For the first time, the Daughters of D.C. made the news... in a good way. Although not everyone saw it like that… -- EINHORN'S EPIC PRODUCTIONS & iHEARTRADIO PRESENT: DAUGHTERS OF DC. Head to to get exclusive DODC news, updates, and content before everybody else. This episode features the song "No Other Way" by SHAED. Written by Chelsea Lee, Maxwell Ernst, Spencer Ernst & Ariel Rechtshaid. Produced by SHAED and Ariel Rechtshaid. Published by Sony/ATV Ballad (BMI)
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Hey, listeners, it's James Parker. Can you keep a secret? The next episode of Daughters of d C is up next, But first a quick word from our sponsor, Iron Horns Epic Productions. And I heard Radio present Daughters of DC. What's wrong with me? Why am I such a coward? When Locksmith implied that my own mother was entangled with Judge Red and some awful plan. Did I confront or about it? Did I ask her face to face what she gets out of their relationship? No, because running away from confrontation is kind of my thing. Sure, and here I'm brave. Here, I'm Storm Alloy, last survivor of the Malbot Wars, defender of the freedom of information. Here I'm a hero. I guess it's easy to be a hero when you're just an avatar wearing digital skin. But in the real world, in the real world, all I wanna do is blend in and disappear. I'm just a black female coding nerd lost in a sea of rich white Machiavelli's I never say what I mean, I never stand up for myself. I am a coward. So when I have the chance to see real bravery and action, I take note of it. I appreciate just how special it really is. All Right, I'm ready, me too, How are you guys feeling? I've never been more scared in my life, So let's do this. It's no secret that in Washington, d C. Corruption is ever aware. You could say it's gone viral. That's why my friends and I decided to take on the system from the inside. I'm James, I'm Peyton, I'm Celia, I'm Natalie, and we're the daughters. Ac See, just like I said, no one's ever in the chapel. Come on, I'm thinking we'll frame you both right here by the stained glass gets some natural sidelight to make you pop. Whatever you think it's based. Sure, you guys are so brave. For the hundredth time. Thank you, James. Now, please stop saying it. It makes me feel weird. I wish I didn't have to be brave. Sorry. Sorry, do you have the live stream set up yet? It'll be ready in just a second, now, are you okay? I yeah, I'm just thinking. My family is pretty well connected, but we're nothing like the reads. Are you having a second thought? It's just that I'm worried I won't sound as credible to the general public as you, she means as white. Yeah, basically, white people tend to think that non white people are just making trouble, not worth listening to. I know, I'm sorry. You don't have to do this with me. If you don't want to, I'd understand. I'm in it. If you are, I'm in it. Okay, then live stream is ready? All right, you two, it's showtime. Let's tell the world about this a whole. Okay, we're recording. My name is Peyton Blackburn and I'm Valentina Saldana, and we want to talk to you about our experiences with our experiences with sexual assault, hift love. What's going on with you? Get your head in the game, thirty love. Come on, let's at least volley. We've got to get ready for a doubles tournament at the club next month. Celia, Are you seeing this? What my killer served? It's Peyton Blackburn and Valentina Saldana. They're like doing a me too there? What look? Turn up the volume. When I said I just wanted a kiss, he didn't listen. In spite of my please, he just kept going. Tanner red assaulted me. Tanner assaulted me too. And afterwards he didn't even seem to understand that he did anything wrong, because Tanner lives in a world where everyone tells him over and over again that he isn't doing anything wrong, that he's a winner, and so he's entitled to special privileges. These are the same people who are quick to portray girls like Peyton and me as sluts. And you know what, I'm ashamed to admit I've been one of those people myself. Tanner broke up with me because I called him out on what he'd done, and without knowing the full story, without even asking me anything at all, our whole school took his side. We're not looking for attention. We just want people to know the truth, because as long as we're made to feel afraid of the truth, people like Tanner will be able to thrive. My name is Peyton Blackburn and I'm Valentina Selda, and we won't be afraid anymore. WHOA What kind of numbers? Is the video getting? Nothing noteworthy? I only thought it because Tanna's trying to flame war it out of existence. Really, well, we'll see about that. I know that. Look, you're going to blow it up, aren't you. Misha One does not simply blow it up. One must choose when to use one's powers of influence for benevolent reasons. You do, you, Sue, But I'd be careful. I know my parents wouldn't want me getting caught up in all of this. Neither would mine. Um, okay, Peyton, Yeah, I just wanted to say that what you both did is amazing. Thank you. Yeah you know, um something similar happened to me freshman year. I'm so sorry. Yeah, anyway, Um, way to go. Wow, I guess we made a little impact. Payton. Don't look now, but Sander's coming. Hold my hand if you hold mine. Hey, what the hell? We're on our way to class. We've already said everything we needed to say to you, So when do I get to share my son? Remember last year, my report, your