A-Block (1:44) SPECIAL COMMENT: Will Trump be insane mass murderer Trump at the debate tonight, or just STRATEGIC mass murderer Trump at the debate tonight?
Because the debate transpires against the backdrop of what SHOULD have been the lead story everywhere yesterday and today, the Rolling Stone “effing kill them all story,” but nine years in, our political media STILL can’t process it, STILL thinks – institutionally and individually – that in a reversal of the famous H-L Mencken if they pretend it isn’t true often enough it’ll stop BEING true – that no one could have become president of the United States or try to stay in office extra-constitutionally or eventually become so insane and so damaged that he would openly boast that not only will he imprison in concentration camps millions of immigrants and others he intends to deport but that quote “getting them out will be a bloody story”– and that he SAID that on Saturday only because the self-protective animal-cunning filter that used to STOP him from saying the Hitlerian mass murder “bloody story” part OUT LOUD is now breaking or broken and there is a chance – however small – that it could break a little more tonight and he could make it worse tonight, that if Kamala Harris has the courage to push this particular button she could not only win the debate and win the election but destroy Trump once and for all and maybe even present a scenario in which Joe Biden only becomes the candidate who dropped out merely the SECOND closest to the election.
Bloomberg's resident Trump expert (and victor in a lawsuit Trump filed against him) Tim O'Brien has seven pieces of advice for Vice President Harris. And a British newspaper claims she got Lee Strasberg to play Trump in the simulated debates. He died in 1982. If she can really pull that off, she should be elected unanimously.
Don't forget our live podcast on YouTube immediately following the Harris-Trump debate tonight at approximately 10:30 EDT.
B-Block (22:39) THE WORST PERSONS IN THE WORLD: David Zaslav tops off his two years of humiliation by being caught seated next to Leon (Elon) Musk. The Russian Stooge scandal sideswipes Marsha Blackburn and Clay Travis. And as RFK Jr warns liberals that they're now on the same side as Dick Cheney, I must remind my former friend that he's now on the same side as our Proto-Hitler.
C-Block (36:51) THINGS I PROMISED NOT TO TELL: Tomorrow's podcast will be devoted entirely to tonight's debate, so I'll do my 9/11 reminiscences here. And instead of trying to recapture how I felt that day and on the days that followed, I will simply present the tapes of my radio reporting from 2001 for KFWB all-news radio in L.A., and the ABC Radio Network.
Countdown with Keith Olderman is a production of iHeartRadio. Will Trump be insane mass murderer Trump at the debate tonight or merely strategic mass murderer Trump at the debate tonight? Because the debate tonight transpires against the backdrop of what should have been the lead story everywhere yesterday and today, the rolling Stone effing kill them all story. But nine years into this, our political media still can't process. It, still thinks institutionally and individually that, in a reversal of the famous hl Mankin quote, if they pretend it isn't true often enough, it'll stop being true. They still believe that no one could have become president of the United States, or try to stay in office extra constitutionally, or eventually becomes so insane and so damaged that he would openly boast that not only will he imprison in concentration camps millions of immigrants and others he intends to deporte, but that quote getting them out will be a bloody story, and that he said that on Saturday only because the self protective, animal cunning filter that used to stop him from saying the hitlarian mass murdered bloody story part out loud that is now breaking or broken, and there is a chance, however small, that it could break a little more tonight, and he could make it worse tonight. And if Kamala Harris has the courage to push this particular button tonight, she could not only win the debate and win the election, but destroy Trump once and for all. And maybe, just maybe even prest a scenario in which Joe Biden only becomes the candidate who dropped out the second closest to the election quote effing kill them all. Rolling Stone quotes its multiple sources from the Trump administration and the Trump inner circle, quoting Trump himself about cartels and gangs, in other words, latinos because to Trump, virtually all Latinos are drug kingpin gang lord rapists. That is the founding image of his political career. From twenty fifteen, quoting Trump again and Rolling Stone sources place him sitting at the resolute desk as he said this, slamming his fist onto the resolute desk, presumably not making a sound against the resolute desk because his fists are so freakishly small. Quote an eye for an eye, You just got to kill these people. Other countries do it all the time. They need to be eradicated, not jailed, unquote, and that's just actually the tip of the blood. Red Iceberg, Rolling Stone's Tim Dickinson and Swin soub sang fill in the hues, quoting them, Trump wanted to see their bodies piled up in the streets. Specifically, he sought a series of mass executions with firing squads and gallows and certainly without the quaintness of an appeals process, to send a chilling message about the scope of his power. They continue that he quote brought up the topic so often during the early years of his presidency that one former White House official tells Rolling Stone they lost count Madam Vice President. I don't want to tell you your job here, but if you can get Trump to act like that tonight, you probably should because as I read those quotes, none of that sounded wrong to you, did it? None of that sounded inconsistent with what he's done and said and said again, and said a third time, and a thirtieth time, and a three hundredth time, and finally Saturday, he drove over his internal stop sign and knocked down the mental picture most of his partially saying supporters still have of a group of criminals, maybe actual gang members, actual violent offenders, actual drug dealers, their hands chained behind their backs, walking slowly out of the country across the southern border as Uncle Sam salutes or something. He knocked down that picture and replaced it with piles of the executed bodies, stacked like cordwood. Some of them criminals, maybe, some of them their lawyers, some