It's in the room with us.
Dream Sequence is a production of iHeart Podcasts, Blumhouse Television, and realm oh idea.
When I said I didn't know what Stabber's wife was talking about when she said, listen to the tapes.
I kept them for seven years. I have to do something. What face the fire?
Mom? Check out? What ce he got me? What do you think you're being recorded?
I think I'm really happy to have you both home again.
I'm going to press stop, rewind and play. Does the tape actually make that like squiggly Salmary? That's working? Not squiggly? Though? How long are you here for?
I don't know yet.
This is like the return of the prodigal You went out to the big city god flees by scam artist, lost your quote unquote fortune, and came crawling back to Mom and dad. Oh so sad? Pathetic, one might say, not me, though, I'm very understanding.
That's not exactly humiliating might.
Be another word. Someone would say, again, not me though, very understanding. Stay as long as you need to get back on your feet.
Are you done?
Yeah, I'm done.
I am going to hug you. Then let me get settled and we'll talk right after. I wouldn't have gotten this for you if I knew you're going to be recording non stop.
Hey, I took a thirty minute break. Just be glad. I like it so much.
Dad actually got off his ass and cleaned out the garage.
He hired some kids. He started drinking occasionally. Is it fun drinking or depressed genius drinking? Do you remember Morgan? Morgan? I love Morgan.
We're partners? Now? What business? Partners?
Oh? That makes more sense? Are you dating?
All? Not my You're saying you've never been on a date. Oh my god, shouldn't you do it just to know what it's like. Spare one evening.
I don't have one evening to spare.
What are you doing right now? What do you mean?
What am I doing right? I'm catching up with my sister, who I haven't seen in a very long time. Would you rather be on a date of Applebee's with some egomaniac insurance salesman?
Damn, you're negative.
I'm trying to cure Alzheimer's.
What Morgan's mom has that?
Oh? I didn't know. But why do you have to do it?
Because I can? And if I don't, Morgan's going to have it too. That's a lot of pressure to put on yourself. I also don't want some mediocre hack who isn't even born yet to swoop in at the last second, after I've done all the hard work and take credit for my achievement.
If it happens, it happens. You have to live your life in the meantime. You don't need to work every day.
Everyone always says they're gonna follow their dreams tomorrow.
Not me.
For me, it's now, it's always now.
All right now, got it?
I just don't want to see you lose yourself.
Lose myself. I found myself.
So you're saying you don't want to hear about my date last week?
No, no, no, I do. I want to know what's going on with you? Was it a good date?
Dinner in a movie? Standard issue?
Where'd you go?
Since when can you cook?
Is it actually good?
I didn't say that. You just didn't set off the spoke detector.
I think the batteries are good.
So d what's next?
I'm meeting with Harlan Kingship tomorrow.
This has got to be easy way to raise money.
You'd think so, but no one understands what Morgan and I are working on the People don't like investing in things that confuse.
What does it do?
This thing you built and maps the human brain. Eventually we'll be able to see any neural dysfunction in real time.
You'll be able to hear diseases eventually. Yeah, aren't people already mapping the human brain?
We leapfrog them all in a year.
How do you do that?
By being smarter?
Remember when you're thirteen, you said if you ever got rich, you'd buy me a boat.
You promised me a Mercedes. Let me get rich first, and then we can all talk.
Is that right?
Can I commend.
Ire? Do you know what you're going to say so you can skip the whole thing? No?
I think we'll talk.
Really not necessary? One hour talk mom, please?
Two two hours?
Okay, let's talk.
That's what's going on.
There's a competition at school to write the best comedy piece. In my essay won first prize, the one about Mittie's funeral.
That's amazing, But didn't you tell us.
It doesn't really compare to mapping the human brain, does it?
All Right, I'm gonna tell you something and you can't ever repeat it? Is that record around?
Sorry? I keep forgetting to turn it off.
How long does it take you to write?
Like two weeks? It's so funny. Dad wants me to get a degree in accounting. Told him I'm not cut out for that. He told me to stick out my finger and tap the table. And if I can do that, then I can push buttons on a calculator.
Don't let him drag you down.
He doesn't get it. He doesn't get me. Make him. If only it were that easy. What was that? He's fine?
You were screaming in your sleep.
That's it.
You need to wear your mask. I'm not gonna watch you die in your goddamn so.
What was your nightmare?
I'm not wearing stupid mask.
