Published Nov 15, 2024, 8:00 PM

While the public believes Sean "Diddy" Combs is confined to a tiny cell at the MDC, he has actually been moved to the lowest-security unit in the prison, 4 North.

This unit provides access to a tablet, cards, music, TV, movies, ping-pong, air hockey, and even a peep show. Who needs expensive "freak offs" when male inmates can spy on female inmates through a grate in the floor?

Combs now faces 30 individual lawsuits. The latest accuses him of shooting at a man outside a New York City nightclub three years before the infamous Club NY shooting. DeWitt Gilmore claims he and two friends were leaving the nightclub when Combs, driven by his bodyguard, began hurling insults and threatening violence from the passenger seat of his car. Combs allegedly escalated the situation by blocking the men from leaving in their own car before firing several shots at them. Gilmore says they eventually lost Combs in traffic but could not determine what provoked the incident.

Ray J, a longtime friend of Diddy, claims many celebrities in Combs’ inner circle are fearful of being implicated in legal actions. According to Ray J, some are reaching out to potential accusers and offering cash to keep their names out of lawsuits. He also alleges unnamed celebrities have approached him as a potential “vessel” for leaks due to his friendship with Combs

 Joining Nancy Grace today: 

  • Courtney B - Client of Ariel Mitchell-Kidd, claims he has witnessed videos and he has critical evidence against Combs, including alleged "sex tapes" with celebrity participants
  • Ariel Mitchell-Kidd – Civil Litigation Attorney representing a client in a high-profile case involving allegations against Sean “Diddy” Combs; All social media platforms: @Arielesq305
  • Eric Faddis – Partner at Varner Faddis Elite Legal; Former Felony Prosecutor and Current Criminal Defense and Civil Litigation Attorney; Instagram: @e_fad @varnerfaddis; TikTok: @varnerfaddis
  • Dr. Bethany Marshall – Psychoanalyst (Beverly Hills, CA); New Netflix show: ‘Bling Empire’ (Beverly Hills); Author of “Deal Breaker;’Instagram & TikTok: drbethanymarshall, X: @DrBethanyLiv
  • Robert Crispin – Private Investigator, Former Federal Task Force Officer for United States Department of Justice, DEA and Miami Field Division, Former Homicide and Crimes Against Children Investigator, “Crispin Special Investigations”, Facebook: Crispin Special Investigations, Inc.
  • Germania Rodriguez  - Chief US Reporter at Daily Mail (DailyMail has a podcast out now called "The Trial of Diddy"}
  • ;Lynn Shaw – Founder and Executive Director of Lynn’s Warriors (an organization committed to ending human trafficking and sexual exploitation); X: @lynns_warriors Youtube: @LynnsWarrior
  •  Sydney Sumner  - CrimeOnline Investigative Reporter 

Crime Stories with Nancy Grace.

Freak Ditty eyewitnesses described lined walls. Nope, I've got to add lib that three two one breaking us. Tonight Freak Ditty eyewitnesses describe floor walls and ceiling five hundred thousand dollars of mirrors. Floor wall and ceiling covered in mirrors. For quote, wall to wall debauchery at Shawn comes as sex free coughs.

Prosecutors say, a rouse for rape.

This as a lawyer warns celebrities pay up or face reputation damning lawsuits.

I mean, he grees, this is Crime Stories. Thank you for being with.

Us, joining us an all star panel to make sense of what we are learning.

Half a million dollars worth of mirrors.

I guess so Diddy can see sex no matter where he looks up, down or sideways.

That's a whole other can of worms.

Joining us tonight special guests Courtney B and his lawyer Ariel Mitchell. But first to Harmonia Rodriguez, chief US reporter with a Daily Mail and star of the podcast The Trial of Ditty.

Harmonia, thank you for being with us.

What am I hearing that celebs are offering people? Not only are they being threatened either pay up or you're going to be part of a smear campaign, but that they are actually paying alleged victims not to testify.

Well, it's actually came from another hip hop star, ray J, who claimed that he knows that celebrities are scared out there and reaching out how to potential victims and offering them money in a typical catch at keeps story, so their names never come out in these stories.