of them their children, some of them citizens, some of them people who just don't get out of the way fast enough for the tastes of the Trump brown shirts. Drop that mental picture at the end of one of your answers, Madam Vice President, Because the hidden headline of the Trump Biden debate was that is crazy and deceitful. As everything Trump said during that one was he didn't act or look particularly crazy. This this would be particularly crazy or who knows, maybe the moderators will ask Trump about it. I know, I know David Muir is the lesser halt of Dana bashes. But if he asks Trump a question about this, and Trump explains that his troops are going to kill a lot of people, and he gets worked up about it, and he starts talking anywhere near the way he talks in the Rolling Stone piece. That's not only something the public remember the public, David Muir, That's not only something the public should here. That's a career maker, that's a statue maker. You want to be, Edward R. Murrow, David Muir, David R. Muro Ask the question or play the clip. I mean to bring up dictator for a day, or immunizing the cops or using troops against US citizens, or the already gathering plot to give him a third term or a fourth term. That has a certain Yeah, we knew that quality to it. Even to bring up Trump's post from Saturday about arresting and prosecuting political opponents. Is him writing stuff, not him talking stuff. He can wriggle easily out of writing stuff. It's his art form. But when they throw out the first question at the debate, the bloody story SoundBite will only be three days old. It is from his most recent public appearance before the debate. You don't have to interpret anything, David Muher. You don't have to add an opinion. You don't have to extrapolate or analyze or imply or infer. You just say former President Trump Saturday, in Wisconsin. You said something about mass deportations of undocumented immigrants and you described it as a quote bloody story, that it will be a bloody story. What did you mean by that? And in case you've forgotten what you said, here's the tape of you saying it. Former President Trump in Colorado.
They're so brazen, they're taking over sections of the state and you know getting them out will be a bloody story. Should have never been allowed to come into our country. Nobody checked them, Nobody checked were they criminals? Were they from jails? We have them pouring out from jails. We have the worst criminals in all of these countries one hundred and sixty eight so far are registered one hundred and sixty eight countries. They're in our country and they're said, if you come back, you will be executed. You will be killed immediately. Not going to be easy, but we'll do.
It then, David Muir, you just say, do you expect thousands of them to be bloodied? Sir? Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, a million, or if you don't have the balls to make yourself into a journalistic immortal, David Muir, just to ask, what do you mean by a bloody story, or you could bring it up. Vice President Harris, I meant what I said. If the cards fall correctly, Trump could talk himself out of the race on this one topic. You don't think so yeah, why why again? Isn't President Biden at the debate tonight? Jim O'Brien, the Bloomberg editor who wrote nearly twenty years ago that Trump was only worth two hundred and fifty million dollars and Trump sued him and Trump got blown out of court, had seven pieces of advice for Kamala Harris tonight, and I thought they were damn good. The first was respect the split screen. Oh, superb point. The Vice President used to have something of a public speaking issue, which I think she has mastered wonderfully. But she's always had a great face for television. Men have them, women have them. It's a TV thing, not a gender thing. Are you expressive, lively, optimistic, welcoming or if need be, does it look like you could kill people with X rays coming out of your eyes? Do you have resting president face? Keep it on at all times. The camera is on you at all times. I used to write this occasionally on my scripts on TV. If I was going to be on for a long time. You never know when the camera is going to be on. You assume it's on you all the time. O'Brien also points out, you can dodge any question, but you can't dodge all the questions. Cooperate on some you have personal advantages on Trump, use them abortion rights. He's a criminal, you're a prosecutor. You were not borders are but you were tasked with the border, and he tanked the border deal. You're saying, and he's crazy. Pivot to these. O'Brien does not say, pander to the voters in the swing states. But I say pander to the voters in the swing states. The economy remains decisive there. Throw out the stats. What's happening now? How much is tariff will cost the average Pennsylvanian. Trump's in it for Trump. O'Brien writes, point out that if he doesn't win, he's going to jail, point out that a judge in New York just bent justice so that he doesn't have to go to jail next week. O'Brien reminds her that the best defense is a good offense. He shrugs off being called a liar or lawless, Trump loses his mind. However, if you call him weird or a failure, or low energy or old, go for the old. Old is gold. And lastly, he notes that Harris should be confident and of good cheer because the Trump debate prep team included JD Vance, Matt Gates, and Telsey Gabbard. And if that would not make anybody confident in this situation, what possibly could? I would add that apparently he's also bringing Governor Christy nom to the debate, and of course he brought RFK Junior to endorse him. So apparently, on top of everything else, twenty four hours before they take to the stage, Trump has hit maximum stupidity. His right wing echo chamber was clearly instructed yesterday to sell as hard as they have sold anything else. Ever, that there's a screenshot of a supposed Facebook post out of Springfield, Ohio, in which the alleged posters neighbor's daughter's friend had discovered cat eating immigrants. Now this is actually dumber than Trump thinking that political asylum means all the immigrants were in mental institutions. But if you're going to commit to the bit, you commit to the bit, you do not do what Trump then did if you really think you can sell the idea of Kamala Harris Democrats enabling cat eating. You do not then bring Christy Nome to the debate to remind everybody that she shot her daughter's puppy in the face and boasted about it in.