Maybe I want to sleep too, Mary. If it's not the snary, it's the screaming.
Now, what was your nightmare.
That I'll sleep on the cow?
What was your fucking nightmare?
I was being choked because your air passage is closed because you don't do anything about the apnea.
What a shutou?
What is it? I'm just worried about Dad's abnia. Not gonna be really serious.
Come on, that is not what I saw on your face. What's going on?
That's nothing? How many days. Have you had nightmares now? Three on a scale of one to ten. How ofvid.
Prior to three days ago? How often did you have nightmares?
Almost never?
Prior to three days ago? How many times did you have nightmares? That's scored a nine on the scale of the fitness Never?
Are you your sister's recorder?
I bought it for her. It's basically mine. Otherwise? How are you sleeping?
Yeah, I don't know. I'm getting an hour or two enough to function.
Do you see the shadow every night? Uh?
Sort of?
What do you mean by sort of?
I don't know it.
It takes on different shapes.
Yeah, I'll be fine. I've had sleeping problems before.
Nightmares have been associated with depression, anxiety, heart disease, cancer.
I just want you to be healthy. How are you sleeping?
Fine? As long as your dad doesn't wake me up.
Are you still taking UNTI anxiety bills? Yes? Are you still experiencing anxiety?
Your dad not sleeping is stressful, plus with him not wearing his seatpat mask and wake up some time just to make sure he's breathing. I can see the wheels spinning in your head.
I'm just worried. About Dad. I mean, if you don't see a doctor. He has his reasons. You know that they're irrational.
How would you feel if Kay died because of a misdiagnosis followed by an unnecessary surgery.
I wouldn't swear off doctors.
Remember what you did to that kid on our street who made fun of Kay?
No, yes, he do.
I really don't.
You convinced him he had a brain tumor and that he'd die within the week. What I thought you'd.
Remember something like that? Yeah, well, here we are.
What would you do if what happened to Uncle John happened to Kay?
I'd burn that hospitals to the ground.
Does that seem rational to you?
Don't judge your father so harshly.
How are you sleeping?
What the hell are you doing? Why are you asking us a bunch of questions about sleep?
I'm trying to make sure Dad's okay, and his problem is sleep. So I asked questions about sleep.
Mom, and I aren't experiencing sleep problems.
I'm isolating variables. Since I haven't been here, I don't know what's going on in the house. Have you been having nightmares at all?
Tell me how you feel.
I feel like shit.
Did you have any nightmares? Hi?
Yeah, you can barely talk?
Hat laid down.
I dreamt about it too.
On a scale of one to ten, how vivid was it?
As vivid as you standing right in front of me?
It was the worst sleep I've ever had?
But did you have nightmares?
No? Good? So feel good.
I'm sure it'll pass in a few days.
We were all fine before you started cooking for us.
What's that phase for?
It was a joke?
Okay, I.
Don't want to see this.
You need to.
Wake or?
Are they sleep neither? Ghost? I feel like what they look like?
How much did you sleep last night?
Maybe forty five minutes?
I feel like I'm going to die.
Don't say that. If you say it, you'll think it.
No, they can't get up, No, seriously, I can't get up. Don't really lift me. I need to stay down.
It's gonna be okay.
You're resorting empty nothings. Must be worse than I thought. I feel so sick. I want to die.
Subject for has slept around forty five to ninety minutes a night for four nights now, scattered Still no dreams about the shadow?
Are you saying I don't understand what you're saying.
Nothing, okay, I'm just trying to understand what's happening. Don't listen, just just stay down. Subject for is experiencing fatigue, exhaustion, micro sleep has increased each of the last four days.
What the fuck are you saying?
Subject for hidened attention and irritability.
Isn't that wrong with us?
Subject Too's eyes are closed? He has started hallucinating.
Who are you?
It's me, Dad, your daughter? I have a daughter. You have two. Subject too has severe memory impairment. Subject three displaying flu like symptoms. D currently lucid D. I don't feel well. Do you see anything in the room here with us? No? Subject three not displaying signs of hallucination. Do you need to go to the hospital? No?
And your father does shit?
I know, Dad, Dad? Dad? Do you need to get out of bed? Oh, we're not going to the hospital.
John says, you're lying to me.
Uncle John's dead.
That's what I thought too, But he's right there in the corner.
I'm going to put your arm around. You need to get up. It's for your own good.
You're hurting me, Dad, I'm binding it's for your own good.
