Episode 146: Sheaquon

Published Jan 2, 2025, 6:45 PM

We are back everyone!!! Bad Larry is disputing how many times he's won the Diego Pavia Award and we get to our bets for this weekend which includes college and pro football. Also we talk to Shea in Irving about his current trip overseas in Austria, plus much more. Enjoy!

Gambling was something that I did. This is Dan Patrick takes a gamble. One of my bookies died at the kitchen table, a podcast vehicle for Dan to talk about his love of gambling. One bet, another bet, another bet without doing the actual gambling.

Hear a coward.

It's easy to have a scapegoat and now joined by bad Larry, Shayan Irving and Dylan the graphics guy. I have friends. Here's Dan Patrick. Larry, I'm here, of course you are. You have nothing else to do.

I just walked out of raise. I hadn't didn't even pay my check. I'm gonna sit in my car and chat with you guys then and go back in and finish my lunch and pay my bill.

They drusted you like that there, Larry.

They know I'll be there tomorrow morning.

If I forgot, did you have a beer at lunch?

Did not butt a boy? We're starting real soon. I'm so happy I switch that note name getting a four o'clock for me?


Uh, he did it just for you, Larry.


We're trying to track down Shay hello. Oh okay, yeah yeah. The Vienna sausage is here with us. This is how the sausage gets made.

Mm hmm.

Yeah, who cares about us. You're in Vienna with your family and you've been there for a while.

A long time, Danny, real long time.

Are we keeping the peace?

Things have evolved into a truce with me and everyone. I'm sitting pretty. I'm not getting kicked out, but I'm also not getting invited to everything.

That's the kind of a sweet spot.

Yeah, leaves me out of a few things.

Yeah, I would love to get left out of a few things with my family. And he just keep dragging me back in.

No, there's nine cousins all under the age of nine, Danny. It's a good show ship.

By the way, she sent me a video of his daughter, his youngest so Fifi. It is like, really demonstrative. I hate Christmas.

In the middle of the street, middle of street in Vienna, Danny, middle of the street, stomping her feet, screaming, yelling at people, cussing them out, doesn't care.

What got her subset about Christmas.

And the fact that y'all killed Jesus what she cried out.

He was born, he had to die, and we got to that whole conversation. It was bad, Danny.

She's four.

I gotta tell her truth.

It's sure you don't lie.

You know the numbers don't lie. As I look back, Segue, Larry won six units. Larry's up to plus seventeen. Dylan lost six units. Now you're at plus eight and a half w three, so he's at eighteen and a half. He is the leader in the clubhouse. So congratulations. A lot of pluses here for Dylan, a lot of minuses. But we move ahead to this week and Shay, of course is overseas in Vienna. Bad Larry at the Jersey Shore. Dylan is here, Marvin is here, and Ray the intern is here as well. Okay, anything that needs to be recapped, Dylan, I'll start with you.

I mean, honestly, not really, Dan. I think we kind of know how that panned out.


You won the Diego Pavi Award. You won eight times this year. You won it this past week going four and one on the NFL betting on the Saints money line against the Packers that they lost thirty four to nothing.

Yeah, that one was over before it's done.

Congratulations the Diego Pavi Award.

Larry was making a late push here for pa Villa Awards. But I think I'm we're.

Gonna we're going to review those Diego Papy a bards. I think I got it twice and you're telling me it's like five. Yeah, I don't believe it.

You got fine.

Oh you better believe Larry.

Yeah, you got fine.

Dylan. Dylan has eight. You said Dylan has eight and.

Shay has one or two one? Yeah, and that's nine.

We start.

We didn't start at the beginning of the year. We're in week seventeen. There's not enough left for me. Yeah, Diego, we didn't retroactively give me some from the beginning of the year, did we One?

Yes, you walk? You know what? Ray give bad Larry the Diego Papy Award for this week for Assassin back.

We're going six and three.

No, you're as Sassin back here.

It's a vague award. We can give it to whoever.


I thought we're supposed we want to win it. I think I only have it twice.

