. How it goes down deep into your brain, the part of your brain that's a subconscious level. Uh, and meditation can heal you. And everyone acknowledges that music is the same thing. It goes to the same place, so it doesn't matter if you're doing if something as simple as having a bad day is going on, or something as horrible as fighting cancer is going on. Music can get in there and it can heal, and it can make you feel better and which makes healing easier. It's it's amazing. They were talking about they have different artists musicians, not all of them are famous, a lot of them are local but incredibly talented, and a lot of them speak different languages, so that when they come in and there's somebody from Italy who doesn't English, they can sing a song to this person in their home language and it reaches them on a completely different level. They were talking about the Irish performer and how they at first the patient was like, no, I don't want anybody in here, and then when she found out that he was from Ireland and the family found out, they're like, come on in and they all started singing. To musicians on call dot org and check it out. If you have an opportunity, if you can sing, if you can do anything that's entertaining, talk to your local hospital ask if you can come in and spend some time with patients. So last night, uh B Miller, one of our favorite Jersey girls who grew up listening to us, she performed and she blew everyone away. He's insanely talented, a new artist for us. Leon Else, he's going to be on the show with us tomorrow. Wait till you hear him sing He's seeing you first here tomorrow. And Demi Levado last night. Good lord, that woman, I said earlier, every time she's performed live for us, I've been working backstage. I had never seen her perform before. And if you have a chance to go see Demi Lavado, go, this is her last night and I'm danger bread and you can get but it's up me tonight. Tonight, we were two feet away from her as she was singing. Todd You know what's so strange. While she's singing these notes and hitting them, she would look down and we would lock eyes. It was weird. Listen to this right here, Dami Labato, Um, you so amazing, And to know that she was singing just for us was so creepy. She looks amazing, her skin is glowing and she just she that dress was for happys and she seems happy. Yeah, that was nice. So Demi Lovato, thank you. You're our hero. B Miller and Leon Elson, everyone who who gives their time to musicians on call, we salute you. Thank you so much, and thank you Danielle and Bethany for hosting list even though you didn't know you were going to host when you showed up. I've been sleeping with my hand down my pants a lot. Durant in the morning show. What's the best place to have your breakfast? How about a warm croissant right now at Burger King? Get to Croissan which breakfast sandwiches for just four dollars, a light, flaky Croissan piled high with savory sausage or delicious thick cut smoke bacon only a Burger King. Prison participation may vary. I've stacks and stacks of things to get to today. I don't even know where to start. First of all, we have a one thousand dollar Brooklyn Betting free Monty phone tap on the way. Who does the phone tap? Today? Is scary and it's a way back Wednesday from me as easy day, baby boy. Okay, it's worth a thousand dollars, so at least it's worth alright. Also, um wait till you meet Julia Michaels. We play some Membery music now, and we play actually a lot of music she's written. We'll get into that with her, meet her, She's fantastic. Who's drinking red Bull? I smell red Bull? None of us? You know red Bull has that smell sound? Yeah, I don't know, I smell it. You know, last night I'm having phantom smells. Do you ever have phantom smells? Last night? I could smell hairspray like all night. Doesn't that mean like something like you're gonna you're gonna die stroke? I think it means something toast. No, I smell copper. I smelled pennies. I don't know. Look that up. I don't stop looking things up for a moment, moment and just relaxed. Also, Jennifer Lopez is talking about how there were times, even though she's worth three and sixty million dollars now, uh, there were times she said she had very lean days. She remembers getting to have one slice of pizza per day and that's all she lived on. Didn't Jules say something that she lived in her car, in her car, but can you imagine that's okay? It's or this is all you get today, here's a slice of pizza. That's a lot of people. There are a lot of kids who like if they get a food at school, that's their food for the day. There are many organizations that help people out, families trying to you know, make it, make it work, and make ends meet. They can't put food on the table the kids. That makes me really mad. Uh, seek seek them out. Find out Feeding America is one of them. It yeah, google it, google it. We've got a lot of every Every city has an organization that helps people out who need to eat. But general, Jennifer Lopez one slice of pizza, and I'm thinking, wow, I would love to have a slice of pizza every day too. I mean, but in addition to you know, everything else, everything else. Yeah, Froggy. It's a big nation white charity and something I do some work for here in South Florida. Is no kid hungry, and they go out of their way to make sure there are no children hungry anywhere in the world, to make sure that they're fed and have meals on the table every single day. Excellent, Just another fantastic example. So go look them up. You don't have to look at don't worry about it. Um figure that out. But one slice of pizza per day, it's making me crave pizza. I think we pizza coming up today. We do. Isn't Speedy speed Romeo coming up? Is that pizza? Yes, it is that on We should invite u s Speedy Romeo. I've had them delivered to the house before. Fantastic. I drizzle my breakfast. Well I have this too. I would drizzle my Mike's hot honey right on top of you guys had Mike's hot honey. Oh fantastic. I don't even know Mike like the meet him though. That's his that's his girlfriends. It's honey that has chili in chili pepper, so so heats it up. Anyway, Moving on, um, did you know you know Humpty Dumpty the nursery rhyme? Have you ever read the original Humpty Dumpty the nursery Rhyme? It's just Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall a man couldn't put up together again. Okay, so Humpty was a an egg? Did you know it says nowhere in the nursery rhyme that he was an egg. Somewhere along the line he became an egg. Oh, it's just evolved to be an egg. Humpty Dumpty just turned out to be an egg. He never whoever wrote this nursery rhyme never meant for him to be an egg, but we turned him into an egg. In Universal Orlando, there's a Shrek ride, right, so, and they have Humpty Dumpty's grave and it's it's Humpty and then somebody goes and cracks the gravestone. The joke because Humpty died because he cracked, and now his gravestone cracked as well. We have to go see it. It was very funny. Made me crack up. Hello, okay, funny he was just there. You know what I'm talking about, yes, Bethany, Okay, So I'm not done doing my research on this yet. You'll have a full report in a couple of hours. But the rhyme was first printed in eighteen ten, but it became famous through Lewis Carroll's Alice through the Looking Glass, where Humpty Dumpty was illustrated as an egg. He was illustrated, but it never was meant to be. But it's a really old rhyme, and that might not be the first time he was shown it as as an egg, but it's an early time he was shown as an egg. Let you know, Yeah, what's scary commercial. Humpty Dumpty is spitting up yolk he's on laying on the ground. That by the way, that that commercial makes me want to puke, and it really does. When you see the egg vomiting yulk, you're like, what he's he doing? Okay, College of Knowledge. Here we go and this is directed to you, Froggy and all of our friends living uh in in the hurricane path. As you know, every year there is the lookout for hurricanes and we hate when they hit, we really do. But when there's a thread of a hurricane, people run out and buy things in preparation. According to our sources at Walmart, when our hurricane is on the way, what are the top two things people by to prepare for the hurricane? One eight zero the College of Knowledge. A day without learning is a day wasted. When the hurricanes on the way, According to Walmart, people run in and the top two items they purchase our what call me at one eight zero? Yes, Bethan, have a Humpty Dumpty update. Okay, so this is getting sexy. Originally, the original poem didn't include the term humpty dumpty. Humpty dumpty was just something that people called clumsy people. It was more of like just a nickname. So the original Humpty Dumpty may have actually been a riddle, huh, And the answer to that riddle would be an egg. The riddle would be something like, what is something that could never be put together again? And the answer would be an egg. But then it just became a story instead as time went on. Well, now we know more Humpty Dumpty info. What are you guys arguing about back here? Hello, scary and straightened? Are arguing what we want to know? What we don't know? We don't know the answer. I just told you the answer. Okay, I couldn't hear you. I read your list. Okay, okay, right now, what you thought? My lips said, the top two items that people purchase at Walmart when a hurricane is approaching. That is what I said. All right, let's go talk to Michael. Hi, Michael, good morning, Good morning. The top two items, according to Walmart and our sources, the top two items people purchase when the hurricane is approaching. What are they? I would say, water and batteries. Show me your water in batteries? No, believe it or not. It's a fantastic answer. But it's not it. It's kind of weird. Have a good day, No, you have a good day, Thank