It's Saturday night and the Daughters of DC are back together again, just like it used to be. Of course, nothing is ever just like it used to be. -- EINHORN'S EPIC PRODUCTIONS & iHEARTRADIO PRESENT: DAUGHTERS OF DC. Head to to get exclusive DODC news, updates, and content before everybody else.
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Hey, listeners, it's James Parker. Can you keep a secret? The next episode of Daughters of d C is up next, But first a quick word from our sponsor, iin Horn's Epic Productions, and I heard Radio present Daughters of DC. The most powerful weapon in the world is a computer. Whatever you wanted to do, a faithfully complies. Tell it to add numbers. It has numbers. Tell it to scramble code. It becomes a dead boat. Tell it to activate someone else's camera and microphone, and it becomes your eyes and ears. For a person who knows how to think about it the right way, their computer gives them a literal supermour. Oh, James Parker, As you and your friends sleep tonight, I can see you are on the precipice of greatness. I'd be roundholding if you weren't barreling head first in two years of careful mechanations. But all superheroes have a weakness, and I know your card tonight. It's no secret that in Washington, d C. Corruption is everywhere. You could say it's gone viral. That's why my friends and I decided to take on the system from the inside. I'm James, I'm Peyton I'm Celia, I'm Natalie, and we're the Daughters of DC. It's Saturday night, and the Daughters of DC are back together again, just like it used to be. Of course, nothing is ever just like it used to be. Now Here we are in high school, protecting Peyton from a vicious gas lighting campaign, and to make matters worse, we all have different reasons to be distrustful of our own parents. Still together, we're strong. We're a team. Laying in bed and thinking about it all. Despite all the chaos and uncertainty, I felt like I really had my friends back for the first time in a long long time. I can't sleep. Oh sorry, and like keeping you up? No, what are you doing? It's stupid. I'm scrolling through Twitter and reading all this stuff about me. Why mm hmm, it's hard not to engage. You know those are mostly abouts, right. I'm sorry you guys, go back to sleep. I'll I'll turn it off. Girl. You do you if you need to obsess, I say obsess anger is a good thing. Besides, I can't sleep anyway, not after tonight's excitement. Yeah, same me too. I just can't stop thinking. Who would spend all this money just to keep the patent is a liar hashtag trending. Even when it's obvious that it's all boughts, they're still keeping it up. It's read obviously Yeah, but isn't that illegal? I don't think so. It would look bad if it came out that he was behind an organized campaign to gas light a teenage girl, though if we could prove that. Sure, let me grab my laptop. What are you doing? Just checking something? There might be a way to actually, yeah, maybe maybe? What did you find something? Alexa? Play cool electronic music? Playing cool electronic music? What is this? It gets me in the mood, Like God, you really are the biggest nerve the mood for what I'll show you. Storm Alloy adaciency around the corner, her trusting DECRYPTI busting snugly in her holster, she traverses the first gate. Damn firewall. There's no other way in sight, but that's never stopped her before. Storm Alloy is not one to be deterred, not when she comes equip with the level four pass code in her back pocket. Easy when you have the right tools, enter the box exactly on cue. But they are no match for the endlessly savvy and confidently sexy Storm m James, James, James, why are you talking like that? Like? What like that? How was I talking? You were like storm alloy something something pass key. No, No, I wasn't chest you totally were you were? I was? I guess I got carried away. Sorry, it's something that I do. Don't be sorry, it's very endearing. Oh okay, so back to it. Storm around the next corner and oh no, are we aerative function zero zero zero zero zero one zero one one one one one zero one zero zero one zero. Damn what just happened exactly? I thought I might be able to upload malware that could decrypt Read's financial information, maybe tie him to the bot farm, but his counterspy were outsmarted me. Oh take it. That's okay, James. I appreciate you trying. Actually, I do know someone else who might be able to help. Onyx wake up. It's an emergency. I need your backdoor pass key, sending you the code. I'm looking at whoa Storm. It's late and I don't know it's one of the theoretical entity at this point, and this is heavy stuff. Well, what better way to run it than a real time trial? Onyx