I should be scared. I am scared...But is it weird that I also feel this huge head rush? -- EINHORN'S EPIC PRODUCTIONS & iHEARTRADIO PRESENT: DAUGHTERS OF DC. Head to DaughtersOfDC.com to get exclusive DODC news, updates, and content before everybody else.
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Hey, listeners, it's James Parker. Can you keep a secret? The next episode of Daughters of d C is up next, But first a quick word from our sponsor, Iron Horn's Epic Productions. And I heard radio present Daughters of d C. I'm here place the package of the base of the contemplation of justice. Oh. I have waited years for this moment, decades. With this pact, you shall soon walk these faunted halls. I'll get to make my mark. Citizens United, Burwell versus Hobby Lobby, Santa Clara versus Southern Pacific Railroad, corporations of people, and those people will always have an ally on the court. M It's no secret that in Washington, d C. Corruption is everywhere. You could say it's gone viral. That's why my friends and I decided to take on the system from the inside. I'm James, I'm Peyton, I'm Celia, I'm Natalie, and we're the Daughters of EC. So that happened fast, and one weekend I went from playing hacker games to getting hauled off to the Headmaster's office. I should be scared. I am scared, But is it weird that I also feel this huge head rush. I don't know if it's from my first real hack or from being with my friends again. Our parents kept us apart to keep us out of trouble. But what if getting into trouble is the right thing to do? Speaker Parker, your daughter broke into the school's administrative records. At a point, we take security very seriously. Usually we don't do two weeks suspensions on first affects. You need to be very careful about what comes next, sir. What makes my daughter different? Well the level of the breach. So her code was too good? Headmaster Whitford, James is bored? Is that true, James? Do you know how many stem magnets are clamoring for her? I keep her to point because I believe in a well rounded education. But let's treat the disease, not the symptom. And what's that if you ran a decent programming curriculum, she wouldn't have to test her skills on your security servers. Isn't that right, James? So let's do a three day suspension and if she does not misbehave further ex bunget from her record at the end of the year. Well, I am thank you, Headmaster. Let's go James. James, I can't believe you would pull a stunt like this. This is Calorama all over again. I'm sorry, mom, and the worst daughter of all time. Jay. What you did was wrong. But I know as much as you play your coding games, you would never do something like this unless you had a good reason. What's going on? I tried to help, and it's like, I don't know, I am, I don't know. The rules are different for people like us, Jay, and sometimes most times the whole system is corrupt, but one thing always wins in the long run. Privilege and inherited wealth, integrity. Jay, I can't fight all your battles for are you? But I'm not like you. You're a lot like your dad. He was measured, thoughtful, and radically kind and messy. Boy was he messy. He was really messy. But he was also courageous and I know he would want you to stand up for yourself. Stand in the light, Hi, Marcia. Yes, we're all worried about the open Supreme Court seat. Once that, James, sure, Mom, the President's already released his short list. Justice Ramirez only died five days ago. Who's on the list? Crawford read, are you joking. The man gutted protections from marginalized communities at every level. He's not a judge, he's an executioner. Oh that's a good line. We have to go nuclear on this guy now, James, let's get straight to it. I'm gonna get George and the other theater kids and we're going to occupy the headmaster's office until he agrees to set you free. Please don't, Natalie, I'm fine. It is so unfair. You were just trying to help exactly getting back on track. Did you find your Auntanna? Or do we need to kneecap him ourselves? Celia, give James a minute to breathe. Oh my god, James tell us, is he the misogynist Perk? We all kind of knew he was no offense for dating him Payton. I mean, yes, there was an incident report, but get to the point. When I tried to download it got corrupted. I'm sorry, We'll need to try something else. Why didn't I tell the girls about Locksmith? Well, I don't want Peyton to worry. She's got enough going on. Celia would just tell me to track him down and kick his ass, and Natalie would try to use him to get good he's off the dark web, but also maybe because he said he'd teach me, and I could really use a teacher right now. About that fifty strong to the first person who can give me info and a hacker named lock Smith, Yes, it has to be actual info. Have you worked with him before? How do you contact him? You are too cute, storm, as if I don't already have a buttonet of my own? Hey our next? Do you know locksmith? Locksmith? No? But the after the lock is interesting. I think he's in a lot of key. Doesn't strike me as a comics guy, more like John Locke, the dude from the Enlightenment. I haven't played that game, but I'll keep an eye out. Would you beat with this dude? Anyway? I don't need to tell you. I'll tell you. Might see goods to detail me yours? I don't think, so I'll start. I'm not just stereotypical