HEAR IT: Armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed charging documents in death of Halyna Hutchins

Published Feb 1, 2023, 9:00 PM

Armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed has been charged with involuntary manslaughter, in the 2021 death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. "Rust" star and producer Alex Baldwin has also been charged.  

The 25-year-old was in charge of firearms on the set and the gun that killed Hutchins was one of three "set up" by Gutierrez-Reed and left on a cart for film use. 

Crime Stories with Nancy Grace. Page one, Statement of probable cause redacted, State of New Mexico, County of Santa Fe, First Judicial District Court, State of New Mexico, Plaintiff versus Hannah gautierres read defended statement of probable cause background synopsis. On October twenty first, twenty twenty one, in the County of Santa Fe, State of New Mexico, a shooting involving a handgun revolver firearm occurred that resulted in the death of Helena Hutchins and the serious injury of Joelsuza. The shooting involved a forty five caliber revolver and occurred on a western movie set located in rural Santa Fe County, referred to and known as Bonanza Creek Ranch, fifteen County Road, forty five, Santa Fe, New Mexico, eight seventy five zero eight five forty five Bonanza Creek Ranch Road on this date being filmed and or rehearsed at this location was a film at the time named referred to as Rust. Through interview statements and evidence, it was learned that defendant Hannah Gautierra's read here and after Gautierra's read was the lead and only armorer hired four and present during production. Through these same statements, interviews, and evidence, it was determined that actor Alec Baldwin here and after Baldwin was seated in what is referred to and appears to be a church on this movie set, Baldwin was in possession of a forty five long Colt caliber revolver type firearm, one of a type and kind often used and were seen in or on Western genre type movies and or sets. The firearm is a single action revolver handgun which requires the cocking of the external hammer to rotate the cylinder and then pressing of the trigger to fire the weapon. Gautierra's read, in performing her armoring duties, loaded the weapon prior to the lunch break. After some time in rehearsal, the crew broke for lunch. Gautierre's Reid took possession of the fire arm and secured it in the safe located in the prop truck. Reid did not follow safety protocol requiring the unloading and proper storage of quote dummies unquote prior to securing the revolver. After lunch, she retrieved the weapon and did not perform an industry standard safety check upon removing the weapon from storage and provided it on set to the first assistant director, David Halls. Hereinafter Halls for the third time not properly or to industry standards and safe practices, clear and show safe. The weapon and rounds in front of Baldwin standing were victims Helena Hutchins and Joel Susa. Hutchins and Susa were viewing and moving a camera in rehearsal for a scene filming to occur at a later date undetermined date and or time. Through these same statements, interviews and physical page two evidence, it was learned that Helena Hutchins was the director of photography for the film and Joel Susa was the director writer for the film. Information and evidence obtained showed that Baldwin was seated in a pew facing in a northerly direction towards the front of the church. In front of him was Helena Hutchins and Joel Susa, and a camera operator along with other crew ie, sound, script, costume, et cetera. Not present among all the ancillary crew was read in direct violation of established safety policy and procedure utilized on all film sets when firearms are being used. Baldwin was wearing a shoulder holster which was securing holding a forty five long Colt caliber six shot revolver. Baldwin was practicing drawing and pointing the weapon for the scene with guidance and instruction from Helena Hutchins and Joel Susa. This setup was to be a close up on Baldwin in the firearm as he drew the weapon and pointed it. Helena Hutchins and Joel Susa reviewing the scene on a monitor attached to the camera. Baldwin drew the revolver from the holster, pointed it at Helena Hutchins, and fired the weapon. When reviewing the script and witness interviews for this scene and close up shot, evidence indicates the scene did not require the weapon to be fired with blank rounds. Only dummy rounds rounds that are inert but cosmetically appeared to be real, were to be used. It was also determined by consultation with expert armorers that in a rehearsal, a plastic gun or replica gun should be used, as no firing of blanks is required. At approximately one forty eight PM, the shooting was reported to Santa Fe County Regional Emergency Communications Center r ECC VIA nine one one. This resulted in the response of fire, emergency, medical and Santa Fe County Sheriff's Office personnel. This further resulted in a case number CAD Incident number being generated two zero to one DASH zero zero seven nine four nine. The Santa Fe County Sheriff's Office investigated this shooting under this case number as a quote unquote death investigation. The responsive emergency personnel resulted in joelsus of being transported by ambulance to