So I guess the short answer to that would be yes, and you're right, Harmonia, it's all coming from ray J.

Listen because I'm hearing about artists paying victims to keep their name out of it.

Do you know people who have had demands put upon them where they have paid off to keep this quiet?

Here's what I do know. People do catch and kills all day, and a catch and kill I don't know, of course, you know, but for the regular world, somebody has the truth, somebody pays you to keep it quiet, and hopefully that money that you got paid secures your happiness while you watch the lie continue to succeed.

Well, I want to just make sure I understand you. What you're saying is what that you know people who have been approached by women, men, whatever, who have said, give me money and I won't talk.

Here's the other way around that, Hardy, I'll give you money, please don't talk.

Sounds like ray J is doing everything he can not to answer a direct question from our friend Harvey Levin at TMC.

That's where he got that footage, and it's from their new docu series.

The Downfall of Ditty Inside the Freak Coughs and you can see it is streaming on two Beat for free.

Okay, let me understand what I'm hearing.

Joining us Ariel Mitchell, who is very intensely involved in this case representing a client involving allegations against Sean Comes.

Ariel Mitchell, what I.

Perceive, what I interpret ray J a saying, and Levin's trying to nail him down, is that people, celebs and others are willing to pay to keep their name out of this case, out of Sean Comes this case.

I think what rey J was saying is, in general, these catching kills are happening every day, all day, and they will continue to happen. But in this situation, any lawyer who sends out a demand letter would send it out to anybody they intend to sue, which would probably be to individuals related to Diddy who that case may affect. So to that point, I think that is happening. Before I filed my first case, I did reach out to several individuals who we ended up filing lawsuits against to see if they were interested in settlement, pre litigation settlement, it is what it's called.

They want to talk to me. They want to talk to me about what happened to them. They call me they feel like they can trust me.

Wait a minute, calling you for what? Calling you for what?

Because they want to tell me about certain things that happen with them and Diddy.

Ray, I want to make sure I understand this. Are these high profile people calling you because they've had some affiliation with Diddy that they don't want to come out, and they think you might be the vessel for it coming out. Is that what you're saying?

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. And I don't even know why I just said it, but I said it so so well. Now they got to be mad, come get me.

Were they specific about what they did with Diddy?

I don't want to say. I think I said too much.

Sounds like to me mister ray J, you needs to be talking to federal investing gators and not to Harvey Eleven, my friend. Of course, I'm glad he did speak to eleven, and Eleven is trying his best to kneel him down for answers that video just saw.

You just saw as from our friends.

At TMZ from their new Docus series The Downfall of Diddy inside the Freak Offs, and there are allegations coming from other angles in addition to rage a listen.

In my view, if you were there and you knew somebody was being drugged because you had seen it happen in a previous party or a previous situation, and you didn't do anything, and you allowed it to happen, and you continue to enjoy yourself and party and whoop and holler and have a good time, as far as I'm concerned, you are just as liable as the individual who shipped the person in, who paid the persons that were there, who kept them longer than they thought they were going to be there, who bought the drugs, who took the money out of the bank, who put the drugs in a little shot of either a lemon shod or some sort of Champagne and participated in this egregious condent. You're just as guilty as far as I'm concerned.

Hermie Il Rodriguez joining US chief US reporter with d email dot com and start of the Trial of Ditty podcast Harmonia.

What exactly is the lawyer saying?

So, this lawyer says he's representing more than one hundred victims of Ditty, and he has said that the victimizers include other celebrities, businessmen, politician and he said that he has already sent letters demanding that they pay up if they don't want to face civil lawsuits for what they did with Ditty allegedly.

Joining me now is a special guest, Courtney B. Now you may know him by his full name, but since he first went public about his knowledge of the Sean Puffy Combe's case, he has actually been getting death threats straight out to you. Courtney, thank you for being with us. What is your connection or was your connection with Shawn Comes?

Connection is just being in the music business together. You know, I came up with Tupac, he came up with that.

