What Happened When – and After -- Dr. S. Andral Kilmer Founded His Laboratory and Remedy Company

Published Jun 18, 2024, 12:47 PM

According to the Vermont State Pharmacy Association in 1921, quote: "Dr. Kilmer's SWAMP-ROOT Kidney, Liver and Bladder Medicine … is a medicine of genuine merit. Thousands of letters we have received from druggists indicate that it has won the confidence of the people. We believe that the druggist who recommends it thereby helps his own reputation for reliability and truthfulness as his customer is usually satisfied with the results obtained from the use of Swamp-Root. …[The] preparation … is made upon honor and always kept up to its high standard of purity and excellence." They weren’t wrong; Swamp-Root was a very popular patent medicine product. But … made with honor? A reputation for … truthfulness? Aren’t we in snake oil season? Let’s meet this Dr. Kilmer and the Kilmer family, and talk about how Swamp-Root made them a ton of money. 

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