you, Michael. Hi, Zach, Hey, we're doing okay now, Zach. According to our sources at Walmart, the top two items that are purchased as a hurricane is approaching. What are they show me? Eggs? Bread? That's not it, but you would think that would be it, right, yes, because because we all need to make French toast hurricane emergency, emergency, French toast. I know you can float on it if there's a flood. All right, thank you, thank you. Hello, Hello, Hi, what's your name, Chelsea? How are you good? Are you doing okay? Do you live in the path of a hurricane? Ever? Yes? I live in South Florida. All right. Then you know, maybe you know you went, maybe you went to one of those super walmarts. They're fabulous. According to our sources at Walmart, Walmart, at the walmarts, Chelsea, what are the top two items purchased in the event of a hurricane? One is water? Bottled water, okay, and I would say the other would probably be I would say canned food. But also generators are very logical though, and I would want to be with you in an emergency. Those are the things I would purchase. But Sarah, you're gonna you're gonna freak when you find out what the answer is. Thank you for I'm not Sarah, but Chelsea, thank you for listening to us. Thank you, thank you. I don't know we're ever going to get an answer here. Hello, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, all right, she's gone. All right, no one's gonna get this. Keep hiding, But what do you mean, keep hitting? Keep hitting? Calls Hello anyone? Hello, Hello, Hi, Hi? Who is this? Hi? This is hey? Girls. Are you doing? So? What are the type two items that Walmart says sells according to our sources, anyway, in the event of a hurricane approaching, Hello, Hello, shovels and socks. O salt. Okay, so I don't need hurricane. That's that's for you. That's for Margarita's. I shoveled the salt onto my margarita glass. But thank you. All right now, I think we misheard them the whole time, yelling at the radio. I'm sorry we couldn't hear you. I said, all right, I don't know. I don't think anyone's gonna get this. I think We're getting close. All right, Hello, Hi, good morning. Who is this? Hi? Janelle. According to our sources at Walmart, we have sources at Walmart, if a hurricane is approaching, the two top selling items are what I'm water and condom? Right, all right, well, thank you, you know what. I hope this source is correct. May just giveing the entrance that we got to move ahead. Oh wait, hold on, Laura could have it. Laura, Hello Laura. According to our sources at Walmart, while a hurricane is approaching, people run to the Walmarts and they purchased a lot of items and these are the top two. What are they? Alcohol definitely and snacks chips. All right, we're getting closer. We're getting closer. But thank you, Kate. According to our sources at Walmart, the top two selling items with a hurricane approaching ore. Hi, good morning, guys, Hi morning. I think it's pop tarts and beer. Pop tarts and beer. Nice. Thank god for the Google. It's okay if you Google, that's fine, and everyone's Google is available to Kate, that's right. You you would think no water or can, good generator, No pop tarts and beer. They go well together, they do. They're saying, actually, in particular, strawberry strawberry pop Oh dear, we have a horricane approaching. Strawberry pop tarts and some natty light that here like, congratulations, Kate. What do you have for Kate? It's a good looking tight fits the rant. Yea, hey, Kate, what are you doing today on my way to work right now? Don't sound too happy about that, Kate. It's okay. I'm glad. I won me too, And enjoy your shirt. It's on the way and prepare, go ahead, and you can buy pop tarts and beer now and prepare for the next hurricane. It's fabulous. Yeah, I'll hit up a Walmart later. Well, we all will thank you, Kate. Hold on one second, sind Kate, one of your favorite shirts. What scary? It's the New Morning Team pop tarts and good morning the Pop talk him pop tarts. I'm beer. It's due to new Now here's beer. We have a text saying they're loving your humpty dumpty updates. We're calling them humpty dump dates. Do you have a humpty dumpty dumpty dump date. I'm going to find one, now, would you? Yeah? Did you know that the word turquoise is based on the word Turkish, describing the color of the Mediterranean off the coast of southern Turkey. Wow, that's fantastic and I can sleep tonight. All right, let's get into your head little We have a humpty dump Yes, a humpty dumpt Yes, tell us more about Humpty Dumpty. One of the theories is that the poem is about King Richard the Third. Yeah, because he was a humpback. That's not a nice thing to Is there a better term than humpback? Yeah, we have back hunchback. I'm sure we have some quasimodos listening to our show, uninclined. Some shreks are listening. Guys, that's terrible. What what quasimodos prefer to be called? Q modes? Now? Ade, I don't love all, serve all. I don't like making fun of people who were We're just saying, that's what the poem was about. I'd learned something. We are learning from the humpy dump date and today's hump day. Thank you for that text. One. It's hump day. We all walking over hump back. He's a motive. I don't even want to do the news anymore. Hump Day it's Froggy's favorite day of the week. Right, you really want to do the news? Whatever you want me to do, big daddy. Oh, guess what Guess what day? Guess what day? Mike? Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, What day is it? Mike? What day is it? Mike? Humph scary? Thought it was hump date. That's what doesn't happen to you on He's scary. Thank you for taking me on a date. You know it's hump d I don't mind it for new date. Humpdate? Well I think I will. Why does he sound like fog horn leg? I don't know that. Hell can't be doing that, son? Do you what do you want to do up? Oh? Wait, we have a hump date? All right, hump date. It's a it's a humpdate. Oh guess what day it is? Guess what day it is? The hotel do the hometoil home and now, ladies and gentlemen, hump date with that day? What you're doing? Because I'm about to ruin. I look funny, but you I'm making money. See so your world. I hope you're ready for me? And I got the round fool went out and my sound way down by the underground. I'm you're kind of yourself, so you just drink a bottle of hennity. It's time for a hump date. From now, ladies like to be and all the rappers in the top ten please allow me to pump me. I'm stepping tall and y'all and just like Humpty dump very long, and when the stereos pump me, I like the rum. I like my be funky. I'm spunky. I like my holp me. I'll lumpy. I'm sick with this straight against the mac. But sometimes I get ridiculous. I'll need to bud your crackers in your liquorice, Your fat girl, come in fat. Those are the top two things sold at Walmart for the hurricane Crackers in licorice. I like the girl. I love bathroom. I'm crazy. Allowed me to amazing. They say I'm monthly water, just don't freeze me. I'm still getting in the girl's dance and I even got my whole dad. Humpty d the Humpty date. Do the Humpty day? All right? We have time for one story and it's going to be about Humpty Dumpty. Yes, right, is your Humpty dump date? When the English Civil War. In sixteen forty eight, the town of con was under siege. Supposedly, a man named Jack Thompson was stationed on the walls with a cannon nicknamed Humpty Dumpty. Let's just pretty much have all right. We've got a free money phone tap coming up next worth one thou dollars and wait till you meet and here Julia Michael's. We're gonna talk to her in less than thirty minutes. Elvis Duran in the Morning Show. So you're having a party at the house, a couple of friends coming over. What do you serve potato chips next time? Try these new chips from Ritch Ritch crisp and thins, thin crispy chips, oven baked, not fried. They come in see salt, cream, cheese and onion, bacon and salt and vinegar. You have got to try them. Elvis Durand in the Morning Shows. Free money. All right, let's hop into it. You're about to win a one thousand dollar gift card. You can spend it anywhere they take credit cards, Yes, anywhere they take plastic. Thanks to our friends at Brooklyn Betting and Brooklyn Betting dot Com. Yeah, go to Brooklyn betting dot com. Use the code radio and get five off your mattress plus three sheheets a couple of pillows. It really is the best mattress you're ever going to try, and you're gonna love it and you're gonna keep it. So give us a call after the phone tap. Airs will give you the money and will give you the phone the phone number, then um and be calling on exactly. I could not have said it better myself. So when yeah, but wait till the phone taps over, like like Bethany told you, like I stammered, because we want you to enjoy the sounds of scary. In one of our favorite phone taps of all time, It's a way back Wednesday. Phone tap Elvis Duran Elvis Durant phone tap. Nicole is away at school and she wanted a phone tap her dad. Turns out she left her old phone number to her dad and still gets friends calling it. So this phone tap takes place after I called and left him a voicemail that was intended for her. We waited a little bit and then called him or his reaction, so the dad already had listened to a message or left early. Here we go, Hello, Hey, daddy, How you doing? How are you? I'm good, I'm good. I'm just I got a message from somebody saying they want you back. Who's Wheezy? How about that's is that his name? Why are you asking me this? How do you even know this? How long have you been going out with this person? For um about a month? How come I don't know about him? Evidently from the message that he left you, he's very serious. Did you speak to him? He don't know. He left the damn message on the phone. He sounds like he's an idiot. Do you want to play any for me? Hold on? Did just Wheezy? I just wanted to day I'm sorry everything. I didn't mean to let you