raider versus the United States government, whose code will prove to be the more robust. Mm hmm. Okay, First, when the to patch in a modified subroutine that reverse engineers the hashing function, then we're going to dummy profile on my simulator mode. Once we bypass the authentication protocol, it should just be a matter of running a jamming pattern across the rainbow table to temporarily just about the incruption. Then we're theoretically on brain. It's almost too easy to meet me over the north face of the rainbow table. Will survey for anything unusual? Got you? Nice to see you now? You never make it? Would I ever let a team down. Let me just bust out my sider and have a look storm there. Notice anything peculiar? The boolean value is inverted. I don't have any idea what's going on right now. I can't get over how adorable this is. I've never seen this side of James or Adrian before. I might actually throw up in my mouth a little bit. So that means if I patch in a little code here, and if I upset the logic value there, together, how is combined we're in. I'm actually a little surprised that words. I mean, it should have worked. I've just never done that before, so I guess I was your your first time done? Well? Yeah, thanks, Adrian, pin you if you run into any more trouble. Yeah. Okay, Lady James, Okay, that was pretty sexy. Still the nerdiest thing I've ever seen, but for sure sexy. Nothing. Mom, we're just playing a video game. Okay, Sorry, I can't believe we're in Okay, great, and now what what are we looking at? Exactly? Router numbers, directories to offer or accounts. This, my friends, is basically the skeleton key to all of Judge Reid's finances. Holy crap, who are you? You can just call me storm alloy, although, actually don't. That's a secret. Let's just keep that between us. What's that right there? That's nothing, just gibberish. No, actually, wait a minute, that's strange. What it looks like he's trying to break up alternating frames of a video file and spread them across dozens of empty files. Why would he do that? This is very weird. Look at this? What is it? I don't know. Let me just do this and then this, then this and then Clay oh said, do you want that to speak about the solidly case. Again, that's right Justice, that's just as Ramirez r I p and that's Judge Reid. But what's he's always pained me? Did? We don't agree on much? You came all the way here just to say that. It's like a phone call would have worked, even an email unless there's something else. Yes, what profit? Now? Wait a minute? Holy crap? Oh my lord, that's read all right, murdering his way onto the Supreme Court. Hey, d O DC fans, stay tuned. More Daughters of d C is up next, But first a quick word from our sponsor. What's up, Daughters of DC fans? I want to be a real d ODC insider. Follow us on Instagram at Daughters of DC Official. Take an exclusive d ODC news updates and content before everybody else. We just witnessed a murder. What are you doing now? Cloning this onto my thumb drive and done? So? What do we do now? Are you kidding? We take this to the FBI? Can we trust the FBI? Though? Celia is right, there's a conspiracy here and we don't know who's in on it. It could conceivably be anybody. Okay, so let's reason this out play what baby? You just say a very jamous sake. You know what curiosity into the cat, don't you? James? Wait? I know that voice Blocksmith? Who's locksmill? The hell is a tangled bill with a regular days might tie sometimes referred to as tie boxing, is a combat boys. You see, James, you can't hide anything for me? Behind everywhere, cut into it before it is brighte any taste of crisp freshness on your phone? Don't play the game. The name your refrigerator everywhere you are. But I've seen everything you do. I know when you eat, when you watch, you think about every Mom, now get your keys, we have to go. We're in danger. What's happening? Mom? Listen, there's no time to explain right now. But someone's after me. They've had their house. Come on everyone, no, Mom, they're after me. Where are they after you? Holy come on, come on, get in, Get in kids. I'm so sorry you all got caught up in this. The truth is, I have reason to believe there's a shadow organization that's been systematically infiltrating the government. I've been trying to find out who they are, and that's why I invited that a whole read to your botillion co. I wanted to see who he was talking to. Oh my god, Celia, that means I know Speaker Parker. My parents might be involved or come trolled, but they're not bad people. I think I had a feeling, So we'll figure it out. Mom. That's why I've been acting so secretive. James, I wanted to keep you safe. Oh