As to the podcast Total Lore Sorellos Spitzburg Steelers and the podcast of the Los Spacebrook Steelers podcast in Maculo conal Bar Martin Yeah two Ro.
Carloss playoffs Conelo, the Larnda de Comodines Sante Baltimore, Ravens Navia Partido la Campaga and the La serremon reval them thro the la division comba CIEs when mental concern reval the permit, the just causes importantes who as mene is as local system mals p Partio Samanera peru so, the Rasia Negativa, the Quadra Rotas Consecutivas isla majorro Coupas Young paraguare Don't the rem Sta Paradus of the Tolas couss Para.
Related to and Trango Alarondo de.
Comontinez Bimenos is the podcast in Ala Martin Carlos Para combers Lo Keostoka in the perspective Amos Alvaro the Loke re presenters.
The Partido Cargo, the Rotas can last just cause.
Us now Salustchen place a companion imprisent files, the podcast Mirario Tormentosa Playoffs Conquado, the Rota Consecutives.
Detroit Milo is Perdio.
And all Technos Jets and Erogent John Joe Walton, Comment Walton, Delia Pennsylvania, Laia Pittsford, Yelga and Old Premier Partilo Playoffs in Kansas City Perdio segundo in double prop In double team post exactly casas and then keep you conquas la part mascent see averaging Foco keeps me, he says the playoffs that be says the single Consecutivas and playoffs is Lama Larga and PoCA Contemporania Moerna. They keep a pitch, they take job now. It's Trando on record Negati okay, record Yeah. Marka is dressed like young disas Carla Vision Premier and a Conferencia and Iavente has a Marka trapper and Carl pot in life sine f l Aura.
It's that the story. It's ultra Plano Autramentally that attracted to.
Said the party you the fo Puntos Patio, the n S Mana in Baltimore and pat Communito Proguarto man part In Cruiendo on Phi six Moto Proprio rod the q pas Parque Facilitarce Baltimore. I moved Muchisima and in Partio playoffs the k I K.
Propuesta told the pitch for.
A part the PACI road Partio Una Victoria and Pisa Cambiera perception, the dos in pstro Plano, Regimento partout.
Passer, Claros, Alando, Jevandosto Alo Crooki conditions Park Pittsburg, kellok at Tenna ca e como ts K Recoperaa, the c C Claro la Giados, Rossella Wilson trespasses the touchdown ken Andre la Pelota, receptors henerandos Hertos momentos controls the spot, etcetera, etcetera. Pero conocas bisto manases particamenting possibly so and the quipo noa estado and carrilado im sto en Laucenia you're speakings no jani Tennis, la Victoria, contract Cleveland and Casa not as being the puntos Terra PARTI assumed the offensiva area and piece a comp control he Croke is on the Russell Wilson oil, Tomaros causes connel experience poor loke lora para alante and plant the Estansernando Connarthur Smith Script carl Partido, Carreer and Premier Supportunidades Perqueto, Mondo, listad fenciva, sabca Correlo, Losa Career connects pachas Parana, Harrison and Malata, mission lances pasta s pasla and your speaking squandal vertically in ps pona two squador is cito and a squalige no parasus, quality is physicals paradace and thence loko an explora. The eight Partio Pittsford and Carriage, the Partilo Paso and Cibo amazon.
Bother espedially alb pickens a, pongara el camp maluso criminal desu fortaleza, como Comarti and Campo mansell Tema, the Losa Ranks and couardro Rota, the Playoffs, the Pittsford and the Premier Quarto and Marcargo Natives Pittsford, Cero opponentes suent s o.
Ver carse pun this he says punto or for quart.
Ason as a p repet equan into punto. I tell part he says, cos tzipo arturo You know so you grew so from fig or pan a pire cambillion o your Key Pieture Chamileonatorius, who has the team that tower po King Passia Pickens, Pedro Patio.
Passes in co Jadas in Premiere down say bon jadas.