Her own book.
And you do not bring j. D Vance in his obsession with childless cat ladies. And you do not team up with RFK Junior and his dead bear cub and the dog he may have eaten. So Madame Vice President, be of good cheer, and remember the last one go for the.
Old old is gold.
A couple of last bait notes, see you live afterwards from the deep Rock, demoted and detained by police. Former White House physician now one of Trump's flying monkeys, as Texas congressman who's chairman of the House Subcommittee on says here, I'm swearing at peace officers at Rodeo's. Is that possible I might have typed it wrong? Quote Tomorrow night, writes Ronnie Jackson. President Trump gets to put Kamala Harris in her place on live TV. Put Kamala Harris in her place, you say, as Trump has proven the seventies eighties, nineties, the aughts first half of the teens were a time of widespread pretending by racists that they weren't racists, and pretending by misogynists that they weren't misogynists. We were naive to think that these curses on america society had been controlled or rolled back in some way. But it sure was nicer to live with that delusion, and with people like Ronnie Jackson at least try to hide their racism and misogyny. Put her in her place is the language of the Old South, And no matter what else happens tonight, there is joy in the thought that the racist, sexist snake that Jackson worships Trump will actually be pained by having to share a stage with her. And that's if she doesn't end his political career and force him into retirement, well prison. And on a lighter debate note, it was Saturday morning when The New York Times, a team of the best political reporters in the country who don't understand a dan thing about politics, Jonathan Swan and Maggie Haberman wrote Times standard issue piece number thirty seven, ponderous behind the curtain, our sources know everything. Thumbsucker. It was about the Harris and Trump debate preps, and it began quote, Harris is hold up for five days in a Pittsburgh hotel doing highly choreographed debate practice sessions ahead of Tuesday night's clash. There's a stage and replica TV lighting and an advisor in full Lee Strasbourg method acting mode, not just playing Donald J. Trump, but inhabiting him, wearing a boxy suit and a long tie. Lee Strasbourg. Nice up to date reference there, Jonathan and Maggie, we all love Lee Strasbourg and Godfather Part two playing Hymen Roth. Well, it turns out not everybody knows their film history, and our cultural guardrails are not only continuing to fail us, but continuing to fail us in new and innovative ways. And by hours, I mean humanities. The British tabloid That Telegraph published an even more impressive story about the Harris debate prep on Saturday night, and it's US editor Tony Diver and its US correspondent David Millward boisterously quoted their own sources. Ms. Harris, meanwhile, is preparing for the debate with a stand in Trump. Lee Strasburg, an acting teacher who's been wearing a wide shouldered boxy suit and red tie. Lee Strasburg died in nineteen eighty two, but according to The Telegraph US editor Tony diver At us car spot at David Millward, Lee Strasburg is back and badder than ever. Two months shy of his one hundred and twenty third birthday, he's up there helping out Kamala Harris by portraying Trump in debate prep. Now. Look, if Kamala Harris can pull that off, she damn well better be the next president. I'm just assuming here that the Telegraphs sources on that story were a couple of their writers reading the Times and not very carefully reading it. A reminder that I will be on YouTube. I'm after the debate for as long as it takes, and then the podcast, not the usual format, but in the usual places for Wednesday morning. Because of that, there will not be a September eleventh commemoration here, which I was going to say. I regretted when it dawned on me I could include one today, and so I will. By accident, I became the nine to eleven street reporter for a Los Angeles all news radio station, the only one I can tell you a lot about that day by recalling twenty three years ago. Tomorrow, I can tell you a lot more by playing tapes of my reporting from that day and the two months afterwards. And I will do that afterwards, persons, And that's next. This is an all new edition of Countdown. This is Countdown with Keith Alberman still ahead of us on this all new edition of Countdown. Someday we comforted ourselves by saying, on nine to eleven, we will have to explain to people what it was like, just the way our parents had to explain to us why Pearl Harbor still made them cry. The some days always arrive, and yet when they do, they are still kind of hard to believe. For nine to eleven, the some days are here, anniversary twenty three looms the tapes of my radio work from the streets of New York that day and the days thereafter. Ahead first, there are still more new idiots to talk about. The daily roundup of the misgrants, morons and Dunning Kruger effects specimens, who constitute two days worse persons in the world, The Bronze Worse Good Old David zazz Lab, the head of Warner bros. Discus, I record these before you hear them. These are not live. I don't know if you knew that, so I would double check just to make sure he hasn't been fired yet by the time you hear this. In the two years since he and his fascist boss mister Malone took over CNN, Zaslav has hired Chris Lickt to run CNN into the ground, and he not only did that wonderfully, but he managed to do it while making sure that everybody blamed Zazlab every day. Then he had to publicly fire zaz Lab. Then he hired a new guy who hasn't done anything yet in a year and a half. Then he Zaslav became the focus of the SAG after strike. Then Zaslav was booed while he was giving a commencement at dress at Boston University, and he didn't believe they were booing him. They were saying sick boourns zaz or something, I guess. And Zaslav has driven his entire company into the ground and generating headlines like this one from barely two months ago in the La Times, David Zaslav Hollywood reformer or wrecking ball. So how could he possibly make this worse? Helse there, zaz Lav can always make it worse. Caught in a suite at the US Tennis Open finals shown on TV, sitting