Let me talk to you about the current case against Seawn Comes.

Mister B.

What kind of depth threats have you been getting since you first came out with your knowledge.

They called me Pisas from little Italy in New York, and merrily they all started calling me Pizza. It was a thing set on YouTube or Instagram that him and his son said, get rid of Pisa.

Courtney, you state that you have tapes of free coughs.

Did you take the video yourself?


I know it was a company of never never went to a party.

And where did they come from?

Stewart gave it to me. He was on the phone with Kim.

He was up in Atlanta recording with this artist I had, and they lightly asked me to cut his hair. And then after tear was cut it, somebody called and said will he go out to dinner with me and stay to night?

And I got real furious on it. I said no, I was going through a hall.

That's just what mister stew was there and they said, hold talk to my man Courtney B.

And I heard a voice said Courtney B. I know him. Put on the poor and say you know Courtney B. She said to them, tell miss Kent, so he put it on speaking. He said he if someone want to.

Speak to you, was Kim, And I didn't really want to talk because I was I bought this guy all the way to Atlanta from New Jersey to record, to sign over to row Layers.

But they told him cut his hair. He said, cord, I can't cut my hair.

My grandmother and my mother grew him as a kid. So I had to convince him to cut it like this what they wanted. They went from haircutting to sleeping with him, to go to dinner, to you know, and it got me so fed up. I didn't want to talk to him all kilme at the time. So when I was out in the car on back and forth on the phone, he came out and tell.

You what she really want to talk to you. She got something point. I said, I'm going to the hotel. He said, were you at? I said, I'm staying at a house out at the airport. So he came and he gave me the flash round. I thought it was an artist. I didn't know what it was. I thought it something she wanted me to hear.

At the time, I had explained to this brother and father that her son had stopped being signed.

Are you telling me that you got the tapes from kim Porter? They were given to you through an intermediary from Kim Porter.

Yes, okay, what do the tapes depict?

It depicts sex people getting high drunk.

A lot of celebrities words that she was. She mean like it was a diary or memoir or whatever it was at the time.

That's which the first one I got was two thousand and eight, and then his wars came and then he was killed. So I scared me a little bit because he got hill and that Chris slightly I kept.

In the videos.

In the tapes, Courtney B, do women appear to be drugged or drunk compared.

To be.

Stuck like in a trance because one one's on the table and it's eating off us, you understand, and they was you know, I'm looking at this girl street naked and she don't feel like she embarrassed anything.

Water poured on whatever it was, Tubbs.

Yes, it seemed like there was more in a trance, the more than drunk, because you're drunk, you usually slurr a trance.

Yes, what else did you observe?

It was a lot.

You know, I didn't watch it all because I don't like seeing two males having sex identity.

Courtney B.

You state that you don't want to say too much because as you said, I think you said, then why man asked did you give a press conference?

Because then people starting, someone tried to extort me, said, if you don't give me more stuff, I'm gonna tell them who you are and who you got the stuff from.

So I didn't want them to go past me.

Because people got families and I got families. So I came out and gave a said I was the one who gave him the the memoir, the book.

Do you have an attitude manuscript of Kim Porter's book?


What do you make of claims by her children that the memoir was not by her?

I look at it, it's their mother. They wanted to defend their mother. But you got to understand other people with somebody mother and daughter as well. I believe the sons had something to do with it as well, because how the film was shot, that he couldn't control the focus on it. Two that I think they anticipated and thumb and of course you know it's still mother who don't want it. And I like to apologize to the family about the mother. I didn't put a picture on the book that was about work. I think she got to a point that she was with it because it showed that she pour them couples on couples and her lover was in there where she was a sexual with. So you know, a scoring woman going to say with her last words to be known.

Courtney B, what do you think about ray J's claims to our friend Harvey Levin.

It's not it's not a claim.

It's a sign to let them know that he's trying to get up money. He don't have anything on it. Did he not going to trust him with no tapes or anything? He was Diddy little boy toy hisself. So what he did, he's letting them know to pay him or he could help with Diddy and his family.