down. So I wrote your little poem. I hope you to give me outecud you're hat never really had lucky net yea, hello, are you hearing it? I'm hearing now, trying to put it together. Oh my second, god, you over there. It's not just the way you moving. I love you, baby, Please take me back? Yeah? Yeah, you hear that? Yeah? Yeah? Oh my god? Who busy? Keep going with the Emerson with me? We don't any you're knowing that they lead a boy like that in the Emerson You're out of your head. He talks like he's got to like a fourth grade education level. I mean, for god's sake, he's cheating on you. Do you know? Hanging and take me back? What kind of is that? I'm free right now to do what I want and I'm honey if that's what you want to do, but don't expect anything more than cigarette butts and ashes for Christmas. Hey, you're calling you in there? What is that going on? My roommate. It's just my roommate case, that's not your roommate. I just yeah a voice, man, Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're speaking out right now? Can you can you just one second to get the hell out of your room. I'm gonna draw over there, back with the splitter, slagging down, back on my give out now, just hold on practice in my rhymes, please, just like I will meet you in fifteen minutes. That son of a bit out of there. I got that drink could be purple, that could be paid. Put that son of a bitch on the phone. He wants to talk to me. Get the hell out of my room. Young money, you're a piece of Yeah, she want a stout. You already know though yelling in one's destined poo, But I have tuned that via did God. I wish, I wish I could just kick your ass right now. I love your dude, I'm about you don't love The only thing you love is acting like an idiot? That was it? None? But we don't really play. You disgust me. Can I have you doing his hand in marriage? No? You can't. You You're not coming anywhere near this piece of property. And I'm gonna get her out of that school as soon as I can't you. Why are you telling me that I'm about to girl and jay jazz because I don't like you? Are you just deaf? Stupid? Is it not clear you never met me. I don't have to meet you. I can tell by your voice. This convert taken right now. I don't want stitches. Male tab wasn't a call back on the line. I don't want to talk to you anymore. I don't think we're gonna work at Why Why are you saying that because your dad hates me? It doesn't matter what my dad thinks. I love you. You know him. You don't know anything about love what you do because he sold So what's through. That's it. I don't want anything else to do with it. Goodbye. I got to tell you how No, I don't want to talk to you. Know that you've been phone tapped? What this is? Scary jokes? The d of the Morning show, So yeah, what is this? It's a radio joke. I listened to the radio all the time and this isn't funny. You call entertainment. Why would anybody listen to it? The free money phone tapp, he's got a point. Thank you, Louise. Easy, put your hands on the toilet and you lay on the time garrel Okay, thank you, thank you easy. If you have an idea for phone tap, let us know. Go to Elvis Durand dot com and give us your idea. Now it's time for you to win a one thousand dollar cash gift card thanks to our friends at Brooklyn Betting dot com. One hundred right now at one eight hundred two four to zero one hundred and win a thousand dollars again. That's one eight zero Elvis Durrand in the Morning Shows, Brooklyn Petting Free money falls at open just necessary avoid in Montana, New Mexico, Washington, and we're prohibited open. I legal residents of the u s t C. Eighteen and all their or official rules. Visit Elvis Durran dot com. Oh, this is obnaxious. Elvis Durand in the Morning Show. So several months ago, we were invited into this big, huge, multibillion dollar recording studio, the kind you see in videos and in movies and stuff, but you never get to go into. And we sat down with Julia Michaels to listen to her music, never before heard music, and it was so cool, especially listening to Issues for the very first time. But to watch Julia watch us listen to her listening to her music was kind of a surreal thing. So months later, like, what what was going through your mind while we were listening to Issues? I mean, what were you thinking? Well, yeah, no, it's it's definitely different. I mean, I'm I'm not used to That was kind of the first time anybody had heard any of my music, including Issues, and it's so terrifying because that's such a personal song for me, and it's a very emotional song. And so you know, you're letting essentially six strangers come into your life and listen to your soul, and you're you know, they're they're judging you on your emotions and you don't know how they're gonna how they're going to handle it. But like it was, it was awesome. We love you, and you can usually tell right off the bat if someone doesn't like it. And how do you imagine It's like if you were to go in front of a crowd of people and read your journal diary and like be like, okay, now tell me what you think of my journal, that would be so scary for most people. Right well, I think also I've kind of in a way gotten used to that because I've I've written very personal songs with other powl, you know, so essentially I've had that. I've had people kind of hear my emotions but never actually know that. It was kind of also, you know me and somebody else, have you ever those sat there and gone, I really cannot one put this into words, and two I really don't want this out there. I don't want them to know this about me. No, I'm I'm a complete open book. I mean I talk to anybody about everything, like literally everything. Uh No, No, I'm I'm I'm very open about lots of things. I'm also a very non confrontational person. So a lot of the times, everything that I want to say, it just like doesn't come out of my mouth. So so I kind of always have things to write about because it's always in there. Well. One of the great things about Well, we'll take issues for Instanceance, we're on it, But any of the music you've written for yourself or for the millions of fantastic artists that have been successful through your music, is it so relatable? And it is just when I hear Issues, for instance, I think of how it applies to me, and that's how we all become fans of true artists like you. Another thing I have to say about Julia. She's a hugger. No no, no, no, not hug you like you climb people like tree you're looking for a tree house up here somewhere. Yes, I love hugs. You're very like Robinson. My dad is like super affectionate, so like my whole life, Like he's just like he'll hug people and like he's that guy that like when you go up to like a like when you're at a restaurant and the waiter comes up and they're like, what would you like to eat? And he'll like put put his hand on their shoulder and goes, hey, brother, how are you doing. Yeah, I will have and I'm like, dad, no, you can't do that. And then like as I got older, I do the same thing now. And it's just like we're just a very affectionate family. So anytime I meet somebody and I really like them, I'm like, and you just attack. But that's that's the sign of a true artist. I mean you do it through your words as well. You don't have to you can hear Julia Michael song and you don't have to be in the room with her, but you feel her with you and I think you. Like my boyfriend's like, what's wrong, I'm like, oh, you know nothing, you'll find out. I'm fine, you know, like the I'm fine, I'm fine, And then he's like, cool, I'll just wait for your next song out. It's funny though, because it gets to the point where like like friends of mine or like people that I work with, they're like emailed me and they're like, hey, I just heard the new song. Are you okay. I'm totally fine. I'm good, And I'll tell you We had a chester from Lincoln Park. Here, a couple of weeks ago. Ok, here we go. He was talking about doing a writing session with you and you're writing partner Justin, and he said, at one point, you were lying down and Justin was petting me like a cat. You know, he was petting you like a cat, and you were purring, and as you purred, music came out. Oh my god, I'm like, what are you smoking in these sessions? I mean, he probably thought we were just insane. Like Justin and I have been writing partners for three years now, so you're basically married with Yeah, I call him my song husband. Like, we just have this dynamic in the studio, Like he'll just like put his head on my lap. He's like, well, rub my head. I will just be like I'll just be like rubbing his head, and I'm like he's like, you're a genius. And then we'll just like kind of like try and figure everything out. But like we just have this like weird dynamic in the studio that to like the outside world, we probably look just like psychotic. It's totally fine. It's really great a lesson for all of us. We all need that partner in life no matter what we're doing. If you're working at the drive through window at the insurance to have that work husband or partner, it's fantastic. But because they're amazing, like Lincoln Park, you know, like sometimes you're like because I grew up listening to them, and sometimes you get really nervous to meet people that you look up to because you just never know. And we had just that one session with them. We were there for like a two hours, and it's like, I'm like, I'm a perfectionist to a fall, like I take myself very seriously like a good at the time, and being with them, it's like they take themselves seriously when they need to. But is just them having fun and doing every session and every interview like it's their first one. And it's like it's like, oh great, you don't have to you don't have to like put so much pressure on yourself. They've taught me so much. Chester is just every single time I see Mike or or Chester, like on FaceTime or something, I'm like, they have the