Episode 5

Published Aug 26, 2024, 4:05 AM

I need you both to listen to me very carefully and do exactly what I say.




Dream Sequence is a production of iHeart Podcasts, Blumhouse Television, and Realm.

I started dreaming about Manifold again. What do you mean again? I never told you why I really came home seven years ago? Why did you? I? I want you to go to Brookdon What the fuck's in Brooklyn? Con kN What the fuck is CONN?

What exactly does the Conspiracy Convention have to do with dream Sequence?

That's what I asked.

What does she say?

Pack your bags whatever? It's probably better than listening to nightmares all night. What's your road trip thing?

You want music? No music? You want to talk? Or should I just drive and shut up? How can I make this trip as painless for you as possible?

It's your car, You're the one driving. Let's do your road trip thing.

I appreciate that. I want a talkie road trip. Then I want this to be like the road trip equivalent of a slumber party, pillow fight. Honesty and conversation. It's my favorite thing. Tell me anything, talk about.

Whatever, you know what.

I think.

We're gonna have a fun trip.

Just arrived in Brockton. The hotel's about a mile away.

You know when a city gets fire bombed and there's all those sad photos of people taking tub baths on top of rubble.

For some reason, this city is not that. But it's a little too close.

That's so mean.

You're right, it was. I take it all back. I love Brockton. I want to move here.

Is that guy wearing a shirt saying the Earth is flat?

It's con con, baby. You gotta get your concon speared on. And up is down, black is white, people are lizards.

Earth being flat isn't a conspiracy theory, though, it's just dumb that one's provable and well documented.

Morgan, no offense, But if you think too hard about some of what you're about to hear, it's gouldn't be the very long weekend for you. I'm k Kraft, I'm here with Morgan Beck and Silky Johnny Lamb.

Is that your real name?

It is here?

How do you mean we.

Don't give out our real names here.

We're not stupid.

What are you afraid will happen?

Remember when we found out the government really was spying on us, we're surprised.

I was too young.

I remember it. I was surprised.

You know who wasn't people who go to Conkong. There was a guy here had been talking about it for years. His name is Marin Wade. Guess where he is now? Where No one knows? He should have used an alias. Don't you think lots of history started his conspiracy? Tuskeygee, Iran Contra. It's kind of scary to think about, isn't it?

What not?

Everyone here is.

Mister raper White.

It's mister rapier Wit. Did they misspell it?

Someone played a prank on you?

That's not funny.

Let me fix your name, Tack.

Thank you.

It brings you to concon.

The nanobots that are giving us all cancer.

That's why people have cancer. Nanobots.

It's obvious if you think about it.

So I just thought about it, and it still doesn't seem obvious to me.

Do you have cancer?

No, because I take a whole medicine designed by me to cleanse the body of the nanobots one hundred dollars a bottle. If you're interested in Matt dang it painful death, the bots come out and your pee no, thank you?

Well, I think we can classify mister rapier Wit as one of the wrong ones.

Have you noticed we're just about the only two women here. Yeah, why do.

You think that is crazy. Shit is kind of more of a guy thing.

Welcome to concon. My name is Dellahan. Not really, but you know what I mean. I'm here to talk about the events of May seventeen, seven years ago. Does that date mean anything to anybody? Yes, you in the back.

My daughter died that night, she was thirteen.

Thank you for sharing anyone else? Yeah, my brother had a nightmare so traumatic he never fully recovered. Thank you. I lost my wife that day. What happened that night? How come some people were attacked in their sleep and some people slept fine? Why did some people die and some didn't. I'm not here to give you answers to those questions because I don't have them. I wish I did. All I can tell you is something happened, something strange and for some fatal.

And this is Morgan. She's an engineer on the team i'm documenting.

So this is for your podcast.

No, I'm not working on that at the moment. I'm working on this new thing and I'm not entirely sure what it's going to be yet, and it might not even be public for another decade.

And it doesn't matter. I still like the attention.

What do you do I mean, like, besides con.

Con, I'm a librarian by day and a crazy newspaper clippings and strings around the room guy by night.

Cool. So May seventeenth, your wife died.