You don't want to win it.

And now it's the bad Attitude Award, Larry, and you've got it.

I'll take it.

That's fine, Okay.

I'm gonna go this afternoon before the Notre Dame game. I'm gonna listen to once the show. I will I'll find out when the diego via a War came in.

Why didn't you? Larry just asked Ray to do some homework here.

No, I know we throw too much on Ray. Raise my man, I don't want to do it. Ray did last week's that's count or No. Dylan just asked me to send him, send him my pick so we could use him for his personal use.

We counted.

We counted your picks, Larry.

We did.

We counted them good, and we counted my two from yesterday. Four units.


I mean you haven't given me credit for them yet, but they count. Okay, good, that's.

Where we're going here.

Thanks, thank you.


Now we got the cocky Yeah, man, I just want Dan said, Shay's the leader in the clubhouse.

I don't know what yes today, I know, I'm I might want right now? I know either way? Okay, can we go? So, Ray, I got some homework for you. Can you do win loss actual wins? Actual losses? Because I've made made four two unit bets, lost three of them, and the units that I have are all one unit fucking bangers. Larry's out there shooting off fucking darts. Four at a time and hitting them every now and then and thinks he's got a game going.

For four yearners.

So I was very confident to spank Indiana. I thought everyone in the world knew that. I think they beat Georgia today. I'm not too concerned about Yeah, but you're comeback. You're comeback. The last six weeks, while while admirable, they've all been too three four unit bets essentially NFL you went like, you know, four and one and they're all three units. Okay, yeah, you got a good job.

Wait to fucking go, But your win losts for those For those a working man who can't put four units on a bet and is following you, they're barely up. They're following me, they're up eighteen and a half. Working man's gambling. How are you people, Larry? You high polluting Jersey short.

At the end of the year, you should kind of know what's going on in these games, and you put a little more money down on.

That's the way I look at all year, Larry, that is I remember, remember the people, degenerate Shane irving here to serve.

Okay, Happy new Year, New year to everybody. Uh shay anything you want to recap.

Oh yeah, yeah, Danny, yeah a lot. First Off, the service in Austria sucks ass. The tipping culture is real. They should bring us to Europe. These people don't give a damn about anything. A b. It's cold as hell. See, if Texas doesn't establish a run game, Ohio State's going to beat them by forty And how the hell did it take Ryan Day this long to realize he's got like three NFL wide receivers on a cross like where the fucked depen?

Hey, I said the same thing about the game with Michigan that it's almost like they were trying to win without their best players, right.

And he's like too afraid going in and too do anything.

Yes, you can accidentally score twenty one points with those guys.

Yeah, accidentally touchdown a piece?

Yes, yes, And I'm watching and I'm going how did you not display any of it? Was Michigan's defense? That good? No, they just haven't.

They have all of the real estate and NHS that is crazy.

It's the head game thing. It's headshit.

Okay, you do have Texas beating Notre Dame in the National title game plus eighteen hundred do Texas fuck me?

Running yeah, I do.

Okay. You got Georgia against Notre Dame.

Yeah, Bill Hedge there.

Georgia Notre Dame.

Under yeah, forty five and a half.

Yeah, okay, and some of the other ones. You did pretty well in college football recapping, although you missed out on Penn State SMU the over.

Yeah barely. That sucked.

Dylan, what what damn? This is bloodshed. There's a lot of red ink here.

I got the best thing that I have money.

Line against Ohio State.


That was good. That was Yeah. You got a lot of bloodshed bad. Larry did really well. The only one he missed out on Clemson plus twelve against Texas, and I would have been there right with you with that one. Let me see what do we have here NFL? H god, Dylan, this is this.

Is Thank god the Seahawks pushed on that one, otherwise it would be.

Already yes bad Larry, uh oh yeah, fifty to fifty here on NFL. So that brings us to this week and Shay is still officially the leader in the clubhouse until further tabulations with Ray. So I'm going to start with you, Shay, with your college football vets.

