Our parents kept us apart to keep us out of trouble. But... what if getting into trouble is the right thing to do? -- EINHORN'S EPIC PRODUCTIONS & iHEARTRADIO PRESENT: DAUGHTERS OF DC. Head to DaughtersOfDC.com to get exclusive DODC news, updates, and content before everybody else.
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Hey, listeners, it's James Parker. Can you keep a secret? Daughters of d C is up next, But first a quick word from our sponsor, Iron Horn's Epic Productions. And I heard Radio present Daughters of DC. It's no secret that in Washington, d C. Corruption is everywhere. You could say it's gone viral. That's why my friends and I decided to take on the system from the inside. I'm James, I'm Peyton, I'm Celia, I'm Natalie, and we're the Daughters that equality, fairness, justice. I grew up believing in those things, thinking they mattered. I was so naive. My name is James Parker. My mom, Congresswoman Angela Parker, is the first black woman elected Speaker of the House. So yeah, no pressure there. If it wasn't from my mom, I'd just be James, the invisible luner, spending way too much time on her computer. Instead, everyone's always looking at me like they expect something. What's fair about that? What's fair about everyone in your life deciding what they want you to be instead of you getting to decide for yourself. Sometimes I wish you would all just go away. Sometimes I wish I could just be someone else. Looks like the ever enterprising storm Alloy just found an squl injection vulnerability. But you said this spiral wall was supposed to be what do you call it? Impenetrable with that zero day glit shine earth last week, I'll be over this wall in two licks. Now do you believe me when I just say I need a minute? Onyx writer, don't you think you've had enough? Storm? I've been so generous, so magnanimous, more like megalomaniacal. It takes time to throw up a proxy to bounce my traffic through Kazakhs town. We don't have forever Storm, so we both know you'd love to spend all night with me. Save it for your fan fake conics and score. I'm over the firewall. Okay, send the code if I don't obliterate this mall where I'm screwed. Okay, if you really think you're ready, catch you've gotten awfully quiet. I'm concentrating this mallor is trash. I'm expunging it as we speak. All right, I gotta ghost in a minute. I hope you got things in the control over there or else. Wait somethings off. Yeah, I know later, No, this is not supposed to happen. Crap, crap, crap crap. James Renee Parker, what did you do? Did you boot me off my own router again? Sorry? Mom? I have half a dozen staffers downstairs giving up their Friday night no less to get this bill pass, and they need the internet to do their jobs. I know, I know, I just it wasn't on purpose. And look we're back up. Can I have one night where I don't have to worry that my daughter is turning into anonymous? Go get in here. What you're going out tonight? Right? Yeah? Lacrosse party should be fun. You're taken James with you, Mom. James, go and put on something other than a gray hoodie. Come on, James, you're can have out all night. Only you'll be mad about Mom making you go to a party. She gets to stay home. She's Speaker of the house and she's working. What's the big deal anyway? Um, in case you haven't noticed, my day goes home, school, home, online. I'm not exactly going to have friends at this party. It's a celious It wasn't that long ago that you two were besties, not anymore? Come on, that whole blow was like two years ago. I'm sure Mom doesn't care anymore. What about Bate. It's a lacrosse party, she'll be there. Or Natalie, she's at every party. We didn't really keep in touch. They well, I I kind of fell off the map last year when we were living with Grandma. It was too hard after Dad. I get it, believe me. That doesn't mean you can't get it back out there. I managed, all right, it's different for you. James were twins. If I can do it, you've got no excuse whatever. My point is, you're stuck going to this party, so you might as well hit them up. I'm sure they'll be happy you're rejoining the living. I don't know what if they don't want to see me. We did not come here to fear the few. Sure, we came here to shape it. Really, you're quoting Obama at me? Fine, here we go. I'm messaging everyone happy mm hmm. Hey Celia, Peyton, Natalie. I heard you were all going to be at Celia's party. See you there, Ah, we're here. Hello, Earth to James. What