
Mountain Day! Peak comedy! 11 August 2024

Published Aug 11, 2024, 12:00 PM

Daily Dad Jokes (11 Aug 2024)

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Jokes sourced and curated from Joke credits: OPTimberSycamore, JustRandomThings444, FormulaDriven, rhshi14, Redditardus, EndersGame_Reviewer, YourOverLordisME, HiSpartacusImDad, DENelson83, silkthewanderer, Hurtkopain, CDJRose, , Upvoter_NeverDie, Lady_PumPum, Todderik31, Starfreak900, lightcon_consumed, awcmonrly, J_Dawg-v3, houseofharm, LesserNahidaKusanali, Available_Weakness, gssn-nospace, TripleEEE1313, Masselein, mcnason247, EmVee66, FriedGreenPotados, sulldanivan, Jaynecobb1374, Jester57

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The largest mountains are always tired. It seems they don't. Everest.

What mountain got a one hundred percent on the exam Mount Cleverest.

I failed to qualify for work clearing up soap dropped by a mountaineers. Unfortunately the bar was too high.

I built a model of Mount Everest and my son asked, is it to scale? I replied, no, it's to look at.

I did some artistic improvisation on top of a mountain once. You might not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

The Himalayas aren't the best mountains, but they're definitely up there.

On May twenty fifth, two thousand and one, a blind man named Eric Wyanmere climbed the top of Mount Everest. When asked how he feels, he said, I'm going to kill that blasted guide dog of mine.

What's the most dangerous time of year to go mountain climbing? The fall?

What would you call several cars with five people in each of them going through a mountain carpool tunnel syndrome.

In nineteen thirty eight, two teams racing to be the first to climb the Iger north Face joint forces along the way and reach the summit together. You could call it the tie of the Iiger. What's the name of the mountain that hides behind trees? Sneak peak? What do you call a group of cows playing poker on a mountaintop? A high stakes game?

The laughter isn't over. We'll be back after this brief break. A midget rock climber scaled Mount Everest but didn't reach the top. He fell short of his goal.

Why didn't the skeleton climb the mountain? It didn't have the guts.

What happens if you kick a mountain Krakatoa?

It costs an average of eighty five thousand dollars for someone to climb Mount Everest. I had no idea. It was that steep.

What's the difference between a puma and a mountain lion? I didn't a mountain lion my pants last night?

What do you call sandwiches falling down a mountain? An avalanche?

I ran over an Indian mountain today. I found him a layan on the road.

What do you call a dad joke about a mountain? Heat comedy?

How do mountain see? They peak?

Don't climb too many mountains covered in oil? It's a slippery slope.

The local bartender moved his pub to the summit of a mountain and the quality of his drinks improved. He really raised the bar on that one.

Why should you hire mountains for jobs? Because they are always a peak performance. Most climbers enjoy going up a mountain, but I prefer going down. I guess I have a descending opinion. Telling a joke on Mount Everest would be the pinnacle of comedy.

Why did the Yorkshiremen climb the mountain? Because it was some to do?

What do you give a hungry mountain a cliff bar?

Did you hear about the pilot that flew into a mountain? He had a bad altitude? Why do mountains never amount to anything? They peaked already. The bad thing about being the first to ascend and some of the mountain is it's all downhill from there. I'm Bob Jeffy and I'm Montgomery Jones, and that's the peak dad jokes for Mountain Day. We're on a mission to spread the laughs and groans far and why so, please do us a favor and share just one of these jokes with your family and friends today. Thanks looking for the gift for Dad. We have the official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast Electronic Joke button now available on Amazon a massive five hundred preloaded dad jokes guaranteed to make you laugh and groan. Check the show notes page for the link. The Daily Dad Jokes podcast is produced by Classic Studios. See the show notes page for social media links and joke credits. This show was recorded in front of a canned studio audience.