Published Jun 10, 2024, 7:42 PM

Seraya Aung Harmon's mother, Samara Harmon, joins us on today's "Crime Stories with Nancy Grace."

Samara Harmon and Aaron Aung welcome a daughter, Seraya in early May 2022. While the parents split shortly after Seraya’s birth, they share custody of the happy toddler with a big personality. When Seraya is about 18 months old, Aung proposes to his new girlfriend, Nadia Cole.

On June 3, Samara Harmon drives to the exchange location to pick up daughter Seraya from her father, Aaron Aung. When Aung doesn’t arrive 30 minutes later, he starts to worry. Aung isn’t answering her calls or texts. Harmon reaches out to Aung’s parents, who inform her that Aung planned to take Seraya camping at Flathead Lake, Montana for the week.

Harmon discovers Aung’s fiancé is also unaccounted for, and immediately reports her daughter missing. Aaron Aung’s fiancé, Nadia Cole, sets out to join her family for a planned trip to Italy, to celebrate her recent graduation from Washington State University.

Aung stays behind to pick up his daughter Seraya from Pullman for their week together. The Cole family makes it to their gate at Seattle’s SeaTac airport, and Nadia leaves her luggage with them while she runs to the restroom. She never returns.

Just after 3 p.m., surveillance video shows Cole hastily leaving the airport,  getting on a light rail train to downtown Seattle, and appearing distressed.



  • Samara Harmon - Seraya's Mom
  • Tara Malek – Bosie, ID, Attorney & Co-owner of Smith + Malek; Former State and Federal Prosecutor; X: @smith_malek
  • Dr. Angela Arnold – Psychiatrist, Atlanta GA. Expert in the Treatment of Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Former Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynecology: Emory University, Former Medical Director of The Psychiatric Ob-Gyn Clinic at Grady Memorial Hospital
  • Jason Jensen – Private Investigator (Jensen Private Investigations), Cold Case Expert (Salt Lake City, UT), and Co-founder: “Cold Case Coalition;” Investigations; X: @JasonJPI, Facebook/Instagram: “Jensen Investigations”
  • Lauren Conlin – Investigative Journalist, Host of The Outlier Podcast, and also Host of “Corruption: What Happened to Grant Solomon; X- @Conlin_Lauren/ Instagram- @LaurenEmilyConlin/YouTube- @LaurenConlin4

Crime Stories with Nancy Grace.

Breaking news tonight, a two year old little girl goes missing after cops learn a man buys camping gear and maps for backwoods Montana and is top girl. Soriah's disappearance connected to a twenty one year old missing woman. Good evening, I Nancy Grace, this is Crime Stories. Thank you for being with us.

Dinosaur yeap, hey.


You get the dinosaur accus?

Why you get?

He write in a.

Dator Can you imagine the anguish of Soriah's mother? Suddenly her daughter is gone? Thank you for being with us Tonight we are on the search for a two year old little talp girl.

Let me give you the tip line right off the top.

Five zero nine three three four zero eight zero two repeat five zero nine three three four zero eight zero two Also an eight one hundred number eight hundred two two five five three two four eight hundred two two five five three two four.

Look at this little girl.

Can you imagine all of your love, all of your energy, all of your money, your hopes, your dreams poured in to this little girl and now bam, she's gone?

Where is Soriah? Listen?

June third, so Maara Harmon drives through the exchange location to pick up daughter Soirea from her father Aaron Ong. When Ong hasn't arrived thirty minutes later, Harmon starts to worry Ang isn't answering your calls or text. Harmon reaches out to Ong's parents, who inform her that Ong planned to take sarap camping at Flathead Lake, Montana for the week. Harmon discovers Ang's fiance is also unaccounted for and immediately reports her daughter missing.

Okay, all right, there everything is sideways. Joining me an all star panel to make sense of what we know right now. But first to a very special guest joining us. This is Siah's mom, Samara Harmon. Miss Harmon, thank you for being with us. Of course, Miss Harmon, tell me about the moment you discovered your daughter is missing.