biggest smiles every time I see my Like Mike soa every single time. I'm sure he's never heard that. All Right, Okay, okay, let's go backwards, and let's go a little backwards. And then come back to today and tomorrow. Hands to Myself, Selena Gomez. Sorry, Justin Bieber listening to the story about how he bought into that song is really interesting, Hailey Steinfeld Love Myself, which is about masturbation. Yes, and of course heavy with Lincoln Park and Kira Now, I mean, you could have stopped there just writing these songs and other people performing them, but you, Julia, you decided, well, no, no, no, no, I need to be recording some of these songs. Talk about why, what? What's the thinking there? I think at a certain point you start to get comfortable with hiding behind people, and then you sort of lose yourself a little bit and you lose your voice, and then one day you just wake up and you're like, I need to do this for myself. You know. I'm like, I'm a very insecure person, as you probably already can tell, I'm not I'm not seeing that at all. Okay, good, I had it. Well. I think for a very long time, my be insecure side of my brain took over the side that was confident, you know, the part that's like you're not good enough always kind of outweighed the confident side. And I think just one day you wake up and you're just like, I have to do this. Well. Two things coming to mind. First of all, soon hiding behind Justin Bieber is an interesting concert. I love Justin hiding behind the words that I write. But secondly, I must assume and tell me if I'm right or wrong. It must have been a terrifying step to take completely to get into the microphone and to let the light shine on your face while you're singing your words, talk talk about what that felt like or and continues to feel like. I mean, I've been writing professionally for seven years, since I was sixteen. The nerves when you have been doing that for so long just go away. You know you you, you find out who you are, you put your ten thousand hours in and like you just get so comfortable with that part of your life. And going from that to being like in the spotlight doing interviews and photo shoots and performances. I mean, it's just it's such a different part of your brain. I have terrible performance anxiety. I can stand on the silent stage and be like, yeah, I got this, and then go out there and be like, is anyone else's really super dry? Because I can't breathe. I'm going to pass out. My feet are shaking and my shoes. Anyone else sweating from the tops of their shoulders, like I don't understand this. Uh will you be like that with us in a few minutes? Most likely? Were you like follon the other night? Oh my god? Yes? So then what so? Then what do you do? What do you do? I just bear it? And then at the end I did that. At the end, I go, okay, don I can breathe. Now do you ever regret making the leap? Do you ever? Do you ever go? Gosh? It would just be so ch simple if I just wrote the songs and mailed them to them. I mean, I definitely have have weak moments where I wake up and I'm like this is so overwhelming, Like I can't do this. But then I'll go on Twitter and I'll see all these young fans. I have fans so weird that are like we love you, and like we we love what you what you say and what you do, and like that stuff is like oh, I can't stop now, you know. It's like it's that kind of stuff too, And like also, I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't if I didn't want to put myself in a position to be vulnerable. That's what the whole thing is. It's just like allowing people to see me. And that's like I wouldn't I wouldn't do this if I wasn't ready for that, you know. And then that's how you know that the people who are supporting you are actually supporting you because you were so vulnerable completely. Think that that's a lesson that everybody can learn, is if you're brave enough to show who you actually are, the people who rise up to meet you are the people you can trust because completely they see you completely. And I luckily, I luckily surround myself with the most genuine, beautiful people that I possibly can. I mean, my manager Bacca, and my guitarists out there, Dan, I mean, there's some of the best people I've ever met, and I just I try to keep the ones that are just authentic and genuine around. What is it in this journey you're expecting to happen? I don't really have an end goal or anything like that. I just want to feel connected two people and them feel connected to me. When I was thirteen, there was an artist her music was just so that I was like, oh, she knows exactly how I feel. I don't know this person at all, but this is exactly what I'm going through and I want to be that person for that thirteen year old girl. Excellent. All right, are you getting nervous you're about to sing? Yes? Whatever is being a bad note? Oh god? What happens if the floor falls over down? And what if you do fall through to the second floor? Literally? Yeah, I'm like, what if Dan strength break mid performance? The worst? Stop it? All right, let's do it. Issues Julia Michaels Elvis Hello, Hello, real name Elvis, Beyonce Marshall. Mothers Durand is Elvis Durand in the Morning show? Are you single? That's okay? Are you dating on Match? If you're single and not dating on Match, then you're really missing out. Search and connect for free today only at match dot com, slash Elvis. That's m A. T. C h dot com slash Elvis. I just got your show. Yeah, it's awesome. Phones like fun to listen to throw me Elvis show. That reminds me. I received a very very condescending, awful negative email from Mr. Program Director. What's his issue? Saying we're not playing enough music. Oh you know you do want to do us talk? Well no, but okay, Well I'm gonna get to you in a second. Can you hold on, Mr Program Director, Just hold that thought. We need to go talk to Melissa, who we totally screwed up with. Melissa. My apologies for not giving you your prize that you rightfully one, yeah and deserve, like ten minutes ago when you're supposed to get it. Do not worry. I'm so glad. I'm even coste to you guys right now, Okay, with the never mind, we'll take its. Melissa calling from Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Yes, you heard the free money phone tap and you did win your You have one a thousand dollar cash gift card courtesy of Brooklyn Betting dot com. If you use the code radio at Brooklyn Betting dot com, you get five percent off your mattress, two free pillows, a set of sheets. We all on the show love them so much. I sleep on it every night. Froggy, I know you and Caden have like a thing about it, right I do. My my son is allergic to everything, and so his doctor prescribed him a new mattress and it was a Brooklyn betting mattress because they're type of allergenic and there's so much better for you. So, Melissa, because we made you wait so long after we won, going to give you the thousand dollar cash gift card, but we also want to give you a mattress from Brooklyn bag. Oh my god, whoa, I've giving it all away. What station do you listen to? I listened to the prize station. Who are you listening to in Portsmouth? I listened to one seven? Yeah ye, shoving up firms. You know some thousand dollars. Spend it anyway you want, and and a mattress is on the way to you. We love you, Melissa, Thank you, I love you. Guys who hold one, have fun with your mattress. Fun with that mattress. All right, Mr Program director, I'll get to you in a second. Betty, good music. I'm sorry, what did you say? What is from Brooklyn? Meta music? Little so? Yeah? Mr Program director sends me. I'll get to it now. Sends me an email to come attention that you're not playing enough music. However, you say enough music on our show. He wants to stop talking and play more music. Yeah, well, you know for example, you just had Julia Bichael thought she was great, but you should have had her playball music and Nott have cut her off. Okay, all right, well, is there anything else that you would like us to cut out? Like? Are there certain topics we've had you think weren't worth it? That topic trade is not exactly exactly a cloud. Please, I'd much rather hear like a brutal boss. We all love brutal bars, but we also love topic training. I mean, we can't we have a balance of both. More brutal boss, please bore brutal. Okay, what about a couple hours ago we were talking about Humpty Dumpty. Did you like that conversation we played the Humpty dance to? That? Was? That was music? It was music, But it's not exactly the good music that we should be playing, you know. So what should we be playing other than bruto bars? Well, exactly, I'm a big big fan of the chain Smokers, Okay, the Shade Smokers. Have you ever thought about blowing your nose? And maybe you know that? I tell you, sometimes I do enjoy the the enterator report that bed Yell does. I think that's very good. Sometimes sometimes that's a good Republican. Well, thank you, duly noted Mr Program director, you very much. You just continue to follow the full bad it would be great, all right you and your d V hit accept him. Have a nice day. Thank you. Hey, I have to say a big thank you to our new best friends who brought us some pizza today. Look, people always ask us from near and far, where do you get great pizza in New York City? Well, it's in an impossible question to answer. Speedy Roma. They are started in Brooklyn. Now they're on Manhattan's Lower east Side. They delivered to my house fabulous. They now moved it up to a hundred seats in their Lower or east Side location. But their pizzas are very unique. For instance, the St. Louis. If you're listening to St. Louis, you understand if you go to Emos in St. Louis, you know that they use that provel cheese. So they have a St. Louis that has proveled cheese on it and spicy sausage in Jalapenos. Didn't they call you that in high school? Sausage? No provel cheese, spicy