hacker. That's not a secret. That's opinion. Okay, Well, then what's a secret? A secret is like I saw my mom's credit card to buy Beyonce tickets and then said it was a credit card fraud and could listen to Beyonce for a month. Without feeling guilty, or I have panic attacks when people ask me to dance with parties in a totally random examples. I see then, My secret is I think you might be the only person who knows the real me. Wait One, the headmaster will see you next. Peyton, Hey, Cole, what are you doing here? Trying to get an exemption so you can join two sports this season? Don't say that too loud. It'll get back to my mom and suddenly I'll be on every team in school. And I do not mess with Poland It's true. She's so persuasive. Oh I know. Remember the girl scout cookies? Oh yeah, James brought home enough cases to feed Roal Island and she was too afraid to knock on doors. So your mom convinced me Samoa's were the best cookie ever, even though I hate coconut but ten boxes. She kept trying to pawn them off on Aisian interns as special bonuses. So I'm here to talk sins into Waitford about James. Same. Are you two still friends? I thought you all grew apart. Yeah, but you know, James, She's so loyal and it was kind of my fault. Um, it was because of me that James. I get it. You two always had each other's backs. Yeah we did. We do all right? Kids. I'm on in, got your paying next definating not yet. I just wanted to see if you heard about James Parker. Ah, but I mean, who speak to Angela Parker's kid? She got busted for hacking? What a new? That's wild? I hadn't heard read it the White hand, All the forms are blown up about it. She actually did it well at school. That's hacking one on one off site girl. Yeah, but it's not like we know all the details. Maybe she was in a hurry. Are you defending her? Even your skills are above that greenhorn? Well, she sounds like she's better than you, at least anyway. I'm gonna bounce. I hear the toilet flushing and it reminds me after pay that was close and awful. I'm the laughing stock of the hacker verse. What's going on? I got my SAT scores back and I kicked it in its elitist white supremises, traditionalist ass on nad way to go. I know you worked so long or so, the Ivy League is back on the table. I don't even want to go to college. But now my dad can yell at me about my grads anymore. Actually that's not why we called you and James. Oh yeah, being and col tried to break you out of suspension jail, but Headmaster Whitford Wooden budge, sorry, thanks for trying anyway, As promised, I've got a plan. If we can't get the digital copy of Tanner's records, we'll get the hard copy. Are you saying? Natalie and I are breaking into the school tonight? Hie baby, whoa? Y'all count me out. If I got caught, my dad would ground me forever. Let's do this. I'll be your girl in the chair, the eyes and the ears of the whole operation. Y'all. I'll really appreciate this. You're such good friends. I'm already putting on my sneaking blacks. They're my theater blacks, got for sneaking. M Hey. D O DC fans, stay tuned more Daughters of d C is up next, But first a quick word from our sponsor. What's up? Daughters of DC fans want to be a real d o DC insider, follow us on Instagram at Daughters of DC official to get exclusive d O DC news updates and content before everybody else. What is this late night rendezvous about? Miss Luke? Justice for bench? A peon at DuPont must with one of our friends. Now he's going to get his This is interesting. Celia says, you were in the military, William any tips? If the military taught me anything, it was shoot to kids. You're terrifying will also nice music? Single one not a he wants to keep his job. Wait here, George is never going to believe this. I mean I will tell him because secrets, but he wouldn't believe it anyway. Who's George my theater? Bff? He's adorable. I didn't know you how to hook up? George is not He's like never long Bottom minus whatever happened with him? A Luna? I always shipped Hermione and Luna. Mackenzie's a total harmony. I mean, who was Mackenzie one? Celia, shut up. We're breaking and entering right now. Whos tell me everything? Fine? She's at Georgetown. We met an Abisa when our parents were vacationing over the summer. You see her maybe once a month. It's kind of perfect. Oh my god, not a big deal. I mean the doors locked with like five dead bolts, so I can't pick the lock the locks. Seriously, I don't know I can pick confirmed you have, James, how do we get in? Do we need to break a window? He was grappling hooks to repel the roof. I bet your driver has one of those. Scary so I tried to break into the school security feed and unlock the doors automatically. Didn't work. It turns out I don't know how to do that. I did remember that Miss Norris, the lunch lady, takes so many smoke breaks during the day that she always leaves the cafeteria delivery door open. How do you know that? They give me my tray out the back door and then I go eat in the computer lab. That is just use a stupid door and block Smith. You've been searching for me, Yeah, you've got me in a lot of trouble. You can't avoid such dangers if you simply cease and the status quo. I just want the files back. That's not how this relationship works. James, James, come in, Come in, James, James, come in over? Is this all this worst? It's not a