I’ve seen you. I’ve seen all of you.
Dream Sequence is a production of iHeart Podcasts, Blumhouse Television, and Realm Jersey.
You gotta go right now, Come with.
Me, Dad.
What do we do?
I don't know.
I remember now I was there. How do you feel pretty fucking great? Six days and no nightmares?
I'm very happy to hear that. And the dark figure that you named manifold, you said you know what it is.
Manifold is my father, burned black. That's what I've been seeing this whole time in my night and I didn't know it.
Do you buy that?
I do. How do you explain Manifold being heard in every test subject's nightmares if it was Josie's dad the whole time?
The other subjects aren't seeing Josie's dad, They're seeing a shadowy, dark figure, an embodiment of nictophobia fear of the dark, arguably the most primal fear of all.
Has Sadie talked to you about what she thinks manifold is?
Your sister is undoubtedly a genius, But sometimes geniuses can be too smart for their own good or too cocky. In your sister's case, I think she's desperate to discover something new, so she sees new things everywhere.
But it still doesn't explain the recurrence across multiple subjects.
I do recommend talking to Diego about that.
I'll explain one time in the dumbest and fastest language I can, and then you.
Have to leave. Fair enough, Sadie cracked the human connect on.
Morgan invented way to record minute details of brain activity, and I turned that activity into a language named Vauxalon. Then I invented a way to translate vaux Salon into computer code, then another translator to turn that code into audio.
All this put together is what we call the maronaut.
I think I mostly got that.
When I talk to you, I try to pretend you're my nephew.
Six straight a's yes, okay, So what's the.
Grow There are nuances lost.
What people are actually hearing in their dreams may differ slightly because the languages and translators haven't been refined to the point of perfection yet.
So the subjects may be hearing different growls, but because of imperfections in the system, they all sound the same to us.
It's especially true of abstract sounds. Have I answered your question sufficiently?
Yes? Oh? Yeah?
Sorry? Can I get your opinion on Manifold. I don't believe in it at all.
I mean, look Sadie's under a lot of pressure, and that's not even factoring in the pressure she puts on herself. Not to mention that, you know how much scotch? Does she drink a bottle a day? Minimum?
Did you say a day?
The small bottle?
How small?
Kind of big daily? She doesn't sleep much, so it's.
A long day.
Why are you defending her despite.
The drinking and some of her personal theories. I do think what we're doing here is important. I think we can really help people, and she's gotten us this far.
Someone needs to talk to her.
You think I have it? You should listen to more of the rough tapes.
Do you ever question it? What you believe?
I know what I know?
Night mess have many different origins.
I take it this is a new one for you.
Yeah it is.
Do you believe me?
You will?
What do you mean by that?
It's not gonna stop with me.
I'm not unlucky. I'm just early.
Early to what.
You don't get anything I'm saying, do you?
I think you're being intentionally obfuscating. I feel like you're afraid of what you believe to be true. So you're finding it difficult to say at lot.
I know it's real.
If you knew it was real too, you'd sound.
Just like me.
I suppose I would.
I've seen you, I've seen all of you. I'm not alone. This isn't just some crazy theory I made up. Tellahan says it's just too much for people to believe.
Who's da Laha?
He knows about the dreamstalker.
There is no dreams talker, Miss Roft. We need to talk about your past.
If just full exists, it always has. I'm not crazy and no one is listening. I also don't think we ever landed.
On the moon. Wow, I did not see that last part coming. She actually had me going.
Missus Roft was quite confident in her beliefs.
So it is just a fall on the system. It's weird. I knew Metafold being an organism was crazy, but it's part of me wanted to believe it.
Perhaps you should tell Sadie so maybe it would get her to come out of her office.
She used to do this when we were kids all the time, whenever she thought she was doing something important. I'll get her out.
Would you like to make her wager.
Sadie, are you seriously just going to lock yourself in your room like a teenager again? Sadie, open the door. Everyone here is talking about how wrong you are. You owe me one hundred dollars.
