
Daily Horoscopes: December 11th, 2024

Published Dec 11, 2024, 1:16 PM
Here are your daily horoscopes for December 11th, 2024.

Your daily horoscopes from Elvis Duran in the morning show.

Who are you doing your horoscopes with?

About Danielle? All right, it's Haley Steinfeld's birthday today, Rita Moreno and Nikki six. Happy birthday to them, Capricorn. Even if things didn't work out, it still might be for the best. The universe has a plan. Your days an.

Eight, Hey, Aquarius, you've been on the go for a while. Take a few days to relax before the busy starts up again. Your day's a nine, hey, pieces.

No matter how knowledgeable you are, never stop learning. Ask questions. Even if you're embarrassed not to know your days an eight.

There is your needs aren't being met because you're not being honest. Tell yourself the truth first.

Your day's a seven, Hey, Tourists, don't be afraid to accept your inner demons. Working with them will lead you towards a period of transition.

Your date is a five Gemini. A lot can happen in one year. Start checking off that to do list if you want to see the change. Your day's a ten cancer.

Underworking can ruin your results, but so can overworking, so you need to find a balance. Your date is a nine Leo let.

Go of self destructive patterns. You're capable of so much if you have a positive mindset. Your days a seven Virgo.

Just because they don't show compassion doesn't mean they don't care. Everybody has hardships. Your days a.

Six, Hey, Libra, your individuality is incredibly valuable. Don't try and blend to fit in your day's A nine Scorpio.

It's not easy to be vulnerable, but hiding your feelings can lead to a lot more difficult times. Your date is at eight.

And finally, Sagittarius, the easy way out might not be the best in the long run. Make decisions carefully your days of six and those arer Wednesday morning horoscopes

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