You understand who trusts ray J? Did he help ray J with Fabulous? When something's going on between Fabulous of ray J? He got fabulously ray J alone.

What he's doing, He scanned people out there, but he could come to him and put on.

And the resurface video. Singer Machine Gun Kelly or MGK, describes as wild Las Vegas New Year's Eve bender with Diddy when he was just twenty years old. MGK says Diddy escorted him to nine clubs on New Year's Eve, paying for roughly two hundred and seventy bottles to supply them in an entourage of women. Eventually, MGK tried to say his good nights, but Diddy told him, we're not going to sleep. The singer says. The party and continued for more than forty eight hours. A former party planner for Sean Combs reveals the rumor that most ditty parties devolved into orgies are true. The planner also claims the parties averaged a five hundred thousand dollars price tag for food, alcohol, decorations, and entertainment, including acrobats, live animals, and entertainers that Combs called models who were obviously hired sex workers. For one event, Combs demanded an entire room be covered in mirrors so that debauchery could be viewed from every angle imaginable. The planner says Combe's vision was sex every where you looked.

Five hundred thousand dollars to cover floors, walls, and ceilings with mirrors so Shaw Comes could quote.

See sex everywhere you look? That was his quote. Vision.

Did Shawn Comes redecorate a whole wing, a whole room with hundreds of mirrors for a free cough. And again, whether we like it or not, orgies are not crimes. However, drugging people and then having sex with them while they are in a stupor, much as Courtney be described, is a crime. Adjoining me Doctor Bethany Marshall renounced psychoanalyst out of la and author of deal Breaker. You can see her now on Peacock Jump in Bethany Nancy.

Those floor to ceiling, across the ceiling, across the floor mirrors are because men who commit sexual aggression sexual assault are voyeurs. He probably spent a long time assembling these places to assault victims because that was a part of his sexual excitement. That was a part of preparing for these orgies.

This as we learned that Sean Combs is not languishing in a tiny cell.

He's moved on to greener pastors. Listen well.

The public has been led to believe Sean Diddy Combs is languishing in a tiny cell at the NBC. It turns out the disgraced mogul is having a blast behind bars. Combs has been moved to the lowest security unit in the prison for North, where he has access to a tablet, cards, music, TV movies, ping pong, air hockey, and even a peep show. Who needs expensive freak offs when you can spy on female inmates through a grate in the floor.

Joining us, HARMANI and Rodriguez from Daily Mail what explained to me his new living conditions.

Right, So he remains in the same Brooklyn jail, but he hasn't been moved to a part of the jail that's for high profile inmates. In this part of the jail, the president of Honduras has been sank Bankman Fried is also held there, and it's the idea is to keep these famous inmates safe from others. But as you mentioned, it also provides them with a few extra privileges that inmates that have been there before say, include being able to look at the female inmates who this person said. This former inmates said the female inmates like to put on a show and even lift up their shirts as they see the male prisoners walk by.

So yeah, it sounds like.

Diddy is in a better situation now that he was at the beginning in the jail.

Joining me.

Robert Crispin, private investigator at Crispin Special Investigation, but former federal Task Force officer with d OJ and DEA Miami Field Division. You can find them at Crispin Investigations dot com. Robert, why is he Sawn Combs who's allegedly victimized so many women while they're drugged, Why.

Is he getting to look at female inmates?

Well, I'll tell you this, he's got some problems coming, and they're probably moving him down there to give a little more freedom, to get him out of general population where he's going to get stabbed or beat up in the middle of the night. Down in these areas, there's less population and it's a little bit.

More easily controlled.

Where you know, New York Jail's gonna have a problem on her hand if somebody ends up stabbing Diddy and killing them.

A former playboy model claims did he invited her and two friends who had Tokyo party that she now believes was a freak off. When Kennedy and two friends arrived to comes hotel room, Combs was alone in a bathroom with a bottle of champagne.

Kennedy claims as soon as Combs hung up the phone, he removed his clothing and instructed the women on how to perform oral sex. On him. The incident only became frightening when the security guard angrily burst into the room and forced all of the women out the door, angry that Combs slept with his girl from the club.

