
World Gold Day! Listen to these golden dad jokes! 04 October 2023

Published Oct 4, 2023, 12:00 PM

Daily Dad Jokes (04 Oct 2023)

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Jokes sourced and curated from Joke credits: porichoygupto, Cheyde, revnoahzark69, 808gecko808, gtMANGAMER2, StrafemOrigin, bgva, SnowFrostborne, CasualSpeedruner, fishshake, kaiptn, Steven-Axe, WhyHelloThere04d62s, Professor_Smartax, Joesdad65

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My friend Tie came first in the Beijing marathon, but wasn't awarded a gold medal. The Chinese refused to acknowledge Taiwan.

How did Luke Skywalker get all his gold and diamonds? He used a Jedi mind trick.

I pulled a muscle while penning for gold. It was a minor injury.

I asked my daughter if she knew how to make gold soup. When she replied no, I told her it's easy, just put twenty four carrots in it.

I ain't saying she's a gold digger, but she did move to California in eighteen forty nine.

I'm opening a called the gold Mine. I'm hoping people will dig it.

There once was a king who tried to turn things into gold but failed. He might as well try again.

Do you prefer to mine gold or silver? I say either or as fine.

I found a chest full of gold coins digging in the garden. I went to tell my wife. Then I remembered why I was digging in the garden. Why was the mine gold never found? They hid it in the maze. They found gold in the ground under my neighbor's shop, and I asked him to exploit it together. He told me to mind my own business.

One of the villains from Scooby Doo would have won an Olympic gold medal if it weren't for those medaling kids.

A friend once told me I had a heart of pure gold. I was rushed to the hospital immediately.

Why don't chickens like to mind for gold? They might find a nugget.

I won an Olympic gold medal in the triple jump. I beat everyone by leaps and bounds.

I'm Bob Jeffy and.

I'm Montgomery Jones. And that's the Golden Dead jokes for World Gold Day. We're on a mission to spread the laughs and groans far and wide, so please do us a favorite and share just one of these jokes with your family and friends. Thanks.

Hey, everyone, we have an exciting new project that we're sure you'll love. We've created an electronic dad joke button loaded up with the best dad jokes. Now you can spread the laughs and groans wherever you go. It's a perfect gift for dads, friends, and co workers. We need your help to get the first production run, so please back us on Kickstarter, So head over to kickstarter dot com and search for Daily Dad Jokes or check the show notes page for the link. Early bird discounts available, so get in quick. Thanks for your support.

The Daily Dad Jokes podcast is produced by Classic Studios. See the show notes page for social media links and Joe credits. This show was recorded in front of a canned studio audience