The Horse Ranch

Published Nov 17, 2020, 8:01 AM

Lockesmith had shown me how to disrupt Twitter before, but this was something different. And then there were the trolls in real life... There wasn't much I could do about them... -- EINHORN'S EPIC PRODUCTIONS & iHEARTRADIO PRESENT: DAUGHTERS OF DC. Head to to get exclusive DODC news, updates, and content before everybody else.

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Hey, listeners, it's James Parker. Can you keep a secret? The next episode of Daughters of d C is up next, But first a quick word from our sponsor. Iine Horn's Epic Productions, and I heard Radio present Daughters of DC. You know, to share information from a private meeting with the president. However, I will say this, the President is a good man who is able to see the right thing to do even through the thick, obscuring clouds of tabloid He is saying another thing, I'll say, the court of public opinion is no place for trial. In that court, a person's guilty until proven innocent, and even then he's guilty. We must remind ourselves that we are a nation built on law and order and due process. My boys a good boy, and I'm a good judge. The people accusing us of otherwise need to be vetted themselves. I have the fullest confidence in our chief executive, and he has demonstrated to me today that he has the fullest confidence in me. That's all I'll say. It's no secret that in Washington, d C. Corruption is everywhere. You could say it's gone viral. That's why my friends and I decided to take on the system from the inside. I'm James, I'm Peyton, I'm Celia, I'm Natalie, and we're the daughters of DC. Peyton did one of the bravest things I've ever seen, and if this were a movie, she'd be the hero who changed everything. But this isn't a movie. After making herself as vulnerable as she'd ever been, our friend was the target of an awful humiliation campaign, hundreds of bots endlessly shaming her. I tried to help by dismantling them, but something was weird for everyone. I took down two more would pop up. Locksmith had shown me how to disrupt Twitter before, but this was something different. And then there were the trolls in real life. There wasn't much I could do about them. Hey, Dalk, you holding up? It's been better. Another hundred flyers stuffed in my locker rooms. I've been trying not to look at them. They just say, like, I get that you wanted to hurt Tanner, but you're actually hurting the whole school by not letting him play lacrosse. It's selfish to not look at the other point of view. Wait, we wanted to hurt Tanner. They all want us to retract our statement just so Tanner can play in the playoffs. They care more about sports than our lives. It's bad, pay. I feel like I'm being stared at wherever I go. Even now. Look around, everyone's whispering around us. It's I don't know when it's gonna stop. I do. There's no need to whisper. You can speak your mind out loud right here in the open. Go on, now is your chance say whatever you want to say to my face. No, that's all right, I already know what y'all are saying behind my back. Anyway you think I'm afraid of your opinions, none of y'all have the right to go join me for doing what I know is right. Frankly, I'm disgusted by the law to you. To hell with all of you. Oh yes, hi, Mrs Blackburn, this is um James Parker calling. Yes, how can I help you? I'm just calling to check up on Peyton. She hasn't been in school for the past few days. Peyton is taking a break from school. Oh that's right. This week has been cruel on her. She decided she needed to recharge and take a little time for herself. Oh, she didn't say anything to us about that. Us Um, we have a group project to an ap U S history four of us. I think you'll have to find a new member. Peyton just wants to be left alone right now. I'm sure you understand. Would it be possible to talk to her for a minute. Oh, I'm afraid not. Peyton is not here. You see, as I said, she needs a little break from other people, so please respect that. Can I ask where she is? Well? I don't see. Project is really important for our grade this semester if Peyton doesn't participate. She's volunteering down at the Mackenzie Horse Ranch in West Virginia, and she doesn't have her phone, so no need to bother her. No phone but no phone, no computer, just a much needed peace and quiet. I'm sure she'll be back in time for your project though. Good day, James. That explains why she's been ignoring our messages. Poor Peyton, she must feel awful. I wish there was something we could do to cheer up. How about a surprise visit to West Virginia. Why not have my Volkswagen. We could bring lunch and make big signs saying pay and we love you. We'll make a big deal out of it. What do you love that? Not? Really? Come on? I think like an extrovert for once in your life. I'd like to get in on that too, if I can. Celia, Hi, guys, Hi, James, Hi, I am. I have some apologizing to do. Do you do? Yeah? I said some mean things to you. Oh I did too? No don't, I mean you did. But just let me say this. I made a mistake. Something is going on with my parents and Judge Reid, and it's big. I wanted to tell you earlier, but they only let me leave the house once they found out the President wasn't pulling the nomination. Now they're more confident than ever. I'm actually kind