After a first season filled with iconic guests and incredible conversations, Dua Lipa is (almost) ready to welcome you back into her podcasting world with the second season of Dua Lipa: At Your Service. Stay tuned for next week's premiere, with subsequent episodes arriving every Friday thereafter.
Hey, I'm do aliber and I'm thrilled to be back for the second season of my podcast, do aliber at your service. I've been hard at work getting ready for you all summer long, so please tune in and join me on this very special adventure alongside me and my guests, lists and recommendations. The show features conversations with some of my biggest inspirations, working across entertainment, politics, activism and much, much more. For Season One, I was joined by icons like seals and John Megan, the stallion, Riz armored and Russell brand. My job is to be of service. In this moment, can I say things to this human being? It's just a human being like me that was born and he's going to die. That will make her more able to navigate the challenges that doubtlessly lie ahead and the challenges that she is dealing with now. And if you like the sound of that, just wait for what we have in store for you with season two. Listen to do aliber at your service on the I heart radio APP, apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.