sausage. The lower the ode to the Lower east Side, not the load the ode. It's called Paul's Boutique. It has CATS's Deli pastrami with Housemaid Thousand Island on an everything bagel crust. We just had that. That's the name of the Beastie Boys album and that's where they record. Oh my scary, Oh my god, we're making connections. I like the white pizza. What was the white one? It's called the white pizza actually asked for my name's very spicy. It's so good. That means they're pizzas are fantasic. Thank you to thank you to them for coming in. Justin used to be with Jean Jrour for many years. Now has his own restaurant, you know. And this is my favorite part, not only the incredible pizza. We ate the story. This guy was on the road opening up restaurants for Geen George for a thousand years and one day he decided, I can do this, and he's doing it and he's succeeding, and uh so, support your local pizza, your pizza places. And they do more than pizza. They have all sorts of dishes. But we love you, we love you speedy Romeo and they were speedy. They got here so fast. What else we want to get to. We have to do sound with the one and only Garrett. Yes, great to the front. Boy still hasn't eaten a cigarette? Is that for real? I mean, guys, that was you're not supposed to see. You smoked a cigarette last night and you're not You're not supposed to smoke because you are a smoker. I am not a smoker. We're not giving you hell for smoking. We're giving you hell for making us try to believe you're not a smoker. Let's go around the room. We'll start with you, Froggy. What's on your mind today, Elvis? Yesterday was the worst day ever, and I want to tell you why. What's that? We went to go to dinner last night and my favorite chain restaurant across the street from my house had closed its doors. Oh god, I don't have any idea. I drove by Applebee's on Saturday, booming business. We went to have dinner there last night. Says out of business closed for real estate inquiries call this number, you know. Sometimes it ISN'TO restaurants fault. I don't hear. In New York City, we're having a problem. Great restaurants are closing because the landlords are charging crazy rent and it doesn't make sense business. Where are we gonna eat? What's my family gonna do? I hear, I hear you. We have a food report tomorrow and then we do it in the food report. All right? What is going on other than sadness from the closing Applebe's no, that's it. The family last night was just it was a bad night. Devastated. I'm so sorry. What about you, Bethany, any devastation you want to report today? Happy news? Happy news? Uh? You just have those amazing friends in your life who love you through everything. I have to give a shout out to producer Sam because she came over to my house last night. We were getting ready to go to this gala for musicians on call and I had a last minute I hate everything I'm wearing moment and I just like ripped my clothes off and I found this other dress. I hadn't worn it in years, and I wasn't sure if it fit or not. And so Sam, bless her heart, stood behind me and made that zipper go up, not every ounce of strength in her yoga arms, and I was like, this is a friendship. Is that why you're still wearing it today. Yeah, she's just like, there was no judgment. She was just like, I love you, I'm gonna make this work, and she did it. So I love you, Sam, You're amazing. What's up? I don't know if other people have this problem at work, But that stall in the bathroom that you don't go into because it's that's the bathroom where everybody does their stuff. I do not understand how you don't look and make sure things go down the bowl. But every day that first stall in the woman's bathroom, it's either the same person coming in or that's just the soul that attracts that. I don't know, but I'm sure other people have this where they work, where there's that thing you don't go near because people leave things. I hate that. Not like it's not like they tried to flush. It's not like a weak flush. It's like they made zero attempts. Just flush the toilet. Get your duty out of there, flush duties. Oh gosh, all right, thank you. That was very inspired. Hey, look, you know, some say they find it an old romantic tradition. Some say it's animal cruelty, plain and simple. But bullfighting. There's a picture in today's Daily News. Bullfighter Antonio Romero, Mexico City. He's injured when a bull goard him, and here he is. The bulls horn went right up his ass. Look at this picture. Oh my god. I mean, oh, it's like a direct hit. Somebody's gonna have to fix that. Yeah, he sunk his battleship. Oh yeah. The addicts or i'm they rushed him to the hospital to dangerous sport. But when you're out there messing around with a five billion pound bull with huge horns, you know you're asking for trumple. That's why I've always wondered why people would go to these running of the bulls. I'd rather go to Disney, you know what I'm saying. I'd rather go to this website says anywhere over there. He'll need extensive, full rectal reconstruction for all the wrong reasons. That's painful. Was the horn still up there when they took him to the hut? I don't know. No, they took that out, but I mean, I hope they don't set up the wrong hole. Eleven point eight inches. All right, we gotta move on. I'm going to say something so inappropriate, just like Danielle just did. Eleven inches ye, don't look at me. No no, no no no no, severe severe tire damage will occur. Alright, moving on, you'll be interested to hear this story, Froggy, since you're our big mac head. A group of hackers allegedly has at least three hundred million people's eye cloud passwords. Did did they get your attention? They're threatening to wipe out all of these people's iPhones on April seventh unless Apple pays them one hundred tho dollars in iTunes gift cards. They love the music, so i'd say, back up your phone, change your password. Sap. Oh my god. Can we talk about animals for a second, Just ahead of Garrett's sound. The number one most popular dog in America for the twenty six year in a row is the Labrador Retriever, German Shepherd number two, number three, Golden Retriever number four, Bulldog number five, the beagle, then the French bulldog, the poodle, the rock Wide or the Yorkshire Terrier, and then the boxer. And they're all amazing, amazing pets. Laboratory retriever. Growing up, her name was Chelsea, and my sisters and I would put on plays of different fairy tales, and we were doing Jack and the Beanstalk, and we painted Chelsea to look like a cow like face makeup and put horns on her head and spots all over her body. And she looked so like just dejected, but she totally put up with it. She was the sweetest dog. I just every night when I go home and I see my little Max, I just hug him and I want to eat him. I love him so much. Care Well, why I leave those calicos, I don't know, all right. Another great dog story. There's a couple in Michigan who recently adopted a dog who was who had been abused as a puppy two broken legs. When they adopted this little puppy, I just want to kick some people. Luckily, this puppy recovered. The owners got arrested for animal cruelty. Then this couple adopted this little dog. Three year old girl was lying in a ditch and the dog broke out of the house and found the kid who would have frozen to death. And now this dog adopted it is a hero. His name is Peanut. Last Friday, barking like crazy, running around the house, which isn't normal, they let it up the dog outside. It bolted straight into a field next to their house, which is so weird. They followed, Peanut, is Timmy at a well. Peanut ended up leading them straight to a three year old girl lying in the ditch in the freezing cold without any clothes on. He says he wrapped her in his sweatshirt, got her inside, called nine one one. Luckily she's fine. Uh. They couldn't tell cops where she She couldn't tell cops where she lived. For a while. She was a little out of it, but the one word she could say was doggie. They started knocking on doors. It turned out her parents lived in the same neighborhood. Apparently they weren't paying attention, didn't even know she was gone. Their place was filthy. Child protective services were called. The good news is they're all good. Up. She's staying in a foster home for now. But Peanut, here's a picture of Peanut. Peanut. You guys, if you need an animal, go to a psalter. They're the most incredible creatures. They're so so amazing creatures. I hate that word creature. That'unds like something that was gonna eat me. Like you're a beautiful creatures. Little creature. Hey, let's get into sound es. Hey Garrett, good morning. What do you have? All right, let's start with this creature creature. It does sound a little creepy. I like it, all right. Whiz Khalifa just put out a remix to change smokers closer. And of course it's about smoking weed belief A man, I'm fresh shopping. The plane didn't smoke as so long ago. Roll up a joint. It's like it's in the brain. Say you get in, have one. Now you're speak in my language. There you go. Which all right, So last night, Elvis, you were honored by a great organization Muses. Musicians on Call and some guests we've had on the show talk very highly of you. But Ed Sheeran told an interesting story about someone he was dating. I want day, an American girl and her favorite morning DJ was Elvis rand and I had done Elvis before, and you know, being English, you don't really understand the import looking American Dan Jason, the family of this girl and her so loving and obsessed and in awe of Elvistur and I kind of like we just got into listening to him every single morning, and I yeah, I'm sold Elvis. Here the man. Here you go, I'm the man. So if you're that girl listening and dating Edge here and at the time, we'd love to hear from you. Yeah, yes, we'd love to hear details. Um. All right. So this is a weird collaboration. So a Russian