I was sitting in the police station that we're waiting for hopefully her and her father to show up for custodio exchanged, like we had every time, we had one in front of the police station, to which he did not show up.

So you were sitting in a car, or in a van, or inside the station?

Where were you?

I was inside the station.

Okay, was that normal? Did you normally get inside to swap off?

I normally do yes, because I myself don't have a personal vehicle, so unless I had a ride given to me by a family member or a friend, I would often wait inside with Soraya or for her.

How often did you let Sarah be with her dad?

We had a five to five to two to two schedule, so I would have her for five days, he would have her for five, and I would have her for two and he would have her for two. It was fifty to fifty custody.


How long had that custody agreement been enforced?

It took place.

Around August of twenty twenty three, so since then.

So not even a year exactly. Question regarding the swap off, how would Soriah act when she would come back to you from being with her father?

Super excited? She would often reach out for me. Sometimes, when he would walk with her, she would let go of his hand and run to me. She was always really excited to see me, unless she wasn't feeling well. Then sometimes she would be a little bit more calm and nonchalant, but she was still always very excited to be reunited. With me.

Had there been any issues? I know she's only two years old. I'm not sure how much she could communicate with you. Were there any issues with her going to her dad's not that.

She told me. The only ones I'd seen were the little interactions we had when I handed her off, when she would kick and scream and cry and fight or ask for me when going with him or a family member of his.

Do you know why she did that?

I don't know, no, but I know it broke my heart every time.

Miss Harmon again, I want to thank you for being with us. And I'm just imagining if I had to give my twins over and be away from them for five days than two days in five days in two days, that in itself would be hell for me to be away from them, much less when they cry and literally kick and scream when they're taken away from me.

I don't how do you do that? I mean, how do you keep going?

I just keep her and all of my thoughts, and I just know that she's too little to understand, and that it's important for her to see both parents. That's what the courts agreed. He's staying with that and just hoping and praying that even if she's upset in that moment, that she calms down and she enjoys her time with her father. That in and of itself has been really, really hard.

Like you were saying, when did the girlfriend get in the picture, I.

Don't know the exact date they got together. I know I first heard about it about ten or some months ago.

Okay, Now wait a minute, wait minute. How long have you guys been separated?

Since January of twenty twenty three?

Okay, January to January. That's not that long.

So was your husband seeing this woman Nadia Coal.

Before you guys divorced?

We were never married. Okay, I'm not certain if he was seeing her beforehand or not. I don't know that.

Okay, And you're right, You're right, You're right, Miss Harmon. That's neither here nor there. Did you ever meet this woman Nadia Coal?

No, not officially.

What did you know about her? Did your daughter? Did so? I ever tell you about her? Anything about her?

So I didn't know about her name until the day I discovered my daughter was missing. But in hindsight, I do recall my daughter's saying you missed Nada, which I can only assume meant Nadia.

So your daughter liked Nadia as far as I know, Yes, Okay, wait.

A minute, what is that hold on?

Lauren Colin joining me in addition to Soriah's mother, Lauren Colin?

Who is he and who is she?

Aaron is Soria's father and Nadia Cole is his girlfriend who just graduated from the University of Washington.

How I'm looking at her. She's gorgeous and I'm very curious. Do we have any idea anything about her other than she graduated.

She lived at Pullman right, Yes.

She lived in Pullman and she lived in the beautiful college town. And as Samara said, she had been dating Aaron for the last ten months.

And as of right now, that is all we know.

Okay, I think that's all I need to know right now. Joining me an all star panel to make sense of what we know right now. But I want to tell samoraw this is Sarya's mother. Back to the moment that she gets a ride to the police station she typically does to pick up her daughter. Okay, tell me what happened at the police station.

So I had been asked if I had been in contact with the Moscow Police Department earlier that day, to which I responded yes, which in that previous conversation they just said they were searching for Aaron in regards to Naudia Cole. In the police station, I was then informed that Nadia was missing, as well as my daughter and her father.

