I wish this night was just about my family. But, if I do what Lockesmith said and play this right, I might be able to get the dirt we need on Tanner. Or I might embarrass myself in front of the D.C. elite... no pressure. -- EINHORN'S EPIC PRODUCTIONS & iHEARTRADIO PRESENT: DAUGHTERS OF DC. Head to DaughtersOfDC.com to get exclusive DODC news, updates, and content before everybody else.
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Hey, listeners, it's James Parker. Can you keep a secret? The next episode of Daughters of d C is up next, But first a quick word from our sponsor, Iron Horns Epic Productions. And I heard Radio present Daughters of d C. I get white. Tonight's important. It feels like the whole world tells Coal and boys like him that they're not valued, that they don't matter. But the batillion is our way of showing our belief in them, and it's Coal's opportunity to show what a leader he'll become. But I hate wearing big, poofy dresses that make me look like a frilly blue cupcake. Hate you look adorable. Kids are adorable, Dogs are adorable. You look beautiful. You have to say that. Oh, let me slick your baby hare for you. That's an old tooth fresh right. This isn't my first rodeo. J do the little curly que in the front. I like that. I appreciate you going tonight. Cole appreciates it, even if he's too dope or gucci or whatever to say that. Mom, that's so wrong. And I know now about Tanna Reid. I'm not thrilled about the situation either. But it's a game. Yes, and sometimes when you're trying to reach a particular checkpoint, you have to wade through somebody or to rain to beat your opponent. Tanners are freaking swamp. Hey you trust me, right? I guess? So all done? Oh you look perfect? Oh my baby is all grown up. You look just like your father. Thanks, Mom, you really do look like dad. Weird and you are adorable. Mom, I told you, I'm kidding. You look great. I can't believe you're an addressing heels. Heels. Never check this, yo, Chuck, that's fires. I know she wore me down on that one. Stand together you two. Wow, look at my family. I wish this night was just about my family. But if I do what Locksmith said and play this right, I might be able to get the dirt we need on Tanner. Or I might embarrass myself in front of the DC elite. No pressure. It's no secret that in Washington, d C. Corruption is everywhere. You could say it's gone viral. That's why my friends and I decided to take on the system from the inside. I'm James, I'm Peyton, I'm Celia, I'm Natalie, and we're the daughters of Zy well, good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the fiftieth Annual Bow Tillier. Tonight, we are celebrating the long haild tradition of ushering a new class of young black men into Washington, d C. Society. Congratulations to all the bows on your many accomplishments, and thank you to our gracious donors for their generous gifts. Up first, the procession of honorable guests James Renee Parker, daughter of the late Lieutenant Colonel J. Lewis Parker, and Speaker of the House Angela Parker, sister of one of tonight's bows, Coole Parker, escorted by Tanner Juel this Read, son of Fourth Circuit Court Judge Crawford Read, and this is I think you're supposed to hook your hand into my elbow pit your what? I don't know what's called? You know what I mean? I'd rather not like touch. I can't let you walk down there alone. Doesn't look very gentlemanly. Since when are you a gentleman? We just get this over with. I bet that's what all your dates ask you. What I wish I was sitting with Natalie and Celia. They seem happy Hey, they see me. Celia. Look, James is weaving at us. Go James. She looks lovely, and thank you for letting me be your date tonight. Natalie. Of course, I'm super bummed I didn't get to me make out Mackenzie. She'd find you very entertaining. What happened to your ticket? Did your parents ground you after the breaking footage leaked? I am not a child, Natalie. I cannot be grounded. That being said, yes, my parents suggested that I not attend the bottilion, and I simply rejected that suggestion. I wish my dad would give me an ounce of that independence. He doesn't have to give it to you, You just take it. If my parents want to put Tanna read above the freedom of their only child, I just have to put my foot down and say I'm in charge of my life. My dad's walking over. Try it out on him. M mmmm. That cautious off is just fantastic. I've got to ast the caterer for the recipe. Did your girls try some? Natalie silent dreaming, that's no. You know, it's strange being here, given the history of this event. Black and indigenous people of color deserve more spaces without the spectatorship exactly. I knew that would spark something. To be clear, I'm not here with you. We're simply sitting at a table that you happen to have. I am here to support my friends who have never lied to me because they think I am mature enough to handle whatever may come my way. Congressman Rosenberg, what happened to dad? I don't know what did happen to dad. Let's play the quiet game again, No, Congressman, I'm in charge of my life. Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for our guests. All. You all look wonderful tonight, and you might want to grab yourself a drink right down while you can. In just a moment, we will start the procession of the bowls. I'm not taking up on that, Peyton, viv you want anything, I'm fine, dear, thank you. Hey, Peyton, honeybutter, where's your charm bracelet? Um? I thought it was too m bulk for the occasion. I don't think it's bulky at all, Darling. I'm just going for a different look. Oh okay, actually I will take you up on that drink buck another rose, of course, be right back, Peyton, baby, I'm gonna need you to dance with Tanner tonight. What your daddy hates when I interfere with his political strategy, But I know that the press seeing you and Tanner together is just what we but he needs. Mama, I don't want to. Well, of course you don't, I understand. And yet the Lord calls upon us women to make sacrifices for the sake of the family. Can't even look at him. You're a Blackburn Peyton, and Blackburn women are resilient. You are not gonna let him win, Darling. And now it is, gentlemen, that procession of the Boones introducing Vocal Parker, son of the late Lieutenant Colonel J. Lewis Parker, and Speaker of the House Angela Parker escorting Ms. Alison G. Miller, daughter of doctors Theo and Samantha Miller. Yeah. I don't think I've ever seen this many white people at a botillion. Yeah, my mom's list of invites is definitely out of the ordinary this year. I guess it's good for the or modern Nations. Doesn't feel much like a family event, more like a political fundraiser. Do you think they know the electric Slide the only dance politicians know is the running man because they're always campaigning. Yeah, I get it. Hey, is that Sililu? Do you think she'll take a selfie with me? I'd get like a thousand new followers. Sure, I hook you up. Hey, tell you can take a pick with Allison. She wants to boost her instant always love to support my fans. Oh my god, Celia, Oh my god, what I'm in the middle. It's your parents. Crap. Hey, d O DC fans stay tuned. More Daughters of d C is up next, but first a quick word from our sponsor. What's up? Daughters of DC fans head to Daughters of DC dot com to get exclusive d O DC news updates and content before everybody else. Hello, Mr and Mrs Lou What a surprise. Hello, Natalie, is your father here as well? He's on the search for more Cevici, Celia, Hello mother, father w McQueen. Dress looks good on you. Excellent choice. We'll be at our table just over there. Your parents are so chill to chill, way too chill. I feel sorry for Celia, I really do. But over at the Parker table, I've been trapped in the tensest twenty minutes of my life turns out. I do know my mom made me go with Hannah to the bottillion to torture me. Thank you for accepting my son's hand. As your eyes go tonight. He's not much of a dancer, but he knows how to get a lady down a set of dance. Did you all manage to get a photo together? She didn't mention a photo for what. I will make sure they get one. With a big smile, write you too, of course they will, James, I know your father would be proud of you. What a loss? Truly? Leaning on pretty thick dance? Was that talking to you? Tanna? Looks like there's a photographer ready. I'll write you too. Smile yeah, smile away. You can't, Tanner. I'll exuppose the truth someday. What truth that you couldn't find a real date tonight? I have access to information. I could tell everyone what I know. I don't know what you're talking about. The girl last year, the incident report. You don't know anything. Just give me a name and I'll keep the rest quiet. Nice try now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go dance. Peyton doesn't look busy, don't you dare you got your photo up read I've held up my end of the bargain. Sorry speaker here, I was thinking we were just two old friends coming together across party lines. That could be so naive. You have other friends across party lines, across economic lines, across state and country lines, very powerful friends. Well it pays to be personable. Perhaps I'm in need of a friend myself. By the looks of your invited guests, i'd say you and I have friends in common, anyone in particular. Well if you don't, oh, you don't know ladies and gentlemen, les hey for all of those, what fine, young gentleman. All right, people, it's time to potto. Everyone on the dance floor. Pardon me, senator and Mrs Blackburn Peyton, would you like to dance? You can do it? Sure, keep your hands where I can see them. Yes, Sir Tanner, Sorry, James Tanner is about to dance with pat But excuse me, I don't mean to interrupt. Would you like to dance with me? James Adrian from Trick dance with me? Are you sure you don't want to dance with literally anyone else? That was a lot of questions, But yeah, come on. Let's find a spot. You look really pretty tonight. I look like a cupcake. You're beautiful. Thanks. I'm a little nervous. You're nervous around me? Why I think a storm is brewing? Oh my god, Oh my god. I know I should be looking out for Peyton right now? But could this mean what I think it means? I love this song. I want to dance, not right now, Natalie, what's up with you? Do you think Mackenzie would get jealous? I can't believe how nonchalant my parents were about me being here. I thought you said that they couldn't ground you. You're in control, I am. Then they were so calm, we weren't upset at all. They were cool with it. No, then they're quiet, especially my mom. It is not good. So all of that talk about being the one in charge that was all fake. No, it wasn't. But the Celia I know isn't afraid of anyone or anything that doesn't include my parents. You know what will make you feel better? What? Dancing? You're so extra fine? Whoa Peyton's dancing with Tanner? Let's go over there? Are you sure we should? Now? I know you're scared. The Celia I know would never back down from a fight. God, you're so tense. I can barely lead. Maybe we shouldn't be dancing, you