Saint Vincent Regional Medical Center located at four fifty five Saint Michael's Drive within the city limits of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Helena Hutchins was transported from the scene by air ambulance helicopter to the Level one Trauma Center at the University of New Mexico Hospital located in Bernolio County, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Helena Hutchins was pronounced deceased out approximately three thirty seven PM by attending medical personnel. Joelsusa was treated and released, but not before a projectile was removed from his back. The projectile appeared to be a lad projectile of the type and kind found in quote live unquote ammunition. This item was secured and turned over to the Santa Fe County Sheriff's Department. Evidence and analysis showed that the recovered projectile had first strung and then passed entirely through Helena Hutchins, New Mexico Office of Medical Investigator reports finding and then struck Joel Susa. The projectile penetrated through the front of Joelsusa's right shoulder and became lodged under the skin on his back. The Office of the Medical Examiner State of New Mexico listed Helena Hutchins cause of death preliminarily as quote gunshot wound of the chest unquote after conducting an autopsy on October twenty second, twenty twenty one. Crime Stories with Nancy Grace, page three. The following additional information and evidence is provided in further support of probable cause of the enumerated crimes having been committed by Gautier's read firearm ammunition and Gautier's read in her role as armorer. Industry standards best practices, common practices, historical practices, policies and or procedures, and union guided policies and or procedures require and or mandate certain members of a filming crew have assumed, or are assigned certain obligations and responsibilities. Industry experts and or armorers were consulted for information and evidence in this realm. Gutiers Read was the designated and hired armorer for this production. As such, all safety and training considerations involving firearms were the responsibility of Gautierra's Read to make available and present to production all onset protocols when firearms are present, where the responsibility of Gautierra's Read to manage be present and enforce. Industry standards require that movie set armorers be responsible for all firearms safety and training, handling, discharging, loading, unloading, best practices, and best safety practices as set forth in safety material and industry established protocol. Based on her position, Gautier's Read, through acts and or omissions, contributed to or failed to mitigate or address multiple significant safety violations, safety issues, protocol violations, and or concerns that resulted in multiple noted instances of recklessness leading up to, contributing to, and causing the fatal shooting. Statements and evidence show Baldwin was not present for required firearms training Prior to the commencement of filming. Statements, depositions from OSHA, and evidence show Baldwin was provided only minimal training on firearms. Read knew Baldwin required more training. In interviews and depositions from OSHA, Read stated she felt this training was very important for Baldwin in his character in Rust. During what was supposed to be an over one hour training, Baldwin was distracted and consistently talking on his cell phone to his family. The actual training session only consisted of approximately thirty minutes due to Baldwin's distractions. This was the primary responsibility of Gautierre's Read, wherein she failed to meet industry standards and common safety practices in conducting the proper training with the lead actor. Reid stated in her deposition this training was essential and could have prevented the fatal shooting. Photo and video evidence from inside the church on the day of the shooting have been obtained from an individual that was inside the church during the rehearsal and moments before the shooting. The photos and videos depict the above described actions of Baldwin prior to the shooting, practicing, drawing and pointing the weapon. The photos and videos clearly show Baldwin multiple times with his finger inside of the trigger guard and on the trigger, while manipulating the hammer, and while drawing, pointing, and holstering the revolver. Gautierra's Read was reckless and her responsibility to insure SAT safety with the firearm. She failed to correct Baldwin from committing the dangerous and reckless safety violations by pointing the weapon at towards people and by having his finger on the trigger. Evidence shows that Gautierra's Read did not stay on the set with the firearm, as required by common practice, safety protocols and industry standards. Additionally, Read allowed first Assistant Director David Halls hereinafter Hall's to take possession of the firearm unsupervised, in direct violation of safety standards and procedures. Her absence from the set allowed the reckless page four behavior to happen and continue, resulting in the fatal shooting. Reid also did not follow protocol in safety procedures by unloading the firearm in front of Halls or Baldwin. Read was required to show each of them every bullet to prove they were dummy. Read failed to do this and should have demanded as