where's your head at? I changed my mind. I don't want to go in there. You go. I'll wait in the car. Get out, Cole come, no backing out now cool? No one got back to me, nobody wants me here. What about your carrying and supportive brother? Now get out? Not optional? Fine? Just think of this is preparation from my botillion next. I know you don't want to go, but maybe it'd be easier if you had a date. There's a guy on my team who needs an escort, and it just so happens that he's inside right now. I wouldn't even know how to talk to him. He's chill. You'll like him, trust me. He's a gamer like you. I think he plays Call of Duty. Hey, how's it going? Kyle? Nice kicks? Pay great save yesterday? You're not it's called wait come here. I am so sorry about my dad. By the way, he was not very nice to your mom this weekend. Isn't it a big faux pall for senator to be taken shots at the house? That's what said? Hey, Hi, shut up James Parker at a party. Look at you? I love that switch shirt. It looks soup comfy. Yeah? Thanks paying? So um, how's it going? Well? I'm just so surprised to see you here because I did mustn't you actually Celia and Natalie too on do you d C d you d C Really? I haven't even opened the app in forever. Wait here it is stealing my bunk. See you there? See you pay here dominated the j V game. I bet she gets called it for the rest of the season. Sto'll be cold. He's just being nice and to have it so know I'm here. What are we supposed to do with these things? James? You are just the cutest. What you start by getting some drinks? Come on, don't waste your time? Baby, Tanner? What up playing live streaming? Son? What up? Dance? Dance? It's your boy, Tanner, a k tan Man coming at you from the loose super Deluxe mansion. As you can see, we're just up in here raising hell after our epic win tonight. Ghost Barton's hashtag the Cross Teams Barton Pride, Babe, Babe, my god, Stop Tanner? Why do you have to stream everything? Can you just enjoy the party? Cross King and Queen right here make way for Royalty Old Gone. I love this song. Catch up with you later. Time to get out of hair before I choked to death in a cloud of sweating hormones. And there's Celia, Come on, James, you can do this. She's only like the queen at the school now, no big deal. Not believe who I shared a little rendeven with at the White House Correspondence did after after party last year? Oh my god, Celia who Rosy Beacham, Secretary of State, marks curts of having parents who donate to both sides. Tickets to all the top tier events, Celia, James Parker, Well wonders never cease. This party is kind of crazy, nothing compared to my sweet sixteen. Everyone had to check their phones at the door. You would not believe what happens when the cameras are off A long way from your twelfth birthday. Huh remember when we hit under your bed? Can we have a word, James, James, I love you, and it's cool you brought back the d O DC app and everything. But let's not start busting out kids stories. Okay, we're a little too old for that. I have a rep to maintain. Yeah, sorry, that was stupid. I totally get it. Okay, listen, you're amazing. Enjoy the party. You loosen up. Natalie's outside, maybe go sit next to her and I don't know, in hell deeply a few times. Sure, thanks Celia. Oh mg, Celia, I did I tell you about my Babby trip. I heard the rumors. Let me give you a little It's almost like I'm the only one who's even heard of Augusta. You know. Suffice it to say, Mrs Senson and I had words. I won't stand and be a part of a drama program that isn't actively advocating for non authoritarian Latinos voices. Natalie, how's it going, James? I just saw you were back on the app last from the past. Come say it, girl, join the dialogue. See here's my point, though, The entire education system is built to colonize our collective imaginations. Take the S A T S for instance. They are a total scam designed to appeal to white upper class students. So what does that say about college admissions? I guess Take the A C T S. George, remove the scales from your eyes. If we live in the box, we become the box. James, You get me right? I mean, what are we only permitted to be? These ivy targeted achievement missiles being shot out of a DuPont branded cannon. I don't know. I mean I am feeling the pressure from my mom. She's like my hero. By the way, come on, what about your dad? I mean he's developed quite the following. Let me be blunt. If I get stuck talking to a one more meat headed