Hiding in Plain Sight

Published Nov 3, 2020, 8:01 AM

It wasn't exactly the Beautillion of Cole's dreams, but it did have the entire school talking. -- EINHORN'S EPIC PRODUCTIONS & iHEARTRADIO PRESENT: DAUGHTERS OF DC. Head to DaughtersOfDC.com to get exclusive DODC news, updates, and content before everybody else.

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Hey, listeners, it's James Parker. Can you keep a secret? The next episode of Daughters of DC is up next, But first a quick word from our sponsor, iin Horn's Epic Productions, and I heard radio present Daughters of DC. James Parker is in Angela. Parker's daughter released my phone records. That's right, the very same. Please, that's absurd. He's a child. It had to have been the use. I had just finished negotiating, aliating. You don't seem to understand your role here, jud Reine, Now what does that mean. It means you need to get your house in order before you start throwing your weight around. You're in no position to make demands. Look at yourself, exposed, vulnerable. Anyone who supports your nomination wouldn't want that. Trust me when I say the lose had nothing to do with this, But he couldn't have been. How knowledgeable are you in American history, judge read very the American Revolution in particular. Now, wouldn't you tell me the name of the traitor who dealt the most grippling damage to the fledgling American cause? That's easy, Benedict Arnold. I failed to see the point of your game. Her name was An Bates actually operated as a spy for the British Crown for years, right under the noses of American soldiers. But do you know how You'll have to enlighten me because no one suspected her because on the surface she was a school teacher, a mother, a respectable young woman. I still don't think a sixteen year old your enemies are legion judge read and they're the ones you least expect. Be smart. Take It's no secret that in Washington, d C. Corruption is everywhere. You could say it's gone viral. That's why my friends and I decided to take on the system from the inside. I'm James, I'm Peyton, I'm Celia, I'm Natalie, and we're the daughters of DC. It wasn't exactly the battillion of Cole's dreams, but it did have the entire school talking. And I have to admit seeing Tanner in the hot seat on account of his evil predendator was very satisfying. Not that I enjoyed it or anything. Okay, who am I getting? It was glorious seeing him scramble until it wasn't Hey, what's up? INSTI fam I know I have some haters to the comments. You can't shut up about my dad's emails. But I don't want to talk politics right now. That is just so boring. I know what y'all are here for the sloppy stylings of DC's finest. So without further ado, I present Cattle. Oh, let's go to the the biggest slotted DuPont prep a one, ms Hayton Blackbird. I know what you're thinking, what does it take to get a Jesus fruit look her to dance like that? Great question? The answer is vodka, vodka and more voda. It's the fam. Let me know what you think of little Princess Peyton's dance moves down in the comments, I swear that anymore allows around the field. Wait like, um, y'all, hey, have y'all seen my clothes? My locker is empty. I'm sure you didn't leave him at Celia's party. Pay what are you talking about? Ga? Well, it's like little miss Golden Girl is gonna have to stick the walks game. M h. Peyton, have you seen this video? I've been a practice all more and what video? I'm so sorry? It's on Tanner's Instagram. It's you at Celia's party, dancing before you guys went upstairs. Oh hey, I'm so sorry. I will kill him. Well, that explains it, I guess explains what nothing? Just some girls stole my clothes from my locker. What And that's not even the worst of it. Someone put my gym clothes back in my bag, stamped except what they wrote slut across my shirt in red marker. They are dead. We have to figure out who did this, James, don't worry. Um. All we have to do is pinpoint when the clothes were stolen, maybe hack into the school security feeds. I already know who did it, y'all. I recognized the handwriting. Who was it? Valentina Seldania? Are you friends with her? I thought I would. I knew it. Her shoes are knock off, Jimmy, choose the girls a fraud. She's been hiding in plain sight. What should we do? I'm going to talk to her? Really, we can always just skip straight to revenge. No, we're doing things my way. She's right outside b R B. Wait, Peyton, what about your clothes? I have a seal Aaron my go bag. Say the word and I'm there in two minutes. They want me to be afraid, but I won't give them the satisfaction. I'm wearing my shirt, scarlet, letter and all. Are you sure absolutely they want to walk a shame, I'll give it to him. Something on your mind, baby, hacker. I've been thinking about what I overheard of the botilion. What did you hear? Not much before, I was caught something between Judge Reid and a lose They're working together in secret, I think are for the course in as anything like this unchecked power breeds secrecy and corruption. Yeah, yeah, blah, blah blah. I know that's not what I'm confused about. Well, it's just a friend just found out that someone she trusted, her friend, betrayed her. It got me thinking, how do we know who our enemies are when when they could be right under our noses? Exactly? You have to look at who has something to gain from a situation? Yeah, who was seeing greater power? Who wouldn't do anything to obtain it? I really think the loser of working with Reid. I hadn't tried to warn Celia, But your friend was still acrossed by someone closer, Yes, someone who was almost like a family. What are you implying maybe when it comes to your enemies, baby actor, you should look a little closer