Episode 156: She Wants More

Published Mar 20, 2025, 6:07 PM

Today is the start of one of the best days of the year...March Madness!! The guys will place their bets for the tournament and go over last week's bets, of course Bad Larry is complaining again. Also Shea in Irving tells us about his roommate crashing his podcast plus some thoughts on colleges. Enjoy!

Gambling was something that I did.

This is Dan Patrick takes a gamble.

One of my bookies died at the kitchen Table, a podcast vehicle for Dan to talk about his love of gambling. One bet, another bet, another bet.

Without doing the actual gambling.

You're a coward.

It's easy to have a scapegoat.

And now joined by Bad Larry, Shayan Irving, and Dylan the graphics guy.

I have friends.

Here's Dan Patrick.

Okay, this is it. We've done it. We've made it to Oh that's bad, Larry, so on, hold on, hold on, let me do the starting lineup here, Larry, that's bad Larry, Jersey, Shore, Shayan Irving. Not to be confused with Shay and Irving. You also have Dylan the graphics guy, Marvin at the controls, and you have Pa Ray, who was the producer of this godforsaken program. Let's recap. Bad Larry won four units last week and Shae lost four and a half units last week. Dylan lost five units last week. So bad Larry at four in the plus column, Shae minus four, Dylan minus fourteen? Are you doing it for entertainment purposes? Dylan? I mean, you can't be this bad you're a bright guy.

It's a rough start to the golf season.

Dan, Okay, that is not your forte. That is true. I don't think it's anybody's forte on this program. But so we have the March madness. Everybody filled out their brackets, Shay, I'll start with you. Any surprises here, and who's your overall pick for the national championship.

Overall pick is Auburn, and I think, oh you the Sooners, good surprising people with how deep they go.

Okay, why are you speaking in kind of a lower tone. What do you mean? I don't know if you didn't do anything.

No, you're trying to act like it was the quiet storm at late night radio.

I didn't do ship.

It's like, yeah, you know I might yeah speak No, No, I didn't do anything.

I didn't do nothing. You went, oh you the yeah, trying to increase her.

I've got Houston winning it, Dan Town uh over Maryland.

M M.

I do like Maryland. I don't like Maryland. They had to go out west though. Yeah. I don't know.

I'm trying. I'm trying to spice it up a little bit.

Dylan sold on Maryland. Now, I'm on it now Maryland's got that. They have as good as starting five as anybody in the country except for maybe Florida and Duke there there. It takes more than five. Uh, the voice of the Big East, Bad Larry is here, Bad Larry, Who did you pick?

I took Florida, Dan, I didn't fill out a bracket this year. I am actually driving to Maine as we speak. I wasn't up in Milford, but uh, half beyond Milford already, So we'll just have to do it from I eighty four.

Why don't you stomp into Maine. I'm here, well, I will be.

Where are you in Maine?

Dan? We're exactly, yeah, exactly. Let me let me give you the coordinates. Let me give you my address, actually my phone number.

It would be funny if you gave Larry longitude and latitude.

If you get it out.

Yeah, I'll be in Cape Elizabeth, you know, just south of Portland, right outside Portland. We'll tell you, Dan, we'll talk. We'll talk later.

Of course.

You know, I got to complain. I went five and one. That's the four units that Ray's given me. What about the two units on Yale one in the Ivy League, risking four units to win two.

He did have that. You did do that?

Yeah, it's on the shop.

Well, how am I only a four units on mm hmmm mmm. Yeah, I went five and one and then two more units. That's okay. I don't have in front of me. I'm sure I went five and one and two units on Yale, right right?

You lost Butler Providence under one forty seven and Villanova's Seaton Hall over one twenty six and a half. From my calculations, you did have those, Larry, I know, I know what I had, but one of them won.

I don't know which one it was.

Yeah, I'll double check, you know.

I'll trust you. You know, I'll trust you. So you don't want me five and one, So you have me four and two and then two units for Yale.


I don't have the information in front of me, so right, you're my man. I'm not you're my man, right, So I don't care. I'll take the four units.

That's good.

I have Florida Dan winning the national championship, but I don't even I didn't do a bracket, so I don't. I don't, okay. Bobby Mahan's father died, so it's been a long week and I didn't even still a bracket. I did not fill out of bracket.

Sorry, Larry and Shay.

I apologize for not sorry.

