Steve Harvey's Closing Remarks - 01.15.25

Published Jan 15, 2025, 7:37 PM
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Here we are our last break of the day, and Steve as always wisdom. You know, I was talking about continuing what I was talking about last time, and I remember one of the last points I was making was stop allowing people who are in your space and in your life and they are there to remind you of who you used to be and what you used to do, but they are there to do that to prohibit you from moving forward. Like you made a statement of if ever you make the statement, man, I'm gonna do better, I'm gonna start being this way. I'm gonna start accomplishing this. I'm gonna start doing it like this. Have you ever noticed the A's always somebody, somebody who wants to tell the story about what you used to do, who want to bring up a mistake you made in your past and want to hold you to it. I cannot tell you how many stories are on the internet about something I did in my past, something I was. This is a true story. I was somewhere out of the country and I ran up into somebody from Columbia. I was on a golf course or something, and somehow the guy said yeah, yeah, yeah, you the guy that messed over my country. And he laughed about it, and I went, excuse me, said, you're the guy that messed over my country. I said, bro, what are you talking about. I'm from Columbia, remember when you took the title from Miss Columbia. He tried to laugh at all, but I could tell, you know, he was saying it with a little bit of malice in this heart. I said, hey, man, it's a mistake I made. Okay, yeah, but it was probably the biggest mistake of your career, wouldn't you say? I went no, no. He said, wait a minute, So you're trying to tell me that that fiasco that happened on television wasn't one of the biggest mistakes of your career. I say, I'm a man the life out in had it ain't in the top twenty five the biggest mistakes I've made. And so you know, I'm just saying that to say sometimes there's always people around you trying to remind you of something that happened to you. Listen to me, y'all cut them people out your life. If you got a person that's always trying to cut you down because of what you did or mistake you made, or bringing up something you did man. Cut them people out your life, cut them people off your social media. Quit letting people have access to you that don't deserve access. Your comment section is open to the public. Why are you opening up your comment section to the public and then putting weight behind what somebody says about you that don't even know you. They don't even know the story. They don't even know do you know? Every now and then, man, I'll be reading something and somebody go, you must have think about we forgot that you went up to see Trump? Do you know people still bringing that up? Man? Miss me, I don't care what you bring up about that. You don't even know the story. I don't let nobody hold me to my past. You have got to understand that God is in the forgiven business. God is in to get your life together business. God is in to forget it and move on. Do you know once God forgives you for something, he never brings it up again. God don't have a tally book of mistakes you've made that he forgave you for. He don't he lets it go. It's people, man, It's people. The devil got people that work for him twenty four seven, and all their ambition is to do is to help help you. Help the devil rob you of your destiny. And the best way to rob people of their destiny is people get stuck with what they did and don't have the power to move on. There are people in relationships that have failed and can't move on to the next relationship because you stuck in what happened with the last relationship. I need closure? Why did he do me like that? Look, man, listen to me. He gone, he gone, she gone. They left you. It's over. It's okay. You didn't die from it. You actually can be better from it. But you have got to look for the upside and everything. The reason that relationship was over and ended is because it wasn't meant to be. Hey man, I was talking to this young guy and he was so distraught about his girlfriend breaking up with him. He didn't know what to do, and so he was talking to me about it. And it was at the camp, a little young boy about seventeen years old. He was just going through it. I said, my man, my man, But she left me on mister Harvey. She cheated on me with another guy. I said, hey, bro, it was just your turn. That's all you was for. Her. It was just your turn. That's all it is. It's nothing else. It was your turn, he said. Whow miss Harvey, How can you say that was just my turn? It was your turn. She moved on to something else. It was just your turn. You had your turn, you was winning. Y'all had some fun, but it was just your turn. Drink that man. Move on, ladies. If you out there got some guy in your life that did you wrong and you can't get past it, you better you better get past it, because the clock is ticket. Life goes on with him or without him. I don't know if you noticed, but your rent is still due every month. I don't know if you picked up on this or not, but your children are still getting older. I don't know if you picked up or not, but you still got to go to work and earn a living. Now, the fact that this man done left you and he got you stuck. The moment you get unstuck, you might make room for God to give you who you really need to have in your life. But if you keep stuck on what happened to you that you lost, you can't ever get what the new gain is. Stop looking at what you lost and look at the possibility of what you can gain. It ain't the loss, it's the potential of the game. Stop looking at that man. Stop letting people hold you to your past. God has forgiven you. Get up and move on. It's okay. Everybody makes mistakes, all right, y'all, have a good one today. Talk to God today, y'all. He'd absolutely love to hear from you.

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