
Panic Day! Dad jokes to calm you down! 09 March 2024

Published Mar 9, 2024, 12:00 PM

Daily Dad Jokes (09 Mar 2024)

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Jokes sourced and curated from Joke credits: sarcasticpremed, flamingkitten101, MoscowGrizz, Leboy2Point0, electricalalarm, porichoygupto, OMMOPOWER, pvsocialmedia, HeroofThyme81, fit-predict-profit, drozzi007, , baconaboot, madazzahatter, jigsatics, Bakedschwarzenbach, FinalCaveat, pj566, Yeeter4210, TrIQy, Snackasm, nicc_k, RandomUsername_, SamwellBarley, BunzarTheFuzzy, DYLBIGGLE, RedDotByte, rhshi14, Sir_Pluses, RoscoeMG, JimiSplendrix, Ldawgydog, Hujiadadi01, gracius0ne, madazzahatter, Sodrohu, saarraz1, Ludwidge

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My doctor said to me, relax, David, it's just a small surgery. Don't panic. I replied, My name isn't David. The doctor then said, I know, I'm David.

My friend called me in a panic and shouted an evil wizard turned me into a tiny harp. I don't know what to do. Frantically, I drove all the way to his house, only to find out he's really a big liar.

Any room can be a panic room if you have enough bees.

What causes ship navigators to panic when sailing in the Arctic when they can't get their burns straight?

A lady accidentally locks herself out of her car and begins to panic. A passing soldier notices this, walks over and rolls his pants across the car. Magically, the car unlocks. The woman is relieved, but puzzled, asking him how he did it. That's easy. These are khakis.

If you get lost in the Canadian wilderness, don't panic unless you see at least one grizzly. That's the bare minimum.

I was really embarrassed when my wife caught me playing with my son's train, said by myself. In a moment of panic, I threw a bit sheet over it. I think I managed to cover my tracks.

What do they call panic buying of sausage and cheese in Germany? Vorst case scenario?

Why did the principal panic during the teacher strike because he was losing control of his faculties.

Remember if your parachute stops working mid air, don't panic. You'll have the rest of your life to fix it.

If you ever find yourself in lava, don't panic. Just go with the flow. Get ready for more laughs and groans following this short break.

I've lost my mind due to the virus panic, but who knows, maybe it's just in my head.

My daughter called me in a panic and asked, dead, my car just broke down. What should I do? I replied, calmly, whisper at some words of encouragement.

A panic stricken man explained to his doctor, you have to help me. I think I'm shrinking, Now settle down. The doctor calmly told him, you'll just have to learn to be a little patient.

I just accidentally superblued my thumb and index finger together, and at first I started to panic, but then I remembered that it's always going to be okay.

My son started to panic after he dropped a huge jar of pickles and got pickles everywhere. Don't worry, I told him everything's kosher.

Did you hear about the herbs that were phoning everyone trying to panic by all different sizes of measuring cups. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Why did the Mexican take a Xanax for hispanic attacks?

My mom had a bit of a panic on Christmas morning when none of the gifts were wrapped. My dad said, not to worry, he's doing them prisonedly.

Using one hundred pounds in America calls for a celebration. Losing one hundred pounds in the UK calls for panic.

What do sell at sea when they are panicking? Let us romain come?

My dad after closing the cupboard door and shooting me a panic look, we need to get to the shop quickly. We're running out of time.

I was in the emergency room the other day and I was panicking. A nurse came over and gave me a cup of tea. As soon as I finished it, I felt completely relaxed, put my feet up and sat back in my chair. I asked the nurse what it was and she said, casual tea.

They ran out of bread at the Indian restaurant, but nobody panicked. It was a non issue.

So there's this lady and she's panicking because her car is sinking in quicksand she calls her insurance agent and he tells her don't worry about it. She says, why the hell not, because your car is completely covered?

What sits on the sea back and has anxiety? A nervous wreck.

Palindromes give me anxiety? Xen x isn't making it any better.

What do you call just a little bit of anxiety an angstrom?

What do you call a Jedi with anxiety? Pannikin Skywalker?

What do you say to a leper who is having an anxiety attack? Full yourself together?

I ran out of anxiety pills, but I'm kind of scared to tell anyone.

I get so much anxiety trying to figure out what to put my arrows in. It makes me quiver.

I was at the library when I heard the tsunami alarm, so I yield everybody, brace your shelves.

Just walked past a sign that read this fire door is alarmed, so I give it a little rub and told that everything is going to be Okay, if.

You are chilling in a bar and a dwarf greets, you don't panic. He's just trying to have small talk.

There's mass hysteria over the sudden shortage of lighters. It's a burning issue.

If the Pope alarmed his congregation during his sermon, would it cause mass hysteria. I'm Bob Jeffy and I'm Montgomery Jones, and that's the top Dad jokes for Panic Day. We're on a mission to spread the laughs and groans far and wide, so please do us a favor and share just one of these jokes with your family and friends today.

Thanks for Those with an interest in the business and finance sector, then listen to The Daily Business and Finance Show podcast. The show provides a concise, yet comprehensive summary of the day's significant economic events in five minute byte sized episodes. Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, i Heeartmedia, or on your favorite podcast app. Search for The Daily Business and Finance Show in your podcast app, or check the show notes page for the link. The Daily Dad Jokes podcast is produced by Classic Studios. See the show notes page for social media links and joke credits. This show was recorded in front of a can studio audience,