next to Leon himself Elon Musk, or as Trump calls him, Leon, I'm assuming they were comparing notes. Well, Leon, I managed to destroy the legacy Diamond News asset my company spent billions to buy, says zaz and Musk comes back with, well, I did that, but I also self induced so much brain damage. I'm now linked to qnon Trump and also my trucks and rockets blow up. Also in the shot with Musk, Zaz is wearing a baseball cap. He's wearing it backwards and it's one of those cheap baseball caps with the crappy looking plastic snapbacks which are now seen on camera, So he looks like he's being prepped for a brain transfer scene in a cheap Hollywood mad scientist movie. And how could he be in that kind of scene. To get a brain transfer, you have to have a brain in the first place. The runners up worser Senator Marsha Blackburn and the Washington Generals of Bad Sports Punditt's turn worst Fascist political commentators Clay Travis. Clay Travis is Will Kine without the good shave. This is a denumont to Russian stooge gait where the Department of Justice charged some Russian propagandists and asserted that the Tim Pooles and Dave Rubens and Benny Johnson's of this world, although they didn't name them per se, we're all working for the Kremlin for hundreds of thousands of months via this woman Lauren Chen and her company Tenet Media, themselves linked to Glenn Beck. Only they didn't know they were working for the Kremlin. These idiots with giant egos and no skills thought they were that good. They thought there were worth hundreds of thousands of dollars a month for ten thousand views. Anyway, guess who was on one of the last Tim Poole podcasts before pool was revealed as I don't know Tim Ski pool Ski. This is courtesy Anna Caudill, Tim cast ir l number eleven oh two. Tim Poole announced his legal action against Harris campaign for defamation with Clay Travis, Tim Hannah Claire, and Libby so Unusual names for Russians are joined by Clay Travis to discuss Tim Poole announcing he will sue the Kamala Harris campaign for defamation the Philadelphia Eagles denying an endorsement of Kamala Harris. Blah blah blah, bh Tim at timcastlh blah blah, Clay Travis at Clay Travis Hunt. Well, at least Clay, you must have gotten what ten grand to be on that show with Pool since he was making one hundred thousand dollars a month, right right? You didn't get any money? You do that for free? Oh too bad, Clay Travis. As to Senator Blackburn's involvement in all this, well, according to the news outlet Nashville Scene Quote, Tennessee Republican leaders, including US Senator Marshall Blackburn and US Rep. Andy Ogles, have regularly amplified talking points from Tenet's talking heads. Blackburn also appeared on several podcast episodes with Lauren Chen in twenty twenty one. In twenty twenty two, I assumed they were talking about bobbles and Christmas decorations, which was Marsha's good job, when Cheezed said, do a good job, and they're just the brightest and bobbliest things, but the winner the word. My former friend Robert F. Kennedy Junior twenty years ago now called me up at MSNBC and told me I was his hero. Online he has written quote Liberals, take note, let me do it in his voice. Labrows take note. If you support Kamala Harris, he writes, you are now on the same side as Dick Cheney. Well, yes, we all are on the same side as Dick Cheney. We're the human beings and everybody else has lost the ability to be a human being. But actually it's simpler than that. Robert F. Kennedy Junior supporters take note he now supports Trump. So if you support Robert F. Kennedy Junior, you are now on the same side as our proto Hitler, Robert F. Kennedy Junior. Two day's worst person in the world. As I said earlier in this all new edition, circumstances will turn the September eleventh version of this podcast into all debate all the time. So to memorialize nine to eleven, I should do it here and now, and I will. I had been living in Los Angeles doing sports for Fox for two and a half years. I moved back to New York, the place of my birth, in late June two thousand and one, idling with a fat monthly paycheck until an expected move to Atlanta to go run sports for CNN, which never happened because they shut the network down. I lived in a hotel and then a pretty nice sublet near Central Park with Spectacus reviews, all of them facing uptown. I could see Yankee Stadium from my balcony. I was headed there the night of September eleventh, two thousand and one. Uptown views only uptown views, and so when I awoke that morning, I saw nothing unusual azure blue, perfect skies, one of easily the ten prettiest days I ever saw in my life. Streets were full of traffic, people, life given when I woke up, and when it all happened, I must have just missed seeing the jet streaking so night marishly low over Manhattan. By the middle of the day, I was on the phone with one of my friends, the general manager of KFWB Radio in Los Angeles, which until two thousand and nine would be one of two all news radio stations there. My friend asked me tentatively quietly, if I would come on the air with his anchors to talk about what it felt to be a New Yorker in New York on September eleventh, the LA audience knew me. I had worked on local news on TV and on radio there every day for nearly a decade, and I knew instantly this would be my therapy. If I was just going to sit there while this new world built itself around the horrors at the World Trade Center, it would have driven me crazy. So I not only went on the air with KFWB, I stayed on with them and also with the ABC Radio network for nearly two months, several times a day, I think every day. Certainly at one point, I know I did thirty nine days out of forty live and on tape, walking through the city, taking the subways, swallowing my fear and my loss. And I had somebody on three of the planes and in each tower of the World Trade Center, and the way I got through it was to report on it. We do not know what Amon mcinaney did a week ago this morning. Presumably we will never know if he had the time to show the instincts and courage that he had in nineteen ninety three. A week ago this morning, he was working as he was working eight years ago for the securities firm Canter Fitzgerald. It occupied half the office space in