
Episode 2

Published Aug 5, 2024, 7:06 AM

The birth of a dream. Is there a more beautiful sound?






Dream Sequence is a production of iHeart Podcasts, Blumhouse Television, and Realm.

What do you remember of your dream last night?


A river?

Was there anything unique about the river?

So do we have to do this every time?


We do? Was there anything unique?

It was filled with blood? What else? There were pones?

And then I was somewhere else. There was a woman crying. I think it was my mom. There was a fire.

And then.

And then I saw it and I had this feeling like what like it wants something from me?

Transition back to end to beginning, activate, mayor not?

Mayor not on? Power stabilized at eighty five percent.

What am I listening to?

The brain is creating puzzle pieces to be put together during ram It's the birth of a dream. Is there are more beautiful sound?

How about the sound of your daughter's voice?

Would you judge me? If I said yes, then I shouldn't need as a question.

I'm answered, moving the rum, hook us up? Here we go, get down, turn it up?

What's going on? I'm going with them?

It's not on my ends?

Better than normal?

So everything's perfect. We built a five million dollar static machine. No, no one has anything to say, but I don't care who it was. I want it fixed.

Who Morgan?

Did you just throw up.

On my feet?

Morgan? Are you feeling better much?

Thanks for asking?

I was wondering if you had a minute to talk. I'd love for the listeners to get to know you better.

Oh, they don't care about me, Sadie's the one that always talks to people. I'm just someone who goes into work every day.

There's more to you than work. Not really, you have hobbies, right?

Does work count?




Hey, diego, is now a good time?

Good time for?


Did you get the note I left?


It said I was going to come by to ask you some questions about yourself or to let me know if there was a better time to chat.

I didn't get the note.

You did.

I just found it right here in the trash.

Can oh that?


I needed to work and you put it on my keyboard. It was in the trash before I knew what it was. Kind of your fault, really, Sadie.

Fuck off? Sorry, I didn't mean that.

Then can I come in and you can be the first person to actually let me interview them?

When I say I didn't mean that, what I meant is I didn't mean to phrase it that harshly. However, the general fuck off sentiment that I did mean sorry, I didn't mean that either. Just give me some time.

I'm trying, okay, but I'm getting really annoyed because you're trying looks an awful lot like you're not trying at all.

If I don't fix this problem, you'll have nothing to document anyway. Fixing this has to come first.

Hey, hey me, Yeah, who are you? I'm Sadie's sister. Is that what you want me to call you? Or do you have a name? I'm okay, Hey, I'm Josie. Are you just visiting Sadie.

Or kind of documenting the project?



Are you like super smart too?

You'd think so, but no, I guess there was not any smart love for me after Sadie was born.

What did you get instead?

Self awareness and credit card debt?

I can relate what brings you.

Here, well, desperation mostly. I've been having nightmares every night for years. When I tried therapy, I tried drugs and nothing's worked, So I figured why not give a super secret experimental treatment a try?


I mean, we'll see I've been sleeping under observation every night and talking to that Swedish guy. But I haven't gotten any better. They haven't even told me what they're doing. Honestly, I'm starting to wonder if they're doing anything at all.

I've run every possible test, I've checked every wire.

I've been on a bug hunt with Vaux alone for forty eight hours. Haven't found one.

That's gotta be something we're not thinking of, obviously, don't be an asshole.

What is your sister doing here exactly?

She's documenting dream sequence.

And the day after she gets here the Mayor Nott stops working.

You think she sabotaged it.

Maybe she wants to steal our work and sell it to Nextech.

Let me get this straight. My sister, who used to think the periodic table was about her menstrual cycle in one day under our noses, sabotage one of the most sophisticated machines ever invented, and she did it so ingeniously that it no longer works but still appears fully operational.

That's what you think, not necessarily, but I don't think that someone with like one failed podcast is the right person.

To share this with the world.

Diego be nice that was me being nice?

I love Kay, But why does she need to interview us?

Is that a big deal? What if people actually listen to this.

I don't want to be made fun of online.

What do you hate about my sister?