Do DoD God, you kill my brother.
Subject on me, Sadie Craft, I'm now averaging two hours of sleep to night, and every night for the last five nights, I've seen the shadow and what it's doing to my family and their sleep, choking my father and squeezing my mother's heart. I suspect when I fall asleep tonight, I'll dream of doctor Fuller, the man my father holds responsible for the death of his brother, my uncle John. I'm possibly experiencing delusions. My family and I are hitting our physical and mental limits. I'm going to wait for my dad to fall asleep, and then I'm taking the whole family to the hospital tomorrow. I fell asleep suddenly last night. It is now May eighteenth, two pm, two pm. I must have suffered twelve hours. Mom that.
Okay, okay, okay, I'm fine.
I actually slept. Did Mom and Dad sleep too, Sadie? Now, don't.
You're right?
As a neuroscientist, are you allowed to prescribe medication.
One day with the right job? Yes?
Why a detective came over here today, his cards on the table there, He left it in case I had a reason to call.
What did he want?
You have no idea what he wanted. No, he came here after speaking to the coroner. The coroner told him that mom and Dad died of heart attacks. He said the heart attacks were likely caused by underlying conditions, but that might not have happened if their bodies weren't weakened by several days without sleep, which seems to have been a result of certain drugs in their systems which they weren't prescribed, sodium occipate and novoxen. He asked me, if I had an explanation for that.
What did you tell him?
That'll get you in trouble. I know how this looks. Oh my god, I knew what I was doing.
You drugged us. I had to. What do you mean you had to?
No doctor would prescribe them, and I knew you wouldn't listen to me if I told you what I was doing.
How can you stand there and act like you did the right thing?
Because I did. I know it didn't work, but it was the only way to give them a chance. Give them a chance, Yes, give them a chance. I promise you those drugs didn't kill them. How can you possibly say that for sure? Because I'm fucking sure you think I would ever.
Do anything to hurt you or Mom or Dad. I think you played god and it didn't work. And now you're doubling down because you can't admit you're wrong.
Okay, I get how you feel, but I need you to trust me right now.
You know, Mom told me something a few days before she died. She asked me never to repeat it, but I guess it doesn't matter now. I was depressed about them not caring about my essay and you being the favorite, and she was trying to make me feel better. And she told me that she used to be afraid of you because when you were a baby, you wouldn't smile and you wouldn't laugh. She didn't know if you really loved them or if you could. And I said that you were a little callous, but you had a good heart. Oh why she was right the first time.
You're sociopaths. I don't feel safe around you. I I understand why you're upset, but I just lost my parents too.
You should leave.
What do you mean?
You should go back to Boston? Okay, come on, leave or I'm calling that number on the car.
You're not being serious, I am, and take this fucking thing with you, How do you feel.
Like a total bitch.
You're listening to? Dream Sequence? Written and created by Andrew Martin Robinson, directed by Dave Beasley.
And John Brooks.
Executive producers are Molly Barton, John Brooks, Dave Beasley and Marcy Wiseman for realm Alex Williams, Matt Frederick and Trevor Young for iHeart Podcasts, Chris Dicky and Noah Feinberg for Blumhouse Television, starring Jesse Case and Alice Kremelberg, with performances by Shalini, Bethina Einer, Gunn, Nick Osborne, Winifred, Anne Concannon, Tara Brown, Emily Barry, Linnelle Scott, Shannon McClung, Dave Huber, Hugo Armstrong, Cooper, Tomilson, Joel Haberley, samaj Miller, Dean Simone, and Brian Finney. Additional voices by Patrick Higney, Fred Greenhoalg John Brooks, Christina Teleska, and Kaylin West. Casting by Sunday Bowling, Kennedy CSA and Meg Mormon CSA. Producers for realm are Fred Greenholge, Marcus Thorne, Magala and Rhoda Bayessa Associate producer Michael Colter, Production Manager, Devin Shepherd, Production Coordinator Angela Yee. Dialogue editing by Corey Barton, sound as by rory o'shay Dan Powell and Kaylan West. Final mix by Kaylan West. Original score composed by Marcus Thorne Pagala Songs for Josie by Kaylan West. Recorded at Real Voice Los Angeles and Citybox, New York City. This podcast was recorded under a SAG after collective bargaining agreement. Dream Sequence is a production of iHeart Podcasts, Blumhouse Television, and Realm. Find more great podcasts by visiting the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite show.