I told Onyx all about our break in at the school! I told him all about Lockesmith! I told him everything! Brilliant, Jaymes! Absolutely genius!...And now he knows my real name. -- EINHORN'S EPIC PRODUCTIONS & iHEARTRADIO PRESENT: DAUGHTERS OF DC. Head to DaughtersOfDC.com to get exclusive DODC news, updates, and content before everybody else.
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Hey, listeners, it's James Parker. Can you keep a secret? The next episode of Daughters of d C is up next, But first a quick word from our sponsor, Iron Horn's Epic Productions. And I heard Radio present Daughters of d C. Oh God, I know, I said, getting into trouble is the right thing to do, but this is a little too much trouble. Natalie and Celia are getting expelled from Dupomp Prep even as we speak, all because I couldn't keep my dumb mouth shut. I told Onyx all about our break and at the school, God, I told him all about Lock Smith. I told him everything. Brilliant James, absolutely genius, and now he knows my real name, and I have no idea who he is here. I am going around like some kind of hotshot hacker, when in fact I've been giving away all of my friend's secrets to unknown agents. What was I thinking? How am I going to help Peyton? How am I going to help anyone? Oh? No? What now? How could things possibly get any worse? It's no secret that in Washington, d C. Corruption is everywhere. You could say it's gone viral. That's why my friends and I decided to take on the system from the inside. I'm James, I'm Peyton, I'm Celia, I'm Natalie, and we're the daughters of DC. Natalie, Celia, are you okay? What happened? Are you expelled? What's going on? Call at you two? We're fine. Our parents took care of it. What how, Never underestimate the persuasiveness of a lieu or the persistent pain in the aasteness of a Rosenberg. I think the headmaster just wanted them out of office as quickly as possible. I'm so relieved. Oh my god, I'm so so relieved. You guys, I'm sorry why. It's not your fault. We knew what we were getting into. Yeah. Yeah, I mean I'm relieved because my suspension is over. Tomorrow we can all see each other again. You're back, Yeah, my suspension is over. Oh wait, my suspension is her. Have a good first day back, Jane. Oh and one more thing, yeah, Mom, about the botillion this weekend. I know I've been complaining, but of course I'll go. I went and miss Cole's big day. I know. I had a discussion with Judge Reid and you'll be attending with Tanner. Tanner me no, no, never, no way. I'm afraid it's not your decision, it's Judge Reads. So he gets to invade our gathering with our community. Maybe if you hadn't gotten suspended, you'd have a say in this. What does that have to do with James Renee Parker. I believed you when you said you had good reason to hack your own school. Now you're going to trust me on this. That's how this works. I won't dance with him. Have an uneventful day in school, please, So I guess things can get worse. I'm banned from going to Cole Parker's botillion. Keep your voice down. The whole alumni dining room doesn't need to hear our business. This is outrageous. This is the cost of me taking care of your expulsion. You're not to associate with those girls anymore. We were just trying to get back at Tanner. We don't interfere with the Reads. We interfere with whoever we want. There's a reason your father and I have been so meticulous in guiding your friendships. You and Mackenzie will be attending a different event this weekend. There's a new gallery opening downtown. Why do you care about Mackenzie. We have ties with her family. We have similar ties to the Reeds. You are not to act against Tanner again, understood? And what if I said no? There are many real life Okay, so I'm trying to be good. But it's not my fault if they let us use our laptops and a p trig. Isn't or that I already did this assignment last night. This is just what happens when students get bored, they go online and try to find out more about their secret hacking mentors. Right ay, Storm, there you are. I haven't seen you around in a while. Ready to share more secrets? No, not with you on. I can't believe what you did. What did I do? You betrayed me? What? What are you talking about? We're friends? What about the security footage? What security footage? Don't play dumb and enough with your secrets. You know who I am and you won't tell me who you are? I promised I'm going to tell you who I am. Actually, I'm gonna show you. You know. Locksmith was right. I can't trust anyone. Oh, I see Locksmith said that. Huh. Maybe the better advice is don't trust Locksmith. You try to dig up dirt on a guy and he's a total fan of And someone stabs you in the back and you immediately assume it was me. James Parka, James, James, what this Caruth? Ask you what the coast sine of bee is? Sorry, since it's the right triangle, the coastine a B is equal to sign be. Then the distakes between a Cole's friend from Celia's party, right, Adrian, Yeah, yeah, no, sweat, I got your back. See you at the bottilio, right, um, yeah, yeah, see you there. Heymon, yo, paymon, Wait up, hi, Cole, what's all this? Boys? Lacrosse is doing a car wash to raise money for a table at my bottillion. That's nice. Hey, you want to help me wash some cars? I might even show you the secret to my game changing scrubbing technique. Spoiler alert, it's too handed read coming at you. What's wrong? As you can see you're washing? Hey you okay? What? Yeah? Nothing, I'm just feeling a little under the weather. I'm going to go home now. Can I give you a ride? That's all right, you go back to your car wash. Nah, Tanner can do some of the work for once, yea, all right? Hey, can we give