Do you know what really grinds my gears when I go to the gym?
What I've noticed is, you know when you watch tennis, and you hear them grunt when they're playing? That is happening at the gym.
I don't know if it's just my gym. I don't know if this is also happening at your gym.
But can we please stop the grunting?
Is there a legitimate physiological reason for you to do that? I don't think there is, I've never felt the urge to grunt.
Are you dying? Why are you doing this?
It's off putting, it's inappropriate, and it's inconsiderate.
Have a thought for those people who are trying to work out around you and shut your mouth.
I mean, obviously breathe, that's quite important, but other than that, just shut up.
It's very off putting, very annoying.
It sounds like that barbell is getting more than a deadlift.
Sometimes I listen to it, and I think, oh my goodness, is there going to be a climax at some point?