rosen bro, I'll rip my own ears off. No, you're cool, George James, Where are you going? I think I hear my brother calling me. Sorry, Natalie, catch up more later sounds good girl, now, George. Back to my point, the socioconemic intricacies of sorry, look where you're going? Sorry? Dance it is? Remember when we knew all the moves to work from home? We were like our own fifth harmony turns, Remember except for the special surprise I mentioned. Come on, come on, come on, it's upstairs. Dance on hey, Peyton? Wait what I bet we could get them to play work from home? Right, Payton dancing? Hey? Hey, a little advice. She's really loosen up. Maybe people would only call you a freak behind your back instead ofto your face. Come on, Fay, let's go okay ol hey d o. DC fans stay tuned. More Daughters of DC is up next, But first, a quick word for our sponsor, Cold Social Experiment over. Okay, time you don't see to the safety of my tips. You're hilarious, James, come here, I want you to beat someone. This is Adrian, the guy was telling you about. Hey, we have tricked together, right, maybe Adrian? You don't have an escort to the Botillion yet? Right that as of yet? Interesting? Well, it looks like we're running low on ice. I think I'll make a run to the store and leave you to talk. I'll go you sorry, don't rum in the car for you and I really ashamed have a Cole says you're a gamer? Me? Yeah, sorry, I didn't hear you. Can't you speak up? What do you play? Which games? Uh? Fun? Music? So loud? Do you want to dance instead? Talk after me? Dance? Well that's not really much. Hey did you have the toilet flushing? Because that means I have to go in and get it. I have to be by all right, you're okay, You're okay. Nothing to do, but wait out your mortification in here until Cole comes back, and then never attend another party ever again, for as long as you live. Um? Was that a d O d C alert? Hello? And I won one upstairs, first second bedroom. One on the ride on my way coming now, what is going on? Oh my god, pain, are you okay? Happened? I don't even really know it all happened so fast, but D d C was opening my phone, so a message. We're here for you. What do you need? I just want to go home. Yeah, Peyton and I had a great time at Celia's on Friday. You were kidding? She did in Celia's parents bedroom. Okay, pay her June Tanner ticket to the next level at Celia's party. You heard wrong. Valentina Tanner's the ultimate trophy boy. Lock it down, Peyton, You and Tanner doing the nasty? Okay, all right, you get a girl. No, seriously, it wasn't like that. Believe me. Here comes your voy Now can we talk Tanner? What happened on Friday? Babe? This place is not sexy. Let's go to the stable. No, I don't feel good about what happened. What are you talking about? Well? I um, I don't feel like I had a lot of control. How you feel? It's not my fault? No, no, no, no, I'm I'm trying to I'm having fun. Is the whole point of dating. If you don't want to be fun, don't. I'm sorry, but I I wasn't ready. Okay, then maybe I should find someone who is. I think Tanner just broke up with me. Good. You're better than that asshole, are you? Okay? No, he's so angry. Maybe I did do something wrong. I mean we were dating. It's not your fault. Peyton, thank you. I know it's been a while, but I can't talk to my other friends like I can talk to you all. You know. I guess same, Yeah, me too. It was kind of price, but I'm glad you resurrected D O d C. James. I know it's corny kids stuff. No, it's not. We needed each other and the app made it happen. Daughters of DC come back door, and now we have a mission taking down Tanner. I know we'll go to the headmaster file a complaint to Yes, No, I can't. I can't do confrontation, not after Colorama, I don't know Tanner's dance close with my dad. What have this gotten? The press will make it completely anonymous, trust me, Natalie Rosenberg, What now another sitting over non organic produce of the dining hall salad ball? No? Well, actually that's a good idea, but I'm here for justice. How many detentions do you want for this justice, Natalie, I'm not putting up Celia lou head Master Woodford, Well, a lovely ascot really accentuates your sideburns. We're here to file a complaint on behalf of an anonymous victim. What kind of complaint? Tanner read assaulted a student at a party? We want him expelled. That's not how this works, ladies. And filing a formal complaint is extensive. It involves a tribune of the board. Your