All right, Danny, I'm sorry, I'm on the stupid Oh yeah, okay, No, Well I got my real Baptist plus two and a half. I think it's plus three now plus three against Buffalo, and then I got Minnesota Land nine and a half. And then I have my regular you know, Notre Dame. He already said the football playoff and that's it for a college football day.

All right, bad Larry.

I had over Texas fifty one, lucked out and won that in overtime yesterday. How to Ohio State minus two and a half. By the way, say these are all two unit bets for the Nah, they're all two unit bets one and a half? Am I getting one and a half? I mean I know that line's probably swung Notre Dame's way by now, right, Yeah, I mean I bet I bet it again this morning Notre Dame minus one.

Yeah, yeah, when I do, I get it.

When I send it in at plus one and a half.

Or now, wait, Notre Dame's getting one and a half.

When I sent it in two days ago, they.

Were Yeah, I'll ask Ray, Ray, what are we doing here?

What do we think? I as of right now, I have it as minus one. But if you sent it in our life.

No, no, no, I bet it again this morning at minus one.

I'm not ware.

Not name's going to win the game. So okay, give me a you know, I'll take Notre Dame money line.

Okay, not a bad.

Bed, I got it there. I don't. I don't hate it at all.

And then I want the Bengals Saturday. That's the only NFL. Are we doing NFL right now? So we're up.

No, we're just doing college.

Just college, okay, because you know, I didn't do any NFL because I sent him in two days ago and I didn't know who was playing. They didn't even announce Sae Kwon Barkley yet. Now I understand he's not playing.

No, he's not unbelievable by the way, Kwan, but they, motherfucker.

It's Larry. What did I say, Sakwan.

On his brain?

I got.

Footsteps, Yeah, all the way from Austria.

Uh Dan, What about the Arizona State game? I said, how do they go to the go to the booth and they don't make that a targeting call?

That wasn't targeting, Yes, it was.

A defense was receiving.

It's a defenseless receiver to begin with.

So sorry, I'm so sorry. It's the first time you all have watched college football in your lives. But the faith mask was up. He did not lead with his head. The runner was dumb enough to stand completely vertical. He was going for the chet. This is it's a bank bank play. This is not targeting. Absolutely not hook them.

It doesn't matter to hook them. Horns down.

Whoa no, stop, that's it just crossed the line there.

Yeah, and then explain to me how it was fourth and thirteen guys wide opening the end zone. I know they saw this was picked up pretty well.

But all night.

Yeah, that that was embarrassing the fourth and thirteenth best player on the field and letting behind you.

I mean it was like just the number eight, the free saintsy was just stood there. It was like, what was going I couldn't.

Dude Scataboo throwing a fifty yard touchdown. That was fucking embarrassing. Like, I mean, so many times they look like shit if they don't have a run game. Quinn is not that good. He's great off of play aftion, but if you make him just sit back there and throw, he's gonna do dumb ship Like his deep ball stays in the fucking air as long as a seven thirty seven going from fucking Vienna to Berlin, and eventually it comes down like a quack and duck and gets He's got to have the run game.

By the way, you're a free safety who had the targeting call that should have been called check on the scanter boot option pass to the receiver and the receivers at the one yard line, and your defensive back tries to trip him, per tries to trip him. Look at it, competitor, Danny Orangetown, Texas.

Yeah, is a product of Austin, very competitive child, understands, understands winning, great mentality.

Yeah, let's see. So we got Larry's got his pick. She's got in that Dylan that that comes to.

You, all right, Dan Well, I have Notre Dame to win it all plus eight hundred. Put that in before our break.

I'm taking Notre Dame minus one today, and I'm going to add the Notre Dame over a lot of the chatter I've heard people really seem to be liking the under here because it makes the most sense.

So I'm going to fade that.

I got Ole Miss minus seventeen and a half against Duke the real game and Buffalo minus three against Shay's favorite Baptists.

Okay, is this duke quarterback coming in from Tulane?

Yeah, I don't know. That's number one, Bree. That's crazy.

Darien Mensa is getting eight million dollars in the portal.