armorer it be done. The revolver involved in the shooting was seized by detectives as evidence. It was later submitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Crime Lab for examination and analysis. As part of that examination analysis, the FBI conducted a function malfunction check of the revolver. This involved trying to get the weapon to fire without the trigger being depressed IE striking it on six separate planes with considerable force and onto the hammer with a solid object multiple times. The revolver did not malfunction IE fire when it should not accidentally. This analysis clearly showed that the weapon could not accidentally fire. In order for the weapon to fire, the trigger had to have been depressed. The FBI additionally analyzed various types and kinds of ammunition seized from the scene, including the prop truck. This included dummy rounds and suspected live ammunition. A total of five suspected live rounds one spent casing of a live round that was discharged causing the shooting, were seized by investigators. The five unspent rounds were determined to be actual live ammunition by analysis at the FBI Laboratory. Industry standards, practices, requirements, and common firearms safety protocols and procedures indicate that the most egregious incidents of a reckless violation of safety and armorer duties is to allow live ammunition on or even near a film set where firearms are being used. Gautier's Read was responsible for this safety item and recklessly failed to ensure safety by allowing live ammunition on the set. The live rounds found at the scene were found on the armorer's cart and within quote looploader une ammunition holder that were on the cart and were used by Baldwin. Read should have caught this live ammunition on set, but put everyone on the rust set in danger by failing to do her job. Evidence and statements indicate that, aside from what gautierres Reid may have brought to the set with her, all weapons and ammunition blank dummy for for the production were obtained from a supply company in Albuquerque. PDQ Arms and Prop LLC detectives investigated these facts, including service of a search warrant at the place of business of PDQ Arms and Prop in Albuquerque. Several suspected live rounds of forty five long cult caliber cartridges were seized as a result, some supplied by the company owner to investigators and some found at the place of the business. These rounds were submitted to the FBI for comparison with the suspected live rounds founded the shooting scene. The explosives chemistry examination of the rounds showed that the smokeless powder and the live rounds found at the scene did not match the live rounds seized from the prop's arm supplier in question. This means the live rounds on rust did not match the rounds explosive chemistry makeup taken from PDQ Arms and PROP. Evidence shows Baldwin failed to appear for mandatory firearms training and firearms safety training prior to filming. Evidence also shows Baldwin requested and was afforded a training session on set and that the training was thirty minutes in length. The limited time of training does page five not comport to industry standards, safety standards and safety protocols. Gutierra is read was responsible for all firearms safety and training, and she allowed the substandard and reckless practice to occur, failing to demand or escalate to others what she herself admitted was inadequate. Evidence shows that the production company hired Hannah Gutierra's Read as the lead armorer for the produc action. Evidence shows that she possessed no certification or certifiable training or union card for this practice, and that she admitted she was the armorer for only one film prior to this production in April of twenty twenty one. Approximately. Gutier's Read failed to demand the required safety in training protocols or assistance, resulting in a climate of recklessness and ultimately the fatal shooting. Her lack of experience or training was inadequate for a production utilizing the number of firearms as rust Reid had a duty and omitted that duty when she took an armorer position she was not qualified to accept. Gutier's Read was hired and assigned by production to be a prop's assistant initially then assistant propmaster in addition to her armorer duties. Evidence shows that this resulted in Gautier's Read not focusing her entire attention to her primary and most important responsibility as armorer. Industry standards, practices, policies, and protocol considered this a reckless and unsafe practice on any production following proper common sense established safety expectations. Gautier's read failed to address this unsafe situation in any manner consistent with standards and or protocols. An experienced armorer, after consulting with expert armorers, should have refused to do both jobs so safety would be her primary responsibility. With firearms, Evidence shows that Sarah Zachary was hired as the prop master for the production. It also shows that she was assigned to assist Gautierra's read with her armorer duties. Evidence and statements show that Sarah Zachary possessed little to no experience with firearms, firearms, safety, armorer duties and responsibilities, et cetera. It also shows that Sarah Zachary was assigned to allowed to load and unload ammunition and firearms, handle