anonymous victim would have to give a statement something into questioning. It's an intense process, and someone like Tanna will have a strong defense. Last time. What do you mean last time? Tanner's a repeat offender student privacy of course, Headmaster. But as my parents consider their annual donation, I'm sure what they want to know Their daughter isn't at school with a predator? Is that a threat? How about this? If you don't leave this minute, I'm searching both your lacas for contraband how does that sound? Ms rosenbog Um, Celia, maybe that's not such a good idea. Thank you for your time, head Master Woodford. We couldn't file a complaint, but we did find out Tanner's done this before. What But he wouldn't give us any details. We have no idea what happened. This whole thing stinks of a cover up. I can find out what happened. I thought you didn't like confrontation. I don't. But if Tanner's done this before, there's got to be a record, right, a file online that I can get and without any confrontation. I've been practicing exactly this kind of thing on my hacker forums. Hacker forums. Who even are you? Who am I? I'm Storm Alloy, That's who. The school is running Windows two thousands and the system is riddled with holes. This is a real level one. Bough does keep smashing accent. It's gonna explode at some point. The decryption key is still in its default location. Nudes little on excres about this. I'm in all right, DuPont, tell me your secrets. Let's see student records there he is raid come a Tanner, Oh Tanner. They're gonna need better grades than that to get into Dartmouth unless Daddy buys them a new building. Formal complaints, there's one. Wow, there's a lot here interviews and I'll just download this whoa pulls out. What's going on? The files are all disappearing? Where are they going? I'm not doing anything valiant? You are you? You can call me Smith? What did you do with Tannerspy? Im? Sorry? I represent a party with an interest in those files. I'm a party with interests in those files, and I was here first poor baby hackers out of their death. You know I could teach you a thing or two if you were resolved to listen. I'm not a baby hacker. I'm storm allowing, of course you are. Goodbye baby hacker for now. Damn it lostmuth lostmuth point Jane? What? Oh had Mr Whitford? Yes? Were you too unwrapped breaking into the administrator's account to hear me? You have a lot to explain, young lady. Crap crap, crap crap. H so disappointing. I had much higher hopes for young James. We have work yet to do to unmut her true potential. But as she just sounds further into the swamp, who knows what might float to the surface. Oh, you said you wanted to speak about the solidar case again, So if you're here to check I'm being by ticker. I know that I'm not going anywhere. If that's all you wanted to say, I'm going to turn in for the night. Good night. What do you have never been? As our dearest sixteenth President said, nearly all men can stand adversity, But if you want a testament's character, give him power. Iron Horn's Epic Productions and I Heart Radio present Daughters of d C. Created and executive produced by Heather Einhorn and Adam STAFFARONI head writer Sasha Stewart, Senior writer, Louis Cornfeld, writers Tyler english beckwith Cha Ruth Senna and Adam Stafferoni directed by J. B. Block. Executive produced by I Heart Radio. Produced by A Rupe Senna, Kayla Kimberly Woods as James Parker, Melissa Vanderskin as Peyton Blackburn, Tala Romana as Natalie Rosenberg, Arc Suzia as Celia lou with performances by O. G. Banks, k Bess Vick Chaw, theydor Che Darren De Paul, Paul Gayette, Jury Lowenthal, Brandon Middleton, Stephanie Shea, Richard Tato, Genie Toronto, Andia Winslow Marshal York with Francesca Ramsey and J. V. Blanc Development Executive Greg Locker, production manager Gail Artino, production coordinator and script supervisor Lowa Martin. Creative direction and designed by Ryan McKay. He Aren't Illustrated by Heather Danforth. Reporting edit Coleman, Sound recording Engineer Diana David. Additional recordings Claudio Santos additional recordings Michael Schneider, Sound supervision Christian whiggainst Sound designers R d Y and Josh Melody. Original music Josh Melody, Additional music from Jingle Punks. Consultant Kelsey Fraser, M s W. Culture Consultants, Logan Davis, Casey Davis and Davis Family. Special thank you to The Shadow Unicorn, Eine Horn's Epic Productions and I Heart Radio Present Daughters of d C