What went through your mind when you heard that, Samorrow?

I was trying to process everything because it was a lot of information to dump with thirty seconds to just kind of let me know that not only is his new girlfriend, who I've never met before, missing, but my daughter is. I just I fell apart.

Did you have any idea where she was or what had happened?

They had told me they believed that she went on a camping trip with her dad to Montana, and that's still in and of it. Stiff made no sense to me. I knew I had no idea where she was. I knew nothing about where she was or how she was doing anything about that, and they didn't have really any information to answer any questions I had.

Guys, what exactly happened around the time Soriah disappears.

Listen aaron ONGs fiance Nadia Cole sets out to join her family for a plan trip to Italy. Celebrating her recent graduation from Washington State University, on stays behind to pick up his daughter Sireya from Pullman for their week together. The Cole family makes it to their gate at Seattle SeaTac Airport and Nadia leaves her luggage with them while she runs to the restroom. She never returns. Just after three pm, surveillance video shows Cole hastily leaving the airport and getting on a light rail train to downtown Seattle, appearing distressed.

So Lauren Ellen, who spots Sorayah with the dad looking for maps and buying camping gear.

To my knowledge, this was seen on camera and at this point again, Lady Samara said she was very confused because this was never planned and Montana is pretty far away here from from Pullman and from from Idaho, so this was very.

Confusing to doctor Angela Arnold joining us renowned psychiatrists out of the Atlanta jurisdiction. You can find her at Angela Arnold MD dot com. Doctor Angie, thank you for being with us. I mean, when we say domestic issues, it sounds so warm and cozy, like a Hallmark movie. Domestic is anything, but the reality is that when children are kidnapped or harmed, it's usually by someone that knows them and is related to them. Right now, we have no idea where this two year old girl is, no idea where she really is. All of this plotting and planning and scheming and gnashing of teeth and twisting of tails was done without mommy knowing a thing. You think mommy knows Daddy was out getting camping gear and maps of Montana hgln Oh, no idea.

She's sitting there on her little bench at.

The police station waiting for Sarria come running through the door, and nothing happens. And the next thing she finds out Daddy's buying camping gear.

I mean, how does it go so sideways?

And the thought that this girlfriend, the mistress, is part of the plan.

Uh uh.

I can't wait to get my mits on the to why does it go so sideways? Doctor Angie, Well, there's so many questions here that are unanswered, Nancy, and I'm sitting here.

Wondering what were they plotting. I do believe the little girl is in danger.

What was this man like, what was the biological father like before any of this happened? And are what is their intention with this little girl. I of course I'm thinking the worst. I'm thinking the absolute worst. This man has no boundaries. Why do they have to constantly meet at a police station to exchange the child? So there has to be some level of concern there from the attorney's point of view, that they have to meet at.

A police station. I am so concerned about this little.

Girl and actually his girlfriend, and I would love to know more about who the biological father is. I could hear more about who he is and what the mother knows about him.

I think that that could be very helpful to us.

Natia Cole is reported missing to Porto, Seattle police. Cole is five foot nine inches tall, weighs about one hundred and thirty pounds, has long blonde hair and green eyes. She was last seen wearing a green hoodie, black yoga pants, and white converse sneakers, carrying a black North faced jacket and a tan purse. Cole's family has hired a private investigator, and there is one thousand dollars reward for information leading to Nadia Cole's safe return home. Anyone with information is asked to call eight seven seven two two zero eight one two nine.

Where is two year old Sorayah. We now learn there's a possibility she's out what backpacking out in the Montana forest?

Or is she in Mexico? Uh?

Is she on a flight? Have we been bamboozled? Is she somewhere completely different? The other shows up.

Now imagine this. It's hard for me.

To imagine, because I can't even imagine being away from my twins.

The mom has her five.