Duke from Duke to go to play duke football.

Duke is pat What did Zion Williamson get triple that?

Oh? No, I don't know. I don't believe any of this shit. I don't believe in any of these numbers. I think they're they're all leaked by like agents and shit. I don't leave any of it. Eight million is crazy, Danny, He ain't. That's like Shador Sanders or something.

There's no way, yeah, to play at Duke. Well, they're talking about quinn Ewers that he's gonna have a six million dollar price tag if he transferred. But that's that and that's I was reading about that.

Like the average contract for a fourth round or in the NFL, it's like a four million dollar contract, right, Yeah, So if you go for six million for one year and get hurt because his body has not been held up very well over the course of his career, I mean, do you take the six million for one year or do you go sign an NFL contract for four years? Spore, I don't know.

I don't know. I take one more year, big man on campus. What are you talking about?

Yeah, but he gets injured and he doesn't get drafted at all after that.

Yeah, but he still gets six million dollars.

It's not a bad chunk.

And he gets to there's plenty of co eds that will.

But he's already made several million. He's made three four million already.

Yeah. I don't know if he's not a first round round pick, No.

Not at all. I'm saying if he falls to the fourth round, it's a four million dollar contract and you're in the NFL or you risk it. I don't think he's getting six next year. I don't I don't think. I don't think I have the ducks might pay.

Somebody's desperate, all right, Time for the NFL. And once again back to Vienna, yeos.

Gluten tog walk In saying that every morning to my cigarette man walk Oh, Danny, I got to have to leave a fucking hotel the other day the other morning, son of a bitch. He told me. The rout and I had to hook it up. But he pointed to the door so I could figure it out. It meant out like out get out. It was New Year's Day and I went to go buy smokes to this hotel I've been buying smoke set and this guy's like, oh, we don't see the shut that's it's a really nice hotel, swanky and ship the shout he's bought it, and uh. I was like, yeah, buy smokes here every day.


It's like that means I have to to dispense it and pay for it and bring them to you. See. All right, man, here's the bunny, go do it rouse ship. The manager came over. They were a fucking pits, but they were like foreigner out That was good. Rouse Yeah, rouse means out that language.

Yeah really okay. So what do you got here?

All right? I got Philly Wayne too. I can't believe they're not playing Shay Kwan. I got the cocaine Cowboys laying one against the Hiawuascas. They got Jack plus five baby, bring it home.


And this could be it for Aaron Rodgers.

He said, it's been my beast couple of years of his life.

What's he gonna do next. That's what I want to know. Is he gonna stay in the football game or is he gonna be like, you know, going to business with Jake Plumber and sell shrooms and ship what's he gonna do?

Probably the latter.

I don't know.

It feels like he's got a you know, a higher calling here we go, Well, that could be the marsh Rooms. Yeah, that's the name of the company, right, called Higher Callings. Trademark quick, I'm gonna trademark that.

We need Bob and Seattle to hop on that.

Yeah, okay, bad Larry, you h you have NFL picks.

Just to one.

I just put one in Bengals minus to one and a half against the Steelers Saturday night.

Okay, Bengals minus one and a half.

Correct, Well, those are all two unit bets. All four bets are two units.

Okay, that's what Larry does at the end of the year. He loads up.

Yeah, uh, Dylan, all right, I got the Ravens laying eighteen against the Browns.

That's just a comical number. Yeah, I don't know.

I feel like people are gonna be all over the Browns just because it's that big and they Yeah, I don't know.

They suck. I got the Saints plus thirteen and a half against the Bucks.

I am also taking the Dolphs minus one against the Jets and taking it the forty nine ers plus four against the Cardinals. It's gonna round out this week. Hopefully it's better than the last couple.

Dan the Shane Irving Podcast, is that on hold?

Yeah, I was supposed to do it tonight, Danny, but I'm not sure I'm gonna get around to it. It's uh me and I's got a decent night life.

I've been going out, Yeah, but you don't drink.

