Using God’s Name

Published Mar 11, 2024, 12:38 AM

Dennis and Julie start off with languages: Semitic; Arabic; Music; and the beauty of learning languages… inspired by Mario Pei’s book - The Story of Language.  Dennis explains the French’s mustard syndrome.  There are many ways of doing things… the only thing that matters is moral standards.  The question you should ask yourself is… am what I’m doing and saying going to age well?  Is it better to have an easy childhood… or a difficult one?  It is not a good thing to be liked by everyone.  They discuss the blurring of distinctions …there are/were boundaries for a reason.  Other topics include: India and Hinduism; Dennis’ favorite countries to visit; Navalny; victimhood; depression – there’s more suicide now than during the Great Depression; having courage; Tom Sowell’s great concept – Stage One Thinking.

Music: Straight to the Point c 2022
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