Logal mifo committee en pil partio, but yeah milagrosso perodabien local committee notially keep up prep playoffs, Guy inos Vecos in DC movie serious initialist signal touchdown d c in bajo Arthur Smith, that says Kwando Pittsford lagos tinto arival is it prepara arather confue asa for paraoke arita you legally hustis one of the Pittsford. It's a communist lens sally. They are mor and down to aso tempo. And then this Sma Pittsford genus a hill and Soma is honest. But in contra Maria party your you know a tpo alment not revolution argue, whether get the meaning sitting noting a care of Pittsburgh p al Goo is team to the Partido Ultimore Norway Baltimore. Then course the pampion against the particle s doula se doula you look like today, says Pero. The parties or present Starlos gets all appreparations trust yes, okay, it's it's just a playoffs includo who gathers is it tacticas cay know most and video prement the part preces avent pren there to p revising playoffs. You are toll and your practical The campamented Drammian do you know that's a present says this is the tutle of playoffs. You pittsburg things press he asn't keep us a specialists.
La part.
Question botima the say flowers and campo cachot man not the permitte no conditions precupaci and parallel local pos he p us for car rest k Marc Andrew is gonna co went to your to supermart downpos likely the pronto numerous the p p problem casave and Momento sea converted and the p s and Bullard stuff and sericans you know portuny that conversation you lomos dicho temples trus. You know there's the camel like campania lat the loco plantendo pitch for the offense commas pontos to the the promeum in damas pontus the us defensiva K car garcona responsible car victorious yadavent transcorses touched down. Don't the dom the crest, the post parado pitch oil dallallas conditions the raja rotas carlos reutos del function and put the car por c parasila relative I mean, and ce you put the car the lamar jackson and teno campania regular to us carella like the poin profund those playoffs you know, and ranking pattera raiment causes get the pitch paraphuego when epicas or catastrophicas.
You know I mentioned in parliamentos plant the meo are flowers No no practical a.
Practicaunce parma particle to.
Camino respens are I say varvataran condition perfect partido rasho baidman issuers simcha confas is a common or the quarragularis telo mass las cal park rodandoplica Maria Hanks tramp matricular no hua explosis you know jugaa murde for milk cortes.
No alradas s jar jarda pases.
Premier down, premier down more like American alga maso tonio gona TAAs bill partial says the las says.
All okay, So movie in Baltimore is.
Halar a Liniro of n Ceo Cone Lanco particular the external, the past particular mantra here alex Hei Smith.
And says.
Partillo is high Smith t j war no necessary cap tourando at Jackson and menidos see you no wantandosu punto the attack so endo mbaste he presents the barin coomolar Atta clear at derekny noumerous I we darted tomorrow, but toto concept partio is Derek Canry no is Lamar Jackson Joe compared with to Alan Brown to algoa Waltimore. It's not a here anyways the movie and I wing to keep the Clippers from Chris Paul Blake Griffin and Andrew Jordans. He prispole like Nanda is so fast the point the sire Ali open English, the clubs spectacular and Jane cons then lectorial and Awa na take a partio.
Portant punto no inportant animals. Yeah, Partillo are clippers of the sea. Clippers come travel but not coming to the post.
And then you gre okay see two see two elminas and Henri your LGAs a Lamar Jackson, Passar romantines and production to.
To is excellent.
Lamar jack Lamar Jackson is a is a of Toura. But you look like Keipo in theo, likeas el gust the partious no le Gusta saying come along Tan Tito PNEs par at the Henry Musk PARTI Landon Roberts per Okay, Robert morsels Son loves external Casar los Passe, Henry, Yeah, starving Karo pits to key Tally Henry like a party for Glicorente.
Who was in this coyagada Henry, It is.
All pass flowers, you know, says why I used it totally a Jackson passy and you can look at Karan pail but explotarios and tilse combos, army and planted in pizza p I can Henry h Jackson, Joe prefer Henry Peroa Jackson and it's until the key Tara Henry Keith taram plato no no o never noa travels cost Petro question you know my thing a pasilin view Pto two is Marco that the camp.
Las and trails av your coque is located Frustra see friend arnos perms and jego premier for contra Baltimore a swell to rapid that what so Henry and lags como is t madla mos visto waneta's basis I correls and la division okay juel milna those areas ils mandas cancer is one of grass for the treas a garbat and tan feros. No if seek petsbuhk can contrat the prano and stay and and manad, he says those well as well. Do not approbations port lobo, Yes, mantu and hue must be otados to be the consitution completely as paro in element is located ton and j largo because most my tomlin ces pao pos permeterial initial lento you know there, yes post and negativa in lentosmeo tempo brutalies sudo tam and temp regular not the post permit cannot thank that like responderiste almenos and explosivo latino address cortos pero re so oke is cost fundamental parallel pensilva no permitive is largas no permitted.
