Cyber Security CaféCyber Security Café

What small businesses really think about cybersecurity, what solutions they need from the cybersecurity industry & why 60% of small businesses don't go out of business after a data breach with Adam Selwood

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The Intro

Beverley won’t let Louisa move into the spare room, even if it is her birthday!
Beverley talks about how we all want to help small business with their cybersecurity but are we doing the right things that are right for that market
Louisa has been researching (again) looking at the confusing landscape of advice for small businesses on cyber security
Why Adam is the perfect guest to help us better understand the market, the problem and what small business needs from security

The Chat

Adam Selwood is Director, Co-founder and CTO at Cynch Security and we are so pleased to have a local Melbourne cybersecurity entrepreneur in the café with us!

We talk about
Where Adam started his career, how he moved into cybersecurity and why he loves it
Why he and Suzie first discovered the pain that small business experiences around data breaches and the passion he and Suzie found for trying to finding solutions to help them
What is a small business and how to define that area
The challenges with getting data around the impacts for small business
What are the attitudes towards cybersecurity within small businesses and whether they are optimistic about their security
Whether it’s a realistic figure that 60% of small business go out of business after a cyber attack
What are the characteristics on a small business and the challenges they have
What small business needs from cybersecurity solutions and what they have invested in so far
How the cybersecurity industry can confuse small business with our language
Why small businesses are not keeping up to date with cybersecurity threats and solutions to address those
What the biggest risk for small business is when it comes to cybersecurity
The relationship between small business and large corporates when it comes to supply chain risk
The changing landscape for small business around regulation and how this will impact them
What the future holds for small business security including
increased data breach regulation (and disclosure)
customers driving increased security from small business
Digital natives changing the expectations of small business
Increasing attacks affecting small business
Why there is no bigger problem in cybersecurity than small business security and why Adams is optimistic on the solutions coming for small business
Why cybersecurity is part of a long list of challenges for small business
Adam’s fantastic advice for would be entrepreneurs in cybersecurity

The debrief
Our key takeaways from the chat including
Confirmation email is the biggest threat for small business
The amazing amount of passion and due diligence done by Adam and Suzie on the problems that small businesses experience
Why we should support Cynch and why small business is important for the Australian economy
The misquoted fact about the number of small businesses that go out of business after a cyber attack
Where to find facts that you can use about small business cybersecurity

How to follow Adam:
Twitter @adamselwood


Guest: Adam Selwood
Hosts: Beverley Roche and Louisa Vogelenzang
Producer/Editor: Louisa Vogelenzang
Sound Producer: Darcy Milne (


The in-question fact about 60% of small businesses going out of business after a cyber attack

Security Boulevard facts you can use on small medium business security (with some facts around small business only)


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