to home. Closer to home you mean like my family. No, that's not possible. You'd be implying either Coal or my mom and Cole makes no sense, but then neither does Mom. But why did you invite Read to the Bertillion? And why would I have to be seen dancing with Tanner? What? Indeed? Wait, Blocksmith? What do you mean Blocksmith? Oh? Nice outfit, Valentina, Can we talk me? Yes? You now? Hey? D o DC fans stay tuned more. Daughters of d C is up next, but first a quick word from our sponsor. Head to Daughters of DC dot com to get exclusive d o DC news updates and content before everybody else. Be honest with me, Valentina, why do you hate me? I don't know where you're talking about. I know this is your handwriting on my shirt. Remember when we did the Lacrosse bake sale together last year? I had to staple about two hundred of your handwritten posters around campus. You do a funny swiggle on your tees. I know this was you. Please don't tell Master Whifford. Don't worry. I won't wait. Really, Yes, really, but I need to know why I think you owe me that much. Hey, it was just a joke. It got out of hand. It wasn't just a joke. We were friends, weren't we. Friends don't do that to each other. Hey, I'm sorry for the shirt. It was Jia's stupid idea and I was just playing along. But honestly, it's nothing compared to what people are saying about you behind your back. What are they saying? You know, like you're easy and a sloppy drunk and now you're hooking up with Cole right after you hooked up with Tanner. I did not hook up with Tanner. I know you're trying to be modest, but we all saw you go upstairs with him and he assaulted me. I told him no a bunch of times, but he didn't listen. He assaulted me. Come on, Tanner's pushed, sure, but I wouldn't call it. What do you mean Tainer's pushy? How would you know Tanner and I hooked up or whatever? What when at Jessica's last year after the playoffs you weren't there. I think you were doing the habitat for humanity or it's something in anyway, we hooked up. It was weird, but whatever, it was just Tanner being Tanner? How was it weird? He he was pushy, Like I said, it's not a big deal. Pushy is a big deal. Val, It's a very big deal. Val. Did he assault you too? I don't know. I was drunk off my butt on that horrible tequila we stole from Jessica's sisters Stash. I was flirty, he was flirty. You know how it gets it to pomp parties? Why and you tell me? I just wanted to forget that it happened, Okay. I didn't want to think about it anymore. Yeah, I know what you mean. But that's not an option, isn't It gets so you can't eat, I can't sleep. I asked him to stop. I'm so sorry that have you talked to anyone after it happened. I tried to just move on, but I was having these horrible nightmares. I couldn't focus in class I even. I eventually went to Headmaster Whitford. I told him everything you reported it, that's great, right, No, he he told me there are two sides to this kind of thing. I started asking me all these questions, telling me I was probably confused because Tanner was a good kid. Somehow it made me feel guilty for even bringing it up. He told me he would file an incident report, that he'd bring it up to the school board, but I never heard anything about it afterwards. And then I started thinking maybe it was my fault, Maybe I let him on. Maybe I was overreacting about the whole thing. No, you weren't. What's the point of admitting that if no one believes me. I believe you. He did the same thing to me, Vel the same thing. It doesn't matter, Tanner. He gets whatever he wants. That's just how the school works. But what if it wasn't? What are you talking about? I have an idea? Well, how was school today? I got a name on my ap KIM test? Mom? Can I ask you a question? What's on your mind? Forget it? No? What's your question? James? Nothing? Never mind? You know the one I've been stressing about for weeks. James, Why did I have to go to the berttillion with Canner Reid? I had my reasons. You'll just have to trust me. Why, James, Renee, how do you're the one who made me humiliate myself with that creep and for what you're useless political gamesmanship. Excused me? Yeah, I learned that word from Natalie, and you're guilty of it. You were not going to sit at my dinner table and accuse me. Stop it, both of you, Cole, that was supposed to be my night. I prepared for months, between the cross practice and schoolwork and everything else. I worked my butt off for that one night, and I did it for Dad. Baby. I I know it didn't go the way we plan. You use the whole of it as a photo op to buddy up to your racist conservative colleagues. Cole, that's not fair. Everything I do you do for me, you let them use my botillion for cheap diversity points. How many of my friends would judge read lock up in a heartbeat? And you, James, you and your friends couldn't have saved your drama for another night. You seriously couldn't let me have this. I'm going to my room. Yes, that means I'm excused to Hey, wait, we need to talk this all out like a family. Let me know when we start being one. Hey, seals urgent, meet me in the table. Natalie, get down here. Now, what your antics at the party turns you into a meme. Hi, I would like to um tell a lot, I mean make a toast. I'm sorry, but cuss off of the past. Have you seen these comments I as a kite, drunken and bugging hashtag toast fail? Are you trying to take my reelection? I was helping a friend, okay, something you should be applotting, and it got a little out of hands, a little Natalie. What are college is going to think when they see this? I don't care, Dad, I don't even want to go to go. My heart can only takes so much of this. How am I even going to apply? If my s A T score is