Who has explosivas the lot lad.
Then control the vallon movie and no no, look at the Pronto Damnas and Alisaud also correct importances in product MOI productive in their conditions and part porto.
You're a bit Joe.
It's a first to consider said is large, the old demo Tajsasa to the first concre Henry not.
Study post.
It's in the Anando Pitchford pourkay, look at them a man not pro tiva, No one anna turning to boot another tipico in.
T pico esasically boy and.
It's a or Parmese calculo commso sincinnati as another turna bonto captio Borrow.
Yeah you know tar He and Aaron Boro covens in the booms.
You're okayam, like the two pieces an hour alto lao, it's just a man a lunis, Mike tom.
Tally plowers yeah, mey constat say Lundia and.
Then talking to the conference in ru a paraty your grog and Mike Tomlin perdum partio renio ken trem Blong opponent El mayor fracaso album sum.
Partio perdido silo paste no USTe.
Rival the cell come into It's as a man in lunis call le port gaa dansos is done in proto glento porkeno sempreta cats around simperta control, loyal tempo control campo perfect pero look even particular is no, it's man of a p amnera cell dis comfia fundamentalmente del passi el passes mas ricoso el o s blong l para grawers you the mention po camber el camber pocket so a cambire alo cam no algo tin toward timourpincar the har uro capasa join t sipo he algo is tint wellid what the carreos your prefaidate is in a car multimo guarto you know hel principio and contra ya trescionandogando. Okayst the partido picture two made the ultimu partido pelia or renio ultimo guarto rogis is in the Como Baltimore in como ce k see like the camp with the cancer l Cia Carbury kel cea thing campo much tempo. Okay, went that and paranis in prifical Albordavenia trans the enter Priz all the way or world Nondia.
Yester the panel responsive picture. What is porque it does as a s a T boy courses para the harb robarblon pet those partillos and it's a campaigna called multiple robos the balon qual marking Cluso ligan those millving you know po pot cases parto what for balon as well to preso las fixil protection pavel passe esperado yea pars the perimetry robin Pelota, I mu just question and as qualis st Paul problems said Portia jud corbactas hen randos to do that el cova condolota your borrow Yeah is on the portnot and port grandemos dich much as bess and as partidos savemos pos ptnicos andosperos implemented as conditions the Partido ban Jan Corral and la Montage lot lot of del Barranco responses may is located like Defencia back on through endolos, partillos, perros city city and niquil and whose cando dos santiotos and pen with the fox.
Still on the Pittsburgh no longer, he said, Partio.
Better than see two friends and Henry Ligas and mar Jackson or lor Jackson Sota so in cosla it's a part of the jac ligas and its pass of cortos cadastra MASSI long thing like when get vince A tumbling, you okay to Carlo the piarlo, I think, look, so came here, go to pass the vlos total Me and Fermo in partio preview you okay, I posscalo in the rota is keerlinia in cluando mal presidents p partios al final. He said, prisma a traves the qual piece or ghana o pire the prisma tra qual pest be loka pas de la managa comes through Kip Yeah, imas Mason McCormick on Western Man, he said, you know, Yesodimore Loco is man interior, the man interiors A man is important La mani here lodentroctamental amical problem is who are Colo Cargo as Spencer Anderson, which ascepta and el draftel W Baltimore, Baltimore the Winters. Yeah right there so king no air patrok and.
Plan we.
Pass Largo Pickens. Yeah, Mike Williams and.
Me can sell passes in completo no problem passing complex or lateral Baltimore te and Tender Katies and my kipp Yeah m p a preemplo La di Valencia and the Esta calorela no no no no no no went roth bord in the Premier area and down pass So now you affect that they can a complete album and a percent time a Suprahim broke prof rutas implicate the tempo Wilson, it's a still programmatico proc deep course, ruta yiada passes yadas, the peral, the pictro you know ut power no no no no lol no, Now you're okay. Insento e rokaye pro TiO and a card bn C know war.
A Coama busta mastiollo, the yell and Warren para alas, pichallas para busos, tagles para.
Rocando p reality islado.
Kings Yards Reception include lo commentions Casepordan to receptorist close safety in ahuaenae on said yes yard tre su premier pass no regular yes s wand the Pukito ma passio parpas and controls in Sier Who's kanda farm than Centro opportuna perdina like Who's temp.