Her official cause of death was a heart attack. She was twenty five, she was healthy, she had no pre existing conditions. The doctors couldn't give me anything close to an explanation. I joined a grief support group where I met a widow. Her husband also died in a sleep from a mysterious heart attack on the same night. I started looking into it further, found even more similar stories, and now here I am at concon.

Let's say we're trying to classify conspiracies. In one sentence, what do you.

Believe something's alive in our dreams?

Bold claim? Not the first time I've heard it.

I didn't come into the concon phase of my life quietly.

What's the something?

What is it? I can't tell you what it is. All I can tell you is what it does. It can give you vivid nightmares that stay with you in the daytime, where you start to crumble mentally because your dreams are so real, there's no difference between them and reality. That's one thing it can do to you. There have been a lot of suicides by people who claim to see this figure in their dreams. I think for some people it possesses them. I mean possessed as a charged word. But when you go to sleep, you lose control of your body, and this thing can make people do and say things that they just wouldn't do.

That's just a neurological disorder. The reason we don't move in our sleep is at the ponds and medulla are sending signals to our muscles, telling them to relax. If those signals aren't sent, we act out our dreams.

But what if there was something that could cause that neurological disorder? And how do you know so much about sleep?

I thought you're an engineer, an engineer specializing and equipment related to sleep disorders.

What else?

Obviously it can kill you.

I'm sorry, I just don't believe that.

Well, maybe you would if you'd been through it. I'd been through.

My parents died that night. I have grief credentials too, if that's what you mean.

Wait, your parents died that night, not.

Because of some entity in their sleep.

Do you know that? Yes, were you there when it happened? Yes, a moment of death. No, And how do you know.

Because of the coroner's report that did not list cause of death as mysterious entity?

But how well do you really remember the whole thing?

Not well?

Because my sister drugged me and my parents until we were all losing our minds.

So do emoxy bate nevoxen. How'd you know that she's trying to save you from it?

You can't play god with people's lives just because you're the smartest person in the room.

Two out of three of us dying kind of proves my points.

A lot happened that night sounds to me like your sister was ahead of it.

Can you understand why I'm anoyed right now?

Can you keep a secret? Who the fuck of these guys?


Give them your gunkin names?

Moreanism, the Morganism, Rip Fan Single, and this gentleman is stabber.

Don't worry, he assured me his nickname was not based on any past grind I said, it wasn't based on any past conviction.

That is a very important and distressing distinction.

Just don't stab anybody, all right? Everyone here is cool. We're all cool. Morganism and Rip Van Single are sleep experts. They'll know more than I do. Tell them what you told me there, Ci, it's your ass. My wife was having these nightmares and she was talking about a forest, and then she fell asleep and I haven't been able to wake her up two days.

Have you taken her to a hospital now?

Because she said if something like this happened, fine, ulla hand.

Do you mind if I checking pulse? Does your wife exercise regularly?

Does she look like she does?

Her resting heartbeat is below sixty Lifting eyelids in rem likely dreaming. People's aren't dilated, indicating no presence of drugs. No response to external auditory stimuli. Giving a pinch now a hard pinch, a very hard pinch, no response to pain stimuli. This is in a deep sleep. It's a coma.

So what do I do?

The fuck?

Has she been talking?

Nah? What does she say?

My name? He didn't say rit Vance, my real name.

She might just be saying the letter or trying to say okay.

Oh really. This is the part where you get skeptical.

People in comas don't speak, But you said it. I know what I said. It's not a deep sleep. It must not be a coma either.

Then what is it?

I don't know.

Argon all right, this is getting a little too creepy for my daste.

She shouldn't know where in the room. She didn't respond to any stimuli to day.

What is she talking about?

I don't know. Your mother's forgotten you, and she won't remember you again.

I think we should leave, did Sadie?

Will you up to this?

I didn't know that guy before today? You think I want to spend any more time with a guy named Stabber than I need to.

He couldn't fake this?

What then?

I don't know.

I'm getting a fucking drink, surprised of sitting next to me, not offended.

If you don't want to pay it, record away. What's your name? Roach?

Of all the names, everyone else picks school name, so I picked a gross one.

I respect that. Do you have a podcast, don't we all? I'm thinking of the one that blew up a few months ago.