agreed, I'm only doing this for my family. You're here because you want to be Is that what you told the other girls? Are you in on this with James Parker? What's your end game? I can't be the only one. And what about you? What about me? What about all the guys you parayed in front of me? I've seen you hanging around coal my teammates. Really, that is none of your business. Everything is my business. You're a predatory, Well you're a dirty slot m hi. I would like to um uh tell a lot, I mean, make the toast excuse me. I can't just take I realized that it is a privilege for me to even be here, So I would like to use this time to say, um, it takes courage to be a leader, like the Bows are leading, because leaders lead, and when you lead, people like to like check up on the stuff you're doing, you know, and some people have done some really bass up, so like they shouldn't really be leaders. Not the Bows, of course. I mean it's like you guys are good guys, which is hard to be in this world because of toxic masculinity, which you do not have. So Bravo goes, that's just yeah, rad and like it just proves I'm so sorry, but puss off for the balls. Thank you, random girl. All that class has been cleaned up. Let's keep this party gone. On the dance floor, that was interesting, Natalie is always interesting. Don't change the subject, Adrian your Onyx. I've been trying to figure out how to tell you why here? Why now? Because I asked you to dance and you said yes instead of literally running away from me at Celia's party? Do you remember that? Yeah? But you know everything about me and I know nothing about you. Of course you know me more than anyone here. I was a nerd in jock's clothing looking for easy and then I met you. And why did you release the footage of the school break in? I didn't, but you guys pulled off? Was dope a lotsmith though he already got you in trouble once. Yeah, maybe I still can't believe that I'm dancing with you in person? Storm and Onyx, I don't know do you call that dancing? Oh? What? You don't like my moves? I like that you're rhythmically challenge It's endearing. Okay, okay, I have been known to clap on the one in three cabins. Hold that thought, ONYX ladies room, need some girl time, me too, See you in a second. I'm there, be right back. Where do you think you're going? Young lady? Do I have to ask permission to use the bathroom? What you just pulled? Keep my friend from harm and embarrassed your fault. I'll treat embarrassment for integrity any day. Can you say the same? Natalie? Wait? Oh boy, glad, I caught you harry your daughter put on quite a show. I'm not in the mood, crofter, all you've done for her, putting your reputation on the line. What do you imply the things we do for our children, whether they deserve them or not. She should what yelled degrading expletives in public? Is it lonely up there on that high haul buss off Crawford. I have a feeling it's not as hop as it used to be. I bet you're just as low as the rest of us, and you're the lowest. Some folks are even lower. It's helpful to have them on your side. What are you son of Oh my god, Peyton, are you okay? I'm fine. I just he can get away with anything. He can scream at me in public, and there are no consequences if it wasn't for Natalie. I'm so sorry, Peyton. It's not even about me at this point. The dance was about my dad's career. Tanner said an awful word to defend his ego. Sometimes I just feel like a prop in these men's lives. It's not fair. This whole night has been weird. Yeah, definitely, and it's not even halfway over. Oh my god, No, I cannot believe this. This system is so screwed up under my parents. I've heard yet. Oh there you are, James Mom. I don't want to hear it right now. It's almost time. Check your phone. Read got the Supreme Court nomination. Iron Horns Epic Productions and I Heard Radio Present Daughters of DC Created and executive produced by Heather ironh Born and Adam Stafferoni, Head writer Sasha Stewart, Senior writer Louis Cornfeld, Writers Tyler English Beckworth, cha Rous Senna, and Adam Stafferoni. Directed by J. B. Bloch. Executive produced by I Heart Radio, produced by A Rupe Senna, Kayla Kimberly Woods as James Parker, Melissa Vanderska as Peyton Blackburn, Talia Romana as Natalie Rosenberg, Suzie Young as Celia Lou with performances by O. G. Banks, k Bess, Vic Chow, phyador Chen, Darren De Paul Dave Panoi, Paul Gayette, Jury Lowenthal, Brandon Middleton, Stephanie she Shelley Shenoy, Richard Tatum, Genie Toronto, Andia Winslow Marshall York with Francesca Ramsey and J. B. Blanc. Development executive Greg Locker, Production manager Gail Artino, Production coordinator and script supervisor Laura Martin. Creative direction and design by Ryan McCann. He art illustrated by Heather Danforth. Casting by don Neowen, Record and edit, Home and sound recording engineer Diana David. Additional recordings Claudio Santos additional recordings Michael Schneider, Sound supervision, Christians Wiggins, Sound designers R. D. White and Josh Melody. Original music Josh Melody, Additional music from Jingle Punks Consultant Kelsey Fraser ms W Culture Consultants Logan Davis, Casey Davis and Davis Family. Special thank you to the Shadow Unicorn, iin Horn's Epic Productions and I Heart Radio present Daughters of Dcity. Hey there, this is Natalie Rosenberg. Yeah, that Natalie Rosenberg. We all know that taking a stand and speaking up has never been more important. Looking for ways to become more informed and take action, head to Daughters of d C dot com for resources to get started.