firearms, and act as an armorer, went on set with actors doubles taking possession of the firearms. Evidence shows this was done multiple times and without Gautier's read being on the set as well or supervising Zachary. Evidence shows this was done multiple times and without Gautier's read being on the set as well or supervising Zachary. Evidence shows that Gautier's read did not act to address this reckless process procedure that is contrary to industry standards and safety protocols, and in fact knowingly allowed it. This is direct violation of commonly understood firearms safety protocols. Prior to the shooting incident, Sarah Zachary had a negligent discharge while handling a revolver intended to be used by an actor in the filming. This weapon was different from Baldwin's weapon but similar mechanical function and appearance, and was intended for use by the quote Marshal's une Stabens showed that Sarah Zachary was holding and manipulating the weapon while walking, and she discharged a blank cartridge into the ground next to her foot. Industry anders practices and protocol consider negligent discharges reckless in nature and that they require immediate action and or swift mediation, remedial training, demotion, removal from set, termination, etc. Evidence shows Gautier is read failed to act to address this reckless situation. Gutier is Read additionally failed to address and or mitigate another negligent page six discharge on the set, contrary to common safety protocols, procedures, and industry standards. This too, contributed to the reckless climate documented on this set production. On another separate occasion, Read loaded blanks into a lever action rifle and allowed a stunt performer to take possession unsupervised indirect violation of some of the most stringent safety protocols in film. The stunt performer returned to the quote holding tent unquote where he allowed an indee negligent discharge to occur. Read, in this instance alone viole a multiple safety protocol contributing to and resulting in a serious safety issue. Through evidence and interviews, these significant safety violations were deemed reckless and negligent by the investigation, as there was no indications or evidence that the firearms in question malfunctioned at any time. Rather, there is evidence the weapon fired because of mishandling misused by those handling the firearm ie pressing the trigger when it should not be. As armorer Gautier is Read was ultimately responsible for correcting or mitigating these and any safety violations from cast and crew in this circumstance, it is common practice and expected for any actor handling or firing a weapon to check for safety. The armorer's role is to provide that proper safe handling and management in order for them to do so. Read not only failed in this regard, but was not even present. This ultimately was exagger rated by the weapon being used by Baldwin in an unsafe manner in close proximity to cast and crew, ultimately pointing the weapon in violation of the most cross industry established safety rule at Helena, and firing all these actions knowingly without an armorer present, against industry safety standards, practice, and union regulations. Evidence and statements also show that Halls, by virtue of his position, is the first point of contact for an armorer when they bring a firearm on set, and is the first person required to conduct a safety check with the armorer and weapon. Halls is further required to announce to crew when a firearm is on set and whether it is cold or if the weapon will be fired in the scene ie announce fire in the hole or other common phrase to put the crew on notice for shooting, loud noise, hearing protection, etc. Halls, additionally, by virtue of his position and industry standards and practices, is prohibited and or strictly discouraged from handling any of the firearms on set. As such, industry standards, policies and practices call for the armorer to be on set and to stay on set anytime a firearm is on set. Gautier's read allowed the reckless practice of allowing Halls to handle the weapon on the day of the fatal shooting prior to lunch. Statements and evidence show that Halls requested Baldwin's firearm be prepped and brought to the set by the armorer gutierres read for rehearsal practice purposes. Gautier's read states that she loaded the firearm with dummy rounds, performed a safety check with Halls and the firearm, and then Halls took possession of the firearm from Gutierre's reid. Gutierres read departed the church. Gutiers read leaving the set and Halls handling the firearm or considered very reckless actions according to industry standards, expectations, and common firearms safety protocols and considerations. However, there are contradictory statements that Read brought an empty gun to Halls and then at some point loaded it with dummies while in the church, then shows hauls the gun again only opening it and not taking out the bullets. Read then leaves the set time stories with Nancy grace Hey seven. Regardless, Read headed duty to show whomever she handed the gun to, whether Halls or Baldwin, a safe gun by taking out each bullet and showing them each one was a dummy, Yet she failed to do this and did not assert herself when it didn't happen. Read also had a duty to stay with the weapon for their Evidence