Crime Alert 09.12.24 | Man Tells Family Grandma Has Terminal Illness, Really Killed with Hammer

Published Sep 12, 2024, 10:00 AM

Joseph Glynn tells his family his wife has a terminal illness and left, but he really bludgeoned her dead with a hammer. College town cops do NOT need help cleaning up spilled beer delivery. 

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Crime Alert. I'm Nancy Grace, breaking crime news Now. Joseph Glenn tells his son and grandchildren they're Yah Yah. Jackie Glynn is terminally ill and that she left to avoid putting the family through the pain of her death. The granddaughters are convinced she'd never leave, and her doctor says she gave no such diagnosis to Yah Yah. Months later, Tennessee cops fied Jackie's car and her body buried in a shallow grave. When pressed, husband Joseph Glynn admits he hit Jackie over the head with a hammer until she died.

Nancy Jackie Glynn's last text message read Happy New Year. Let's all choose to make this the best year ever. Love you so much. Her naked body was found buried fifty miles from her home at a dig site Joseph Glenn worked on weeks prior. Investigators also found a bag with Jackie's clothes, bloody towels, and rags in a nearby dumpster. Joseph Glynn's motive it's still unclear.

Joseph Glynn's seventy pleads guilty to murder, one to life in prison. Oxford, Mississippi cops cordoned off a street when a delivery truck crashes, spilling cases of beer all over the road. Police make a Facebook post telling people to avoid the area while they clean up. After several prank calls, the department has to amend the post in forming Oxford residents, many of whom aren't University Mississippi students. Police absolutely do not need help from university students to get rid of the mess. I e.

The beer.

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John Limley, the fourteen year old accused of killing four people in a shooting at Appalachi High School in winder Georgia, along with his father, will remain in custody after their attorneys have chosen not to seek bail. Let's bring in Sidney Sumner of Crime Online for more.

Cook Gray, charged with four counts of murder, allegedly used a semi automatic rifle to fatally shoot two students and two teachers on September fourth. His father, Colin Gray, faces charges for enabling his son to possess the firearm, making a new attempt by prosecutors to hold parents accountable in cases of school shootings. The father and son appeared in court for separate hearings. About fifty people, including media and family members of the victims, were present. During his hearing, Colt Gray, wearing khaki pants and a green shirt, was formally advised of his rights and the serious charges against him. The court had to clarify that, due to his juvenile status, the maximum penalty he faces his life without parole, not the death penalty. Gray was shackled at both the wrists and ankles during the proceedings. Shortly after, fifty four year old Colin Gray appeared in court wearing a gray striped jail uniform. He faces charges of involuntary manslaughter and second degree murder. A rest warrant suggests that he contributed to the debts by providing the firearm to his son, despite knowing the teen posed a risk to himself and others. In court, Colin Gray spoke quietly as he answered questions about his background, confirming that he had completed his high school equivalency diploma. Investigators alleged Colt Gray used a black semi automatic AR fifteen style rifle during the attack. Prosecutors have yet to offer a motive or explain how Gray acquired the weapon or brought it into the school. Authorities are expected to file additional charges against the teenager, pending further investigation into the injuries of nine other individuals. Among those killed were students Mason Shermerhorn and Christian Angelo, both fourteen, and teacher's thirty nine year old Richard Aspinwall and fifty three year old Christina at Eiremi. Shermer Horn was remembered by a neighbor as a curious child. Aspenwall, a math teacher, was also a football coach, while Eremi, originally from Romania, was active in her church where she taught dance. Court documents reveal that authorities had questioned Colt Gray last year after concerning social media post. Despite the troubling nature of the post, conflicting evidence prevented law enforcement from making an arrest at that time.

Jackson County's Sheriff Janis Magnum that after reviewing the twenty twenty three report, there were no grounds for charges at that particular moment.

Thanks John, Lisa Knight, twenty nine, gets to ride from x Lloyd Frey to go visit their child at her mom, Gene Knight's home. Instead, Fry takes Lisa to his Osineki, Michigan home. Around ten thirty pm, she calls a friend from Fry's house upset, asking for a ride home. When the friend says he can't pick her up, Lisa hangs up without elaborating. Lisa's family reports her missing four days later when she misses a second planned visit. The ex husband, Lloyd Fry, says Lisa left his home at some point while he was asleep. Fry cooperates with the investigation. Cops used cadaver dogs to search his home, but no evidence tying him to Lisa's disappearance. Lisa five feet tall, one hundred and twenty pounds, blonde hair, green eyes, eyebrow and lip are pierced. She has a flower tattoo up the back of her neck and vines on her right arm. A tattoo of a skull on her chest. Last scene wearing a brown shirt, green pants, and knee high black boots. There is a reward for information on Lisa Knight, now missing over twelve years. Called Michigan State Police nine eight, nine, three, five, four, four one zero one. For the latest crime Injustice news, go to crime online dot com and please join us for our daily podcast Crime Stories with this crime alert am Issy Grace