Jaymes vs. Twitter

Published Oct 6, 2020, 7:01 AM

Natalie's protest got picked up by the news and now the trolls are swarming. I'd be freaking out, but Natalie's all, "Bring it on, bros." Although even she can hit a breaking point. -- EINHORN'S EPIC PRODUCTIONS & iHEARTRADIO PRESENT: DAUGHTERS OF DC. Head to DaughtersOfDC.com to get exclusive DODC news, updates, and content before everybody else.

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Hey, listeners, it's James Parker. Can you keep a secret? The next episode of Daughters of d C is up next, But first a quick word from our sponsor, Iron Horns Epic Productions. And I heard Radio present Daughters of DC. What do you need information? What kind of information? A record of your confidence and what they may reveal when pressed. It's no secret that in Washington, d C. Corruption is everywhere. You could say it's gone viral. That's why my friends and I decided to take on the system from the inside. I'm James, I'm Peyton, I'm Celia, I'm Natalie, and we're the Daughters of DC. Yeah. So breaking an inner ring way harder in real life than in video games, also way more fun. I just wished it ended with us actually discovering who else Tanner hurt. It's like the whole system was designed to keep Tanner and jerks like him on top. Of course, that's why coders like me exist, right to create better systems, or well to try anyway. Alright, settled down, folks, this is a classroom, not a social club. Now. History is coming alive today, and not just in class. I'm sure you've all heard the news by now that our very own Tanner Read's father has been shortlisted for a seat on the Supreme Court. Tanner, how does it feel pretty great? Mr Dugan? The shortlist is in a nomination and it looks like Ms Rosenberg has an opinions tad. What a refreshing change of pace. It's absurd to treat this as a congratulatory thing, especially considering his track record when it comes to women's rights, and furthermore, he has a notorious history lobbying for extended sentences on petty crimes, not to mention a vertiginous record of decisions against the African American community. She can't just make stuff up? Sorry, do you not know what revertigionists means? Do you listen? Dick brain? Whoa Mr Dugan did? All right? I think that's enough passionate discourse to last us a full class. I'm afraid we won't be doing that, sir Patie. We are done delivering ourselves into the hands of abusive men. We won't be accomplices to the perpetuation of a racist, depressive patriarch. Thank you, George. This is a walkout. Why does du Pont Theater Department will not pa We sit back to listen to your version of history when the time is ours to make our own. Don't represent the theater department, Natalie. We the people are putting toxic, oppressive masculinity on trial for crimes against human decency. Court is now in session. Jose can you see for the done. That's why are you guys seeing this now? What's going on? Celia? The theater geeks are staging a mock trial in the football field. Everyone's walking out of class, look outside. Oh my gosh, Natalie's really out there. You sand accused of infiltrating American life on every conceit the high school to take at a house party, all the way toxic masculinity. We find you guilty on all counts. Get him, Natalie. I've always been jealous of Natalie's ability to stand up and tell her truth no matter what, because when you speak your mind, other people speak there is right back. Like on Twitter, Natalie's protests got picked up by the news and now the trolls are swarming. I'd be freaking out, but Natalie's all. Bring it on, Bros. Listen to this one ugly rich cry baby angry at all men. What a shock ogie. First off, I'm not rich. And second, you're damn right, I'm angry. M hmmm, probably not hot enough to get a date herself, so she has to take it out the rest of us. Sad uh. Definitely loses points on originality. Okay, I can get a date whenever and wherever I want. Not that that matters. Confidence is sexy, baby. Oh this one is good. I'm so tired of this endless war on men. Stop blaming other people for your problems. Oh, here is the best part. Oh and by the way, I'm a woman. What possible difference does it make that you're a woman, idiot? Internalized misogyny is still misogyny the more you know. Although even she can hit a breaking point, anyone can get overwhelmed when it just keeps coming and coming. That's enough to drive you crazy, which is why you prefer to fight your battles in an anonymous chat room. It's safer. But I hate how powerless these guys make me feel powerless. Natalie may be able to stand up couratrolls, but you can shut them down one. You know that data mining algorithm you've been tying with, What would happen if you used it as a pageant. Let's say you wanted it to automatically retweet a message. I guess it would retweet it infinitely. And if you created an open network of people endlessly retweeting each other, um, I guess it would crush