fraudulent, that's your doing that not I know, but look, you can retake the test on your own this time. We can scrub the other score from the record. No one has to know it ever happened. That is so not the point. It did happen, and scrubbing it from my record is just burying the truth, which is that you compromise your core values so I could have a higher school. Please let's just move on from this. I'm not moving on the Harry Rosenberg I used to know wouldn't want me to Thanks for meeting me. I wanted to stretch out these lubatants. Anyway, what's the emergency. I really need to talk to you about something I overheard at the Botilion. Judge Read and your dad, What are you talking about? I don't know exactly what they were saying, but it sounded like Read was angry with your parents, like they were working for him and they had messed up or something. My parents worked for no one but themselves. You must have misheard Seals. I'm pretty sure I didn't. I'm just wondering if Read has people secretly working for him. You think it's my family? I don't know. I have no idea what to inc In fact, I have a source who tells me it might be my family. Well, that would make a hell of a lot more sense. What oh, please, James. My parents are discreet, they handle their affairs and strict confidence in any case, they don't need favors from someone like Crawford Read. Your mother, on the other hand, my mother, what I mean? She's nothing but an opportunistic ladder climber. Shed a photo of with a brick wall if she thought it would give her an ounce a political cloud. Everyone knows it it's a little sad. Actually, my parents have integrity. Integrity, Celia. They didn't even raise you. They're always off doing god knows what, leaving their daughter in the care of who they're a driver. You have no idea what you're talking about. Williams like family to me. You know my mom might be involved in some backdoor deals. This is d C who isn't. But at least I know she loves me. Can you say the same for your parents? Listen, I'm I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that, but we don't have much time. Judge Reid's hearing is coming up and we need to figure out. You know why we stopped being friends, James, Uh, yeah, you know the Colorama incident. I never cared about that. No, we stopped being friends because I find you utterly embarrassing. You think hiding behind your smart curl exterior will conceal the fact that deep down you're a friendless, pathetic loser and you're an arrogant, shallow, rich girl who doesn't care about anything but her designer footwear and her Instagram followers. I thought you changed, Celia. I thought being back in d O DC would make you a better person. I was wrong. You know I should go. These shoes are killing me. Hey, y'all, I talked it out with Alentina. I think I finally know what I need to do. James either, Yeah, sorry, I got distracted. What's up? We're Celia. I don't think she'll be joining us tonight. I want it all y'all to hear this. But okay, I've decided what I want to do about Tanner, but I need y'all's help anything always, What do you want to do? I want to go public, tell the truth about my assault once and for all. I'm done hiding. How Yes, girl, that's amazing. Pay I'm so proud of you. B RB Guys, well, you may have been right about my mom. Believe me when I tell you it. It aims me to be right all the time. If I want to stop her and read, I need proof and I have no idea where to look? Oh baby a, how do you look? Nothing for me? It's quite simple. What do you know about my mom? You know? Where would be the fun? And just telling you you'll have to find it yourself. But where where everyone source their skeletons in this wretched town? Baby anchor? In a Drawer marked classified Iron Horn's Epic Productions and I Heart Radio Present Daughters of d C. Created and executive produced by Heather Einhorn and Adam STAFFARONI head writer Sasha Stewart, Senior writer Louis Cornfeld, writers Tyler english beckwith cha Rus Senna and Adam Stafferoni directed by J. B. Block. Executive produced by I Heart Radio. Produced by A Rupe Senna, Kayla, Kimberly Woods as James Parker, Melissa Vanders Gay as Peyton Blackburn, Talia Romana as Natalie Rosenberg, Suzie Young as Leah Lou with performances by O. G. Banks, k Bess Vick chow phayoedor Che, Darren de Paul, Dave Panoi, Paul Gayette, Jury Lowenthal, Brandon Middleton, Stephanie she Shelley Shenoy, Richard Tatum, Genie Toronto, Andia Winslow Marshall York with Francesca Ramsey and J. B. Blanc. Development executive Greg Locker, production manager Gail Artino, Production coordinator and script supervisor Laura Martin. Creative direction and design by Ryan McCann. He Aren't Illustrated by Heather Danforth. Casting by don Neowen Recording Edit, Home and sound Recording Engineer Diana David. Additional recordings Claudio Santos additional recordings Michael Schneider, Sound supervision, Christian Wiggins, Sound designers R. D. White and Josh Melody. Original music Josh Melody, Additional music from Jingle Punks. Consultant Kelsey Frasier, M S. W. Culture Consultants, Logan Davis, Casey Davis and Davis Family. Special thank you to the Shadow Unicorn, Iine Horns, Epic Productions, and I Heart Radio present Daughters of D City. Hey y'all, it's Peyton Blackburn. Have you or anyone you know been a victim of sexual violence or assault? You can find resources from RAIN, the nation's largest sexual violence organization, on our website, Daughters of DC dot com. There is hope and you are not alone.

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At Washington DC’s most elite prep school, Jaymes Parker – the tech-savvy daughter of the Speaker of 
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