An Auckland principal says teaching isn't a job, it's a service.
The Government's instructing schools to have Stepped Attendance Response plans by 2026.
It's also instructed them not to take teacher-only days in term time, unless authorised by the Minister.
May Road Primary School principal Lynda Stuart told Ryan Bridge that it’s a complex situation because she knows that in her school, teachers are basically just limping towards the end of the term.
She says that teachers need time in the holidays to recuperate before they’re back in their classrooms preparing for next term, and they don't have as long of holidays as some people think.
The school strike for climate has happening today, the last day of term. David Seen was on a warpath about it. He says kids should be in school learning, protest in the holidays. I next Monday, he reckons, same goes for teacher only days during term breaks. Only please, this is part of a plan to turn around the awful attendance record. Linda Stewart is the Main Road Primary principle in west Auckland. She's with us this morning.
Linda, Good morning Maunna Ryan.
What's wrong with a teacher only day being just in the breaks?
Well, I think there's an interesting, sort of in complex situation here because I know in our school that our teachers are basically limping towards the end of the term. It's been a really hard term. We've had a lot of teacher illness. But apart from that, it's our teachers are working really really hard in a situation where overall the underresourced for the sorts of needs that we have in our schools, and so it's been a rare, really hard term. So I would expect that they need some time to recuperate, then they are back in their classrooms preparing for next term. So our teachers don't have long holidays as some people would think.
I have how long I'm here just so weak? How long? Because it's twelve to thirteen weeks off, how many of those would be full days of work?
I would think that most of our teachers are back in school and working hard for probably if you think about the annual leave that people take during a year, I would think that our teachers are either on professional development or in their classrooms preparing teachers. Actually it's not a job, Brian, it's a service that we do.
I'm just wondering how much.
Not actually well understood.
But we'll tell us twelve to thirteen weeks off, how many weeks doing full time work.
I think it would look very different in different places. And I think it's a hard question.
For me enough, and it's different for everybody, Linda, But can you not see the point that there is room for teacher only days to take place in the breaks without disrupting parents. Surely you want your students to have as little disruption as possible.
One of the things that happens, Ryan, is that that already happens. There are already staff only days in the doom breaks, but the teacher only days are often teacher only days that are given to us by the Ministry of Education, and then we make up. We have to do a certain amount of days per year, and we make up any days that we take that are over and above that we make up. So I think there's a real atmating standard.
How how long can we just be honest? Do teachers get more annually or more time off them than we get? You know, we get four weeks sore at my school or a couple of weeks, whatever it is. Teachers get more than that, don't they.
It's very interesting, Ryan, because if that was the true case of teaching and learning in this country, you would have cues of people who are lining up to be teachers. At the moment, we can't get teachers in our classrooms. We can't get relievers in our classroom. So if that was the reality of a teacher's life, we would see a very different scenario. And I think that's the issue that we've got at the moment. There's a real lack of understanding from some of our politicians and certainly from some of our journalists around the reality for a teacher. I ask you to come into our school and see what our teachers do, and then say that our teachers don't deserve Monday and Tuesday of this week of next week to actually recuperate from some of the ween doing.
Linda, thank you very much for your time this morning. Linda Stuart the May Road Primary Principle in west Auckland. For more from News Talk sed B, listen live on air or online, and keep our shows with you wherever you go with our podcasts on iHeartRadio