Combs is now housed in a dorm style unit of the MDC, reserved for up to twenty high profile prisoners. For North is known to have looser rules than Jen Pop and both marginally better meals than what Combs was receiving on Suicide Watch, including chicken sandwiches, hot dogs, and wings in addition to many forms of entertainment. Combs has allowed three hundred minutes of phone time each month, but still does not get a pillow for his less than twin sized bed.

Joining us now Lynn Shaw, founder executive director Lyn's Warriors, committed to ending sexual exploitation and trafficking, and host of Lynn's Warriors on YouTube.

Lynn, thank you for being with us. Lynn. So, I don't know if you got the gist.

Of this, but Shawn Comb's in his new digs, has the ability to stare at female inmate, and is living in a dorm style atmosphere with an upgraded menu thoughts.

My thoughts are chicken sandwiches and all of this and he has peep holes or he's able to communicate with women. You couldn't write this. This is a bad Hollywood script. Listen. Our sources told us all along he was getting special privileges. We heard this right away. No, I didn't have any proof, but I heard he was getting better food. I heard he was getting special things that other people weren't, such as phone privileges. I heard all kinds of things, and now it's coming out. But to have holes, this must be done on purpose. Come on now, as a special prisoner whatever. He is an inmate in this Manhattan detention center that has been known as a rats nest for years. He has been put in a spot where he can I am saying on purpose. There are holes in the floor so he can have access to women. This is disgusting. And how did the victims of all sex trafficking for abuse like this exploitation, when they read things and hear things like this, what is going through their minds? They are disgusted, and they've all reported to me they don't expect this case to go anywhere. Somehow, someway, he's going to be cut loose or somebody else is going to be taking the main fall for all of this. But I can't believe we even have to discuss he's communicating and I know with the Family show, Nancy, but you know things they're doing reportedly through these peapoles. I'm disgusted and everybody else should be too. And let's call for what is going on here. We need some answers about this. This is unacceptable.

I think what you're referring to is kindly called a gloryhole, and I will not elaborate on that. From what I understand, he has full and unfettered view of female inmates, and it sounds to me to high profile lawyer Ariel Mitchell, who is representing many of the alleged victims connected to this case, as well as Courtney b Aeriel, it sounds to me like he is being rewarded. Sean Comes is being rewarded. Why should he rewards as.

Opposed to anybody else in NBC.

Well, unfortunately that's the world we live in, where celebrities receive better treatment and all scenarios, even when they've committed crimes. So we need to ask ourselves as a society, why are we treating people differently just because they have status? Just because they're celebrity, just because they have money, especially somebody like Diddy, who has committed so many atrocities, as so many crimes over the past three decades, spanning numerous We don't even know how many victims that there really are. We're at hundreds of victims just right now that we know of. But of course, in our country, in our society, we reward and give people pur virtual treatment just because of who they are, and that's why he's being rewarded back.

Too, Lynn shaw Len's Warriors, and you can hear her on YouTube a Len's Warriors. Lynn, I didn't hear your response to the fact that five hundred thousand dollars worth of refurbishing a large area so Sean Combs could have floor to wall to ceiling mirrors during the free coughs. Free cough what a euphemism. That's certainly putting perfume on the pig. According to prosecutors, what free COFs really are are drugging and intoxicating women, slipping drugs into their drinks, and more so, they have no idea what is happening around them while they are.

Videoed being raped. That's what a free cough is.

According to prosecutors, and now we learn I can't wait for a jury to hear this.

If it's true that floor to wall to ceiling.

Is mirrored at Seawn Combs's request, so he can see sex everywhere he looks.

