Our Favorite Morning Show Moments of 2024 #10: Things are Getting Scurvy!

Published Dec 27, 2024, 1:30 PM

From happy moments to times of reflection, here are a few of the biggest moments from Elvis Duran and the Morning Show. 

"Scurvy" is making a comeback, and somehow we landed on Straight Nate making Leprosy jokes.

Poppy holidays.

Here's one of our favorite moments of twenty twenty four from Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

I don't know when I was a kid, conversations going on, and it's like, oh my god, you shouldn't do that. You'll get scurvy, and the someone else will say, scurvy hasn't been around since the Stone ages.

Like a pirate disease, isn't it?

Look it up?

It's a lash of vitamin C.

Yes, scurvy is making a comeback. What you're saying that? Yes? No, okay, no, it's not. Why is it? You can't say no, because I wouldn't have said it if it was. No, scurvy's making a comeback. You should say it is. Of course it is, because I just said it is. I need music.

Why is it making a comeback?

Because people aren't eating healthy?


Why don't you look it up?

Oh? Help me up?

Do you have the story? I don't. Oh, I know it's scurvy's making a comeback. You know me. I just read the headlines. I don't know what's going on.

It says if you don't have vitamin C in your diet for at least three months, you can get.

Scurvy, but we all get vitamin C from different sources. But in the news today, I'm looking there's a full story here, but it didn't come up all in those the headline I want you to fill into Blake.

It says it could be re emerging amid the cost of living crisis and the rise in weight loss surgery because you're losing nutrients apparently when you have these surgeries and people staying inside way longer than you used to stay inside.

So you're not getting your sunshining your sunshine.

Do you see the symptoms of scurvy?

I mean, I think I think Nate may have scurvy. I don't know what. What symptoms are you seeing?

So soft, swollen and livid, gums that bleed easily, oh okay, gums that separate from the teeth causing them to loosen, swollen legs that are glossy and develop foul ulcers, bleeding from the nose and mouth, and body evacuations that are intolerably feted.

What is fetted?


T I d extinc doesn't sound good and I have all of those. Wow, I have I have fed? It is it feeded? Fed? I've fed? Here's Nate, you have scurvy. I don't have scurvy, but I've read a lot about scurvy. But scurvy's making a comeback. Really, why my god, where have you been? I don't pay attention. My favorite thing is I said, oh my god, look at this. Scurvy's making a comeback, and scary goes no, because I think about it like I think about rickets and scarlet fever and bubonic play.

Do you want to know why sailors got scurvy?

I know there's a cow's it was a vitamin, but.

They're saying that on the ship. Because they would be away for a long time. They didn't want to have these foods that would go bad, so they would have biscuits and stuff like that, and there was no vitamin C in any food.

They didn't have any flenstoes chewables. At this hand me a bernie. Their teeth would fall. It's frightening. Exactly. Well, you know what, Gandhi just gave us all these things. But now we're convinced you may have it. But also no, Actually, Danielle toes, what else is on the list of things that that the Nate's doing?

Bleeding from the nose and mouth. What body evacuations that are intolerably fetid fetti?

I don't know. I've never had a.

Separate from the teeth causing them to lose Like this is a zombie apocalypse.

But wait is fetid stools? Doesn't she work down at BC? She does? She works down the hallway fed stools.

So if scurvy's making a comeback, what does it say about our I mean, people have a massive deficiency invitament. Well, you missed it, Gandhi gave us the answer. Do you want to hear it again? Yeah, this is why, this is why you have scurvy.

Okay, Apparently it is because people are staying inside much more. You're not getting your sunshine. There's been a rise in bariatric surgery and weight loss surgery, which makes nutrients move through you a lot quicker, and people just start eating the way that they're supposed to be eating because apparently there's an economic crisis.

Yeah, people cannot afford the nutritious food. They can't put it on the table for their kids. Because we live in this world, when's the plague coming back? Is that coming back already? Did we lived through it? It's different we're talking about bbonic ubonic plague. But someone just send a text in saying that my son got scarlet fever last year. It's still a thing. Yeah, and if your son, if your kid gets it, that's gonna be that's gonna be really frightening stuff.

So how are we doing with polio? Are we doing okay with polon? That's actually making it come back?

It is, and a lot of it. People don't want to hear it. But it has to do with a lot of people deciding they don't want to get vaccines anymore. And the vaccines existed for a reason and kept things away, and now people don't want to do it.

These things are coming back.

Talk to me about leprosy. How are we doing there?

Do they still have that Leper Island in Hawaii? Wasn't there that one island that all the lepers would go to? Is it Malikini or something? Wasn't it?

Look it up? I know you look it up. Is it current or is this from like the sun?

I think there is still leprosy in parts of the world, but I don't know if the Leper islands still exists.

Now they have raccoon Islands in Florida.

That's a.

Leper colony. And there's apparently one on crete in Greece.

I was just there. I should have stopped by. I'm gonna go there and give him a hand. It's not funny. People died, all right?

Moving on?

You know what I'm thinking.

It says that digestive or metabolic conditions is something that tributes.

I can't hear you the guy the Skirvys not obviously inspecting his herey saying.

Metabolic conditions is one of the risk factors. And if everyone's getting all these surgeries, are doing these crazy fad diets, that's adding to all those conditions. Look at me, digestive problems.

I did it. I did the I did the What did I do? The gastric sleeve? Yeah, to lose weight, therefore deficient in nutrients. And of course now I'm taking, you know, those shots to make you stop eating so I can look like terror banks. I may I may be with you, and I may be to a scurvy colony.

There is also one in Hawaiian eight.

You're right, I told you. Where's that question?

And I'm just looking this stuff up people, Where is it the village?

I don't know, do you keep a leper from Robin a bank. I don't think you want to do this. I know, I want to know how, though, I don't think you want to do this. You disarm him. I told you not to do that. I don't know how many lepers are listening to our show.

But I don't know if we had any. We just lost them all. Do we really want to do that in this day and age of bad business?

I got another one. No, I don't want to hear it to the hooker, keep the tip.


Let's move on home, Diamond, This is not funny. Why what are you? What are you laughing at it? Don't laugh at his jokes, Diamond. I'm sorry.

You guys are really funny today.

Oh my gosh, you want to hear another one more? Please? Don't?

Oh god, you hear about the leper who failed his driving test? What he left his foot on the clutch? That is awful.

These are the views of Nate Marino.

Is there like a leper?


Dot Com? Was you doing this?

Oh yeah, no, no no, no, no, no, no, no, okay, we got it.

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