Days in two days and five days in two days. She's a split custody with dad. She has to do the drop off at a police station. Why I need to know that? Why a police station? Why can't Daddy just drop her off at the front door. Well, anyway, the mom's sitting at the police station, waiting, waiting, tick talk, tick talk, no idea anything is wrong. When a cop comes out and says she's missing. I can imagine the mother's whole world just imploding at that moment. She's missing with me, it's Saraya's mother or Samara Harmon, Miss Harmon?

What went through your mind and your body when you heard your daughter's.

Miss It was like being told every nightmare I've ever had, all of my worst fears, everything evil and terrible about.

The world was just being thrown at me that my daughter, my whole world, everything was nowhere to be seen and completely unaccounted for. I felt that in every inch of my body, every fiber of my being, wanted to scream out to find her.

What did you say? What did you do?

I immediately fell apart. I was trying to be able to be understood by the officers. I was trying to breathe and kind of talk. I just kept asking where are they? When I was informed that they could be on a camping trip to Montana? I started asking why? Why Montana? Why wasn't I told? Why is this the first time hearing about this? Just every question I could think of, even whether they made sense in that moment or not, I just wanted I just wanted to know where she was. I wanted to know every bit of information they had miss Harmon.

I'm having questions about why you had to go to a police station to do the swap off with your husband. Why couldn't he just drop Soraya at your front door.

I had wanted as to do it in a public place for my own feelings of uncertainty and discomfort. So he decided that the police station would be the best bet. There had been times I'd asked him a bit closer to a hotel that was nearby that still had video surveillance and witnesses around, and he only did that one time. Every other time I had to either find a way to get her to the police station or walk her the thirty minutes to get her there.

Okay, you had to walk your two year old daughter thirty minutes for drop off.

And pick up more times than not.

Yes, does your husband have a car?

Yes? He has multiple and he's not my husband.

Who wha wait?

Wait wait, I'm sorry he has multiple cars? Is that what you said?


Did he ever explain why he couldn't meet you closer to your home?

He said it was a breach in the parenting plan and that if I wanted to change the drop offer pickup location to contact his lawyer. When I did that, his lawyer said he no longer represented him and it was between us to figure out.

Joining me right now, a high profoil lawyer out of this jurisdiction, Tara Malick is joining us, a name partner in Smith and Malick, a former state and federal prosecutor.

Tara, thank you for being with us.

That is completely bass aftwards. Why is the mother being put out in this way? I mean, I got bigger fish to fry right now, Tara. About mainly where is Sarayah? It's not a far jump afar leap. A logic to be concerned about Soriah's will be if he would make Soriah walk along the side of streets and roads thirty minutes to get to drop off pick up, what else would he do with multiple vehicles?

Okay, Tara, how is this okay?

It's not okay, It's absolutely not okay.

You know, the custody agreements that talk about the exchange of children have certain conditions in them. That doesn't mean that the parents can't come up with an alternative if it makes sense for the situation, which is what you're talking about here. Why is this little girl having to walk with her mom down a street for thirty minutes and put themselves in danger. We've all heard about that accidents and cars going off roads. There's really no reason for this at all. And then to say talk to my lawyer, but your lawyer no longer represents you just seems like a control technique and a cop out.

Talk to a lawyer.

You know, Jason Jensen is joining US private investigator and cold case expert, co founder of the Cold Case Coaliction, but you can find them at Jensen Private Investigations.

Jason, thank you for being with.

Us about how many of your cases deal with a parent taking off with a child.

You know, it's really quite rare, Nancy. The situation that we're seeing here happens so infrequently. But this is why we have legal provisions out there that are tent amount of kidnapping that when there is interference like this of a custody provision, they can be charged criminally because there have been examples where a parent will defy a court order and leave the jurisdiction because they don't want to follow the court orders.

So you're saying that does happen? How often does that happen?

I see one in ten thousand and maybe.

I find that really really hard to believe. To Tara Malik, you know, it seemed to me that domestic disputes often erupt and the child is used as a weapon.

How often have you seen that, Tara.