Nothing? But I do think it's questionable and ethically that you want me to discuss patient progress with her.

We paid our lawyer a lot of money to write their contracts so that they're not technically your patients. They know this. You know this.

A contract may say you one thing, but my heart says another.

Okay, diego. Kay is not a criminal mastermind. She's not vindictive, and she's not a hack. It just seems like she is to you because you're the least funny person in the world. Morgan, You're an amazing, accomplished woman. You can't be afraid of the internet. Anders. I respect your integrity up until the point where interferes with what I want. I'm sorry contracts supersede your heart. Now can we please fix the fucking machine?

So you've been here two months?

Two months?

Holy shit, I've lived in.

Worse What did you grow up in the Amityville House?

After my dad left me and my mom lived in Wakem Tower for a bit.

No way, were you there when it happened?


Uh, we got lucky.

My mom got a promotion and we moved out the night before the fire.

Whoa yeah.

So whenever I'm feeling sorry for myself because of this stream stuff or my voice or whatever, I just remember that kids my age died in that fire, like a lot of them.

What do you mean, what's wrong with your voice?


Just that I can't sing anymore?

Why not?

It's kind of a crazy story.

Well I got time tell me.


So when I was twenty one years old, I was studying to take the MCAT and in my free time back then, I used to sing and play guitar, and I loved it. The m Cat was to make my mom happy, and the singing was just for me. The night before the test, though, I got a phone call from this booker who had a last minute cancelation and wanted to know if I could play the gig, which would have been my first paying show, and I was so excited about it. But there was no way I could do that and still make the test.

Oh my god, what did you do? Well?

I'm not a doctor. Yes, you almost wanted to kill you.

But no, I'm not a doctor because I told the booker I couldn't make it, and then I failed the mcat anyway, shit, Yeah, And that night I had a dream that I was in this big, dark forest and I was running from something. I could hear people screaming, but I didn't know what was chasing me, but I knew that if it caught me, I was going to be screaming too. And I'm running so fast and I don't look where I'm going and I fall into this pit of black tar and all this tars going down my throat and I'm drowning, and right before I go under, something grabs my hand and it's the dark thing that was chasing me. But it says it wasn't trying to kill me. It was trying to save me, and it can wake me up if I want, and I know it's lying, but I'm like so so scared. I mean, I know this was just a dream, but I'm telling you, this fear was not like anything I had ever experienced before. And I say, okay, And then I woke up and my mom was standing over me, and she said I had been screaming for almost an hour and she couldn't wake me up. I screamed for so long I messed up my vocal cords, and now I can't sing anymore.

Jesus Christ, Josie.

And this dark thing that pulled me out. Now I dream about it every night, and the dreams are always different.

I'm in new.

Places, people move in and out, but it's always there, in one form or another.

I call it.

Manifold, and it's not chasing me anymore because it knows that I owe it, and if I don't give it what it wants, I'll find myself back in the forest with the fear, and nobody will be around to wake me up.

Talk got a minute.

I'm happy to be engaged within my domain.

The patients before Josie, what did they dream about?

They all had different preoccupations. Hectorymenez dreams of his teeth falling out, or his nails or his hair. John Brakes Dreamps are being trapped in a coffin or a room where the doors and windows would disappear and the walls would close in.

So you record them, right, right? Could I hear one?


Of course they're here on the sheared drive. I can find it. Just give me a sick. Sorry, that's not the right thing.

Wait what is that? Is that Sadie's dream?

No, that's a live recording. Sadie is training herself to lucid dream.

Can I hear the rest?

It's dimly lit. The document it's in front of me are written in English Times New Roman, font size twelve. I'm now pushing my hand into the documents and I'm hitting firm resistance from the wood table underneath. I'm moving my hand to touch the wood directly. It is smooth. It is now four h two am.


Let me find the right session.

Please don't be offended by this. But you don't have any idea what a shared drive is, do you?

I promise myself I wouldn't get old.

But no, no, no, look it's confusing. I can help you. You're in the local drive and this one here is the shared drive.