orchestra collaborated with a professional gun shooter to create music. So the orchestra played their stuff. A gun shooter shot his gun into a metal sheet and got this. Okay, oh my god, those are bullets hitting is so crazy. I need to be in the orchestra though, because you know those bullets are flying off that ship. Yeah, you put them in the pit, all right, all right. New York Presbyterian Hospital just put out their own countdown list. We love a good countdown around here. The best songs to do CPR too. So these songs have around a hundred beats per minute, which is ideal, uh the ideal rate for doing chess compressions during CPR. So we know one in two uh b G Stain Alive. That's the one they teach you in CPR class, And Dancing Queen by Aba is number two. I love to save a life while playing dancing Quick well, you sing it to yourself in your head. But number three and four kind of interesting. Number three on this countdown, the CPR Countdown, Bear Naked Ladies one week. Sorry, you're doing compressions? Do you think you're looking at acquleman a summit fish? Because I can't remember words, so I can't know that at all. And then and then breathe mother. Number four on this countdown, list to curra hips. Don't lie. Okay baby, when you talk compression, compression, I have to sound like you cure gonna come on, come on, free breathe for okay, okay, all right, hold on he turn off, turn it off. Oh my god, Okay, go ahead. We lost control and that's it killing them because it gets so excited. I'm actually getting a workout trying to revive you. I'm getting cardio. You have no cardio. Compressed, compressed, compress your all right? And dancing queen dancing? How can I sit down and dancing? Queens of time? To save a life. I'll meet you on the dance flow after I saved your life. So I'm gonna look down at the dying person and I'm going to sing you can't, oh you can that all right when I was learning to become a lifeguard and we had to learn CPR and they had the dummies. The CPR dummy was actually the first person I ever kissed. The first person you ever kissed was a CPR dumps. Annie was your first kiss? Did you use tongue? No? You know what, Nate, you were an E. M. T Right was a CPR instructor. Did you ever use a dancing queen? Enough? I didn't bring my boom box on call? Boom box? Do people still have boom box? I did not. Oh, we've got to talk about that next. You know, we have a famous conversation on the show about the silly reason you broke up with someone, or still reason you don't want to date someone, like our friend David Cat's years ago. This woman he was dating. He loved her and thought she was great until she said I'll have the shrimps at dinner, and it totally turned him off. He's like, you can't shrimp shrimp. He later found out that you can't put a nest there anyway. So, uh, we found out that there was a girl that Nate was seeing for a second, but she refused to see him again because she found out he used to be a stripper. Really, that was what did it? That was what did it. Okay, I'll give you that. There there are a couple of things that are negative about but that Why do you think your murderer? There is that that? But this tripper being a stripper was this traw that broke the camera? I mean, there's negative stuff about me. I didn't think that was negative. And being a stripper is not a bad thing. Okay, we'll get into this thing. We'll get into this later. We'll come back and we'll address if you were a dancer who just happened to like pick your pants off for money. You did what they wanted you to do. You're a private dancer. So last night at the musicians on call, uh gallow this, Leon Else got up and he's sang for us unbelievable, shouted loud, but I can hear what you say. When he puts us online this cover of Siaus Titanium see a reach out and said this is the best cover of my song ever. And he was blown away by that. So now Leon has music coming out. He says some of his songs for us last night, his story behind the music, which is where We Love to Go is one you need to hear. Leon Else is going to be here tomorrow telling his story and performing for us. Listen to his voice, hum bullet pruise, nothing to lose, Far Away, far Away, were cashame? You'll take your way far away, far away. Just show me down. But I just show me down. So there you go. He'll be here at this time tomorrow morning live for us, Leon Else. Do a search for Leon Else? Why are you crying? Were you crying to this song last night too? So I just can't help it. By the way, when are you and daniel leaving for Hawaii? Oh my gosh, we'll get into that next too. We're running really late, and Nate's over here like trying to resuscitate our ratings with his naked body. Your slowing away, that's a guy too far anyway, what a show? Elvis, Duran. I'd done Elvis before in the morning show, so we have a lot to get you here. Daniel's report is on the way. What do you have, Danielle? We're going to talk about edge here in shape of You? Sounding like another song? Okay, we'll do that great teas here. But he says he's just a fly on the wall. It doesn't want to be he doesn't want to be bothered. I'm just watching you guys taking it all. Don't want to make a listener in the car right now. Mr Program directors here keeping an eye on us, wanting us to play bore music. Very busy day here, all right, Mr Program director, I don't know if we're gonna get to that, but uh what else? Oh? Oh okay, So last night of the Musicians on Call benefit our friend Latitia Fry, who is an incredible auctioneer, amazing and you know, and all the ladies loved her because when she does her auctioneering, that tongue goes really fast. Please Anyway, one of the items up forbid was a trip to I think Waikiki Beach, Okay to Maui to Maui, Hawaii. Love it been there, gorgeous. Not only do you get to be on the beach there, but and this is more of an old school thing or if you're into great music, uh Lee fleet mc fleetwood from Fleetwood macfame, you get to meet him and hang out with him and have a drink with him whatever. So when when she mentioned the Hawaii part, I was looking at Danielle and Bethany, and they were like, oh wow, that'd be great to be able to go to Hawaii. But when she mentioned Mick Fleetwood, Bethany started crying. It was crying all nights. Why are you crying about Mick Fleetwood? It's what is your connection with the incredibly she's crying now, can just just help me out here? Okay, I'm good. I love Mick Fleetwood. I love Fleetwood Mac, and it's a it's a connection with my dad. I would think so yes, because growing up, my dad had all of these like vinyl beauty like original records from the seventies, and a bunch of them were Fleetwood Mac records. And so I would sit and I would stare at the record covers and they had the most beautiful album covers um and I loved all the drama. My dad would tell me the stories of the drama in Fleetwood Mac and everyone was fighting and having sex with each other, and then they would go on stage and they would sing at each other and they were mad, but it was amazing music. But my favorite Fleetwood Mac song UM from the dance album is Tusk And if you go on YouTube, look up Fleetwood Mac the dance Tusk. They do a live version and in it, Mick Fleetwood is drumming his heart out. He looks absolutely crazy. He looks like he's having so much fun. And this man, he's six ft five, He's this giant of a man. He's brilliant. He reminds me of my father as well. And it's just like this something about him. I just I'm obsessed with. So to be able to fly to Hawaii, to be on that beautiful beach under the palm trees and hang out with this guy who just takes you to your childhood, it makes you feel great. It would be an honor, right, Yeah, And as soon as they mentioned his name, I literally clutched string. So and this is Tusk in the background. Way, So what I decided to do was I decided a bid on this item and win it for you. And guess what I got it? I know, And I'm thinking, why can't just give a trip to Hawaii to Bethany? I have to give it to Bethany and Dan, we don't have to give it to me and I will. You're my girl, thank you? So you you congratulations? You want a trip to Hawaii to meet Fleetwood. I don't know. I don't think we can accept this trip. No, you have to. I'm not. I'm not going. Maybe you should take your dad. Maybe you should go to Hawaii and take the trip. I mean I would absolutely love too. I just feel like that is more of a gift than I have ever been given in my life. Defy three words. Four don't be a fuck. Well you know it's what I can say on the radio. Go go to Hawaii. You don't go today? No, I mean I would like would be thank you, Alvis say thank you, You're welcome. And Danielle, you wanted fair and square, so if you, if you choose to go, she had to take you. I think she should take her dad because they have this connection with Fleetwood. I know she may not want to go to Hawaii with her dad, but figure it out. Don't matter whatever you, whatever you choose to do with this trip, it's yours. I love you, and I saw that emotional connection. I'm like, how can I not get this for Bethany? How come thank you? Danielle. Had you started crying like a big blubbering baby about something, I would have bought that for you. You actually almost did. I was it was one of the I don't know if it was New York. Remember we were at the thing for um St. Jude and there was one of the old Yankee players that I was in love with, and and they were giving away like something, and you go, you want that, I'll get it for you with him, you got it. I'm like, no, I'm good, but thank you. So all we gotta do is crying about something where Danielle and I feel bad. I owe you a roll in the hay with an old Yankee anything. I'm glad that you got that far. I was very kind. I love you. Stop crying for working on it. But you draw attention to I crime. She's crying. I don't understand why she's crying. Why are you crying something else? I'm gonna