the top ten floors of one World Trade. A friend of mine at Cornell University emailed me last night. The school has announced that Amon mcinaney is among the victims of the trade center disaster, that his life will be celebrated Friday in a town in Connecticut. He was one of Cornell University's greatest athletes. I did not know him well. We were in one class together. That was in nineteen seventy six, and he made the critical play in the first sporting event I ever covered as a professional. It was not a good play. He fumbled a punt that led to the only points of the game for the other team. Two days later, knowing he was standing behind me in that classroom, I made a joke about it. My other friends thought Amen was going to punch my lights out. I did too. Instead, he merely walked past me and smiled, don't worry, I won't drop the next one. It's a week and some of us are only now learning who we lost, and what heroes they were, and how proud they make us feel, and how heartbroken a week. A week since the disaster means that tomorrow will be a week since the last rescue. The mayor said today, there is not much realistic hope of another one. Tell that to the two excavation experts from Cleveland. I met them this morning trudging up the West Side Highway. They were going to get their crane, huge portable, long reach the way. They told that there is no reason not to change the focus at the trade center. Now take the gamble. Use this crane to clear not just the rubble at the perimeter, but the big stuff, the stuff in the middle, the big stuff that is at once most dangerous and most likely to have provided an air pocket. It is risky, it concedes no one is alive and what we're presumed to have been the highest chance areas. And as one of the excavation men put it, it's like trying to play pickup sticks from the middle out. But it may be all they have left. They might find someone in there before it's too late. They might find am and Mackenatey. They might find any one of the five thousand, four hundred Amon mcinatey's. They might this is Keith Olderman Company, forty's Captain James J. Gormley sent a note to the families and to the company's neighborhood. It is among the most beautiful things I have ever read in the English language. Amazing for its faith, amazing for its acknowledgment of reality, yet its determination to exhaust every possibility before its acceptance of that reality. No member from this house is listed as deceased. Captain Gormley writes, I consider the members listed missing as still operating at the scene. We have not been able to relieve them from duty. He continues, there are many thousands of civilians trapped with our comrades. They need our prayers. Their families need to be assured that we hold them lives as dear as our own brothers. Hopefully, each of our brothers has taken charge of a small group of survivors and teaches, encourages and provide significant hope to each group. Captain Gormley is not Pollyanna here. His last paragraph reads, Tragedy may yet visit us. We will face it together. We are not giving up. Maintain your health. We have lots of work to do. Again. I ask you to please pray, because hope remains in the ten seconds it took Captain Gormley's two hooking ladders to roar past me. The other night, I thought of his extraordinary message, and I thought of the four to Zh's other trucks that took the same turn a week ago Tuesday and never came back. And I had to know New York had to know that these guys were okay. They're not supermen. They're not immune to the pain. A good friend of one of them told me yesterday. They don't know what to make of the sudden, unabashed waves of love coming to them from ordinary New Yorkers. The men still here to receive that love are dealing with survivor guilt, dealing with loss like the cops and the medics. They're also dealing with a new world which the radio of a policeman on Canal Street can crackle with the stark message body parts found on fourteenth floor of World Financial Center, and be responded to by the emotionless voice of the dispatcher, repeating it word for word as if it were a phone number or a set of directions. A million things about the New York of this Thursday, the twentieth of September two thousand and one bear no resemblance whatsoever to the New York of Monday, the tenth of September. Most of the changes are brutal, painful, but at least one of them is so moving, so uplifting, so human. It's as if New Yorker has had all grown new hearts with which to care about each other. We now have to know that the men of Company forty, and all the other fire companies, and all the police details and all the EMS vehicles, the men who rocket past us, the men going in to quote my grandfather to make sure we got out, are okay. And if that history, or if the continuity of life in this community, or support for the families of the lost rescuers were not reasons enough, consider the testimony of one policeman posted in front of the Stock Exchange on Monday, when the smoke was still so thick. But until he came within feet of me, I couldn't tell whether or not he was wearing eyeglasses. He wanted to talk about the Mets last ditch stand in the Penanglies we did. I asked him why, and his eloquence was simple and convincing. Look at it this way, he said it doesn't matter, not really. But no matter what happens today, no matter what else happens tonight, I can go home and at seven o'clock I can put my feet up and watch the Mets and pretend nothing has changed. And as New Yorkers can authorize themselves to enjoy all this, so too can they authorize themselves to enjoy the shared involvement with humanity to begin to laugh, even in this grimace of times. On the field. Three hours before this game, It's handwer brought the bomb snipping dog down for her first suite through the Mets dugout, A half a dozen television cameras slung violently to capture the scene, and then a moment of unspeakable drama. Her back to those cameras, she stopped. The bomb snipping dog had stopped, of course she had. There was a puddle on the dugout floor. She was having a quick drink of water, A tiny break in all this an apt metaphor indeed, for what we are all doing here tonight at a baseball stadium, at Jay Stadium in New York. This is Keith Olderman.
