Let's play a game with Elvis Terran in the Morning Show.
There was a.
Nineteenth century Greek Orthodox monk who died without ever seeing a woman. Oh, in real life, at least his mother passed away. I think close to the day he was born. Never saw a woman. Eighty two years old, went to eighty two years of life without ever seeing a woman.
Okay, wow, wow, Okay? What some more?
Yes, this one I already knew the answer to. But give me Susanne on nine three, she's about to play the game. Crank it, Susanne, you're ready for the game. Do you know your music?
I hope so, I really do.
Oh hopeful thinking? All right, But to qualify to play, you must answer this question correctly. This is a we call this a qualifier. Yeah, what is the deadliest animal on the planet?
The animal?
The animal that kills more people and animals than any other animal?
Is it humans?
God? One would actually argue that, But that is not correct.
Now that's a good answer, answer me.
You can't play.
Oh no, no, hold on, now, hold on, let me give you some clues. I'm thinking like malaria. Yeah that is yeah, mosquitoes kill more than any other animal.
Wow. Okay, keep of mind.
I saw a chart of animals that kill humans, and I was very surprised by who the leaders are.
Who are the leaders other than mosquitoes.
Mosquitoes are up there, dogs are up there pretty high. Tigers kill way more people than lions. I was very surprised by that.
Hippos. Monsters, Yeah, no, they are preacherous, but the.
Stuff that people are really afraid of are not nearly as deadly. Sharks really aren't up that high.
Snakes were. I think they were in the middle of the pack somewhere, but it wasn't as high as you would think. I was very surprised by the mosquitos and the dogs.
Well, the good news for you, Suzanne, is you qualified your in y all right. These are the songs that your favorite members of the morning show listen to and crank up when they hear them. Okay, So in other words, you need to just know your music. And let's see how you do. You say that you're a mom of two, you listen to the music and sing along every day. Are your kids there to help you because you may need help with some of these.
No, No, I had to drop them off at Baycare.
But they my daughter would be able to help.
She's definitely about the music very much.
Taylor so fan, oh yeah, oh okay, Well, I don't know how many people around here crank Taylor.
They should. Here we go these are so tell everyone how you got this list.
I asked all of you, what is the song that you just love and every time you hear it, you crank it and you sing along. And these were the answers that people gave me. Now keep in mind, one person may have gotten two answers, so if they were already guessed yesterday, they could still be guested again today.
So that the room name the song Here we go, Here is crank it song. Okay, we're continuing on the list. We did eight yesterday, so let's go with crank It song number nine. Who won a great song? That is a great song? All right, all right, you're on it now, Susanne?
Here is I would say, Nate.
Nope, No, that was Garrett Garrett.
Okay, Garrett, yeah, yeah, good tasting music. All right, Here we go, Susanne, Here is crank it song number ten?
Yx that song I Am walks that rain Mom, that.
Dumb change got another great song? What is that Suzanne, I love.
That song as job ter wow jubiter in her?
Is it Scottie Beet? It was not Scotty Froggy Nope.
This is a tough one. I would never have guessed this.
Who Deanna?
I love that song? It makes me cry every time I love it.
Here we go. You got two out of two, Susan. Here is crank It song number eleven?
Mony, She reads, first of all, we think it's Gandhi that loves that song.
What song is that, Suzanne?
That's lucky?
Yes, I gave myself too in this game?
Did you give me to do what you want? All right?
You are doing really well? You have three out of three, Susanne. You want to go for another one? She answers, yes, Here is crank It song number twelve?
Did you do? There's one day?
The next day you go sometime.
And some the juice.
Lights is a highway?
Oh hello, all right, keep on going. Here's cranky okay. Who's what's that the birthday boy? Happy birthday to day? A lot of cowbells on that highway. Yeah, that's right.
Jet ninety two, jetetto two and it's number what hit music stage that's.
Been around for twenty years. Birthday date. Here we go. Here is crank It's song number thirteen. You ain't gotta lead that a good time. I'm gonna bring the Jetsam home? Do you, Danielle? What song is that fell? One more time?
I gotta lead have.
A good time. I'mna bring the jet Sam home? Do you great song?
I don't think I know it all?
Tell them what song is? Damn hunt House part? All right? All right, now we know which way Susan doesn't lean? Oh yeah, okay, you know what you're doing. Great, you have a majority of them. Correct. Here is crank it song number fourteen.
If it lose yourself?
Yes, that is Robby No, No, that was producer Sam. Really, she said she loves that.
All right. You know you're gonna win this anyway, Susan. But I'm gonna give you one more.
Okay, the songs that the Already Show loves to crank CRANKT Song number fifteen.
You Froggy? That's Froggy.
It's not.
It's not not.
Who did Froggy?
Yeah? I want it that way? You're tell me why ain't nothing?
Tell me why you should play that is it.
I'm rage it's not Elvis. No, that's your girl, Diamond, that is her.
Yeah, are you serious? You're like tell me why?
Oh my god.
It reminds me of Christmas Eve. I think two thousand, maybe nineteen ninety nine. Really, me and my mom in the living room, jumping up and down. Hurt boy. What do you have for our friends's in?
Well, I've got five hundred US dollars thanks to Craper Race.
Yes, Oh my gosh, I'm so excited. Thank you.
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Don't go to the body body Firm dot com slash iHeart. For your craper race, five hundred dollars come in your raises and congratulations.
Oh thank you. I'm son. Talk to you guys, really I do it, really will day.
Well, thank you listening. You have a great weekend. All right, we'll play this for diamond, diamond. This is for you, just you, only you, my fine