I've seen it really frequently that the child is used as kind of a pawn in between the two parents. Oftentimes you'll see in really acrimonious back and forth and fights between the parents that it'll be all sorts of allegations, including allegations that one parent or the other it is sexually abusing the child or abusing the child generally, and so the situation can get really heated, and at the end of the day, it's this poor innocent child who's stuck in the middle of these huge fights that sometimes spill over into courts or sometimes spill into situations like this.

June third, so Maara Harmon drives through the exchange location to pick up daughter Soirea from her father, Aaron Ong. When Ong hasn't arrived thirty minutes later, Harmon starts to worry Ang isn't answering your calls or text. Harmon reaches out to Ong's parents, who form her that Ong planned to take sarap camping at Flathead Lake, Montana for the week. Harmon discovers Ang's fiance is also unaccounted for and immediately reports her daughter missing.

Crime Stories with Nancy.

Grace Nadia Cole is reported missing to Porto Seattle police. Cole is five foot nine inches tall, weighs about one hundred and thirty pounds, has long blonde hair and green eyes. She was last seen wearing a green hoodie, black yoga pants, and white converse sneakers, carrying a black North faced jacket and a tan purse. Cole's family has hired a private investigator and there is one thousand dollars reward for information leading to Nadia Cole's safe return home. Anyone with information is asked to call eight seven seven two two zero eight one two nine.

By to Lauren Collin, joining US investigative journalist, a host of The Outlier, Lauren, I'm a little confused.

Does somebody actually think.

Nadia Cole went with the bio dad against her will?

Yes, her parents absolutely believe that, but authorities stepped in and they were like, well, it looks like she's leaving the airport, not under any type of dress. And just going back to what we know about Nadia. Her instagram is interesting because as a twenty one year old, you tend to see a lot more photos, you tend to see a lot more.

Activity on the quote stories.

With Nadia Coles, you really don't see much of anything.

You only really see one.

Picture of her and Errand so she's kind of a mystery here, but that is correct.

She left the airport let.

Her luggage, and her parents believe she is missing and could possibly be in danger, so she the dad.

The dad spotted there buying maps, buying camping equipment, when is he spotted next Lauren.

So he technically has not been spotted. There was a Cadillac STX with an Idaho license plate on its way to Mexico at the border and Nadio's car and Aaron's vehicle state in Pullman. There have been reports that this vehicle might be tied to Aaron's father, but that is not yet confirmed. It is just tied to a quote family member.

Guys, take a listen to this.

Pullman, Washington police are asking for help locating two year old Sorea onng Harmon. Siria is last seen at a six thirty PM custody exchange with her father on May twenty ninth. Aaron Ong is set to return Sorea on June third, but he does not appear at the schedule drop off. There is now an active warrant for Ang's arrest for first de Greek custodial interference. On is five foot nine, one hundred and thirty five pounds with black hair and brown eyes. Anyone with information is asked to call Pullman PD at five oh nine three three four zero eight zero two.

Lauren Colin, do you believe that the sidings in and around the airport were an attempt to throw everyone off?

Ooh, that's interesting.

You know.

It's possible if Nadia is as calculated as Aaron, then absolutely if she actually were to trick her parents into think that she's going to go on this family trip to Italy and then she really has this ulterior motive of leaving the country with Aaron and you know, little Soirea, I mean that's very calculated. I could absolutely see that happening.

Now, tell me about the trip to Italy. This was just a family trip.

I assume it was to celebrate her graduation because she did just graduate from the University of Washington at Pullman, So I just assumed it was her her family celebrating and taking her away.

I want to go back to Samara Harmon joining us. This is Soirea's mother, Samara. I know that you're the bio.

Dad was spotted buying maps and camping equipment. Did you ever know him to be an outdoorsman.

No, when I knew him, he was not. He was more of a germophobe and would rather stay inside than go out. I tried to get him engaged in fishing, It's an activity I like to do, but he never really took any interest in it. So when I knew him, no, it was not something it was known to do. It was not something I'd heard him even show any interest in.