Okay, the creel and passilbing complete i complaint arm down come sing sven prome like a safety and the pool party pas media, the passilbing complete, the compleata horyna proposit and complete completa hor I don't know who are won't know whoere lom Horcs and Williams, the particular and the pickens is Balon is saying, righto sona fieras he means joy mahin ok the pickings partio konnam in taliad super aggressiva. I'll go over, I war you communia, who are aware?
You listen to you?
Brother John Chadio up karya voltimo prosper dam Malcolm travaltimore kel ketu the are mal saor the man, He says an lao in luniko ki kuna hendaai is he who come malcomet to the premium train ta quartra This is yet so ultima internoso intern Yeah, I capro char i capro charm I have the part the petul massa ya eventually supermo the Thamas in Baltimore as a frio og a this yes, yes, supermass you.
Okay, that's a vancha yes, okay.
Last Lada Perola's foremast Cambia Mucco para Pittsburgh is parted the Lega.
Mostral independent Racha metitos, the las cosas pitzur i port.
Puesto, loc snado run bundo I can partus the playoffs, yes quetos and la rivisio, the.
L M perfect a man.
Is the proximo place Yes, para respond there, Supra Junta and puntos baranascanos, Scriba travesde Instagram and Roos Steelers. This is posibly the ten Henry Raky flowers Sionado okay.
Yes, okay, as well see.
Tro community manager for man Amanda's Inmoventunda's uteria arturo con dark okay, where the flowers Pero Jomy Mahino Baltimore, terminal Partio total mantiles. It's like say, piece, how were does your gold piet tac leos golden days, no pulling contar told partio, yugor and tender and campacrosa manera is in l i k Atra perrol problematic seeing save flowers, Principio and quentro I yas in campo his song videoso if recru does he is having parace, then like I can answer passes the alsociate y you know it's a touchdown mean Claro Baltimore mass ex Plotola composition second p Cruz Panta Yes, always the people there Timana.
This says you look at Amos commental run respect as saf that words because he's Quita press al perimedro in a specifical looks Joey Porter Junior.
And then my cover for Carce and Argan or the roy supposition.
So Ponte Jackson, who are the practicara versa Espalda Suega, No I started all parto ca pas the gemini in a.
Trev Rice gar tepo, who are no El duels.
Type plantoted flowers or no huben Bartle problems an the piece for Latuezta Pittsford and no cargar nomandar um blitz and pour qu for Capin Savon quatral friend, then the and t poppero sefund in tas apresension and la secundariahal and I mean the amarcan the my tomlin Le compres a fraction the sun mas paraque high smith herbig Watt Smithy Compania jasin am pressional gobac to Carl says a segundi retamien, come on, come on. In factorial partio yaquita or profundia, the os and opposition, the ala vita port the petro safety thinking cars poorist the Los Angeles like we e for the puestoel.
Reno a scream guy and c why Baltimore colocals.
See then gone devil.
Yes, who are standard Baltimore bwa is Jima is saying spira yes in placa one the Vegas wex plosio seeing or fruit strand commed rores your prefer of the uh lamar Jackson and la jarda way metron touchdown and the defense of the Pittsford and the pas chicos jar da quarenta cone pass.
They touched down in the marcomosx.
Plosia convert punto the conversion for pas chicos Baltimore see lex flosi sa fruits a c or casespo gippoaly locally l bonbon.
Dulce, pasa paramason, premier passo.
They call keep plano in como, in como peper met rors caper caperte hints Norman Maria.
Salidas. You know the normal menti.
Yes in paria for himpro com mention seria hugas poko u yes can.
Passa alissa ramika screbo is do mainus personal kovak rivan k k hu star part what Alex Ki Smith pom as the present protag mismo e went twelve Paris can less statistic.
As it's a poor lissa.
It's a seo coming portante the picture stan cargando come and contain the percent tomnos and gonta previo you know Blitzberg, it's skeepo pernoso fundamenta in those causes to largo your legal quarter wag at the master wrong lemano mat tiempo e mucho mass Yeah that the d J the Alex High Smith se con be in factor see jeter largo minor cal Muccio Marno nomerodoskar a secondaria.
As your legal quarterback done high smit je t j W. That's the case.
In Azio por s you know run sacrificao Antonio. They saying this is defense who are or puntos and permitted the mucco per quanta hua who are and see.
No elite to the keep officas in playoffs a.