of scared for them, but that doesn't matter right now. What there is, I'm sorry, the wonders never cease. So friends, hold on, I'm not getting any bars. Service sucks out here. Do I stay on the highway or do I get off? One second? On or off? It's coming out on? Stay on? No? Wait? Sorry, seriously, dang um is this thing safe for interstate travel? Why wouldn't it be? This car is a classic, and did you know it's actually more environmentally friendly to drive? Some of these old cars than a new hybrid. Listen to that prayer. Where are we anyway? I feel like we're regressing to an earlier stage of civilization. I could absolutely see myself living here, not permanently, but like a summer artist's retreat, a collective. I don't think I could do it. No, I couldn't be away from a major city for more than a few minutes at a time. Even d C s too royal from my taste. You mean to say you couldn't throw them anywhere. I could thrive anywhere, but I have money, so I don't have to. What did you guys tell your parents about this weekend? I told my dad I was participating in a lock into Brainstorm alternative locations to stage an awareness month jubilee awareness of what. I didn't have to get that far. Things were getting a little claustrophobic earlier this week, so we all agreed I could use a little air. But he did have to share my location with William. Is that a problem? Are you kidding? If we're going to the middle of nowhere? I want a paper trail, how about you? James? And I told my mama was going to a coding challenge an all night one. They go all night sometimes, So you're like, really good at that stuff? Hum coding? I guess there are lots of people way better at it than Come on, don't be humble. Yeah, I'm pretty good. There she is. I hope Peyton's happy to see us, like I hope we're not bothering her while she's trying to relax. Are you kidding? She's going to be thrilled? Are you expected? No, it's a surprise visit and your relationship for friends one moment while I consult with the head doctor. You guys getting a weird feeling from this place to it's weird? What kind of a horse ranch has a head doctor? You'll be allowed to see her, but only under supervision. Why, well, it's for her own good. Yeah, but why we try to avoid stress. We're here to help her relax and heal. They say, my outburst in school was a pre symptom, a pre symptom of a nervous breakdown. They're giving me the tools here to stabilize my personality. Good girl, you don't really believe that, do you. They say a person starts behaving out of character when they don't like who they are, and after a lot of reflection, I realized I probably don't like who I am. So they're working with me on cognitive therapy to teach me the tools to love myself again. Yes, that sounds insane. We don't use that word here. Are you being a real with us? Is something up? I have to go now. We just got here. It's afternoon prayer group and then supper. That's all the time we get with you, I'm afraid. So okay, Well we'll come back after dinner. We'll play a board game or something. I can't It's group therapy after dinner, then prayer group again in bedtime, so skip it. It's mandatory, mandatory. Seriously, Peyton, are you okay? I really do have to go. Thanks for visiting. Y'all are the very best. Come here, give me a hug, help me. They lock us in at night. I did not choose to be here. Hey, coming, goodbye y'all. Hey, d O DC fans stay tuned more. Daughters of d C is up next, But first a quick word from our sponsor. Head to Daughters of DC dot com to get exclusive d O DC news updates and content before everybody else. James Celia are you there? You've got James, I'm here. I really hope this works. Natalie. All you have to do is fight the power. It's literally what you were born to do. Do it for Peyton, here goes. I demand my friend to be released from this place. She isn't being held against her will. She voluntarily checked herself in. No, she didn't. Her parents checked her in. They're her legal guardians, which legally is the exact same thing as checking herself in. That's absurd. You'll have to leave now, please. I'll leave when I'm ready to leave. Unlike Peyton, see the contradiction. I just need her attention off the security system for one more minute, Natalie, got it. I should warn you I'm a very litigious person. This is a violation of human rights. If you don't leave immediately, I'm calling security. No, this is a sitting on behalf of human dignity. Attica, Attica, adica, Security. Can you come to front please? What happened to the lights? How might not be those dang raccoons again? Yes, James, alright, Celia, the systems to armed Europe. Go get our girl on it. I knew I wore my writing news for a reason. Peyton here, Yeah, what are you doing? Rescue mission? Come on, open the window. The old arm jeems disabled it let's go. It worked. Come on, come on, Attica, attica, attica, you stop saying that. Finally, let there be light. Got her all right? You know what I can see this is going nowhere, So I'll be back with my lawyer in tow that wait a minute, security security, get her down with light stage capital on my head. Thanks for letting us all crash out your place, James, and thank you for allowing me to set the playlist. Sure, Celia, So what happened? Peyton? My daddy has a doctor friend who said