army of lawyers, remember everything you said about me to the whole school, so your girls could just say whatever you want and everyone believes you. Is that it's not fair? Did you even watch the video? I just got bench from the team for the rest of the season. They're opening an investigation. Recruiters were coming. How will Dartmouth see me? Now? It's almost like your actions have consequences. What a concept. This is a witch hunt. I am not going to let you get away with this. We've said what we had to say. Please leave now to inner, I said, please leave now, gentleman. Way, okay, thank so you guys. Have you seen this? Celia shared your video all over and so did all her followers. I've been avoiding the internet today. Oh my gosh, our video is everywhere vel people are actually watching us. Hey have you seen the news? We heard Seelie's been sharing the video? No, the news news. Look, well, it looks like the war on boys strikes again. I'd say Tanner Reid is innocent until proven guilty, except he hasn't even been charged with a cry, and with his father being vetted for the Supreme Court, it's only a matter of time before the President himself is forced to weigh in. What's happened to this country when a teenage girl armed only with a phone can hold the Supreme Court itself? Houstine, I lay the blame on cancel culture and liberal media vodience. More from me, Patricia Withers and the blame game after the break, Oh my lord, Hey, d O DC fans stay tuned More Daughters of d C is up next, But first a quick word from our sponsor, What's up? Daughters of DC fans head to Daughters of DC dot com to get exclusive d o DC news updates and content before everybody else. The story of two brave teenage girls is resonating with thousands across the country Today. Teens everywhere are posting their own experiences in solidarity with the hashtag I'm with Peyton and Valentina. So Peyton and Valentina's video, combined with Celia sharing it far and wide across the Internet kind of caused a whole thing. For the first time, the Daughters of d C made the news in a good way, although not everyone saw it like that. There is no greater supporter of women than me, and women should be believed when there is tangible proof. So I ask, where is the proof? All we have is the hearsay of two teenage girls. Clearly, Miss Blackburn and Miss Aldonna are confused, they're hurt, and they have an ax to grind against. My boy Tanner is a good boy and a star athlete, and his future should not be held hostage by unsubstantiated claims that only service suspiciously close to his father's confirmation. Hearing to say I'm outraged is an understatement. That was the scene earlier today as Crawford read was seen entering the White House first as emails. Now this the question on everyone's mind now is will the President pull his nomination? Did you hear that, Celia, the President might pull Judge Reid's nomination? And all because you shared those girls video. My influence may have tipped the scales, but it's a powerful story. I was going to get out somehow. You don't understand. Now you're a target. What William change of plans? Cancel a reservation at Pineapple and Pearls until Mr Leu, we're going home? Why is this a punishment because you love their white asparagus oconnumiaki as much as I do. Quit. I'm thinking let me know if Peyton contacts you again, if any of those girls do record their conversations, but better still invite them over and let our security cameras do the job. Yes, that would work. Mom, What is up with you? Stop questioning me? You have no idea what your father and I do for you? No idea? Hurry up? William? Hey, hey, I saw paint and Valentina's video. I guess that's why you were scoping out Hannah. Be mad. I didn't tell you no, No, thanks Sonics. I know your real name is Adrian, but can I still call you on X in here? You got it? Storm? That's so weird. I can actually picture your face now. Who did you see me as before? No? One like a blank blankness always knew you were gorgeous. Well, all right, so what's the mission today? Storm? What news making adventures do you have planned out for us? Now? Our biggest, most challenging yet, ONYX, We're going to find out who's watching the Watchman? Oh? Yes, Regina and King is my queen. Let's do this? Why did you pick this place? Not exactly on the beaten path though? I am loving this chocolate chip skull? You want another bite? I'm good, Cole. I needed space to breathe after releasing the video. Yeah, I'm so sorry. Sorry you went through it. Sorry, I I probably said some dumb stuff. I'm probably saying some dumb stuff right now. No, I'm okay. I was just getting overwhelmed and my parents aren't exactly happy with what I did. Do they not believe you? They want to control the narrative at this time. I won't let him. I actually want to ask you, m how you're doing, how I'm doing. I've got coffee, a skull own and be Peyton Blackburn with me. What else could I need? Look, I know we've gotten close, and this kind of thing sometimes it changes the person's opinion of another person. Yeah, of Tanner, I want to grab that live streaming a hole's phone and shove it up. Nothing about this changes anything for me. I mean, I hope it's going well. Please tell me it's going well. Yeah, I think so good because I've already started game planning Winter Formal and we're going to wipe the floor with everyone. Winter fourmal is a month away. It's gonna be epic And as far as you know, getting intimate