Propers Permitters podcast conversions that produence keep and Aliga Olga Ala Mark Jackson as a really I robs quip mask inter Cambus took water and taters and a partiamental local es part as conditions, capture Victar and este Partilo.
America know this.
Dan Ravid Alter marcom fields and who has the corto includes America Virgilio Ruana he used in filed the in cr commotitular stills in the Targo Diferente Sila Mobilia used in the Esperado po.
Ravens las speculamos.
See the prontoovaks then Troy Campo your cookue just in fields. The poquito presents as the partial ju that's what it says, andros Hua is a regional.
See is let's you know mira ard.
To joam runs to patios fields and cambo you know taut trava and tender.
The see know a simple quest and see what am being.
It's as such a tie in Qualkier Momento like Clavi is guando don del campo or guanto tempo and el paso they had adjusting for various hugalas.
In Parama in the Legion and.
Tramina Clavis don't and as a rohan and the for me if for tira oh pa.
That's what I mean is the record da.
Prepara guand the paracelsia effecto maximos indua and man the mota lavend the movi inquesta tragado is the juando on the that is play.
The permitted play action savand PC party went tomental la look at in corporal part it's the per paraogic one incluse the s a jose and fields realm.
Okay when you collativa.
L r p o Okay, who's the mental with castro gimbaros and instagram and know this can't but said yea a solution parace effectives and so roja partido and and percent those those pero prolematers on sufiician.
The para then like contis.
Alment no career. This is the recorders.
Milania the para alason then fe receiptorist Williams. Pacin's friar mooth Jefferson DNS receptor para pas balon tidra tiros and otar buka say spoontos. Then the unsaid repet fields parami like.
Coma and.
The campo pat are the tip of PTOs a cameo position and then dark guarante picos undos alida record ta yarda no a trent sinco attack lasona just occass repeats for proper me is tai it's a port attended, but me mira a trenta singco in plican the camp when the tre jarda this boss well, you're talking as down at sinco man not three pass is in opelo boswell.
Seeing saying you know that you're not to touchdown Madame cat in a.
Cerco's meio touchdowns there is a down touchdown three passes, I wan tell infanci.
Is not.
The gap increased confiamo.
Can scream on cantell you pender solo defence.
The pitch res vimero no comment rose out in the hes selection who much mass vertical iluego look at then that's pro The car passes as.
In then there.
No, they can't chris nodo percent bosn tonto the jar rank in fial so it's a ton ter formation real moving into the.
Don no no no no team says so selection hulas ruo jeed sweets.
Vertical vertical verticals pass cordogados alan alfarndi a carreo warrant a care coon naji logaga alta justin fields logaga alta.
It doesn't.
Bo sera receive you mucho petrus the topquitar limbed momentos el cuevo, qipm Baltimore cos official no vistos officials for part of the steelers for the raja portos and andces so it's part of lokey in cuentra on mass completely cala parapo, versayas andes. The partidos ke to the next response al campo the loke pas darle impactor to quipo aabor port supposed a cales animals rival portia parti.
Peroo is the approximo salvado and como.
This is a lemative and stadium porke juelo important parabos peopus principal mene para Pittsford quentas pies and post and.
Total men ever master Pittsford programatic mass cost In Pittsford, Baltimore and sar Tremendorano in like Careda Lamar Jackson guarentai in touchdowns for the area quad inters nistroistrano pre you know lem Paso as it is a momento Lamar Jackson coorses Campanaso, the playoffs, Amenable.
Peremos, i us the Remos, Proximo, Salado a last lad Or El Center Mexico also Leste M Pittsburgh Productice cons the group in mark and transmission in ports, Posto and plataformacital Stills Conspanol like Previo, the gosamous Parus Socialist, Rolo Steelers, the scar plication Quipo bus and send the telephonos positive moving I Boske Steelers, Carga as well as permitted, I mean asild Partido interactar just because as photographic e et cetera, includso perdido sort companion a, Quippo, I am Baltimore, Bolettos, Buelos Hotel Toreso it just goes as MASSI and star Metillos E connects Spetsburg Steelers, Espanol and Roba Loos.
Steelers ast of way, the podcast to look as were Sorelo Spatsburg Steelers and the podcast of cil the lots Spaceburg Steelers and not the subscribe a podcast Oficial. The Los Spaceburg Steelers had those two Commentarious and Robanos Steelers podcast conal Bara Martin, ar two of Carlos