Ah, thank you. These are my files. This is Annabel Roft.

And it comes after me every night and it won't leave me alone. And I don't know what to do. When you said it, what are you referring to?

Going to laugh? I will not.

I call it the dream stalker. But you know it's stupid. It is not stupid. But you described multiple scenarios. Yes, snakes, paralysis, men with knights, they're all the dream stalker. They're all the same thing, or it's some other thing pretending to be those things so it can learn from me.

What is it trying to learn.

What scares me most?

This is one of her dreams, sir?

Oh, what's wrong? A little miss?

It's after me again?

What is a monster?

I don't know something.

I'm going to take care of you. I hunt monsters. Why don't you just take a seat, take.

A seat, give me a weapon or something.

It won't do you any good.

Then why do you have a machete?

I was once like you, afraid of the wrong things. I wasn't lying. I am a monster hunter. The thing is the monster is you?

Did you hear that when she was in the liquor store? Hear?


Can you send me that file?

Did you go through the code base from the beginning?


I can't find any errors?

Do you go?

Is it possible the new vauxlaon paps? I know what's wrong with the mayonad.

I was listening to one of the Annabel Rough nightmares and I recognize something playing from the TV in the liquor store, and it's the same static from Josie's scream. I don't think it's malfunctioning at all. I think it's recording exactly what she's dreaming.

She's dreaming of static.

Sort of listen. So what there was a tiny spike at the end, And if it's static from a malfunction, there shouldn't be a spike. And if there's no malfunction, then like, what is it? So I slowed it down and this is what I got. I think it's subliminal messaging.

It's very nice the work you've put into this, but dreams don't have subliminal messaging.

Maybe that's the wrong term, but I think the subliminal aspect is why Morgan threw up. The sound was messing with her head. And if that's what's hiding in the spike, then what's in the rest of the static that was Josie's nightmare? First low down by twenty five percent, then fifty percent them back to normal. The static is in static, it's voices.

All right, fine, that's interesting.

How is this even possible?

Maybe the dream wasn't meant for Josie, it was meant.

For us, as in something created this dream, so we'd record it and it would scramble our brains, head, nose.

We're there, not this shit again.

We don't non chest at water, So why don't we try to be respectful and open?

What if it's in the other nightmares too, Morgan?

Are you all right? Mine?

Grab our head?

What the fuck?

Turn off the fucking static you're listening to?

Dream sequence written and created by Andrew Martin Robinson, directed by Dave Beasley and John Brooks. Executive producers are Molly Barton, John Brooks, Dave Beasley and Marcy Wiseman for realm Alex Williams, Matt Frederick and Trevor Young for iHeart Podcasts, Chris Dicky and Noah Finber for Blumhouse Television, Starring Jesse Case and Alice Kremelberg, with performances by Shalini, Bethina Einer, Gunn, Nick Osborne, Winifred Anne Kincannon, Tara Brown, Emily Barry, Linnelle Scott, Shannon McClung, Dave Huber, Hugo Armstrong, Cooper, Tomilson, Joel Haberley, Simaj Miller, Dean Simone, and Brian Finney. Additional voices by Patrick Higney, Fred Greenhalg, John Brooks, Christina Teleska, and Kaylan West. Casting by Sunday Bowling, Kennedy CSA and Meg Mormon CSA. Producers for Realm are Fred Greenhoalg, Marcus Thorne Bagala and Rhoda Bayessa. Associate producer Michael Colter, Production manager Devin Shepherd, Production coordinator Angela Yee. Dialogue editing by Corey Barton, Sound designed by Rory O'Shea and Dan Powell. Final mixed by Kaylin West. Original score composed by Marcus Thorne Begala, Songs for Josie by Kaylan West. Recorded at Real Voice, Los Angeles and Cityvox, New York City. This podcast was recorded under a SAG after collective bargaining agreement. Dream Sequence is a production of iHeart Podcasts, Blumhouse Television, and Realm. Find more great podcasts by visiting the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite show.

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When down-on-her-luck Kay Craft gets a call from her estranged genius sister Sadie inviting her to d 
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