Steve Sammartino is Australia's most respected futurist and media commentator on emerging technology. He has spoken to over 200000 people around the world, via television, TED talks, and keynote speaking to name a few modes. So I was truly excited to have had him agree to be my guest on our very own Dare 2 Care podcast and answer my 5 questions on his thoughts around Generation Z and their transition into our contemporary (and future workplaces).
I first heard Steve speak as a Keynote address in 2019, and from that day set a goal to secure him as a guest on the show. If you have never seen Steve Sammartino in the media or heard him speak he says he was born a nerd and tried to hide it most of his life. He actually wrote his first lines of computer code at age 10! It's an energetic and fascinating interview with Steve who shares his perspectives on the challenges and benefits that Generation Z are bringing and will continue to bring to our workplaces – with a combination of big picture thinking and organisation, along with ‘working with people’ skills like empathy, creativity and human connectedness.
You can find out more about Steve at his website or connect with him on Linked In at