
I recently watched the Netflix series created by the creator of The Simpsons. It left me Groening. (+ 19 more dad jokes!)

Published Jul 11, 2023, 1:02 AM

Daily Dad Jokes (11 Jul 2023)

Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe !

Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.

You can now submit your own dad jokes to my voicemail, with the best ones to be included in upcoming episodes on this podcast. Just leave your name, the city and state you live in, and your best Dad Joke. Call (978) 393-1076. Look forward to hearing from you!

[Promo] Daily Shower Thoughts is a new podcast launched by myself and my co-host Lorelai Stewart. Join us for random, amusing and mind bending epiphanies. Pod links here Daily Shower Thoughts website.

[Promo] Check out the Get Happy Headlines podcast by my friends, Stella and Mickey. It's a podcast dedicated to bringing you family friendly uplifting stories from around the world. Give it a listen, I know you will like it. Pod links here Get Happy Headlines website.

[Promo] Check out the Daily Facts podcast that brings you interesting and surprising facts from around the world every day! Did you know that the longest recorded flight of a chicken lasted for 13 seconds? Or that there's a species of jellyfish that can essentially live forever? With Daily Facts, you'll learn something new and fascinating with every episode. Tune in daily and impress your friends with your newfound knowledge. Listen now on your favorite podcast platform or check out the pod links here Get Happy Headlines website.

[Promo] Looking for the perfect gift for your Dad? Check out our official Daily Dad Jokes merch here, including our popular "Dad Joke University" T-shirts Click here to browse

Jokes sourced and curated from Joke credits: gtMANGAMER2, incredibleinkpen, naveird, YankeesFan80, Masselein, TheLifeOfRyanB, TheQuietKid22, NotSkysAlt, chr1st0ph3rs, brother_p, steikul, MeatForce_, Upvoter_NeverDie, kthejoker, profusly, ojohn69, Zestyclose_Poetry669, ilikesidehugs, fffutility, Otherwise_Singer6043

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Why did the banker quit his job? He lost interest? My wife was doing a crossword on our London trip. She asked the man sitting opposite us in the cafe, do you know what you call someone whose native tongue is Bulgarian or Polish? He said, yeah, slov Oh nice, she smiled. Maybe you could tell me the answer. I just found out I'm color blind. News came out of the purple vegetable truck blew out a tire on the interstate. Should have brought asparagus. If your child has trouble riding a bike, try letting a little air out of the tires. It takes off some of the pressure. What's the best way to attack a group of clowns? Go straight for the juggler. Why can't cows wear shoes because they lacked those? I like to keep a ruler under my pillow. How else would I know? How long have I slept? What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs laying on your floor? Matt I offered my elderly neighbor twenty dollars for a ride on her stair lift. I think she might take me up on it. British man killed by shark whilst honeymooning in Australia. Reports say he didn't suffer for too long, as he'd only been married five days. How do wear pilots hide in plain sight? Did you hear the one about quantum entanglement? Never mind, it's a little bit out there. I would never let my son join the orchestra. I don't want him to go to school and choose violince. I recently watched the Netflix series created by the creator of The Simpsons. It left me groaning. How will they harvest herbs in the future? They will use time machine. I meant to write a few jokes about trains earlier today, but I got off track. My buddy went in for heart surgery again. It's his second stint. Three guys walked into a bar. The fourth one dot I'm Bob Jeffy. Stay tuned until the end of the episode for a bonus dad joke. Our goal is to spread joy or cringes to the world. Share the humor with your family and friends. Have a good night, and I'll see you again tomorrow. Thank you for tuning in. Looking for more dad joke humor to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter It's our weekly roundup of the best dad jokes, memes and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs and groans and sign up today. Check the sign up link in the show notes page or visit Daily dadjokespodcast dot com. Do you have your own dad joke you want to share? Join the hundreds of listeners who have submitted their own dad jokes through my voicemail. Please spread the laughs and groans and submit your own dad joke to our voicemail with the best ones to be included in special fan episodes. Just leave your name, the city and state you live in, and your best dad joke. Call nine seven eight three nine three one zero seven six. I'll repeat that number. It's nine seven eight three nine three one zero seven six, or check the show notes page for the number. I'll look forward to hearing from you. The Daily Dad Jokes podcast is produced by Classic Studios. See the show notes page for social media links and joke credits. I listen my friend's story about how he really hated living in the twenty first largest state and every day is agony for him. I hope somebody would put him out of his Missouri