When you said germaphobe, why do you say that? What makes you think the bio dad is a germaphobe?

He needed everything to be super neat and tidy. He was the kind of person that when he wasn't out doing something for a job, if he got his hands dirty, he'd have to wash them. Even if he pet his dog or went outside taking Serraya to the park with us, he'd need to go and immediately wash his hands. He always kept handed sanitizer. He had told me himself he was a German.

Okay to you, doctor Angie, what is that?

Well, it shows that he needs a lot of control around him. He probably has other symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder because of and that is all nancy for him to have control of whatever is going that he can't control of what's going.

On through his own head.

Okay, it's a form of anxiety, but it has a lot to do with his.

Need for control.

Back to you, Samara, why did you believe that he originally had planned to go on this camping trip, which is totally uncharacteristic in Montana, the backwoods of Montana.

Did you have contact with his family? His parents, for instance.

The only contact we had was when I let them know about my daughter's medical condition at that point, and they were very brief and with their responses. They did not inform me he was going on any trip. I was not known or aware until they told me she had not made it at home.

I thought that they told you he took her fishing at Flathead Lake, Montana for the week.

The police were the ones who told me that, and his parents showed up to the police station with a handwritten note that stated that. But I never heard from them specifically before she was reported missing or anything, not even after.

Okay, let me understand what you just said. You said his parents, the all parents show up with a handwritten note. What handwritten note? That he was going to Montana Flathead Lake for a week.

They showed up to the police station maybe two to five minutes after I was informed my daughter and Aaron were missing, with a handwritten note that stated they went to Montana for a camping slash fishing trip and they may be delayed due to whether supply issues or someone's brained and ankle.

That sounds like a lot of bs to me.

Someone's brain an ankle, weather problems, supply problem supply of what Jason Jenson, private investigator, Why did they bring a handwritten note saying he went camping in Montana where we are and we all know now he's not in Montana.

One of the concerns that I have in enlighted this revelation it was Sirea injured in some capacity and now that this is consciousness of guilt to flee the country or are they fleeing with Saya because there was a complete disregard for the maternal role of the mother being involved in raising this child.

But to you, Lauren Colin, I want to make sure I understand these facts. This woman, the mistress Naughtia Cole, just graduated Washington State, Okay, she planned to take the l SAT and go to law school. That's my understanding about her. She works with her for over a year to plan a trip to Italy.

And then she spotted at the SeaTac.

Airport with family. Her family to catch that flight to Italy, May twenty nine.

They all make it to the gate.

She leaves her luggage with them, says she's got to go to the bathroom, and then she just leaves and she spotted there she is.

She spotted leaving the airport at three pm.

We know that the mistress boores a light rel train to downtown Seattle, looking distressed.

Now, I don't know how they can tell. She looks distressed in that picture.

But if I left my whole family at the gate with my luggage, I would be distressed too. She gets off the train near University Avenue, downtown Seattle. That's the four and a half hour drive to Pullman. Now, I believe that she then rendezvous with the bio Dad and they leave with Surah. That's what I think happened. We also know her car.

Is unaccounted for. Aang's car is unaccounted for.

And we think we know that they were in the twenty fourteen black Cadillac Ido Tag one L Love five one four seven Utah. What can you tell me about what I have just recited that I'm learning from police.

This all is correct as of right now, as of today, and as you stated, it's very confusing that they believe she was.

In duress or she was under duress when she left, because you can't tell.

There also has been reports that she left her cell phone there, which makes me believe that again, this was planned. She knew what she was going to do and she didn't want anyone to find her or anyone to pay her phone.

Well, I can tell you this much, Tara Malik, It'll be a cold day and hublel this woman gets into law school. If she's part of the custodial interference in taking this child away from her mother, that's not happening. If I have to see to it myself, you are not going to be an officer of the court after you have taken part in this if in fact she did no way.

Yeah, you're exactly right.

These are extraordinary circumstances.