walkie talkie. I'm sorry I got distracted. Are you in. Tell me what's happening we're in This is so cool. I feel like Oracle or Alfred or here's that security hide? Oh, let me see if I can find security schedule. Harry James, head Master Whitford. Still haven't changed this password. Okay, securities on this floor for ten minutes. So you want to use the secret passageways? Come on? Not only excuse, say what right can you reach peak economic status? Certain doors open for you must are metaphorical, buts some some are quite literal. Holy, grab a secret door, an actual secret passageway. This is just like Zelda. Of course, the rich kids have their own private passageways, so I'm brand for the one percent. This route takes us past the guard and connects us to the biolob stock room. How did this even get here? It's nothing compared to the empty house past the athletic field. It was a military bunker in case DC got invaded. Now we use it to throw free homecoming Square's you knew about all these places and never told us there aren't that many. Sure, there's the secret old teacher's lounge hidden behind the art room on the third floor that we retrofitted into a club. How can you keep this from us? Celia? We're supposed to be friends. We are friends, James, but I can have other friends too. You should try it sometime. Seriously, you don't need to eat lunch alone. But that's not what so you called me to appear and empting to ignore me. My benevolence is not guaranteed. Sorry, you've been a little busy not breaking into school records again? No cost, no one baby anchor. So what is it? You could be up to nothing. I just want you to teach me how to be a better coder, like I don't know how to access security footage. It's interesting, h We're in the bio stock room. Where's the headmaster's office? This way? I protested Whitford enough to know it in my sleep. The guard should be on the second floor now, but he'll be back down in about ten minutes. Won't the office be locked? That's why I always wear twenty bobby bans one girl control to lock bigs. You don't know how, Yes, I told you every revolutionary worth their salt knows how to pick a lock. Shut up. We're searching through the files. This is the most exciting game. That's not really game that I've ever played. I found danners. Let me see. Yeah, very similar to Peyton happened after all the cross game off campus. No proof? So so what detention bench from the team? What? Nothing? He got nothing? Dang? Who filed the complaint? I don't know. It's blacked out adapted. That's like n s A level sketchy ship. The guard he's early quite shut the door in there. I've got you cornered radio for the police right now. No, no, no crap. Run you're right about the hedge on the cuff lawn head of the stoft right, come out the window. What do you think I'm doing them? It's ducking near you with there the moolice other way, let me try. Yeah, all right, get out of my way. Stop back here, I go. Oh my god, I read please make it, make it, make it, make it. Step it, William. They made it. Thank god, that was so close. I've decided to grant you your request. Here's the code for apprhanding and destroying security footage. Thank you tell me? Could Chris pertain to a call I intercepted from a due punk Print security guard to the local police about a shooters. I don't know what you're talking about Oh yes, much like Alexander Hamilton. You need to be more Carol hiding your affairs, James Partner, you know who I am? Are you along now? It called me a matter of time before to check the feed better wifely clean and hope no one else got to it first. Yes, thank you, I will Okay, that was way too close? Is everything in place? It's about your son. I don't know what you're talking about. How sure you do? Judge read? And if you want to become a justice read I'm going to need a little more from you. What do you need? Iron Horns Epic Productions and I Heard Radio present Daughters of DC, created and executive produced by Heather Ironhorn and Adam STAFFARONI head writer Sasha Stewart, Senior writer Louis Cornfelt writers Tyler english beckwith Cha Roos Senna and Adam Stafferoni directed by J. B. Bloch, Executive produced by I Heart Radio. Produced by A Rupe Senna, Kayla Kimberly Woods as James Parker, Melissa Vanderska as Peyton Blackburn, Talia Romana as Natalie Rosenberg, Suzie Young as Celia Lou with performances by O. G. Banks k Bess, Vick Chow Phyador Chen Darren De Paul Dave Panoi, Paul Gayette, Jurie Lowenthal, Brandon Middleton, Stephanie Say, Shelley Noy, Richard Tatum, Genie Toronto, Andya Winslow Marshall York with Francesca Ramsey and J. B. Blanc. Development executive Greg Locker, production manager Gail Artino, Production coordinator and script supervisor Laura Martin. Creative direction and designed by Ryan mc can. He Aren't Illustrated by Heather Danforth, Casting by don Neowen, Record and edit, Home and sound recording Engineer Diana David. Additional recordings Claudio Santos. Additional recordings Michael Schneider, Sound supervision Christian Wiggins. Sound designers R. D. White and Josh Melody. Original music Josh Melody, Additional music from Jingle Punks. Consultant Kelsey Fraser, M S. W. Culture Consultants Logan Davis, Casey Davis and Davis Family. Special Thank you to The Shadow Unicorn, Iron Horn's Epic Productions and I Heart Radio Present Daughters of d City