my incident at school was the beginning of an acute attack of borderline personality disorder. I've never even heard of that. He said. I needed to be brought to the country immediately before I had a full blown psychotic episode. Honestly, it was kind of nice to be away from everything for the first couple of days, but then I started to realize something was weird. I couldn't go out, I couldn't call anyone. I think they were trying to brainwash me. Who who are they? I don't know friends, my parents, You're safe with us. We won't let anything happen to you. Where do I go now? I can't be near my family, not as long as they treat me like some crazy person. They're free to you. How do you mean they're hearing your real voice for the first time and then threatening them. You're forcing them to see you instead of their image of you. You can stay here, you know if you want to. Would your mom be okay with that? She'll have to be what are you? What is this person? And what did you do with our friend James? Cut it out, guys, I would really appreciate that change. Thank you, Celia. Is that Mackenzie blowing up your phone? Maybe I'm very popular? Okay, she may have been a little worried about me. What would the whole bunker says yesterday and then the horse franch breaking today? Doesn't sound like she's just a hook up to me. She is, but I can't help it if my life is incredibly thrilling. I hate to break up the phone, but I have to go tinkle. Why do you have to say like that, like what I have to go tinkle? You make it sound like you're going to go spray fairy dust in the toilet or something charming? Gross? What do you say? I'm going to go expel a recyclable waste product. Be right back. I don't remember the last time we had to sleep over like this, I do. It was in sixth grade, right after Bill Barnett's pool party. I haven't thought about him and forever. God, why did we ever stop hanging um like this? Bad for our parents? Images? And there was Colorama, right, I guess, no matter how unfair it is, will always be second to their careers and their aspirations, whatever they are. No more. Let's make a pact right now that we won't let them tell us who we can and can't be. I love it. Yeah, I love you, guys, love you too. We have to wait for Peyton. We can't make a pact without. Hey, what's taking her so long? She's missing all the bonding. Wait? Where is your brother? Exactly? Cool? Oh no, no, no, no, no, no no, not in this house. You back to James room. You your door remains over. Yes, I knew it. Gross. Hey, guys, heyton ankle sitting in a tree? Gross? Gross gross GROLs cut it out. I was just thinking him for being such a good friend. You're in love girl. Maybe too weird, James. Your friends can't stay here if they're going to make bad decisions and disrespect the rules of my house. Please, Mom, Peyton can't go home. There's a problem there. Please just trust me, all right? But if I catch you in my son's room again, you're out of here. Yes, ma'am. Now, I want you all to go to sleep. It's late, yes, mom, Yes, Mrs Parker, Sorry, Mrs Parker. It's really nice to be back together. Daughters of DC Now and Always. Daughters DC. My daddy has a doctor friend who full blown psychotic episode. I think they were trying to bringwashing Ceulia. Is that Mackenzie blowing up your phone? Doesn't sound like she's just to hook up to me. Daughters of DC Now and Always. I wouldn't help on that, baby Hacker. Iron Horn's Epic Productions and I Heard Radio Present Daughters of DC Created and executive produced by Heather Ironhorn and Adam Staffaroni. Head writer Sasha Stewart, Senior writer Louis Corn For writers Tyler english beckwith Cha Roos, Senna and Adam Staffaroni. Directed by J. V. Bloch. Executive produced by I Heart Radio, produced by A Rupe Senna, Kayla Kimberly Woods as James Parker, Melissa Vanders Gay as Peyton Blackburn, Talia Romana as Natalie Rosenberg, Susie Young as Celia Lou with performances by O. G. Banks, k Bess, Vic chow phyadre Chen, Darren De Paul Dave Panoi, Paul Gayette, Juri Lowenthal, Brandon Middleton, Stephanie she Shelley Shenoy, Richard Tatum, Genie Toronto, Andia Winslow Marshall York with Francesca Ramsey and J. B. Blanc. Development executive Greg Locker, production manager Gail Artino, Production coordinator and script supervisor Laura Martin. Creative direction and design by Ryan McCann. He Aren't Illustrated by Heather Danforth. Casting by don Ne Owen, record a Edit, Home and sound recording Engineer Diana David. Additional recordings Claudio Santos additional recordings Michael Schneider, Sound supervision, Christians Wiggins, Sound designers R. D. White and Josh Melody. Original music Josh Melody, additional music from Jingle Punks Consultant Kelsey Frasier, M. S. W. Culture consultants Logan Davis, Casey Davis and Davis Family. Special thank you to The Shadow Unicorn, Iron Horn's Epic Productions, and I Heart Radio present Daughters of d City. Hey, fabulous listeners, it's Celia Lu, but you knew that already. Want to be a real d d C insider Follow us on Instagram at Daughters of d C Official to get exclusive DODC news, updates and content before everybody else

Daughters of DC

At Washington DC’s most elite prep school, Jaymes Parker – the tech-savvy daughter of the Speaker of 
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