Yeah, can we talk about how you're ignoring me in the group chat and everybody else is, oh my god, it's.

Rude, Dannie.

No, no, I responded to it. I was actually pissed because I would have had that exactly with your thirty to one shot coming in second, but it only paid thirty five bucks on two bucks, so I wasn't too pissed off. Whatever, But no, I'm apologizing for not taking it.

Shay's feelings are hurt because he's doing well betting the horses. No one's following his picks. He's not getting any attention. Yeah at all.

I asked you for one today I got nothing.

No, you didn't, Yeah, I did, listen, Dannie.

The one thing I'm doing right right now is well two things keeno well Keeno quino and ponies, and nobody gives me love on either one. It's I lose all.

My relationship with your wife that's.

Been going great. She uh, she snuck in. She snuck into our own pod. Last night. I had Dylan on this show, Irving show, and the roommate showed up. I think we were at a Red Wine or something, but she wandered into the studio. Just wanted to be a part of the show.


She just wants to be loved. She just wants to be held. Yeah, she does. She wants more out of me, that's what I got. Yes, yes, she needs more. And what's yes, Ray Shay.

Isn't she mad at you for something that you did involving gambling recently?


My god, Danny, So you know sometimes I play the numbers to pick three with the wildball, and so I asked my two kids, the eldest in the middle, give me three numbers you like. And they didn't know why, but they gave me the numbers, and I said, all right, I'm go bet on it. And I took the eldest to the gas station and we did it together. And then the number hit and so I hit it straight and with the wild ball and a box because it was nine one seven with the seven it's a wildball. I won eight hundred and fifteen dollars and I went and't you know, cashed it and I gave some money to the kids, and the roommate was very upset. That I'm involving them in my gambling escapades. But I think it's a good education. What I mean, you don't have to convince me. You have to convince her.

Yeah, she's mad. You're never going to win father of the Year. Uh, it depends who I'm up against. You're never going to win husband of the Year. No, that's true.

You're up against Marvin Gaye's dad.

Yeah, I win.

I win that one. Texas tooth Ferry.

Oh my god. Okay, so Jay will give you some love. You've been doing well with the horses. It doesn't really matter now it comes to now. You guys are going to football games this weekend? Is that? Are you betting on them? Are you going to them? Both? Okay, it could be.

We don't really know yet.

Okay, what game are you going to? There's a four to thirty game in West Haven we're going.

To be at. And who's playing? I lost my sheet, so I don't know.

I gotta guess the Hurricanes.

You lost your sheet already, Yeah, I don't know you five minutes ago.

Yeah, I misplaced it.

Ray all right, I'll go I'll go find it and I'll find who's playing.

Okay, Okay, let me let me recap. Let me see if there's anything worth recapping. Yeah, so bad, Larry. Uh you did well with the Yale winning the IVY and you lost the over under Villanova's Seaton Hall Butler in Providence. Biggies football Black Panthers minus four and a half against Brooklyn? Did that hit? Or is that what you that's saturday? Oh, that's saturday. Okay, let's see, Shay had a parlay didn't work? You didn't do Yeah? I did the parlay hit, Danny, I know, but okay you did. Okay, you got Jackson State money line, Kansas money line, SMU money line minus one eleven. Congratulations with that. You didn't do too well with golf. No tennis? Oh that was bad too. That's not good at all. No. So you got bets coming up this weekend with the football? Oh yeah, black so the Black Panthers versus the Brooklyn Bengals, the New York Green Wave, New York Dolphins under forty and a half, and the Empire State Wolfpack minus five and a half against the Hurricanes. Absolute that sound right? Yes, sir? Okay, Uh, Dylan, let me see anything you want to recap here. Golf was bad.

I have some very legitimate complaints about golf. Wyndham Clark withdrawing on Saturday, the only time I've ever picked him to win, and he withdraws. I also love that he shot like a forty on the front nine. He's like, ah, my hand hurts, I'm withdrawing. I just say that, you're fucking pissed.

Can we talk about Rory? Are we allowed to talk about Rory?

Danny about grabbing the guy's phone, Yeah, and then refusing to answer any questions by the media.

Does he want the whole world to hate him?

What did he do with the phone?

I don't know.

He walked away, right, he grabbed it and just kept yep.

And that was a college golfer, I think at the University of Texas. Yeah, he was doing that's weird. What are you doing?