President Bush has been touring the damage in Manhattan and talking with rescue workers at the scene of the World Trade Center collapse. KfW E s Keith Overman has a live update from New.
York City while the President sees all this for the first time. For the now four day veterans of this grim work, it doesn't just continue. It almost becomes Monday. A bottice more weary than shot scratches across a police radio blaring here on the Canal Street. Body parts found on the fourteenth floor of the World Financial Center. With the efficiency and dispassion of a bank teller. A woman dispatcher repeats the grim news. Body arts found on the fourteenth floor of the World Financial Center.
Consider what this means.
The World Financial Center was not one of the buildings hit or burned on Tuesday. It's a development, and whatever horror that led up to it, so grizzly, so improbable that on any other day it would have been the lead story somewhere. However, here on day four, it is just a detail. Five on Canal Street. Keith Overman, KFWB News nine eighty.
And kf nobody B News Time ten oh seven.
K b's Keith Overman in New York says, the city of Big Shoulders continues to shutter more.
Than three days later. And this is a different city. It's not just that one can stand at the intersection of Canal and Greenwich Streets and look downtown ten blocks and see nothing but two buildings framing the smoke still rising from where.
The twelve million square foot.
World Trade Centers stood. It's what you see on the faces of New Yorkers, not their expressions, their gauze face masks. The twelve hours soaking rain having ended, a number of those protecting themselves from the smoke tinged airs down to perhaps one in fifty, but yesterday it might have been one in ten. And these masks may be with us for the duration. Construction workers told me they can already smell the decay of bodies, and that smell could move uptown. There is only one comparison the masks we see in the chilling photos of the worldwide flu epidemic of nineteen nineteen. Laura, I mean Laura Manhattan. Keith Olberman KFWB News nine eighty.
Wasn't exactly the tour of the President got, but kfwb's Keith Olberman also got to look at the disaster scene and he joins us now live from Manhattan and.
Walking through the neighborhood den immediately south of the barricades at Canal Street is remarkably like getting the Insiders look at Burbank or Fox or any other Southland film studio. One block of Washington Street features untouched small apartment buildings with not a soul to be seen or heard around them. Turn a corner and parked by every manhole is a phone company or electricity company truck. Make another rite, and you do a double take. There are nineteen, count them, nineteen caterpillar bulldozers in the middle of a residential street, waiting to be called upon. And finally, as far as your escorts will let you go, still six blocks in the distance, the ever present, seemingly never ending smoke, the smoke from fires where the World Trade Center used to be, Fires that resisted more than twelve hours of pelting rain, which looked just as fierce and four ten just as badly for the chance of any more survivors as they did. On Tuesday afternoon, live in Midtown Manhattan, Keith Olberman KFWB News ninet.
Eighty can't.
AFWB News time four forty seven. We're sorry.
Kfwb's Keith Alberman says that is what publishers of The New York Times are telling their readers today.
In an unprecedented gesture. Today's New York Times carries a front page apology and acknowledgement that's some of the thick Sunday paper was printed before the terrorist attack quote, and that the tone of some articles and advertising is inconsistent with the gravity of the news. The lead piece in the Sunday magazine is headlined in the rubble of Silicon Valley. Suburban Railroad executives are still taking heat today or having ordered posters depicting people missing at the trade center taken down at Grand Central station for esthetic reasons. What is this, a policeman asks a reporter the louver. Another cop shakes his head as he looks from Canal Street towards the Urban Volcano, five blocks to the south. His regular beat is the Upper west Side, and there on Wednesday, he says, when the winds changed and began to blow north from downtown, a caller complained that his apartment smelled of smoke and what were they going to do about it? Warning the winds are changing again right now again to head north in midtown Manhattan, keep Olrubin KFWB News nine to eighty.
You go to Keith at the intersection of Nasa and Liberty Streets. Plovic canyons of Wall Street surrender its only view of the wreckage and the polls.
Six days ago.
