Published Oct 17, 2022, 4:01 AM


A-Block (1:43) SPECIAL COMMENT: Donald Trump is an antisemite.

"No president has done more for Israel than I have. Somewhat surprisingly, however, our wonderful Evangelicals are far more appreciative of this than the people of the Jewish faith, especially those living in the U.S...U.S. Jews have to get their act together and appreciate what they have in Israel. Before it's too late." (3:34) Translating Trump's manifold antisemitism, including the 'real loyalty' trope, his history of calling Israel "your country" to American Jewish groups, the 'You know some people would mistreat you Jews but I didn't so why haven't you rewarded me' threat, and especially (6:09) invoking the Evangelicals, for whom the Jews are a prop in their "End Times" fantasy of the return of Jesus followed by all Jews converting - or being slaughtered (10:30) Given Trump's history of Hitler worship this is especially virulent stuff. He praised Hitler's generals and economics and kept a book of his speeches in his bedroom (12:40) Yet when he endorsed candidate for NY Governor Lee Zeldin almost simultaneously with this antisemitism, Zeldin didn't refuse.

B-Block (15:32) MORE ON TRUMP AND OTHER ANTISEMITES: (15:32) That House Judiciary GOP tweet ("Kanye. Elon. Trump.") aged well! (16:02) Kanye West goes on his THIRD antisemitic tirade in the last two weeks on the podcast "Drink Champs" (18:25) and we review the one that launched it all: the hateful cliches and bigotry West launched in his interview with Tucker Carlson, but Fox refused to air or acknowledge.

C-Block (23:00) "OUR WONDERFUL EVANGELICALS": The hidden dagger in the Trump post is the dogwhistle to the Evangelical and other Fundamentalist movements and their belief that this is the hour for them to take over the country and exclude all minorities (and the majority) from governance (23:50) Ron DeSantis and the "Full Armor of God" movement and (35:25) "The New Apostolic Reformation" and their "Watchman" catechism that "We the Church are God's governing body on earth."

Countdown with Keith Olderman is a production of I Heart Radio. Four weeks ago. Today, I said Trump had degenerated into America's Hitler, and I got grief for it. And yesterday he threatened America's Jews and told them they quote have to get their act together, adding before it is too late, and they had better support him for supporting Israel. And once again he implied that they were Jewish first in American second. And know the fact that he used to keep a book of Hitler's speeches in a cabinet next to his bed is nothing to worry about. Donald Trump is an anti Semite. He has always been an anti Semite. And anything that he has done that has not been overtly anti Semitic has been transactional, and there was always something in it for him, and those of the Jewish faith were just incidental to the process. And this should be shattering lee important to you, whatever your faith and whatever your background. There is actually a chance you did not see his social media post. Good luck finding it on the front page of the major news websites. Let alone analysis of it. Let me read it in its entirety first, and then translate its meanings and those meanings are genuinely ominous, even for this new apocalyptic Trump quote, no president has done more for Israel than I have. Somewhat surprisingly, however, our wonderful evangelicals are far more appreciative of this than the people of the Jewish faith, especially those living in the US. Those living in Israel, though, are a different story. Highest approval rating in the world could easily be pm US. Jews have to get their act together and appreciate what they have in Israel before it is too late exclamation point. The first thing to note is Trump's unshakable conviction that Americans of Jewish heritage are actually loyal first, or should be loyal first, to Israel people of the Jewish faith, especially those living in the US. This is one of the oldest tropes about that religion, that there is an implied dual citizenship. A certain uncertainty is to where royal loyalty really lies. All anti Semites believe this. All rulers who ever purged Jews believe it. Hitler began with it in two thousand eighteen at a Hanukkah event at the White House, addressing Americans who happened to be Jewish. Trump referred to Israel as quote your country. A year later, he said that any Jewish American who voted for a Democrat might be disloyal. Just last year, he asked a reporter from an Orthodox Jewish magazine, quote, I did the Heights, I did Jerusalem, and I did Iran. The Iran deal was a disaster, right, also I did many other things. Jewish people who live in the United States don't love Israel enough. Does that make sense to you. I'm not talking about Orthodox Jews. I believe we got of the Jewish vote, and it doesn't make sense. It just seems