And to be an attorney, as you know, Nancy, you have to go through a character and fitness portion of the application. So if you've got something like this on your record, if she did in fact do this, and she planned it, and she planned to interfere with this child's mother's custodial rights.

Absolutely not.

I would think that.

That certainly would not pass any sort of character in fitness analysis.

Oh, no way, crime stories with Nancy Grace, Doctor Angie Arnold. This is not like somebody shoplifting when they're fifteen years old and stealing some Maybelline mascaro at the walgreen. That's not what we're talking about. This is custodial interference. And that is certainly an euphemism putting the perfume on the pit. Custodial interference. That doesn't even sound that bad. Did you see the mother? Did you hear her say what went through her mind and body when she finds out her daughter Soraya is gone?

Her whole life is a child.

And Montana fishing camping bs. And this girl, doctor Angie, this girl just as bad. She leaves her whole family waiting to get on a plane to Italy, her whole family, her mother, her father, the whole kitten koboodle with her luggage.

And she takes off to me this no good bio dad.

Right, and for what purpose? I mean, Nancy, what kind of hole? Does this kid have over these people?


I just don't understand it. And I'll tell you something, Nancy.

This is just the.

Beginning of this story.

There is so much more that has to be dug under to find out what's really going on. I am very worried about the little girl and where she is. I can't even imagine how long these two have been planning this.

Okay, wait wait, wait, wait, wait wait, doctor Angie, this is my fear. Okay, yes, just what you said.

Because if the father has put the mom through all this, the bio dad, if he's put the mom through all of this, he convinces this twenty one year old law school want lawyer want to be to take off with him. Do we think now Mexico? If he will do all this a commit a felony, then what else will he do?

What will he do?


Authorities begins Harley's in on him and the search for that child. Will it be along the lines.

Of if I can't have her, nobody's gonna have her.

Aaron Ong five to nine, one hundred and thirty five pounds, black hair, brown eyes, if he will take this child kidnap Soria to Mexico after this elaborate plan, faking out his own parents, faking out the mistress's.

Family, what else will he do?

Mom Samara Harmon is extremely concerned for sorey as well being. After a serious doctor's visit the week before her disappearance, the two year old is extremely sick, and doctors Warren Harmon that Sirea could easily become septic. Harmon provided On with prescribed medication for Sorea, but has no idea if she's been taking it. Harmon says Ong has withheld Soreya before, but never for this long, nor a cross state lines.

We've got a big, big problem.

In addition to us now all believing that Siria has been kidnapped to Mexico, which is a whole another can of worms. It's one thing, if she's in Montana, it's a whole another search technique trying to find her and bring her home from Mexico. But now, to top it all off, we find out Sara has a condition, they can quickly put her into sepsis.

I sadly know way too much about sepsis.

Well, Doctor Angie Arnold, you die, You can die from sepsis, very very easily explain.

Well, Nancy, sepsis means that you're that all of your organs get infected. Okay, So they I wonder if something's if she if they've determined that she has some sort of problem with her kidneys at this young age, and so they've got her, They've got.

Her on some sort of medication.

To help whatever organ is debilitated in a way that if something happens, her whole body could become septic.

Okay, But Nancy, think of everything that that means. That means that he has to be giving her.

Water appropriately and feeding her appropriately, as well as giving her the medication that has been prescribed. So if this little girl does become septic, septocemia is something that can kill you within hours two days, Okay. So we're also assuming that he would be able to recognize the signs of septocemia and get her to a proper hospital situation where she could be taken care of appropriately.

Wherever she is. Okay. So, yes, this is a this is a very dire situation.

Okay, Doctor Angie.

I know you and I have talked about this before, but my brother in law was in the hospital being ived with all sorts of antibiotics, everything you can imagine, and passed.

Away with sepsis. Okay, yes, I.

Mean even in a hospital setting, much less on the run in the back of a black Cadillac in Mexico. I mean, okay, let me understand right now, guys. The very latest is that the FBI is now working with local police trying to find Soria. Back to Soria's mom, Samara Harmon, what are cops telling you about Mexico as a possibility?