In these minutes, the familiar striated metal faces of the towers are visible from there, a three story piece jacket and burnt sticks out of the ground where it hit when the towers collapsed. You can see it if and when a dusted wind clears away some of the acrid hot fresh slope from the volcano that is two blocks to the west. Already the Titans and the minions of Wall Street have seen the groups of two to ten soldiers at every corner. The police car is sneaking through the dust covers treats now. A block closer to the exchange put traffic narrows towards barricades. You got something that shows you work here. A policeman all business asks firmly yet politely, and then he coughs, and you notice all the other cops and the soldiers and the Red crossworkers are wearing masks. It all began exactly six days ago. No one here can guess when it will end Live on Wall Street. Keith Alder mc KAFWB News.
Nine to eighty.
So to give us a little perspective, games WB's Keith Oberman has ventured out onto the Brooklyn Bridge and joined us with this live report.
A military humby backs out onto Wall Street, maneuvering as it does between an electrical company truck and two trailer sized portable generators, head shaking, eyes closed or red, covering their coughing mouths with a mask, a paper towel, a bandana, handkerchief, a men's sock, even in one case of an American flag. Wall streeters herded into narrow Nassau Street went back to work on foot against the backdrop, unlike that which they left in Panaglass Tuesday. Most seem to want to avoid the specter. Two blocks to their right, the ghostly and still smoking bulk of the Trade Center, a seven story tall slice of its facade twisted like so much iron grating, beckoning almost irresistibly at the intersection of Liberty Street. Finally, there is this sound behind me now, or actually lack of sound, the Hookland Bridge, close to all but emergency traffic and providing another new view of the New New York skyline and the great gap that now defines it. Live on the Brooklyn Bridge overlooking Wall Street, Keith Olberman KFWB News nine to.
Eighty KYBWB News on one thirty seven.
One eye to the window in Lower Manhattan today where workers are trying to get back to work, but you can imagine they're also wondering if they'll see another plane coming right at them. Kfwb's Keith Olberman gives us the view not far from ground zero.
The reopening of all but the streets directly around the Trade Center has provided the most horrifying view yet, one that few New Yorkers have seen, and perhaps it's better that way. Here, at one of the city's oldest intersections, Greenwage and Rectors, is the backside angle from the south of what may be the central fire, rising from a depression in the three story pile of twisted metal orange black yellow, the smoke angry and acrid, dirty brown at its origin, and behind it part of the complex, the outside structure pulled away the shapes of individual rooms is still visible, the floors buckled by the heat, with that telltale sagging so evident that the murror building in Oklahoma City and everywhere, despite the heroic attempts to clean up the volcanic like ash on windows on the street itself, on mailboxes and four four fire escapes on them. Some kind of canvas strewn in small pieces, possibly an awning that went up when the towers came down. At the intersection of Greton Rector Streets in downtown Manhattan, Keith Olberman.
K w B News zin let.
The President of the United States in an open air sports stadium in the middle of a terrorist alert. President Bush's arrival here at a little after four point thirty Pacific precipitated on presidented security, even for the World Series, even for New York. Everyone entering this stadium passed through a metal detector and many got the WAND treatment. So if air. His streets were blocked by salt spreading trucks filled with sand. Elevators in the building were turned off, and at one point a lockdown was declared freezing. The media had many fans where they were there. The president got where he was going. It is not all the grim new reality. However, At one metal detector at the right field gate, a couple was bonded by a security guard, and then they asked him to take a photo of them. He applied at Yankee Stadium of New York. He COULDERGANSFWB in News nine eighty.
KAF Would you be in news Time seven thirty seven with a letter.
From New York. I'm Keith Olderman. You imagine if the Trade Center attacks had happened in LA and if Dodger Stadium was literally across the street from the UCLA Tennis Center, and if down the road from both of them was lax. That was the backdrop against which professional sports returned to New York today in the first regular season games since the tenths and mes the Atlanta Brays at Shaye Stadium, a location traditionally so much a part of LaGuardia Airport's flight path is that on a long Sunday afternoon here, one hundred planes might fly directly overhead. On a good day, many fans many players were apprehensive. There have been no good days lately, so the FAA has agreed to keep aircraft away from Shaye during the games. Security is tighter, the mood more somber. On the other hand, in a gesture not seen in baseball since the Second World War. The entire Mets team is donating its collective salary about four hundred and fifty thousand dollars to the Fund for the Widows of the children of New York policemen and firemen, most pointed of all. For forty seasons. New York Skyline has been part of the Mets logo. Tonight, It's silhouette still stands a top the scoreboard looming behind right field, and on its miniature version of the World Trade Center's twin towers has been placed. The Red, White, and Blue Memorial ribbon at Shay Stadium with a letter from New York Keith Olderman KWB News nine eighty.