Celia rode to she's coming over right now. Sure, Hey, Celia, you want to ride? Thanks anyway, but it looks like my driver's here. Are you guys? Can we not with a capop today? William? Sorry, miss, but music affects mood, and I thought you'd want to see more cheerful to show your parents how grateful you are to still be in de DuPont. Grateful. They're constricting me. I don't need rules. I make my own rules. They have your best interests at heart, Miss Luke, not my interests, William, the family's interests. Your parents are in a delicate space. They move cautiously and deliberately, and I strike to kill, not to disagree, Miss lu But that's not always the most effective method. You don't know this, but I'm not welcome in China anymore. Oh yeah, I'm not. Your parents, through their careful influence, ensured my safe passage to the United States. I owe them my life. Their actions have kept my family safe and allowed me to communicate with them discreetly. Hmm. Sorry, it's the price I had to pay. M But that's why I trust to your parents. You should trust them too, and do what they tell you to do. Do you understand? I understand I have to call Mackenzie and tell her we have to go to some dumb gallery opening instead of the Botilion. Ridiculous. I don't want people looking at Artwin. They could be looking at me. Hey, d O DC fans, stay tuned more. Daughters of d C is up next, but first a quick word from our sponsor. What's up? Daughters of DC fans want to be a real d O DC insider? Follow us on Instagram at Daughters of DC Official to get exclusive d ODC news updates and content before everybody else. Rob Dad, I'm huh so quite How exactly did you clear up that security footage stuff so quickly? Let's try that again, Natalie. Oh, hello, father, it's nice to see you. Thank you for making sure I don't get expelled. You've always had such a disdain for education. That's not fair. I make effort, I try to try. In what way? When would I have seen this supposed effort? Have you even started your college essays yet? Why bother? Why bother? You can just hire someone to write those essays for me, right same way you hired someone to take my SA T S. I don't know what you're talking about. You're a terrible liar. Okay, let's calm down. Don't tell me to calm down. You hire someone to take my test for me? Right, say? It's on my face. You're upsetting leon. You made me think all that studying actually paid off, that I was getting smarter, But I wasn't. Natalie, you won't even deny I'm already a congressman's daughter. How many more advantages do I get? What about all the disenfranchised people out there who legitimately deserve a shot at getting into school, you know, like your constituents. For all the pressure you've put on me to do great, all the shame you've made me feel about not working hard enough, and none of it means anything. As a parent, sometimes your judgment gets clouded by love for your kids. You know you'll do anything to make their lives better. Can you understand that all this time we're just more parasitic ticks getting fat on our racist, corrupt, unfair, unjust institutional entrenchment. You're a hypocrite. What are you going to do? How are you going to tell anyone? Wow? That's what you really care about, isn't it? You know what keep your election, Congressman. H oh boy, I like this song. It's type yep. I actually wrote this one because I'm moonlight as a songwriter. I've got two Grammys. And you're not listening to a word I'm saying, are you? Peyton? I'm sorry? What? Look? I hope this isn't crossing a line or anything, but it seems like there's something wrong. And if you want to talk, I'm a pretty good listener. And if not, well then I'm good at not talking too. See. I cannot talk all day long. I'm not talking right now. You're dumb smiling. I'm not smiling. Oh is that right? Well, I'll take what I can get. I don't mind being humored, still being quiet. I'm good at it, right, Yeah, you're good. Welcome home, help me set the table. Yes, Mama, in a better mood today, A little yes? M hmm. What is it? Mama? I wish you had told me you broke up with Tanner Reid. Instead, I had to hear about it at the club today from Mrs Reid. I didn't he broke up with me? Vivian Peyton, my two favorite gals, Hi Daddy Tanner broke up with Peyton sorry to hear that. Now, Now, don't make a fuss, Viv. I'm sure Peyton can roll them back in. No, Daddy, what do you do? Honey? Bush VIV team squabble and then they make up. That's the way of high schools. No, I mean it. Don't you raise your voice to your father in his house. I'm sorry, daddy, I'm sorry about the plate. I'm sorry about Tanner, but I just can't date him again. Ever, Please don't ask me why you don't think I think I need to have a word with Crawford red block Smith blck Smith. I know you're listening. I am not at your beck and call baby hacker. I need help. What guidance do you seek more on breaking into seemingly secure institutions? No? Thanks, already monted your security footage code to run all sorts of alarm busting operations. Next time I need to break in somewhere, I'm golden. Oh what a swift learner. Then to what do I owe this interaction? You get? How how fake it all is? Any advice about how to deal with that? I r l go on. I'm being forced to attend an event with my enemies. I'm going to have to be around them for hours with a dumb faced smile on my face. And I'm so angry. I'm afraid of what I might do, baby hacker. Fear and anger are two very different emotions, we two very different utilities. What do you mean Fear paralyzes, anger motivates a history lesson. At the turn of the last century, journalist Ida B. Wells channeled her anger and white violence in the South, violence