Mom, I'm so sorry. Why I just I just am. I love you. I love you too, But Mom, after what we just found there, definitely after us guaranteed, how could that possibly be? It all started when we were trying to help Peyton dig up some dirt on Tanner when knew someone was trying to cover up his record. But it got deeper than that. And then along the way I became friends with a hacker locksmith or I thought he was my friend, but actually he's been trying to stop us. And now everything is completely out of control. And we came across the video of a murder, and I don't know what to do. A murder. Judge Reid, he killed Justice Ramirez? He what you have evidence of this? James? Has it all on the thumb drop, don't you? James? Right here? In my pocket. It Are you sure you're my sister? So now this guy is trying to shut us down, so we don't reveal any of this. Okay, Okay, we'll call Special Agent Blank. No, we can't trust anyone. This hacker locksmith, he's connected to everything. If he knows where we're going or who we're talking to, I'll put an end to all of this. Okay, let me think, um, excuse me, but where are we going exactly? That's a good question. I think it's safe to assume all our devices are compromised, which means anywhere we go, we bring the danger with us. I know someplace we can be safe, but I'll need to call someone. That's not a great idea of all of our phones are compromised. Does anyone know where we can find a pay phone? What I do? There's a payphone not side the snow Go on Sherman Avenue. Let's go. You just know this guy's number without looking. You must really be head overheels. Shut up, James Parker, you are full of surprises tonight. I guess I'm not here. You know what to do? Mhm, It's James. I'm calling from a pay phone outside of gas station on Sherman Avenue. Locksmith hacked my house and all my devices. I'm in trouble. Call me back. The number here is five two two one seven. Okay, bye? Do you think you'll call back? What I say? Head over heels? Hello? Are you okay? Yeah? For now? Okay, I'm texting you a set of coordinates, but they're in code. Look for the square root of every number pair to get the actual coordinates, Write it down and throw your phone away. Then head there. It's only you, right, there are a few others. Oh no, no, no, only you're allowed over my dead body. My daughter is not going in there without me or me or us. My mom is demanding she come. Fine, just you and the speaker deal, No, mom, Cole, take the girl to the Motel six on Rattic and then get rid of the car. Here's cash. Don't use any credit cards. Keep them safe. It'll be okay you guys. We'll find a way to get in touch soon and call no funny business mom. Do you want me to go in for us? Honey? This place looks like it has about a thousand building co violations. We can trust Adrian. He's one of the good guys. I hope we're friends of ONYX. Hey, Hey, can we please go in? I'm getting soaked here. We are welcome to the box. Say that's imps, totally crap. Iron Horn's Epic Productions and I Heart Radio present Daughters of d C. Created and executive produced by Heather Ironhorn and Adam STAFFERONI head writer Sasha Stewart, Senior writer Louis Cornfeld, writers Tyler english beckwith cha Rous Senna and Adam Stafferoni, directed by J. B. Block. Executive produced by I Heart Radio. Produced by A Rupe Senna, Kayla Kimberly Woods as James Parker, Melissa Vanders Gay as Peyton Blackburn, to Leah Roman as Natalie Rosenberg, Susie Young as Celia lou With performances by O. G. Banks, k Bess, Vick Chow phyador Chen Darren De Paul Dave Penoy, Paul Gayette, Juri Lowenthal, Brandon Middleton, Stephanie she Shelley Noy, Richard Tatum, Genie Toronto, Andya Winslow. Marshall York, with Francesca Ramsey and J. B. Blanc. Development executive Greg Locker, production manager, Gail Artino, production coordinator and Script supervisor Laura Martin, Creative direction and design by Ryan McCann. He Aren't Illustrated by Heather Danforth. Casting by don Neowen, record a Edit, Home and sound Recording Engineer Diana David. Additional recordings Claudio Santos Additional recordings Michael Schneider, Sound supervision Christian Wiggins. Sound designers R. D. White and Josh Melody. Original music Josh Melody, Additional music from Jingle Punks. Consultant Kelsey Frasier, M S. W. Culture Consultants, Logan Davis, Casey Davis and Davis Family. Special thank you to The Shadow Unicorn, Iron Horn's Epic Productions and I Heart Radio present Daughters of d C. Hey, y'all, it's Peyton Blackburn. If you're on the edge of your seat following the d o DC's adventures, then head on over to Daughters of DC dot com to get exclusive news, updates and content before everybody else