start crying. She needs a wardrobe for Hawaii. No, no, no, no, we're done. Hey, we got to talk about okay, we have talked about straight and Nate. So he was going out with this girl and he has this thing he only likes to go out with girls that don't like him, which are which is great because there's so many. The pool is teeming with possibilities. But anyway, there's one that you know it's not gonna work out obviously. Um, she said she doesn't want to date him because he used to be a male stripper. I don't see any problem with that. I feel like that's a bonus. Why didn't you tell her you used to be a male stripper and it's kind of impressive. So I think that's why she doesn't want good because it's impressive. Okay, Okay, look, okay, okay, Let's think of the type of person who would be impressed by that versus the type of person who want and would not be impressed by that. Okay, I look, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with with tripping. I think it's it's I love I love it when people's trip scary strip go. So I'm just saying, you know, she she has a preference for guys who have never stripped professionally. I didn't do it full time. I didn't like a Baker's dozen amount of times. It wasn't like I did it for now. You should make a living at doing Marge Simpson impersonation. Ice. Hey, I wasn't a prostitute full time. I did it twice. I didn't I didn't have to speak as a stripper. So, well, you spoke with your hips. I did see a problem, which that scary. This sucks. But there are some negative connotations that go along with being a male stripper, and that is women are going to have their hands all over you all night. They want to take you home. Didn't matter, It doesn't matter as long as he doesn't go home with them. Yeah, it's a job. You make a great living at it, you know, but this woman is gonna be worried. Worried, Well, she shouldn't be telling that. I haven't done it like five years. So I mean, it's not that terrible, okay, But I'm not saying there's anything wrong with being a male stripper. I'm just saying she thinks there is something wrong with it, and so you got to move on well. And also the issue is that every time she sees you, you're a different person, like you're a construction worker. And then can be fun firefighter, cowboy, oh cowboys nice. He doesn't know what she's going I thought that would be a bonus role playing constantly. Bonus, I don't even know us. Shut on, Froggy, I'm high fiving you through the microphone. That's actually right, but actually very funny. Bonus, I didn't even know it. I see the point and that you have. I mean, it's been what ten years live, but no, it's been I did it back in Vegas. Okay, so five years would you would you be willing to do a special performance for us? I would? But you have to get the tear away pants snl. Yes, you have to have you have to have those those those wrist things. Where do they leave? That is, if I get in really good shape, I would do it. Good, you're good enough, just trip. I need to be in better shape. All right, all right, well, didn't hate. No one's gonna argue. Go go work out and get ready. Alrighty, So coming up now, he just said it. He just said he's gonna do it. Are you crying now? My Petsy crying it on him tripping my clothes. It's for charity. Cry from awkwardness. You're crying because it's for charity and you think all charities are scary and I both do it for charity. Please welcome to the stage, Killer and Nate. Just music. I want to see what you would hear? Take your shirt, take it off, show me your moves. I'm just I'm not just show us your move. I'm not. You don't leave the house with scharaway pants. No, not anymore away. You have a tearaway ego, we just rip it right out. I come on, show us like a dance move. If I'm doing this thing, I'm gonna do it right, and I'm gonna have a stage and music that I'm choreographed. I always like the top Gun the Air Force guy that came out. Okay, but keep in mind, it's more today lighting. I'm gonna get a full on choreogy. Listen you guys, did you ever dance in a glass shower? No? I never did. You guys think it's so easy. It's not that easy. Let's start about it's not a strip, okay, a little less whining, a little more like strip before. I'm telling you you got to have a routine. It's not like to just starting guys. Guys, listen, okay, talk about the routine. Okay, you have to be choreographed to a song. It's not like you can just start dancing. H What song did you use? It? It on? How you're doing? Daniel, dude, I'll just tell you there we go so straightonate is now straddling, straddling Danielle, lifting her up, lifting her up off the ground, and setting her on his lap, his back, Sorry, grandma's Grandma's lower back can't handle picking up the customers. All right, that was stupid. Wait, hold on where will Keathley just got video of all that? Now she's running out of the room. Scary? What if we paid you money for charity for you to get in shape and do it? What donated the money? You would do it? He won't? You getting into shape first? There is no better song to trip to. Yeah, should check up my clothes? Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what I'm saying. Come on, I'm just a bird teller talking to my magic mike. All right, Yeah, without good money? We tell your grandma here has the moves? Yeah, I just impregnanted every woman in this room. Hey, Nate, did you ever do the move where you put both hands behind your head like you're resting, and then you thrust your palas rapid fire? All right? The strippers telling us we have to take a break. Can't we go to a mail review? I was so awesome. I think we should just don't cover the mail reviews. I think you used terms from another era. What are they called now that strip? Did you visit the har dashery before heading to mail review? We'll come to a pizza parlor after the show. Bring your pocket to the fountain for a nice malten. I think all have a good time. I have to do a commercial for blue Apron to a barilla. Can I do a blue apron over stripper music? Yeah, bit shock blue apron? All right, great song. This song would make a nun strip. Father O'Callahan would strip to this. We're good barning, good barn a little Elvis. Let me please, let me play some genuine How was easy to see the fact? What scaris in shape? Round as a shape? Not nice? He's over a hole you love read? Yeah? All right? Straight Nat is straight, Nat is not tripping you. Let me give you another song. Yeah, you look at animal. This is I'm gonna feel you from the inside. It's a great song. Love me in violation, go on, straight Name singing you love me. That's a crazy show. You love me, penetrate straight name. You let me complicate you. He broke by inside. I want to show me your dask help me God, no soul to sound. Yeah you like that? God, don't talk, Just don't talk you from the side. Hey, straight made, I want you like you have to use distortion. You look good? All right, I'm enough of this. We gotta we gotta stop playing stripper for a few moments and pay the bill. No, no, I have to get serious because I'm talking about I have to talk about blue apron. Take your blue apron off. There you go, what's hot right now? And Elvis Durrain dot Com. Here's web girl Kathleen. In case you missed it, we just had the increas outibly sweet Julia Michaels in studio to perform her new single Issues live on air. The video and the picks will be up later on the homepage, so make sure you check back for that. And maybe you were watching Jeopardy Live last night, but in case you weren't, we had the most embarrassingly epic and slightly perv mistake made by a contestant. It's also right there for you on the homepage. Get all this some more, Elvis drand dot com, LVI stran dot com call us. I'm like about because I'm so in the morning show. You know I refused to get rid of Facebook. I still keep it from It's like my personal friends, close knit family thing. But also you know, I learned about happy times like when when someone is expecting a child and now, or when they adopted a dog or whatever. But I'm also reminded, you know, five years ago, I think it was five years ago today, our friend Captain David, David Schlegel passed away. Five years ago. Remember Captain David. What a great guy. To see the pictures. Last night, I was on Facebook and I saw his sister was posting some photos and it just I stopped and I opened the picture on my phone and I zoomed in on it and I just looked at David's face, and I can remember all the fun that we have with in that that trip that we made on the boat, and it was just he really was such a super nice, wonderful person, so fun to be around. And you know, you guys were he loved you, guys, David, you weren't here. Then Captain David Schlego sold me my first and last boat. He made me so happy when he sold it to me that he made me even happier when he sold it for me. And David Schlego he would call me once somewhere because the was captain for Lauderdale. I'm up here in New York. He was like, hey, you know, Elvis, I gotta take the boat out. He's just sitting. I'm like, David, take it out, and I'd always get back. Lad look at the boat and there was hair everywhere because he was like he was a really hairy guy like always. I was new when when Captain David was on the boat because there's hair everywhere. But he loved the fact that we took him with us with the to the Bahamas, and uh, the whole show took him and everyone sort of adopted him as our official captain. You know. He sounded like such a great, fantastic guy. I was wishing he was with us on that trip back. Yeah, I know we need any So I'm looking at Facebook, and you know what, it's all the sad things you see. And then the next one down is our friend Susie her dog Billy humping this pillow. You know, Faith, There's there's all sorts of dogs humping goods. Wow, it's a double hump Wednesday. Look at all the dogs humping in this picture. It's a video. Look at him go. So