With a letter of New York. I'm Keith Olberman. Carlo Lfredo and David Loud plan to be back in southern California tomorrow, but first there are all these funerals. Wlfredo and Laub are too. La County firefighters. I met on the subway coming back from the Mets game. They've been here since a week ago yesterday at the World Trade Center. When I left them, they weren't certain if they'd be going back to Ground zero for an overnight shift or if they wouldn't be needed till morning. They were hoping for the former. Work all night and then go to funerals all day. Sounds macabre, But one fact about life here now that will creep up on you and then overwhelm you, is this. With three hundred and forty six New York firefighters lost, their funerals can be lonely events. A man might have died and had his ten best friends die with him. So Carlo Lfredo and David Loud go in their place. We'll go pick up Grandma, or we'll get the groceries, all the errands. People are in too much pain to do. David says they are strangers, yet they are accepted immediately as family. We're all firefighters, says Carlo. Worst experience of our lives, David ads and the best. Does that make any sense? A letter from New York Keith Overman KMWB News ninet eighty with a letter from New York. I'm Keith Overman. Memorials and funerals for six more firefighters were held this morning and this afternoon, and on the eastern side of Central Park under a white tent and a persistent drizzle. The seven hundred lost employees of the Canter Fitzgerald Bond Firm were remembered in a gathering of family and friends. Those lost from the staff of the restaurant atop the World Trade Center windows on the World were eulogized in late afternoon. This is now the city of Mourning three weeks after, and it is still papered with photographs of the missing. The first shrine at Union Square is still filled with them. So two part of the Times Square subway station had street lights and hospitals and construction sites and boarded up storefronts just blocks from the Trade Center itself as a move to collect and preserve them in a city museum suggests these missing posters continue to resonate in an almost unspeakable way. It is the rare and fortunate New Yorker who is not halted in the streets by one of them. You do not have to know any of the men and women depicted to feel the pain, but when you do, there is shock, pond shock on Canal Street today. A black and white photograph of one of those Catter Fitzgerald employees, a smiling man named Mike Tanner. I went to college with him. A letter from New York Keith Olberman KFWB News nine to eighty with a letter from New York. I'm Keith Olverman. Three weeks ago today we reported to you from the first sign of classness from the recovering city executives of Metro North, the commuter rail provider had ordered that posters depicting the missing be removed from a Grand Central station for esthetic reasons. Today, just off the main room of that station, passengers stop in front of a twelve paneled screen placed there by the railroad's employees. There are perhaps three hundred missing posters there, four of them depicting John Thomas Andreatio on each of them. Next to the smile peeking out from under mister Andreachio's mustache has been handwritten the word found. On Thursday, he was added to the list of the dead. Another update. The New York Police and Fire Widows and Children's Benefit Fund, the charity to which the fees from these reports are going, has in the last twenty six days, raised about twenty million dollars. Its founder, the former baseball star Rusty stob, is grateful and overwhelmed. The stark reality, however, is that even with this extraordinary generosity, if the fund were to divide the new donations just among those families newly afflicted. Each would receive about forty nine thousand dollars. Their website is www dot nyp FWC dot org. A letter from New York Keith Olderman KFWB News, ninet eighty Just for the record, since we can discuss now what people did that was gracious and what people did that was not gracious. The contract I had with Box, which they were trying to get me to quit, do or do something so they could fire me and not have to pay me one hundred thousand dollars a month to just sit there, provided that if I did any freelance work anywhere else, that money would be deducted from what Fox owed me. So if I did a piece for CNN and I went to work for them after nine to eleven as well. I actually once had to go in and they said we'll give you one thousand dollars in appearance, and I said, no, I can't accept that. Well, maybe we can get you twelve fifty. I said no, no, no, no, less, and they said less. And I explained to them about Fox. I said, I've got to do it for four hundred dollars in appearance, not a thousand, and they said the least we could possibly give you is five hundred, and I went, all right, fine. I had to negotiate down the KfW appearances I believe were worth thirty one dollars each according to the SAG after agreement for radio pieces, the money went to charity, to a nine to eleven charity, and yes, Fox deducted it from the money they sent me, just so we know where everybody's priorities were after nine to eleven. Okay, I've done all the damage I can do here. Thank you for listening. We're now back to five episodes a week, posting nightly just after midnight Eastern. Once again, there is a Monday Countdown. Don't forget the one tonight after the debate about ten thirty eastern PM. Brian Ray and John Phillip shaneil the musical directors of the program. Arrange produced and performed most of countdowns music. Mister Chanelle handled orchestration and keyboards. Mister Ray was on guitars, based and drums, and it was produced by Tko Brothers. Our satirical and pithy musical comments are by the s Baseball stadium organist ever Nancy Faust. The other music the sports is the Olderman theme from ESPN two, written by Mitch Warren Davis Curtesy of ESPN Inc. And some others, including some Beethoven, was arranged and performed by the group No Horns Allowed. My announcer today is my friend Kenny Maine. Everything else was pretty much my fault. That's countdown for this the fifty seventh day until the twenty twenty four presidential election, the one three and thirty seventh day since convicted felon dementia j Trump's first attempted coup against the democratically elected government of the United States. Use the mental health system, use presidential immunity. The Supreme Theocratic Court gave it to you, President Biden. It's your last option after the bravery of Juan mer Sean. I say, if it's official, it's legal, so do whatever you want to him. The next scheduled countdown is live tonight around ten thirty pm Eastern on YouTube after the Harris Trump debate. Bulletins as the news requires till the next time, I'm Keith Olderman. Good morning, good afternoon, good night, and good luck. Countdown with Keith Olderman is a production of iHeartRadio. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.