I agree that was lame, but taking the phone and then refusing to talk about it, like, come on, dude.

I think he's been under a lot of stress here with the live and he's the voice of the PGA tour and but he did win. But yeah, that's that's unacceptable.

He has been Rory like looking a little like remember like the pictures of Obama when he went into office and left, and he looked like a fifty years Rory kind of looks like he's aged.

Well, there's a little little more pressure on the president than Rory.

Yeah, but he looks got some grays that weren't there before.

Yes, well he's Irish. I mean, you know, comes a little sooner than everybody else. Carry the weight of the world on our shoulders.

It is kind of funny. He's like, Oh, I'm super stressed out, but I'm just gonna have full swing following me for an entire season.

I'm so stressed.

Man, Come Dylan, the minor league football that you're betting on.

Yeah, Dan, one real quick thing though.

I did have two units on there to be a hole in one on seventeen. Oh that's right, yeah yeah, but Keegan Bradley hit it on a different hole thirteen.



Do you know what he is so crazy is I'm watching the tournament and I say to my friend, has Keegan Bradley hit his hole in one yet? Well? He hadn't hit his hole in one? Whoa? And my friend goes, wait, is this on tape? And I said, wait, Keeg and Bradley just hit that hole in one? Right, that's live and he goes yes. I go, holy shit. So five minutes before that, I said to him, did Keegan Bradley? Did they show Keegan Bradley's hole in one? And five minutes later he has a hole in one? Should have bet it? Why?

Yeah, Dan, we could be we should be talking to you for picks.

No, but I don't gamble. I can't get.

If you can predict the future, then you are wasting your talents, not gambling.

You can predict five minutes into the future. We can play keno because it's every four minutes.

That's what if you had.

If I had a superpowered be see into the future, so I can play Keno.

Yeah, there's other things I might take advantage of, but I can see five minutes into the future with you guys right now.

Look scared.

No, it does not.

Wait, that was like a deja vous kind of situation.

I have, Dylan, I have no idea. Yeah, just I just then I watched it and then my friend goes, wait, is this on tape or delay? And I said, I have no idea. I just walked in. He's sitting at the bar. I said, did Keegan Bradley have his hole in one yet one of one of the more. I try to tell my wife, but she just didn't grasp it. And she goes, is that a big deal? And I go, honey, I I saw something before it happened in and she goes like Hayley Joel Osmond. I go, no, I didn't see dead people. I saw win one. I can't that one. That's crazy, Jenny, thank you. I appreciate that, all right. That brings us to, Oh, there's one other item, and I figured, Shay, you would probably be the best guy to talk to about this. Michigan baseball player man celebrates with a cocaine inspired celebration where he's at third base and he slid into third and he's snorting the third baseline. He snorted a rail to Danny.

It wasn't just like a little key bump that dude went to town. That was half a grand line right there. Brother is staying up all night.

He popped right up.

Yeah, yeah, he got sobered up.

I don't know why he is. Shouldn't apologize.

No, you never apologized for that. This is America, baby. He was probably told by the university to apologize.

Wow, I mean that's the one thing Trump really is messing up as the border because the price of cocaine is going to go through the roof. Nobody thinks about that. I mean I do.

That brings us to this week's bets with March madness, and let's start out with bad Larry, the one guy in the plus Tom Hey right, Larry.

Okay, Dan, I got an over in the Creighton game at one for I have Purdue minus eight against high Point. I have McNees plus seven and a half against Clemson. I have Yale plus seven and a half against Texas A and M. They were Thursday games, now the Friday games. I have over Duke at one hundred.

And forty and a half over over North Carolin.

I guess North Carolina handle a couple of their critics over North Carolina at one fifty six. Marquette minus to four against New Mexico and Illinois minus the three and a half against Xavior.

Three. Illinois minus three, thank.

You, thank you, Dan, Illinois minus three against Xavior.

All right, intern Pa Ray producer Ray says high Point is an incredible campus. They have multiple public pools, They have free ice cream trucks for students. They have a steakhouse that's on the student meal plan, and daycare for college kids they teach. Really what he said it too, this is daycare for rich college kids. How much does it cost to go to high Point?

It's excited.

I'm going to say, oh what really.

I'm gonna say eighty grand Jesus.

Okay, ray, it is, according to my brief research, seventy four thousand dollars a year.

Okay, that's a steel these days.

Yeah, that's not pen.