I can't believe. I'm gonna just say it, Nancy, this glory whole guy. I don't want to bring it up before, but we have heard such disgusting reports coming out of this detention sensor. We've got our sources here on boots on the ground here in the middle of New York City. People tell me things listen, disgusting and disgusting and areal pegnit right away. Money talks, you know, fame even though all of these horrible alleged crimes, and I put that in air quotes here as I'm standing here, you know, they should have nothing to do with this guy. Yet that's what talks in our society. This is the morality going on today. There are probably thousands and thousands of victims and I'm just going to say it. You're going to find out there were miners involved. That is my opinion. That's what I've heard. And how he can even be given mirrors and this and that it's chicken sandwiches. Whatever he's eating there, You know what, he should eat some bad tuna fish and have some food poisoning. That's what I have to say about this guy, because he is just dominating this whole story with his lawyer, and I'm tired of it. Let's talk about the victims. Let's talk about the abuse they endured. Let's get this case going and find out who else is involved. Why is he the only one in jail? He had accomplices, He had people booking flights and rooms and this and that, and women involved. There are always women involved with these pen traffickers whatever we're.

Calling Joining me now, high profile lawyer Eric Fattus, trial lawyer, TV analyst and partner at Varner Fattest elite Legal. Former felony prosecutor, Eric, thank you for joining us. Here is the reality, whether people like it or not, in our country, under our US constitution, you cannot be prosecuted for failure to act. If I stood by and watched you durrown in the Mississippi River, I could not be prosecuted for that. I don't have a duty, of course I would, Eric, I don't have a duty to jump in and.

Try and save you. It's just that simple.

So if there are celebrities, which I believe there were at these parties at some of the free costs, the fact that they did not interven vain does not make them a criminal.

And I also find it.

Really suspicious that everybody's talking about celebrities but nobody's naming any names.

If you've got proof, fine, put up or shut up.

Yeah, Nancy, I hear you, and I would save you if you were drowning too. But yeah, in looking at this, I think there's going to be a lot of folks who are sort of not culpable participants, that they were just observers. They were there, but they're caught up in this huge saga for which there is clearly a stigma for which they may have a negative association going forward professionally and otherwise. And for some of these folks that they brankly, this was completely unbeknownst to them. They didn't know what was happening, and they were simply at this party. Now, being at a raucous party is not in and of itself a crime. Now, if they had knowledge of some kind of misconduct and provided material aid, that is where we begin to cross the line between an innocent observer and a culpable participant.

In another resurface video, singer Machine Gun Kelly or MGK, describes as wild Las Vegas New Year's Eve bender with Diddy when he was just twenty years old. MGK says Diddy escorted him to nine clubs on New Year's Eve, paying for roughly two hundred and seventy bottles to supply them in an entourage of women. Eventually, MGK tried to say his good nights, but Diddy told him, we're not going to sleep. The singer says, the party and continues for more than forty eight hours.

Real estate experts believe the tales of gigantic orgies and freakofs at Shawn Combs's La mansion are scaring off potential buyers. The stunning seventeen thousand square foot property has reportedly attracted no serious offers despite being on the market for more than sixty days. The listing has an asking price of nearly sixty two million dollars, but experts say Combs's realtor may have to find a buyer that can look past the headlines, or the home will continue to languish on the market.

I wouldn't want to touch that place with a ten foot poll ew what family's going to want to move into Ditty's mansion? Everywhere you look you can imagine a freak coffin smeared baby oil laced with GHB.

H Okay.

Apparently nobody is touching Ditty's mansion.

Wow, I wonder why.

Straight out to Crime online dot Com investigative reporter Sidney Sumner, did I get those figures right?

Sixty two million dollars and is that real?

Yeah, that's completely correct, Nancy. It's just under sixty two million. Is about sixty one point three I believe is the listing price. And nobody is coming in touch with that home. Apparently there's been reports that some overseas fires. I've been looking into the home, but nothing serious. Nobody wants to move in there.

You know, a lot of times, Sidney, you and I have covered cases where after a crime, the whole place is just raised, is just torn down.

Maybe that's what they're gonna have to do in this case.

Hey to you, Robert Crispin, this is your neck of the woods. Robert Crispin, private investigator at Crispin Special Investigations, former Federal Task Force and DEA in Miami. You can find him at Crispin Investigations dot com.

Robert, have you ever been in a strip club?

Of course?