Yeah, I know what everybody else around me does. They make me go out, make me go out, so you know, we're going to dinner night, going to some which I don't know if this is smarter or not, going to a sushi.

Restaurant in Vienna.

The dad I looked at a map, but don't see a lot of oceans nearby.

And now, how's your how's your wife doing?

Roommates? All right? I mean, oh, my nopire taking care of the kids a bunch. I mean we're in a hotel. The kids are all at Grandma and Grandpa's.

Whoa, it's just you two, my brow here.

The room next door, and his and my sister's down the hall and we're all at the hotel and oh my no, I got all the grandkids and ship. Yeah, I've been getting.

Laid, getting laid, eating sushi. It's kind of the classic Vienna trip.

And yeah, right up my alley.

You said we're friends with the Japanese. At one point, you guys.

Are in love.

Yeah, it's still married, Danny. That's for damn sure. He's getting trips like this out of me. She ain't leaving.

So a month in Austria.

Yeah that's expensive, ain'tche dude?

I thought this hotel was a lot of shitter than it was. I didn't you let her book roommate books, all this, all this. I don't even have access to my bank account, Danny. I don't even know how long on?

Wow, what could go wrong there?

For the Yeah, what could go wrong?

Away? For the bank?

Bank shows up and starts putting our furniture in the.

Trolley and taking your youngest.

The roommate. What's going on?


Okay, Well glad you guys are doing well. And uh uh, good luck gambling this weekend? Bad Larry, great to talk to you as always. Uh, Dylan shay Uh. Let's see Marv and Ray the happy yeah happy.

Oh my god. They had a whole thing here the other day. We were sitting outside the hotel bar and it was a caravan of like thirty fucking corps thirtyo and they had police escorts and they were jamming this music outside, like disco techno. I don't know what it was, but they all hit the candelabras on top of their vehicles lit up and they were driving real slow and like chanting and ship those I thought it.

Was like minoras, not candelabras.

Yeah, whatever, the fucking candle thing and they were all lit up, and I was like, what the hell's going on? And it was just like a thirty forty to fifty cars full of Jews just cruising Vienna. And I was the man, why times trip change?

Right here?

Seems like not in my fucking town.

We've come a long white brother.

Well play nice. When are you coming back?

Uh? We take off of the fourth which is gonna suck. Ass. It's like a seven am flight. Can't wait this week, I get like four in the morning. Nanny, It's gonna suck. But the fourth. Yeah, back, No, I think we're stopping somewhere. I don't know. I didn't book any of the ship. We're stopping somewhere.

Oh it's not straight to New York.

No, No, it's and we're finding the course. The dirtiest airport in America, Newark. Hate that fucking place.

New work is nice. They cleaned it up. Yeah. The drive is bad, yeah, yeah, brutal drive.

The Guardian is nice now they finally finally.

Yeah, I like thea Guardian out.

Yeah, likes of just like empty construction.

Terrible, terrible, terrible.

And you have care about airports or the TSA employees. If they would upgrade those motherfuckers, I wouldn't care where it's at.

I don't know if that's anytime.

Sin Well, you know they're all federal employees now, right, and they got union protection and all that. Right.

Yeah, they're like a postal worker, right.

They're worse. Both workers are way cooler than these assholes. As soon as you walk up through the line, this guy's pulling out a tray yelling, it's just how your trade. You look like, take your shoes off, look of a fucking boot camp. The tickets were not free, you shut the fuck up, help me.

I think it's because they deal with people like you all day and then by the end of the day they're like, take your fucking shoes, yes please.

If ticket prices were a third of the cost, I would understand, But the amount of money you got to fend go get yelled at by some federal employee. Suck my fucking you know what, Danny?

Uh yeah, I think I know what you're talking about. And on that note, we wish you uh a happy holiday, Mary, Happy New Year.

Have you new year? Guys?

Got a hop? All right? Okay until next week when Dan Patrick takes a gamel h m

Dan Patrick Takes a Gamble

Dan Patrick is gambling again... well sort of. DP is living vicariously through his buddy Bad Larry, 
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