and statements show that when the crew broke for lunch, firearms including Baldwins, were secured in the prop truck's safe. Outside of the church was a cart used by the armorer Gautier is Read and the prop master, contrary to standard safety protocols that contained leather gear rigs like holsters and belts, and ammunition. Evidence clearly indicates this cart and associated items were not secured during the break and was not in visual range of Gautier is Read or Sarah Zachary for safety and security, nor was a fire watch in place at the cart. The unsecured cart with equipment, ammunition, and firearms is considered reckless by industry standards and by common firearms safety standards and protocol, Read should have made sure all ammunition was always secured upon returning from lunch. Evidence and statements show that Gautier is Read retrieve Baldwin's revolver, but didn't empty the weapon and perform a safety check. Additionally, Gutiers Read again is asked and complied with Haul by handling him the firearm once inside the church. Evidence and statements also indicate that an after lunch safety check of the firearm between Gutiers Read and Halls, or between Gutiers Read and Baldwin did not occur Gautiers Read Again departed the church. This after lunch sequence of events is documented to have no less than four reckless violations of industry standards, safety protocol best practices and common firearm safety protocols and a very short compressed period of time by Read, Halls, and Baldwin on the day of the shooting alone, evidence shows that many acts or omissions of recklessness occurred in the short time prior to lunch and the time of the shooting, and this does not account for the reckless handling of the firearm by Baldwin. Gutiers Read contributed and or failed to mitigate numerous reckless and dangerous actions in the course of a very short time period. Evidence and statements indicate that locations, departments, props, and the armorer were sharing a vehicle and its associated storage space. It further indicates that while firearms may have indeed been controlled, ammunition and associated boxes were not securely stored. This is a reckless violation of common safety practices for armorers, of which Gautier is Read failed to act to address this recklessness. This created a disorganized, chaotic environment which Read did not address and contributed to, resulting in further violations of common safety practices and standards. Finally, industry standards protocols and common firearms safety procedures on movie sets require the armorer, after conducting a safety check with the first assistant director, to conduct a second safety check with the actor to be handling the firearm and others on the set. In this instance, it would have required completely emptying the firearm shaking each round to ensure it is a dummy round. This safety check is then conducted with the actor as well. This reckless violation of standards and firearms safety occurred two times leading up to the shooting, and page eight Gautier's read failed to act to mitigate or correct the reckless safety violations directly resulting in Hudson's death. Evidence exists to clearly show that on October twenty first, twenty twenty one, Helena Hutchins was killed when Baldwin fired a firearm pointed at her. The evidence and statements documented in this affidavit confirmed many instances of extremely reckless acts or reckless failures to act read in a ten day period. Evidence and statements clearly indicate that Gautier's Read loaded the firearm, provided it to the set, secured it for lunch, and then again provided it to the set for use. Evidence clearly shows that none of the incidents or issues were addressed by Gautier's Read in her position as armorer to mitigate future occurrences of recklessness, correct reckless in his behavior, correct training deficiencies, et cetera. Read's deviation from known standards practice of protocol directly caused the fatal death of Hutchins by not insisting Baldwin had the proper training, not checking the round she was loading into the firearms, not showing Hauls or Baldwin each bullet before handing them the firearm, allowing live rounds on scene, not staying in the church with the firearm, allowing Baldwin to point the firearm at Hutchins, not voicing her concerns to management of her double duties as armorer and prompt's assistant, allowing ammunition to be secured, not making sure a rubber or replica gum was used in a rehearsal scene, and allowing Baldwin to handle a firearm in a negligent manner. Read acted with wilful disregard for the safety of others and in a manner which endangered other people, specifically Hutchins and SUSA. Read clearly should have known the danger of her actions which led to the death of Hutchins. Probable cause exists that gautierres Read committed involuntary manslaughter contrary too and defined in Nmssay thirty Dash two Dash three quote manslaughter unquote in the commission of a lawful act which might produce death in an unlawful manner or without due caution and circumspection, or during the unlawful act, not amounting to a felony to wit negligent use of a deadly weapon. Robert Shilling, Special Investigator, First Judicial District Attorney's Office three two seven stand of All Street, Santa Fe, New Mexico, eight seven five zero one