strange to me. Unquote translation of that quote and of the social media post yesterday courtesy a gentile me. As president, he gave Israel gifts, he was nice to them, when you know he could have been openly anti Israeli or anti Semitic. You'd think they would fawn over him for not openly hating them. Let's go out of sequence and cut to that money quote. US Jews have to get their act together and appreciate what they have in Israel before it is too late. End quote. This is not subtle. It is obviously a threat or a threat couched as a warning either way. It is a repeat of the way Trump's diseased mind works. People hate you. I helped you. You haven't been grateful enough. You're Jewish, Israel is your country. I helped Israel. If I'm not there to help Israel, you'll be sorry. So you better start supporting me more or else. But maybe the most important part of that post is the seemingly throwaway reference to the evangelicals. It actually explains the whole thing. Trump says, quote our wonderful evangelicals. These, of course, are the religious nuts who will support him no matter what because they think he is part of the most screwball Bible prophecy of all the screwball Bible prophecies. They are far more appreciative of his support for Israel than our American Jews. The Trumpian tell, though, is adding the phrase somewhat prizingly. This is his standard misdirection, making it seem as if he doesn't understand something. Quote somewhat surprisingly always means he understands it fully and realizes it's dark implications and wants to distance himself from it and imply he doesn't understand it somewhat surprisingly, And the obsession with Israel on the part of those wonderful evangelicals is about as dark as it gets. If you don't know this yet, sit down. Four and a half years ago, Newsweek printed this remarkable headline quote Trump will start the end of the world, claim evangelicals who support him. Evangelical Christians believe in quote end Times what they call prophecy and what others call stuff somebody made up to fleece the gullible Jerusalem, where Trump moved the American Embassy is the centerpiece of this fire and brimstone saga. Let me quote some of the Newsweek piece about this whole nonsense quote. What kick starts the End Times into motion is Israel's political boundaries being re established to what God promised the Israelites according to the Bible. Nate Pile, a pastor and author of a book about Jesus, told Newsweek. Most evangelical subscribe to a belief in pre millennialism, the belief that the second Coming of Christ will begin a one thousand year period where Christ will rule over a peaceful and prosperous earth. Neil J. Young, a religion historian, told Newsweek. Young, who holds a PhD in history, from Colombia writes frequently on evangelical culture and politics, quoting him again. Israel is a key part of this story too, as Christians believe that events there are fundamental to bringing about the end Times. Meanwhile, the evangelical belief in the end times also includes the eventual conversion to Christianity of the Jewish people. The scenario begins when Christ comes to Earth to take the living Christians who believe in him to heaven and resurrect the dead who were true Christians at event called the Rapture. Afterwards, it is believed that the Antichrist will Ryan reign on Earth during the seven year period of tribulation. You didn't miss hear anything in there. The evangelical fascination with Jerusalem is about Christ returning and converting the Jews or killing them. There is a history professor at the University of North Texas named Elizabeth Oldmixon who studies nothing but this bizarre connection between the evangelicals and Israel and now Trump. Vox interviewed her and got to the whole convert or die thing, quoting her. They believe that before Christ will return, there will be a tribulation where Christ defeats evil, there will be natural disasters and wars, and perhaps an anti Christ, as the Book of Revelations notes. Then at the end of that period, the people of the Mosaic Covenant, including the Jews, will convert. Then after their conversion, the great Millennium starts. Now, the Vox reporter quite naturally asked the following question, and uh, what about the people who don't convert? What becomes of them? Professor Old Nixon answered, quote, Well, according to the evangelicals who believe this, they'll end up with the rest of the unsaved, which means they'll be wiped out and sent to Hell. Nice huh. Trump's support for Israel is based on his need for evangelicals to support him, and the evangelicals support Israel because later on in episode two, all the Jews are converted or killed. So, if you want to take the darkest view of that last sentence from Trump, us Jews have to get their act together and appreciate what they have in Israel before it is