I can't help, but notice you're coming back alone.
Let's change the subject. How's my girl doing?
Very well? She hasn't had a nightmare for six days. After seven, we will consider her, for lack of a better term, cured. For now, at least, we will have done everything we could.
Well, it sounds like you identified the primal motion and the fear catalyst, and then you reconcile those sons of bitches and cured Josie, just like you said you would. Congratulations, thank you.
But it's not over yet. One more night.
It's crazy.
I literally thought Mannifold was this supernatural thing haunting me, And now that I know what it is, I'm not scared anymore. One more night and I get.
My life back. I'm so happy for you, but selfishly, I wish your nightmares has haunted you forever so you can leave.
I haven't left yet.
And besides, as the kids say, k T k T, wait, what does that mean?
Keep in touch?
I hope you'll leave your office and listen with us. If Josie doesn't have a nightmare tonight, that's seven days and she's gonna go back home. You should be here for this. Are you okay? All right, Sadie? Feel better? We're moving forward.
I'm tense.
Anyone else tense to the opposite since your sister locked herself away.
Be nice, Diego, don't pretend like you haven't loved being in charge.
Josie transitioning from Beta waves to delta.
You're not nervous at all.
I grew up in Sweden. It's not blood in these veins, it's ice.
Whoa no joke. You sounded so cool right there.
I'm kidding. I'm very nervous.
Back to end two. Start up the Marianat.
You're the one who starts up the maranont Oh right, shit, I don't.
I can't take this, Okay, Please calm down. It's gonna be fine, Diego. Can you pull up the auditory cortex please? Seventy five pm.
I'm good, all.
Right, Thanks so much.
I'm so happy to be here.
This is my first.
Ever live show, and I don't want to bore.
You at too much talk.
My name is Josie Holland, and I'm just gonna start.
You are my life.
Guided me on the way.
You can't be safe grounded a facing darkness alone.
But how could I guess how this song we go.
Remember how these changes all the way line?
Maybe just another day and me?
But do you grant away things.
We did it? Oh my god, this is definitely not like Oh.
My god, her voice is so pretty? Are there dream copyright laws? Can you give her this recording and she can get it on the radio because that was a bangs not over yet.
No premature celebrations, but of Sady Hayes.
Are you drunk?
Oh my god, Sadie, go back to bed.
Catch me up, Catch me up.
Josie's not having a nightmare. She may have a relapsed, or she might be cured forever. Only time will tell me. But I think we've done everything we can't do for her.
She's not cured.
How would you know? You haven't even been here this week.
You're not the slightest clue what we've gone through to get here. I wasn't here this week. I've been here for seven years. You're the one who just got here and don't forget it.
Josie's shown no fear response in the amygdala.
I wish you were here, but Morgan, please leave, excuse me leave?
Why what did I do?
You didn't do anything? Can you get out of the room now?
Diego pull up Josie Dream number fifty six.
Got it?
Play it into the speakers in Josie's room.
Dream number fifty six.
That's the static, Yes it is, Diego, pump it into her room.
What are you doing?
Diego? Do it now?
M Sadie.
You don't know how to move the cursor over the little triangle and click.
Why do you want me to play the static in a room? After what happened to Morgan?
That's why I asked her to leave. The rest of us will be fine, including Josie.
Can we talk about this outside?
No we can't, but nice try. This is happening.
This will ruin my progress with a patient.
We've been over this. She's not your patient, she's mine. And what you're calling progress is an illusion. Manifold's hiding. We're going to flush it out.
You need to help.
Josie's only cured if Manifold is dead and Manifold is not dead. If we let her go, it will only get worse for her. This little concert dream, it's a trick, and you're all falling for it. I'm the only one here who knows how to save her. Diego play the.
Static, Sadie. You will regret this.
Diego play the fucking static. Don't do it, Diego. I thought I told you to shut up, Sadie.
We are trying to save you from yourself.
It's tiresome being so far ahead of everybody all the time.
Josie might be your patient, but she's my friend, and I cannot lay Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, I got it. Don't need another speech.