I'm sure if David were alive. He would look at that. It just he would think that was so funny, look at you know what. You gotta keep in mind, I get grossed out when dogs hump. Luckily I don't have a humper. Little Maxie does not hump. But humping really it's not really as sexual. It's not really a sexual thing as much as it's uh, come no, no, it's a domination. Domination. He's dominating that pillow. Yeah, So if a dog starts dominating something, it doesn't mean he wants to have sex with it necessarily. It's more of a domination. It looks like a sexual dance. So I mean there's a little sex mixed in it right now. So when we took Rocky for the first time to my parents house, my mom and dad have a very small dog, Rocky sniffing or sniffing. He starts humping her face and my Mom's like, can you stop that. I'm like, no, no, he doesn't mean it that way. He was dumping your mom's face. No, my mom's dogs. No, Rocky rule has more respect to his grandmother's got my mom's dog hates him. Still, what's that scary body of mind? When he goes to bed at night. His cat sleeps on his face. He just the cat just gets on his face. And I never liked that expression. Look at her, she never smiles. She's always got a puss on her face. I'm like, it sounds like it's hard to breathe up. What's wrong? This conversation means nothing? And look, everyone smile. It's good to check your Facebook of feed because I'm rarely check it. Look, Volvo Cars of Manhattan is having a sale. Here's a picture of Scotty b and Amy eleven years being married together. Fantastic, I am. I still have not I've worked here for four and a half years. I still have not accepted Scary's friend request on Facebook. Happen like why don't you want to be friends with me? On Facebook? Friends? In real life? It's not don't want to be friends with you. It's that you have the weirdest people that follow you, and then they then then they find me exactly follow me? You do you do? You do have a museum of followers, and then the Froggy's mom Froggy's Mom post to this today. People who have done you wrong will always think your posts are about them. I'm gonna start going back to Facebook a little more and more. I'm really enjoying my dripped down Facebook lane. It's sad, touching and happy, Luda Chris and you have humping dog. Hello, it sounds like a weekend. What's trending today, Bethany, This is very near and dear to my heart. A really dear friend of mine was just diagnosed with breast cancer, actually just found out yesterday, and so that's why I am featuring Anna oh No Intimates. They were featured during New York Fashion Week. Their runway show was all women who were going through or had survived breast cancer. They make bras and loungewear specifically for people who are going through breast cancer, chema, great idea, or people who have chronic pain. It's incredibly soft materials and they have a whole line of people who for people who are going through radiation too. What's the name of it again, Anna oh No Intimates. Just go to Elvis, duran dot com, keyword trending all link you right over. And then our producer Sam is the one who is all things physical body. So when she tells me that she loves a seat cushion, I'm going to pay more attention to the seat cushion. Even though it's a seat cushion, it's amazing. It's supposed to help realign your spine and for long flights or long drives, your back won't go numb or hurt the way a lot of people's backs do. Go to Elvis Durand dot com. Keyword trending, I link you over to the p G O seat. Thank you. What's trending? Checking out now at Elvis duran dot com. Alright, your phone tap coming up next? Got clang? Radio personality Elvis Durand Elvis Durand in the morning show Upside. The smart new way to buy travel is upside dot com. You save money, get a free Amazon gift card with every trip you buy. Use my name Elvis, and you're guaranteed at least a two dollar gift card with your first time using upside dot com. Save huge on travel. Minimum purchase supplies seaside for details Upside dot com, el Elvis Durand, the Elvis Durand phone tap. Alright, Nicole Old, it's away at school and she wanted to phone tap her dad. Turns out she left her old phone number to her dad and still gets friends calling it, So this phone tap takes place after I called and left him a voicemail that was intended for her. We waited a little bit and then called him for his reaction. So the dad already had listened to a message or left earlier. Here we go, Hello, hey daddy, how you doing? How are you? I'm good, I'm good. I'm just do And then I got a message from somebody saying they want you back. Who's Whizzy? That's is that his name? Why are you asking me this? How do you even know this? How long have you been going out with this person? For about a month? How come I don't know about him? Ever? Deadly from the message that he left you, he's very serious. Did you seek to him? I don't know. He must to damn message on the phone. He sounds like he's an idiot. Do you have paid for me? Hold on? Come? Did just wheezy? I just wanted to day. I'm sorry to everything. I didn't mean to let you down. So I wrote you a little tone. I hope you could give me you hand out a kid? Can you you're high? Never really had lucky? Never year? Hello? Are you hearing it now? You're trying to put it together. Oh you're a second you. Oh god, you over there. It's not just the way you moving. I love you, baby, Please take me back? Yeah yeah you hear that? Yeah? Yeah? Oh my god, who's busy? Keep going with the Emerson with me? We don't know you're with me. And if they led a boy like that in the Emerson, you're out of your head. He talks like he's got to like a fourth great education level. I mean, for God's sake, he's cheating on you, hanging and take me back? What kind of is that? I'm free right now to do what I want, honey, if that's what you want to do, but don't expect anything more than cigarette butts and ashes for Christmas. Hey, you're calling you in there? What is that going on? It's just my roommate, that's not your roommate. Just yeah a voice, yeah yeah, yeah. You're streaking out right now? Can you back? Can you just the one second to get the hell out of your room. I'm gonna drive over there. Dad, Will you stop slag it down? Get out now? Just hold on pratice in my rhymes, please, just like I will meet you in fifteen minutes. Get that son of a bitch out of there. That drink couldn't be but that could be paid. Put that son of a bit on the phone. He wants to get the hell out of my room. Laugh, young money, you're a piece of Yes, she want a fellow. You already know though you was destinating Popo via did God. I wish, I wish I could just kick your ass right now. I love your ding. I'm about you don't love The only thing you love is acting like an idiot. That was it? None the best? But we don't really play. You disgust me. Can I have you doing his hand in marriage? No, you can't. You You're not coming anywhere near this piece of property, and I'm gonna get her out of that school as soon as I can't you well, are you telling me that I'm about to go and jay the jaz because I don't like you? Are you just that stupid? Is it not clear you never met me? I don't have to meet you. I can tell by your voice this convert tation right now. I don't want you itches mazle tab wasn't a call back on the line. I don't want to talk to you anymore. I don't think we're gonna work at Why are you saying that because your dad hates me? It doesn't matter what my dad thinks. I love you, you know him. You don't know anything about Bob. What's up about? What are you doing on my bed? Because that's what's through. That's it. I don't want anything else to do with it. Goodbye. I got to tell you how No, I don't want to talk to you now that you've been phone tat what what this is? Scary joke on the Morning show? So yeah, what is this? It's the radio joke. I listened to the radio all the time, and this isn't funny you call entertainment. Why the would anybody listen to it? You're go cross between Wheezy and Cartman. Yeah, pretty much scary. This tap was prerecorded with permission granted by All Party Space. Elvis Duran filon Tapward on Elvis Durand in the Morning Show Elvis Durand show ning Mo, which translates as Morning show this Elvis Durand in the Morning Show. I love Chris Martin, he is excellent. All Right, we gotta talk about blue Apron. You know I kept warning you I was gonna do a blue Apron commercial. Now people are requesting it. Oh can you play the New Edge hear and song and then talk about Blue Apron. Blue Apron, So Blue Apron, You'll love how good it feels and taste. Do you actually create these incredible home cooked meals? Thanks to Blue Apron, they do all the shopping for you. And when I say shopping, the produce all the fresh vegetables and things that are coming from your region of the country. Therefore they're the freshest and they give you the right amount for these recipes. They also give you so you don't have any food waste, which is such a very very important thing to be concern and about wasting food in this day and age where people are hungry. So how it works, it's so flexible you you you customize your recipes each week with Blue Apron based on your preferences. They have several delivery options that fits your needs, no weekly commitment. You get the deliveries when you want them and under ten dollars a meal for you and a partner. Are you in your family? Incredible freshly cooked meals Meals you cook, so it's not like you're letting someone else do all the work. You actually get the satisfaction of cooking your meals. I want you to try it out for free. First of all, the website itself is just enticing enough you'll salivate. Go to Blue Apron dot com slash elvis. Your first three meals will be free with free shipping, which is a fantastic value. Blue Apron dot com slash Elvis. That's Blue Apron dot com slash Elvis.

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