It has scrabble and then you have to tell a story about your life that revolves around the word you play.

And if you're scoring, the round is worse. You have to take sip. You're thinking of Gwen Gibbs.

You're not Gwen Gabbs.

I was Queen.

Gibbs before Gwen Gibbs. Was Gwen Gibbs that scrabble show you're talking about. I did it three years before she did. Long story, whatever doesn't matter. Luckily, I'm working on bigger things than a scrabble show now.

So what brings you here?

My sister? Where's your sister? Are you a reporter or something?



Are you from Knicks Tech? What?


I just saw a girl alone and thought we could enjoy a drink and have a nice.

Normal chat.

You can't. You're certainly making it.

Difficult, but I think we can get past that.

You're in my seat, all right, I'm going.

Damn. Didn't know you had that in you.

You would have done the same for me.

Yeah, but in more of a beta way.

Did you know my mother has Alzheimer's?

Sadie told me years ago.

She Sadie promised me she'd cure it. That's why we started our business. She's being honest. At the time, I don't doubt that. After your parents died, she told me we needed to change our focus to sleep disorders. She told me this was where the greatest good was. I felt like she was doing me to end up like my mother. Hey, there you are, and need you both listen.

To me very carefully and do exactly what I say. Excuse me, get off the stool and follow me to the parking lot. I'm not being a creep. Distress me. Let's go.

What was that?

I'll tell you when the parking lot, come on?

What the hell was that?

After you two left, I went back in the stabbers's room and mid sentence, his eyes closed and he just fell down asleep, just like that. And then he said, you better run. George that's my real name. Someone saw me leave his room too. You didn't do anything, I know, but it's fucking con con People saw you with me earlier too. I think it is best if we all just get out of here.

Fine with me? This town is truly a shithole.

Year take this. It has all my research, Red fan single, it was a pleasure. And let me be straight up with you. I think you're very attractive. I think you're very smart. I want to know more about you. This isn't a sex thing.

Are you fucking serious right now? Yeah?

Yeah, yeah, you're right. Let's get going. Hello.

Your wife must have been a lovely person. She was, she really was. You went through all of it.

Yeah, I lied to you when I said I didn't know what Stabber's wife was talking about when she said, listen to the tapes.

I've kept them for seven years. I have to do something. What face the fire?


Check out? What said? He got me? What do you think you're being recorded? I think I'm really happy to have you both home again.

You're listening to dream sequence written and created by Andrew Martin Robinson, directed by Dave Beasley and John Brooks. Executive producers are Molly Barton, John Brooks, Dave Beasley and Marcy Wiseman for realm Alex Williams, Matt Frederick and Trevor Young for iHeart Podcasts, Chris Dicky and Noah Feinberg for Blumhouse Television, Starring Jesse Case and Alice Kremelberg, with performances by Shalinie Bethina Einer, Gunn, Nick Osborne, Winifred, Anne Kincannon, Tara Brown, Emily Barry, Linnelle Scott, Shannon mclung, Dave Huber, Hugo Armstrong, Cooper, Tomilson, Joel Haberley, samaj Miller, Dean Simone and Brian Finney. Additional voices by Patrick Higney, Fred greenhalg John Brooks, Christina Telesca, and Kaylan West. Casting by Sunday Bowling, Kennedy CSA and Meg Mormon CSA.

Producers for a.

Realm are Fred Greenholge, Marcus Thorne, Magala and Rhoda bay Essa. Associate producer Michael Colter, Production manager Devin Sheppard, Production coordinator Angela Yee. Dialogue editing by Corey Barton, Sound design by roy O'Shea, Dan Powell and Kaylan West. Final mixed by Kaylan West. Original score composed by Marcus Thorn Bagala, Songs for Josie by Kaylan West. Recorded at Real Voice Los Angeles and Citybox, New York City. This podcast was recorded under a SAG after collective bargaining agreement. Dream Sequence is a production of iHeart Podcasts, Blumhoe, d Television, and Realm. Find more great podcasts by visiting the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite show.

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Dream Sequence

When down-on-her-luck Kay Craft gets a call from her estranged genius sister Sadie inviting her to d 
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