What's wrong?
You give a shit? Do you know where you'd be without me?
Dead? All right? I can see I've pissed everyone off. I'm sorry, Diego. You don't have to press play. I'll take care of this myself.
What are you doing?
CDI is she doing in Josie's room?
I don't know, KND have the volume for the room?
Feed her heart rates spiking ninety ppm?
What she whispering in her ear? I'm sorry, I can play a different song.
Let's ever she's whispering. It's terrifying. Josie on twenty two PPM.
That's not coming from Josie's stream, that's from her throat.
Fuck this, what's going on? Why'd you wake me up?
You did it, Josie, You guys did it. I just went to sleep.
I can't believe leaving me alone with these people.
I'd be so pissed if I were you. This has all been so strange.
Someday you'll know how strange it's been for me too. I hope. So sorry about your dad.
Yeah, it's weird to think my mind just hid the truth from me like that all this time. I just thought he left. I'll definitely be seeing a therapist when I get home.
It's not the same, but it took me a really long time to grieve my own parents' deaths. They still don't even think I fully have. Maybe it's not even possible. Just give it time and be patient with yourselves. That's all I'm saying. I didn't know. I'm sorry. No, I'm I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring it up to make it a thing about me. I only brought it up to say that I understand, and if you need to talk, please call. Maybe I'll call because I need it. How long ago? Did it happen seven years ago? Or well, it'll be seven years in a month the day. Actually, huh, what.
You mean like literally one month of the day, as in, it's April seventeenth today and your parents died on May seventeenth.
Yeah, is that bad?
Well, it's just a coincidence. It's the same day I had my first manifold dream.
It wasn't seven years ago, though, was it?
It was. You had your first manifold dream the exact night my parents died. Yeah? Am I wrong? Or does that seem weird?
No, it's weird.
I got your text. Can you shut the door? What's going on? You're scaring me?
Just sit down. When we had that incident with Josie.
There's no we you were the incident. Okay.
You may have been wondering why I locked myself in the room and why I've been drinking more, drinking more.
I've never seen you like this.
Yeah, I've been trying to cope with what my fear. I started dreaming about manifold again.
What do you mean again?
How do I spike it? At ninety ppm?
What you whispering in her ear?
Remember me manifold, you killed my parents, and every day of my life since then has been devoted of finding you, because no one fucks with my.
Family and laughs.
You're listening to dream Sequence written and created by Andrew Martin Robinson, directed by Dave Beasley and John Brooks. Executive producers are Molly Barton, John Brooks, Dave Beasley, and Marcy Wiseman for realm Alex Williams, Matt Frederick, Trevor Young for iHeart Podcasts, Chris Dicky and Noah Feinberg for Blumhouse Television, starring Jesse Case and Alice Kremelberg, with performances by Shalinie Bethina Einer, Gunn, Nick Osborne, Winifred, Anne Concannon, Tara Brown, Emily Barry, Linnelle Scott, Shannon McClung, Dave Huber, Hugo Armstrong, Cooper, Tomilson, Joel Haberley, Simaj Miller, Dean Simone, and Brian Finney. Additional voices by Patrick Higney, Fred greenhalg John Brooks, Christina Teleska, and Kaylan West. Casting by Sunday Bowling, Kennedy CSA and Meg Mormon CSA producers for realm Are Fred Greenhoalg Marcus Thorne Bagala, and Rhoda Bayessa. Associate producer Michael Colter, Production manager Devin Sheppard, Production coordinator Angela Yee. Dialogue editing by Corey Barton, Sound design by roy O'Shea, Dan Powell and Kaylan West. Final mix by Kaylan West. Original score composed by Marcus Thorne Bagala, Songs for Josie by Kaylan West. Recorded at Real Voice Los Angeles and Citybox, New York City. This podcast was recorded under a SAG after collective bargaining agreement.
Dream Sequence is a.
Production of iHeart Podcasts, Blumhouse Television and Realm. Find more great podcasts by visiting the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite show.