too late. He's literally warning them about annihilation. Now, if that interpretation seems extreme to you, well maybe, but consider some ancient Trumpian history on the subject of Trump and Hitler. Hitler was first invoked by Hitler, was first made relevant by Trump. It is not quite two months yet since his former chief of staff, General Kelly, demanded to know why quote you ff in General's why can't you be like the German generals in World War Two? And when challenged with the fact by Kelly that it was German generals who tried to kill Hitler, Trump shouted Kelly down and said, no, no, no, they were totally loyal to him. And it is four years since Trump, at a commemoration of the dead of World War One, said to Kelly, quote, well, Hitler did a lot of good things, and then talked about Hitler's economic improvements. And it is thirty two years thirty two years ago, last month since Marie Brenner wrote in Vanity Fair, Vanna Trump told her lawyer that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speech is which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed. And then this reporter, Brenner asks Trump if his cousin John gave him that book, and Trump says, actually, it was my friend Marty Davis from Paramount who gave me a copy of mine. Comp And then it was Marty Davis, who said, no, he didn't give Trump that Hitler book Mine Coff. He gave him Hitler's My New Order, which was Hitler's book of his own favorite speeches. And Trump comes back and then tells Marie Brenner, if I had these speeches, and I'm not saying that I do, I would never read them. There was another quote in that article from thirty two years ago this month, attributed to one of the attorneys. Donald the lawyer said is a believer in the big lie theory. If you say something again and again, people will believe you. Donald Trump, author of the Big Lie. Well, by the way, Trump who at best scolded America's Jews and doubted their loyalty to both their country and to Israel, and who at worst played into this convert or die prophecy of the Evangelicals, and who used to keep Hitler's speeches by his bedside, and who picked up Hitler's campaign habit of holding rallies at airports so he could descend from the heavens and invoke divinity of some sort in his super airplane. Trump endorsed Lee Zelden for Governor of New York State yesterday. Les Eldon is Jewish, and though Trump just threatened him and every other Jewish person in this country one way or the other, les Eldon did not refuse the endorsement. This is a special edition of Countdown because I felt that Trump opened a can of worms with that get their act together before it is too late, posting We'll look inside the can of worms next yea more Now on the aftermath of Trump's social media post yesterday threatening, as he called them, quote people of the Jewish faith, especially those living in the US. Eleven days ago, now the House Judiciary GOP Twitter account that's supposedly run by Jim Jordan of Ohio posted a three word tweet quote Kanye Ellen Trump as the kids say, that's your aged. Well, but at least it brought us some insight. Trump's buddy and stooge, Kanye West, has now gone on what is at least his third deranged anti Semitic rant in the last two weeks. One of them was so bad the producers of the program scrapped the entire show and may have burned the actual recording. But the producers of the podcast Drink Tramps, they burned nothing but what was left of Kanye West's reputation. We made the White Lives Matter tease, and then when I put up the tweet, the deaf com tweet, now he ain't he ain't releasing the tea because he's Jewish. And I'm like, see, this is my exact point that I'm making, Like Jewish people have owned the black voice, whether it's through us wearing a Raffle Wren shirt, or it's all of us being signed to a record label, or having a Jewish manager, or being signed to a Jewish basketball team, or doing a movie on a Jewish platform like Disney, and we understand. It's like I respect what the jew Jewish people have done and how they brought their people together. You know, they came into money, uh through the lawyers when after Wall Street, when um, when all of the um, like the Catholics, they wouldn't they wouldn't divorce people. So the Jewish lawyers came and they were willing to divorce people. That's when they first came into their money. So like say, with me and Jay, were are our culture with the with the darker Jews first of all, because you got that happens when anybody starts talking dp okay with the with the darker Jews, the twelve Lost Tribes of Israel. Who we are because we're Jewish. Also we're from Africa. Also we're the blood of Christ. So we're not just black. We are Jews, just like the Jewish people. And now we're coming into money. But the main thing is I gotta drink the douce say over the Hennessee as the first step to us