They just said that they had seen the vehicles registered to the family crossing the border. They have informed me that well, specifically, the FBI has informed me that even with this fighting, they are still searching everywhere. They are leaving no stone unturned. They aren't completely sold on any theory. They're following the evidence and it hasn't made them one percent believe in one reaction or not. But they are searching high and low across the globe for my daughter.

The FBI plus Moscow police are now helping Pullman police find this girl.

Why because her life is in danger. Not only is she with a bio dad who is willing to do anything to hurt.

The mother to get the child, she has a very serious life threatening issue with the possibility of sept semia hanging over her head at just two years old.

Do you remember when Mommy talked about how she would kick and.

Scream when she had to go with daddy, how she would run to mommy at the trade off every five days, run to mommy, And now she's last seen and a black catillite crossing the Mexican border or MS harmon. You stated that you were the one that wanted a public pickup drop off swap.

For your own safety?

Why because of the situations that he'd said, the stated things in a way that would manipulate me or kind of make me think one way when he meanted another times when he would kind of try to weaponize her. And I wanted video surveillance of every poot, like every time she'd been dropped off, every time I had handed her over, so he couldn't try and claim something that I knew to be false.

Like when you say things he had said, may do you want to do to swap off in public?

What things did he say what concerns you the most?

Just he knew exactly how to get to me. He knew what to say to scare me and make me think one thing over another. He knew me very well, and I didn't want to be in a situation.

Where what explain to me? What did he say to make you afraid?

There's been a lot of things he'd said throughout our relationship about how he had connections so I'd never get to see her again. And he would bring things up like that all the time to try and use them against me and make me not want to say anything about our relationship or any of my fears or concerns.

He actually told you he could fix it with his quote connections, that you would never see Soria again.

He said that to you, Yes, and I've had people witness this. This was when we were still in our relationship, So this was well over a year ago, but it was something I still very much feared every day.


Police initially speculate that Nadia Cole is traveling in an unknown vehicle with Aaron Ong and his daughter Sarria Ong Harmon. They now believe that the couple is driving a twenty fourteen Cadillac XTS with Idaho license plate one L five one four seven. U Ong's camping gear in Montana. Map book purchases led Pullman PD to believe that's where Ang was heading, but authorities now say Ong is in Mexico with his fiance and daughter. Authorities remain tight lift about the investigation, but we do know the FBI is.

Assisting local police.

Samara, what are police telling you about FBI Pullman, Moscow police efforts to find your daughter in Mexico?

What are they doing?

They? Like I said, they're leaving no rock unturned. They can't afford to make any theories at the moment, so they are following the evidence. They are searching high and low across the globe, not in just one singular area. They have spread out agents far and wide, searching every nook and cranny to find her.

How close is the biodad to his parents?

From what I witnessed, they were very close. When I lived with him, we would frequently go over to his parents' house for dinner, or go out to dinner with them, or even have them over to our apartment to eat dinner. I know that he worked for his dad's business, so they were in contact every day, multiple times a day, and he was the kind of guy. When something went wrong or he was upset or even felt sick, he called his mom. They were all very close.

If you want to find this little girl, hear me FBI, Pullman and Moscow. If you want to find this girl, find the bio dad. If you want to find the bio dad, go to his parents' wiretap phone tap intercept messages. That's how you can find this little girl. And every minute counts for so many reasons. If you know or think you know anything about missing Sorea, call eight hundred two two five five three two four, repeat toll free eight hundred two to five five three four.

We stopped to remember.

American hero Sergeant Corey Maynard of Mingo County, West Virginia, killed ambushed in the line of duty June two. Sergeant Maynard had served fifteen years valiantly with West Virginia State Police. He is survived by wife Rachel, and two children, Zoe and Finnegan, parents Stephen and Leslie. American hero Sergeant Corey Maynard. I want to thank all of you for being with us tonight and our search to find Soria, just two years old. Nancy Gray signing off, good night friend,

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