or what have you, we'll always decide what we want, what we're ready for together. Thanks cool, I'm thinking tango. No, you want to do the Savage Challenge? Perfect? What are we doing in the library? Mom? You want me to brush up on my Machiavelli more like Sun sus Art of War. I wasn't joking here, it is this is the book what initiate argos protocol. We have a doomsday bunker. It is well fortified, reinforced titanium security. Feed for coffee, Mall, I need you here in the safe room while your father and I handle a few things. William stay with her, Yes, Mrs Lew. What's my driver going to do for me in a safe room? Williams? Your bodyguard? My what? Oh? Yes, Celia One's drivers are all ex Navy seals. That's actually the preferred career trajectory. What did you think? I don't leave. I'll be back when I can. William, you have a lot of explaining to do, and sadly a lot of time to do it, it seems. Oh, next, have the trojan's five boats on my mark Mark again. They've tried trojans cloaking everything from the last ten depth con activists panels. I don't get it. Everyone on the forums jokes about how terrible the government cybersecurity is. What else? Can we even try break into the National Archives and do a chip off attack? The stormline though never gives up. No, I know, it's just who am I trying to break into my mom's government files? Why don't we call it quits for the night. Whateverything these files. Someone put a lot of effort into making sure they stay in it as bad as a storming Onyx, So I we're never going to get them in one day. Thanks. Yeah, I wish I was there with you right now. You know, actually next year, same Onyx reps this extremely beefy arms around storm Storm, rests her head on his chest and maybe he strokes her hair. Oh yeah, definitely, thanks Adrian. This is Mackenzielee calling is a new texting leave me a message. Hello, Mackenzie, This is your very good friend Celia Lou calling you from a gilded dungeon. Will you please sits no, William, I will not anyway, babes. I just wanted to let you know I'm going to miss our rendezvous tonight because I'm being held prisoner against my well. Text me. We can leave here in a few hours once your parents know it's safe. Mom and Dad aren't above it all, are they, William. They're just as deeply invested, deeper even than the other girl's parents. You don't have this much protection unless you're afraid someone's going to come after you. But who perceptive as always, Miss Lou. I can't believe I yelled at James like that, pardon have you ever been forgiven without having to apologize? First? I don't understand your question. Have you ever been so ashamed that you can't say you're sorry? Because that would make it too real? That would mean you've become the person you never thought you'd be? That I understand. Sometimes, miss lu your reactions to a mistake are more important than the mistake itself. Does that help? It does? William? Thank you? Now you're a driver and a bodyguard. Any chance you're a chef? Too hardly? But there is some boxed macaroni and cheese in here. Shall we give it a goal? Okay? Now I'm truly terrified. Are you at the law? I don't see you? That's right, I can't see you, and now you can't see me. This is childishly unproductive, Judge. You know who isn't productive? You locksmith, whoever the damn hell you are. You were supposed to keep this Tanna business quiet. What a thorne in my ass? It's being handled. No, I'm calling the shots now, and if you don't give me my lifetime appointment, I swear I'll seek the stag told us on you, Oh judge, Oh do you think I've been working for this entire time? Wait? What? Finish your drink? Your on her, get some sleep, You'll get exactly what your own. Iron Horn's Epic Productions and I Heard Radio present Daughters of d C. Created and executive produced by Heather Ironhorn and Adam Staferoni. Head writer Sasha Stewart, Senior writer Louis Cornfelt, writers Tyler english beckwith cha Rus Senna and Adam Staferoni, Directed by J. B. Block. Executive produced by I Heart Radio. Produced by A Rufe Senna, Kayla, Kimberly Woods as James Parker, Melissa vander Escape as Peyton Blackburn, Talia Romana as Natalie Rosenberg, Suzie Young as Celia lou With performances by O. G. Banks, k Bass, Vick Chow, phyador Chen Darren De Paul, Dave Fanoi, Paul Gayette, Juri Lowenthal, Brandon Middleton, Stephanie she Shelley Shenoy, Richard Tatum, Genie Toronto, Andia Winslow Marshall York, with Francesca Ramsey and J. B. Blanc. Development executive Greg Locker, production manager, Gail Artino, production coordinator and script supervisor, Laura Martin. Creative direction and design by Ryan McCann. He Aren't Illustrated by Heather dan Forth. Casting by don Neowen, record A Edit, Home and sound recording Engineer Diana David. Additional recordings Claudio Santos additional recordings My Buschneider Sound supervision Christian Wiggins, Sound designers R. D. White and Josh Melody. Original music Josh Melody. Additional music from Jingle Punks. Consultant Kelsey Frasier, ms W Culture Consultants, Logan Davis, Casey Davis and Davis Family. Special thank you to the Shadow Unicorn, iin Horn's Epic Productions and I Heart Radio Present Daughters of D City. Hey y'all, it's Peyton Blackburn. Have you or anyone you know been a victim of sexual violence or assault? You can find resources from RAIN, the nation's largest sexual violence organization, on our website Daughters of DC dot com. There is hope and you are not alone.