Okay, let me clarify your honor. Let me refine my question.

Have you ever been in a strip club in waking hours in the daylight?

Yes, many times.

I mean all the magic is gone.

I've been in many a strip club in waking hours to find witnesses. And when you look in there in the daylight, it is disgusting. It's filthy, there's like wads of hair food, It smells, It is disgusting.

And that's just what I can imagine. His mansion is like.

Dead everywhere, and that's why you don't want to sit on the couch and knowing what went on inside, there is nothing that I certainly want to purchase.

Okay, hold on just a moment, Hold on just a moment. To Lynn Shaw.

Okay, Lynn, I know you have a very serious mission, which is ending exploitation of women and.

Miners with Lynn's Warriors.

But I really think what Crispin, just unwittingly I think said, sums up the sale of Ditty's home or the lack thereof.

You don't want to sit on a couch.

You don't want to sit on a couch. Here's what we hear is going on. We hear that foreign buyers will purchase the property. They will ruin, they will knock down the place, raise the place, and it will just be a parcel of land that somebody will rebuild on. But you know what I want to do, Nancy, I want to purchase it myself. In my dream world, my Lyn's Warriors do an exorcism of cleansing of all, build a beautiful, big mansion and start putting in victims of sexual abuse exploitation and give them wrap around services. And take this horrible, awful, unending story that is only just begun and turn it into something positive, turn it around to provide for victims. That's what I want to do in my warriors world, because this guy has gotten away with this for decades, decades, and now we're still waiting. We're still waiting to hear who's involved.

Okay, well, I've got some bad news for you. I hate to be the bearer of ill tidings, Lynn, but I imagine that the overseas buyers are going to.

Beat you out.

You're not going to get to turn this into some type of a home for victims. I don't know that they'd want to be there anyway. But that said, the attempt at sale of Shawn Comes's mansion is just another attempt to raise money. What else is he doing and why does he need money so desperately?

Listen Estimated as a billionaire, Sean Comb's legal fees are leaving him strapped for cash. With his Los Angeles mansion failing to sell, Combs has turned to renting out his Golfstream five point fifty on the flight share site Victor dubbed the Uber of private jets. The sixty million dollar distinctive black jet can accommodate up to fourteen passengers. A chartered flight from NYC to LA costs a cool one hundred thousand dollars, while a longer flight, say from LA to London, runs upwards of four hundred thousand dollars.

That's right, shaw Comb's now renting out his sixty million dollar private jet to Sydney Sumner.

What can you tell me, Nancy. We know that this plane is available for charter on multiple websites. It's owned by Combesa's Love Air LLC. We don't know how much money it's really making him, and it feels like a very desperate attempt to loosen up some more cash. We know that combes of brand is very heavily tied to his public image, which is currently in the toilet. And he also burned bridges with his biggest income source via Jao that was the owner of his liquor companies, Sir Rock and Daily On Tequila. So Combs really has no income coming in right now whatsoever. So this feels like a very desperate attempt to generate some cash. But he's also not using the plane, so it does kind of make sense.

Yeah, all those private defense attorneys don't come cheap. I mean, straight back out to you, Fadus, I guarantee you these lawyers are charging what five hundred to one thousand dollars an hour, so easy.

Yeah, I think the total price tag on this thing has got to be multimillions. That's just on the legal representation side.

And there's more. Listen.

If he may never gain the immense wealth he accumulated over his career, many of Combe's income sources relied entirely on his personal brand, Sir Rock and Daily owned shan Ja in Revolt TV, for example. With the current standing of Comb's public image, businesses and big name brands will likely want nothing to do with them. While Combs recently released a new album, a world tour could be out of the question for fifteen years to life.

In the last hours, we learned that Sean Puffy Combs is renting out his sixty million dollars blacked out private jet. Who is renting this jet for one hundred and twenty thousand dollars one way up to four hundred thousand dollars for a round trip.

Well guess what.

