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Jokes sourced and curated from Joke credits: yaswolf, TOYST_OF, abombregardless, Ok_Presence36, JoinTheBattle, Leftearedturtle, reedrichardsphd, SatisfactionBroad668, Volleyballer-21, r2d2wy, GhostCubeGroucho, , Weekly-Bumblebee6348, raaalphs, Cmonsta80, SatisfactoryGrape, jmoney6, Budget-Pay3743, Masselein, 610Ken, LoveBeRaging, Sr_ChalupaBatman, TurboAxolotl, onewhoreads, voiceoverflowers, Bbew_Mot, EBD510, sauntering
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Did you know the name of Bruce Lee's sister that inspired a crunchy and fruity breakfast cereal? She was muse Lee.
My buddy just got a job in marketing with Kellogg Cereals. I guess you could say his job is raising brand awareness.
What do you call a breakfast cereal that is identical to other cereals? Synonym toast crunch.
Which celebrity is always ready for cereal? Reese Reese Witherspoon.
I had two bowls of cereal for breakfast. I guess you could say I'm full of life.
Someone poisoned my lucky Charm cereal. They were tragically delicious.
What cereal gets thrown across the room frosted many yeats?
Did you hear about the cereal killer? He was a real fruit loop.
Why is cereal sold by weight and not volume because it's not very loud.
Did you hear the rumor about the cereal factory takeover? Take it with a grain of salt.
My daughter got upset when I poured the wrong kind of cereal. I said, that's life. More dad jokes are on the way after this quick announcement.
What is the favorite breakfast cereal of mystery novelists Agatha crispies.
Cereal first or milk first? Neither? Bowl first?
What do you get when you cross cereal with a musician? You get honey, bunches of haul and oats.
What is the coldest cereal? Frosted flakes?
I just finished my fifth box of cereal this week. You could call me a serial killer.
General Mills is releasing a new cereal with the Lucky Charms Leprechaun's evil half brother. He's tragically malicious.
Not everyone has the tenacity to succeed in the cereal business. Some people just flake out.
I always eat cereal while talking about the three branches of government, nothing like and balances.
My friend pours an oj and his cereal ball. I suppose he's a serial killer.
What is the strongest cereal brand? Shredded wheat?
What type of cereal does my nan eat? Granola?
Did you hear about the Kellogg's factory that burned down? They're calling it cereal.
Larson, Kellogg's founder, started several businesses in his life. A serial entrepreneur.
I once had a faulty box of corn flakes, so I called up Kellogg's customer services to see if they could help. Unfortunately, they weren't able to help me in the end as I wasn't able to find the box's serial number.
I won't eat anything but cheerios for breakfast. I'm a serial monogamist.
Where is the best place to buy cheerios and donuts? Whole Foods?
I'm Bob Jeffy.
And I'm Montgomery Jones, and that's the serial Killer Dad Jokes for National Cereal d We're on a mission to spread the laughs and owns far and wide, So please do us a favor and share just one of these jokes with your family and friends today. Thanks.
Looking for more dad joke humor to share, then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly roundup of the best dad jokes, memes and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs and groans and sign up today. Check the sign up link in the show notes page or visit dailydadjokespodcast dot com. The Daily Dad Jokes Podcast is produced by Classic Studios. See the show notes page for social media links and joke credits. This show was recorded in front of a canned studio audience.