the system. I could do that. You have power, baby hagger, if you choose to wheel it. If I can't build a better system, at least I could destroy the old one temporarily. Corrupt systems often need the in sing power of fire. Shut down all Twitter just for a little while, a few hours. Yeah, give Natalie a break and distrack the trolls until they find something else to run about, like an all female reapit of inglorious bastards. Whoa, okay, m so now what Just sit back and enjoy it. Oh my god, it's really happening, Like gods O good, got like a guy. Hey, d O DC fans, stay tuned more. Daughters of d C is up next, But first a quick word from our sponsor. Well step Daughters of DC fans. I want to be a real d O DC insider. Follow us on Instagram at Daughters of DC Official to get exclusive DODC news updates and content before everybody else thank you for calling the Sexual Assault Hotline. My name's Ellen, and I'm really glad you're reaching out. How can I help? I don't know if this is the right number to be calling or I don't have to tell you my name? Do I not? If you don't want to. This is an anonymous and confidential resource. Okay, I was at a party and something happened. I'm not sure it even was an assault, to be honest, it didn't get very far. Assault doesn't just have to mean a full on attack. No one has the right to violate you physically or emotionally. Right, we don't have to get into the details. If you're uncomfortable talking about them. Well, he's someone who grew up with I'm listening, Okay, no one there. I've got to go. Please call back any time, day or night. There's always someone here to talk to. Coming on. Oh, Dear Heavenly Father, we thank THEE for this food, feed our souls on the bread of life, and help us do our part in kind words and loving deeds. Were asking Jesus name, Amen? Amen? How school going? Sweetheart? Okay? Daddy, just okay, she's sulky. What's wrong, darling? Nothing? Daddy? I bet I know what this is about. You do? Are you in Tanner having troubles? No, Daddy, touchy subject. I guess you know. I like that. Boy? May be excused? No, you may not. Daddy? May I be excused? Well, if you're feeling poorly, you should probably lie down back. Yes, I'm feeling poorly, all right, then get we'll wrap your plate up. What you know? How teenagers are? They really aren't very much? Aren't you two? For getting something? Or you believe Offessionals for Twitter are blaming a security breach for the average which kept us sit down almost two hours today. Chaos hit the web today as Twitter completely and utterly shut down for nearly two hours? Who is to blame? Where can we go for answers? Is nowhere safe? I'll have that and more tonight on the blame game with me. Patricia Withers. Hello, Congressman Rosenberg, This is Crawford read calling. Uh huh, How can I help you judge? Well? Your daughter Natalie embarrassed my son in school today and it wasn't the first time I heard about that. It sounded to me like she engaged in peaceful disobedience, more like shameful behavior and deliberate effort to drag mine my boy's name through the mind. Is that so well in a pot? Don't cross me, Congressman. M hm, Natalie, can I talk to you? Why did I do this time? Dad? I just got off the phone with Crawford read he threatened to slap me with a libel suit unless I put a muzzle on you. What did you say? I told him. If he thinks he can get a muzzle on you, he's free to give it a try, but he should expect to get his fingers bitten off. That's not funny. So are you going to punish me? Punish you? Are you kidding? I'm proud of you. That guy needs as many thorns in his ass as we can give him. I just came up to tell you to keep up the good work. Oh okay, thanks? All right? Then I was his study and coming by the way, I don't see any books open. I'm thinking. I know it's not easy, Natalie, and the dyslexia makes it harder, but this year is crucial for your college applications. And after that, great chill, all right, all right, I'm chill, good evening, Natalie. Who is this a fellow justice? Secret. You know what. Sorry, I'm done dealing with trolls for the day. Adios creepo. Oh I wouldn't dare to take a crusader like yourself. I do seek to destroy the system. Oh yeah, yes, I didn't want to warn you the And if you're going to try and lead a movement, then you better make sure there are no skeletons in your closet. I don't have any skeletons in my closet. Is that so perhaps a little evening reading? Is it? Order? What's this? You should ask your father? Wait? Care you again? Oh Marcia? Can you run back inside? I forgot this evening security brief? And I want to see if the committee believes the Twitter breach was the Russians again, speak of Parka. I minute up your time, Judge Reid. I was just leaving for the night, but feel free to call my office in the morning. I'll get right to the point. I'd like to attend your son's boutillion party. And why would you want to do that? I think it's important to celebrate a young man's a