that targeted her friends, toward investigating lynchings, revealing the terrible truths when no one else would. Anger channel is constructive, It makes change. Let your anger drive what you need, what you seek information, leverage the truth. Thanks don't tell Mrs Reed, but this is where I keep the good stuff. We need to talk about your boy. Oh, I hear the kids broke up. Shame. I think your son did a lot worse than just break up with my patent. She ain't pregnant. As you know, Peyton is a good girl. I see. Now, hold on, Buck, we will rowdy teen boys once. I bet you got into heaps of trouble as a kid, probably ole mob of fathers raising pitch folks against you. Never times have changed, Crawford. We have to take action. Show Tanner how to behave I don't tell you how to raise your kids before you say something you might regret. Remember, I am about to be a Supreme Court justice. Well, now what does that have to do? I am still figuring out what kind of justice I want to be. Am I anton in Scalia or my Anthony Kennedy. A lot of gray area there. You could help me choose. No, you could sit on the sidelines your choice. Senator got a second, sweetheart. I wanted to bring you this charm Braceley. I was gonna save it for your birthday, but you've been through a lot, and well here give me a rist Yeah, that's got it all across stick and a flower symbol of spring. Thank you, Daddy. Look about Tanner. You two should stay broken up and don't feel you need I know you didn't. Well, look your Mama and I are here for you and we love you. Nothing can change that. Thank you. I spoke with Judge Reed. Oh there's a lot at stake here, bigger than you or me. It's our responsibility to think of the greater good. Sometimes we have to lose the battles to win the war. Princess right, Good night, daddy. I think my dad knows about what Tanner did. He tried to talk to Judge Read about it, but then I think he caved. Whoa, Peyton, Um. I'm so sorry. I knew he and Judge Read were close, but I never thought he'd put politics above our family, above me. Dad suck. Yeah, that's tragic, Peyton. I guess that's what politics does to people, corrupts them. Isn't this where you jump in, Natalie tell us about how your dad turned down all that pack money? Huh uh? Yeah, I don't know. Y'all are acting funnier than a mule after a cactus attack. Oh my god, Peyton, that is the most Texan thing anyone's ever said. It's true. Down at my uncle's ranch and Blanco. He's old, the old Cheeka got into it real bad with a lady finger cactus. She walked funny for weeks. Y'all have to come one summer. It'll be blast. I wouldn't miss it. Oh, speaking of, we're all going to calls Botillion this weekend ride. Oh no, I almost forgot. What does something happen to cole Um? What Peyton, are you crushing? She totally is No, No, anyway, my mom is making me go to the botilion with um who We're dying here, Damner. I know. I'm so sorry, Peyton. I tried to get out of it. My mom is like a dictator, total stalin. I revised my previous statement. Parents suck mm hmm is something Upsilia a mine are inconvenience. I'll handle it. You've got a gus on this, Tanner sitch, you know what. We don't deserve this. Maybe you can ask your mom one more time, James, Yeah, I guess I can try. Yes, James, what is it? I can't go to the battillion with Tanner Reid because because well, I can't tell you why. But trust me, he's not a good person. I know that, James, but it's non negotiable. No, please shut the door behind you. I've got a lot of work, so I guess things can always get worse now I can't even trust my own mother. Yes, one second, Yes, we're ready for this weekend. James will handle herself. I promise you don't have to tell me how important this is. I've been waiting three years for this opportunity. Tomorrow's our chance to find out, Yes, find out everything. Iron Horn's Epic Productions and I Heart Radio present Daughters of d C. Created and executive produced by Heather Einhorn and Adam STAFFERONI head writer Sasha Stewart, Senior writer, Louis Cornfeld, writers Tyler english beckwith Cha Ruth Senha and Adam Stafferoni directed by J. B. Block. Executive produced by I Heart Radio. Produced by A Rupe Senna Kayla, Kimberly Woods as James Parker, Melissa Vanderska as Peyton Blackburn, Talia Romana as Natalie Rosenberg, Susie Young as Celia lou with performances by O. G. Banks, k Bess Vick Chow, Phaya door Che, Darren DePaul, Dave Panoy, Paul Gayette, Juri Lowenthal, Brandon Middleton, Stephanie Shea, Shelley Noy, Richard Tatum, Genie Toronto, Andya Winslow Marshall York with Francesca Ramsey and J. B. Blanc. Development executive Greg Locker, production manager Gail Artino, Production coordinator and script supervisor Laura Martin. Creative direction and designed by Ryan McCann. He Aren't illustrated by Heather dan Forth, casting by don Neowen, record an Edit, Home and sound recording engineer Diana David. Additional recordings Claudio Santos additional recordings Michael Schneider, Sound supervision Christian Wiggins, Sound designers R. D. White and Josh Melody. Original music Josh Melody, Additional music from Jingle Punks. Consultant Kelsey Frasier, M S. W. Culture Consultants, Logan Davis, Casey Davis and Davis Family. Special thank you to the Shadow Unicorn, Iron Horns, Epic Productions, and I Heart Radio present Daughters of d C. Hey there, this is Natalie Rosenberg. Yeah, that Natalie Rosenberg. We all know that taking a stand and speaking up has never been more important. Looking for ways to become more informed and take action, head to Daughters of DC dot com for resources to get started. Listen to Daughters of d C on I Heart Radio, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.