Since he has been behind bars, Shawn Combs's jet has flown to French, Polynesia, New Zealand, LA and Mexico. Two Dtor Bethany Marshall joining us out of Beverly Hills psychoanalyst, doctor Bethany who is paying this kind of money to fly on Diddy's jet?

You know, Nancy, I hate to break it to you, but there are a lot of sex offenders in the general population, and people who idealize sexual violence and who are very identified with it. And I am afraid somebody is going to come forward and buy that sixty two million dollar mansion because they will like the memories associated with it. And these are the type of people who want to be on that fancy jet. People who overlook violence, people who love violence, people who want to insert themselves into the notoriety of Sean Puffy Comb's fancy even the celebrities at those parties. This is not a homogeneous group. This is a group of people. They're all different, and they may have been unwittingly committing crimes themselves because they may have taken drugs, they may have been on ecstasy, they may have not really known what was happening and then slipped into an offending pattern themselves, and now they are frightened. So we have people on those jets that love p Ditty, that want to be around him. There is often a glorification of sexual violence, and that is the undercurrent of this story that sexual violence is prevalent.

Well, actually, doctor Bethany, I think you may be right. Does anybody remember the Playboy Mansion? In twenty sixteen, the Playboy Mansion was bought by darrin metrop Metropolis for one hundred million dollars, And you know it wasn't worth one hundred million dollars.

The buyer wanted to.

Be attached to the image of the Playboy mansion.

Nancy, you wouldn't believe in my Beverly Hills practice, how many patients of mine talked about going to the Playboy mansion and they loved the idea, made them feel like a celebrity, made them feel special, and they glorified it. They did not put their thoughts together about women who were being treated as objects. It's like that went out of their mind, same as Jeffrey Epstein's Island.

Look at all the.

People who went there, the philanthropists, billionaires, CEO's attorneys. And that is because, Nancy, there is a prevailing attitude in our culture that it's okay to treat women as objects.

You know, we were talking earlier about nobody no one buying Ditty's mansion. Lynn Shaw had an idea about what she wanted to do with the mansion. Refurbish it clean at number one with a hose, but then have victims live in it, which is you know, never going to happen, Bethany. We're just never going to happen, Lynn, because nonprofits like yourself could never afford it. Multimillionaires can but I've got an idea straight back out to high profile lawyer Eric fattis joining us. Eric, the money from the see of that mansion could be ordered to go to victims. But here's the rub Fattus. He hasn't been convicted of anything. So any money from the sale of the mansion or the rental of the private jet, which by the way, has had at least thirty trips in the last two months, somebody's renting that thing for a lot of money. None of that money is going to go to alleged victims because there's not a conviction yet.

Yeah right now.

I mean, the money being generated is likely just for his legal team. Those bills have to be out of control, and on top of that, he doesn't have the same income coming in.

He doesn't have these.

Deals anymore that are giving him millions of dollars now, Nancy, As you know, some states do have civil forfesearch statutes, and if they could link either the property or the airplane with criminal activity, there's at least an argument that prosepcutors could try to obtained some of those assets and convert them to some sort of beneficial use that is not paying Diddy's legal fees.

Think about it.

This blacked out fully customized jet that did he gifted to himself a couple of years ago was his pride and joy. He called it the uber of private jets. Now it's a Gulfstream G five point fifty that Comb's referred to as Combe's heir. He would use it to shoot his online content while on board and allow celebrity guests to post videos inside, conveying an ultra luxurious lifestyle. Okay, that said, thirty trips in the last two months at at least one hundred thousand dollars one way.

That's a lot of money.

But right now Sewn is trying to quote spread the image of love and good energy.

Listen up yours King Combs and right now taking over my pops Instagram, We're gonna be posting videos by spreading you know, good energy and taking you all down memory lane and all the positive things you did. So stay tuned and watch this. Let's go. We love you, Pops, have your birthday.

That is from Shawn Combe's official instapage. That is his son King still trying to support his dad spreading the love and the good energy.

If you know or think you know anything.

Regarding a witness in the Sean Puffy Comb's federal indictment. Dial Tolfree eight hundred two zero zero seven four seven four Nancy Gray signing off.

Good night,