Hayley Tantau on EmotionsThe Improv Conspiracy is one of Australia's premiere improv comedy theatres. Hosted by Broni Lisle, the Improv Conspiracy podcast features weekly guests talking about a little corner of improv philosophy or practice that they are passionate about. The perfect extra curricular companion to the Improv Conspiracy's training program, while also being a useful resource for improvisers the world over.
Hayley Tantau is a writer, comedian, improviser, actor and the creator of CINDY SALMON. Hayley is also a coach, teacher and performer at The Improv Conspiracy.
In this episode Hayley hits us with her 'pinions about emotions, commitment, permission to change, as well as the permission to not yes and an accent if it's going to put you in your head she then goes ahead and adopts a heavy accent for a scene, really going back on her word. Enjoy.
Mentioned in the episode:
The Emotion Wheel,
Jerry's Fart Attack - Parks and Recreation
For information on classes and live shows head to http://improvconspiracy.com