
National Skyscraper Day! High potential dad jokes here! 03 September 2023

Published Sep 3, 2023, 12:00 PM

Daily Dad Jokes (03 Sep 2023)

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You can now submit your own dad jokes to my voicemail, with the best ones to be included in upcoming episodes on this podcast. Just leave your name, the city and state you live in, and your best Dad Joke. Call (978) 393-1076. Look forward to hearing from you!

[Promo] Daily Shower Thoughts is a new podcast launched by myself and my co-host Lorelai Stewart. Join us for random, amusing and mind bending epiphanies. Pod links here Daily Shower Thoughts website.

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Jokes sourced and curated from Joke credits: kinneydank, amazondrone, UndersizedSandwich, Major_Independence82, OldTimeyMedicine, MCVeteran69, kevindavis338, PayNoNoticeOfMe, OriginMeme, Xianthamist, EastlyGod1, metalsgt90, literallyabrick, oreil087, MeButNotMeToo, saturnine23, BlankPhotos, Shu-di, wimpykidfan37, NumLock_Enthusiast, theragingrocksta

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Why do dad jokes build the best skyscrapers? They work on many levels.

I visited New York and got to see the red aviation warning lamp on top of the Empire State Building. It was a real highlight of the trip.

I quit my job at a bakery on the ninety first floor of a skyscraper. I found out it was a high turnover job.

What breed of dog can jump higher than a skyscraper? Any breed of dog skyscrapers can't jump.

If you know about the time I left my job building skyscrapers in the middle of adding another floor, never got to finish the story.

A physicist sees a man about to jump off of the Empire State Building. He yells, don't do it, you have too much potential.

Last weekend, I discovered that hanging out with skyscraper builders is so boring. It's story after story after story.

My grandfather operated a lift in a skyscraper. His career had its ups and downs, but he'd always get back up again.

What's up with skyscrapers usually clouds?

What did the detectives say to the architect and the uncompleted skyscraper, there's a few holes in your story.

An architect friend of mine keeps going on and on and on about how he has designed the greatest skyscraper of all time. But I think he's built it up too much.

What did the Frenchman who jumped off of a skyscraper say, iPhone?

Did you hear about the skyscraper that split in half? The engineers say the contractors didn't build it to specifications. The contractors say the engineers didn't design it right. All I know is that there are two sides to every story.

What did the one skyscraper say to the other one high rise?

I was watching a documentary about early skyscrapers. It was riveting.

He couldn't stop building skyscrapers in honor of his mother. Poor guy had an edifice complex.

What does a cloud do when it gets an inch, It finds the nearest skyscraper.

Scientists wanted to see what would happen if they dropped a bowling ball from the top of the Empire State Building. It was a groundbreaking experiment. Why did King Kom climb the Empire State Building? He hated elevators. Did you know a chicken can fly higher than the Chrysler Building Because the Chrysler building doesn't fly.

I just found out people work on top of Burr's Khalifa. I can't believe the heights some people would go to just to earn some.

I'm Bob Jeffy and I'm Montgomery Jones, and that's the high rise dad jokes for National Skyscraper Day. We're on a mission to spread the laughs and groans far and wide, So please do us a favor and share just one of these jokes with your family and friends. Thanks. Looking for more dad joke humor to share, then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly roundup of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs and groans and sign up today. Check the sign up link in the show notes page or visit Daily dadjokespodcast dot com.

Do you have your own dad joke you want to share join the hundreds of listeners who have submitted their own dad jokes through our voicemail. Please spread the laughs and groans and submit your own dad joke to our voicemail with the best ones to be included in special fan episodes. Just leave your name, the city and state you live in, and do your best joke call nine seven eight three nine three one zero seven six. I'll repeat that number. It's nine seven eight three nine three one zero seven six. Or check the show notes page for the number we look forward to hearing from you.

The Daily Dad Jokes podcast is produced by Classic Studios. See the show notes page for social media links and joke credits. This show was recorded in front of a canned studio audience.