raval in society. Huh, tell me, Judge, what's my son's name? I'm afraid you've called me there, so I have somehow the impressions got now that I am not a friend the black community, and i'd like to amend that. So you'll make a cameo appearance amongst us black folk. That's a crude way of putting it. I know we don't see. I'd eye on many things, but I'd like to be friends. Tell me, speaker, in your wildest dreams, what might a Supreme Court justice be able to do for you? Is this a bribe? Judge a favor? Madam? Honest to say? It was the lion key? And another back door comes crashing down the wind? What's wrong? Not in the move to play tonight? Sorry, I'm a little distracted. What's up? I'm kind of dealing with something. I want to talk about it, but I can't. Why not I had fun trading secrets with you the other day? Or maybe I can help? All Right, there's this guy and he did something bad to my friend, and we know he's done this bad thing to other people, only we can't prove it. I need documentation. Okay, Well, is this the sort of thing he might brag two friends about. Yes, you could hack his phone if he really deserves that kind of he deserves it, man, I'm sorry. Yeah, So how would I get into his phone? Well, theoretically installed spyware, right, I need someone really good at finding backdoors. Well, you don't have to beg I'm right here. But are we really doing this? We have power on it. It's up to us to wield it. Okay, I'm in on expenses sports secure in the game. He deploys the Class too flash bar, creating just enough of a diversion for a storm Allowy to rewire the really matrix Now where has been activated. It's sending a counter attack my restorm. And so all the time I needed installation complete. Let's get out of here on X you'll need to tell me twice. Is honestly a little scary how easy that was. We're can see into his phone. Let's see what we get. Okay, Wow, a lot of abshots. What is that giant thing today? There's already spy we're operating here. Okay. The dead is being funnel to an IP address that belongs to one Crawford Read, his own dad spying on him. Why would you do that? So the guys Tanna read? Do you know who Tanna read? Is? I do as it appears? Do you? Who are you? That's not a secret. I'm ready to tell, but I have another one I'll share. What is it? I know who you are? James Parker? What? Sorry? But I gotta go now, So I next adventure? Hey? Hey? Wait? Oh God God, James, Hey, James, are you there? Yeah, I'm here. We've been trying to get in touch with you all morning. Sorry, I had a really late night last nute. I guess I overslept. What's going on? Celia and I are outside the Headmaster's office right now, We're about to be expelled. What why? Someone sent him a video of us breaking into his office. I erased the security footage, lock Smith with your instructions. Then how did it get out? But even have known to look for it? You haven't been divulging secrets to any other hacker? Can patrins letely? Because I did tell you to trust no one? Oh God. Iron Horn's Epic Productions and I Heart Radio present Daughters of DC created an executive produced by Heather Einhorn and Adam Stafferoni head writer Sasha Stewart, senior writer Louis Cornfeld, writers Tyler english beckwith cha Rus Senna and Adam Stafferoni directed by J. B. Blanch Executive Produced by I Heart Radio. Produced by A Rupe Senna, Kayla Kimberly Woods as James Parker, Melissa Vanderskay as Peyton Blackburn, Talia Romana as Natalie Rosenberg, Suzia as Celia Lou with performances by O. G. Banks, k Bess, Vick Chow fayador Chen, Darren de Paul, Paul Gayette, Jury Lowenthal, Brandon Middleton, Stephanie Shea, Richard Tatum, Genie Toronto, Andia Winslow Marshall York with Francesca Ramsay and J. B. Blanch. Development executive Greg Locker, production manager Gail Artino, Production coordinator and script supervisor Loa Martin. Creative direction and design by Ryan McCann. He Aren't Illustrated by Heather Danforth. Recording edit, Home and sound Recording Engineer Diana David. Additional recordings Claudio Santos, additional recordings Michael Schneider, Sound supervision, Christian who Aggains, Sound designers R. D. White and Josh Melody. Original music Josh Melody, additional music from Jingle Punks consultant Kelsey Fraser, M. S. W Culture Consultants, Logan Davis, Casey Davis and Davis Family. Special thank you to the Shadow Unicorn, iin Horn's Epic Productions and I Heart Radio present Daughters of DC. Hey there, this is Natalie Rosenberg. Yeah, that Natalie Rosenberg. We all know that taking a stand and speaking up has never been more important. Looking for ways to become more informed and take action, head to Daughters of d C dot com for resources to get started. Listen to Daughters of d C on I Heart Radio, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts

Daughters of DC

At Washington DC’s most elite prep school, Jaymes Parker – the tech-savvy daughter of the Speaker of 
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