I knew some I would say non rocket scientists that went to high Point back in the day and because they're like, okay, will you pay full freight? And they're like yeah, and they're like cool, come on in freesteak dinner.

Yeah. It is interesting the number of schools you can get into if you'd say you'll pay full boat, right, yeah, because you know, they're always trying to give you some kind of help there, and it's like no, no, no, I'll pay full boat. Okay, you suddenly have moved welcome had of the line.

I do like the like the like grant that they throw at everyone, like we're knocking twelve hundred dollars a year off because you're such an exceptional student and they just mail that out to every single person.

Yeah, I didn't get it, Shay, I education scam, Danny.

Uh Yeah, I'm following Sammy p on a couple of these, like Whisco laying sixteen and a half. I got the explained Sammy p just in case people aren't familiar with the Great Sammy Pea. Yeah, SP shoots on the Twitter. He does a show of betting show Chicken Dinner. He does his own like radio show too with Joe on beck L. I think, but yeah, I've known him for years. He's a gambler and I like his picks and basketball for sure.

Okay, okay, So you got Wisconsin minus sixteen and a half.

Yep, and I got the over there one fifty one. I got Zaga laying six and a half against the Bulldogs, and I got the over there one fifty. I like Clemson laying seven and a half again, McK noose and BCU plus two and a half against the Mormons.

They're the Cougars. Oh right, the Cougar. They are the Cougars.

Following Dylan on Akron plus thirteen and a half. Yeah, Marquette laying three and a half against my Lobos over in the Louisville game going on right now, one forty five. Creton's up by four. Uh Saint John's Nebraska Omaha under one forty two and a half. And then I got the Fire and Brimstones plus seven and a half against Santifa.

He got Liberty plus seven and a half against Are you Are you complaining about the number of bids that the SEC got for the NCA No.

I think it's awesome. I think it's hilarious how they got so many, and that ESPN is you know, SEC Junior.

I love it. I love bias. It used to be an East Coast bias. Now it's SEC bias. Yeah, but nobody seems to have a problem with that. But they did with the East Coast bias. That's what got me calling in the show for the first time. East coast bias. Really East coast bias. Yep. It was when I'm from the Midwest.

Yeah, but you forgot where you came from. There was one more story about like sling Blade, and I was like, I can't dig it.

I had somebody I said something about Eli Mann, yeah, and I was like, this dude sucks at football. He's just a manning led the league. I mean I was vindicated in my judgment of Eli Manning. Thank you. He's a Hall of Famer because he's a Manning.

Well show you live in the belly of the beast of the East Coast bias machine.

Now, yeah, you know you're an East Coaster. I'm a Yankee, I am.

I saw you wearing duck boots once.

I do have duck boots. I hunt Pheasants. Oh yes, Marvin.

Why do we keep saying he's going to the Hall of Fame or he's getting all this because he's a Manning Archie's not in the Hall of Fame. I'm not understanding what the whole last name thing. He's going to the Hall of Fame because he beat Tom Brady two Super Bowls. Yeah, if he was rich Gannon and he played for the Giants and they beat the Patriots, it'll be in the Hall of Fame. Mm richt.

If he led the league three times in interceptions.

Well, rich Gannon's got an MVP of War two.

If he was a five hundred uh fucking win loss record.

Yes, because of who he beat?

Did he finish exactly five hundred?

Yes, I don't think rich Gannon gets in if he's sling Blade.

I know, I think sling Blade getting in because he's a man name.

I think giants and Tom Braid. I think all of it works together, right, it doesn't hurt.

Why did you come up with sling blade with Billy Bob Thornton his face? Like every interview after a game, he was like, I just never thought, damn that is I love it. I mean, it's it's it's great. I just didn't. Every time I see Billy Bob Thornton and sling Blader, I got elam anning now me too. All right, Dylan, are you yup nunks?


Dan, all right, actually no, I think Shay you have golf.

Oh yeah, going back to the well for this shit.

Oh god, top twenty Lucas Glover plus two fifty and Corey Connors plus one seventy. Now I got them both to win as well plus seven thousand and thirty five hundred.

Okay, all right, Dyl, all.

Right, Dan, starting off, I have Creighton plus two and a half against Louisville already underway.

Creighton plus three and a three.

And a half, Montana plus sixteen and a half against Wisconsin. Okay, Yale money line against A and M. They can squeeze one Yale win out of this team. I feel it plus two seventy five missoo minus six and a half against Drake. This is my favorite bed of the day.

You're going against Drake's a public dog, right, Yep.

I'm sitting in Seaton's chair fading.

But everybody loves Drake. Yeah, Seaton is a big fan of Drake.

Well, they have the most team ticket volume for the Round one, but not even close to the most handle, So that implies there's some public bets flowing in there, and they've sucked in the tournament.

Oh they've killed me, yeah several times. Okay.

I got Kansas minus four and a half against Arkansas Calipari in March. That's the tale's oldest time with the worst team UNC Wilmington Texas Tech under one forty three and a half. Texas Tech's good, but their offense is kind of They're always just.

An under team for me.

I don't know why when it comes to basketball, which is the opposite for football.

Lipscumb plus fourteen and a half against Iowa.

State Lipper win one for the Lippers.

The Lipscum Lippers would be a funny team name, Uh, Saint Mary's minus four and a half against Vandy Shay and my Maryland minus ten and a half against Grand Canyon. This is a scary one because Grand Canyon.

Canyon news that fans travel. That's a good team, it's a good coach.

Is it in the Grand Canyon?

It's not in the Grand Canyon?

Is it anywhere near it?

It might be that's like one of those small schools where they're like, well, like coastal Carolina is not on the coast.

Yeah, yeah, they're like the beaches, like four hours away Grand Canyons and Phoenix, right, Yeah.

It's half far from the Grand Canyons.

Isn't it a for profit school?

You see a lot. Yeah, you get a lot of those.

Like if you're streaming a game, there's a lot of Grand Canyon University ads on TV, which is rarely a good sign.

But isn't every college for profit? Yeah?

They're all businesses.

Harvard would be like a fortune five hundred company.

Billions of endowment. They still charge for school. Yeah, I know, bullshito. What else do you have?

I got Kentucky minus eleven alf against my nemesis Troy, and then, as I said on the show, Dan Akron money line against Arizona it bumped up to plus eight hundred. I like it, all these nerds betting Arizona, these fools. Bryant plus seventeen and a half against Michigan State.

How many students go to Bryant it's a small school. Fifteen hundred, Yeah, it's really it's.

Below three thousand, for sure. I think I feel like they've all gotten a little bit bigger recently.

But I think I've driven by Bryant. Yes, yes, Ray thirty three hundred. Oh okay, Well that's a whole different category there, all right, what else do you have?

And I got Oregon minus is seven and a half against Shay's Fire and Brimstone.

Okay, all right?

And in parlay Dan obviously picking the final four correctly Alabama, Houston, miss, Michigan State. Maryland pays that plus forty five. Just a little sprinkle on that, James is the game?

Is that it anything else that we're betting.

Realistically, probably be betting almost every game, but that's these are the These are my best bets.

In Okay, bad Larry, anything you would like to add, No, I like Dylan, We'll.

Be betting every game once I get to Maine. Now, I'm not betting from the car, so I put a couple in this morning that I from the show. But then once I get situated, we'll start adding to it.

Okay, Shay, anything you'd like to add? People can listen to the podcast with Shay and Dylan and a cameo appearance by Shay's roommate. Yeah.

Yeah, we had a good pod. Taught Dylan a few things about politics and power. It was good. Todd is a strong word, instructed, enlightened, enlightened, really more preached.

Dylan, anything you would like to anything? It's Shay and Irving wherever you get your podcast, Dylan, anything you would like to add?

Depending on how today and tomorrow Goo, I might have to actually listen to one of Shay's fucking horse bets one of these days.

Yeah bad, Larry, anything you'd like to add?

Hello, you guys will shot next week. Dan, I'll text you later. I want to get some free song.

Great, I look forward to that, Larry.

If you couldn't come to Milford, you gotta at least see Dan and Maine.

Yeah, it'd be weird though, if you go all the way to mean to see me instead of just stopping in a little thirsty first mean man, k all right, it's been our pleasure to serve you. Good luck and for entertainment purposes only the Dan Patrick Takes a Gamble Podcast. We'll talk to you next week for Ray the Producer, Dylan sha and Irving Marvin and Bad Larry. We'll talk to you next week.

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Dan Patrick Takes a Gamble

Dan Patrick is gambling again... well sort of. DP is living vicariously through his buddy Bad Larry, 
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