coming together, like how the Jewish people came together, but we couldn't even talk about I remember Ben Horrow has called me after four for four said, I don't know about Jay giving up business, Jewish business secrets and these secrets who were talking about building up the properties and stuff like that, these secrets. Can they infinity a secret? No more? Somewhere Walt Disney would like a word with Kanye West Man. He is just unhinged. And yet Donald Trump's man. Here, if you've forgotten, is where this started, around the time of West threatening to go death Con three on the Jews. By now, I guess you have heard that the Vice news site Motherboard got hold of outtakes from the Tucker Carlson interview with West. My first impression was, my god, this is one of the greatest editing jobs of all time. Quote. The enemies of his ideas dismissed West, Tucks and Carlson said on Fox as they have for years, as mentally ill, too crazy to take seriously, look away, ignore him. He's a mental patient. Is West crazy? You can judge for yourself as you watch what are about to show you, well, sir. They cut this part out. Planned Parenthood was made by Margaret Sanger and known eugenics with the KKK two control the Jew population. When I say ju, I mean the twelve lost tribes of Judah, the blood of Christ, who the race, the people known as the race Black for the r It's like seven crazy things just in that one SoundBite, and Motherboard did not upload another clip in which it says West told Carlson that fake children were sent to his home. He identified one of them by name and quote, I mean like actors, professional actors placed into my house to sexualize my kids. He said that the son of an associate of his was not her real son. Quote we don't. We didn't even believe that this person was her son because he was way smarter than her. Right. But they did post this Kanye West clip about his kids, and back we go to your favorite anti Semitic tropes. And now you look up and my kids are going to a school that teaches black kids a complicated Kwanza. I prefer my kids new Hanaka, the Kuanza. At least it will come with some financial engineering Kwanza, doesn't you know? So they don't teach even Christmas itself Christ's Mass. Monday Night, Tucker Carlson did an entire follow up segment on Kanye West, and not once did he mention his anti Semitic threats on Twitter. Kanye Ellen, Trump add a fourth name, perhaps the New Apostolic Reformation. You want some serious religious hatred, how about people for whom anti Semitism is not enough. They hate all of us, and they intend to run the government and run it against us. That's next. This is Countdown to continue with this special edition of Countdown in the wake of Trump's social media post demanding quote us Jews have to get their act together and appreciate what they have in Israel before it is too late exclamation point. Besides the connection to the evangelicals return of Christ rapture all the Jews convert or die jazz, there is another part to this, Trump is again portraying to the evangelicals the Jews as part of the other, and in the other, they have plenty of company. For a lot of fundamentalists, politics is everything, because politics is how they will get rid of the other, which is you, me, everybody who isn't a fundamentalist Christian. This is from the August twenty edition of Countdown. For at least the second time in a month, Florida Governor Ron de Santis closed a political speech by telling a rabid theocratic crowd quote put on the full armor of God, take a stand against the Left's scheme. But unlike to Satis's previous conflation of religion and politics, this was not in his home state. It was in Pittsburgh on behalf of the Republican nominee for Governor of Pennsylvania, Dug Mastriano. And Mastriano in turn, is being protected on the campaign trail by his own private security team, led by a self professed minister of the Lifegate Evangelical Church named James Emery. And James Emery, in turn, says one of the other members of the Mastriano guard is Scot Nagel, who was until recently listed as a regional leader of the Oath Keepers militia. And this is just the beginning. The New Apostolic Reformation is bringing its Reawakened America tour. Yes, the APT acronym is rated to Mannheim, Pennsylvania in October. And guess what They're not going to be there to support John Fetterman for governor. This is not just your average snakes and exorcisms religious nut crowd. This one has merged with the Trump nut crowd. Featured tours. Speakers for rat run the gamut from the well known Cristo fascists like these new Apostles and Pastor Mark Burns and Pastor Phil Hodson Piller who says the Bible proves CNN is Chinese, and Mike Lindell from them to General Michael Flynn to Alex Jones to Roger Stone, to Ken Paxton, to Cash Patel to Donald Trump Jr. It was not Sinclair Lewis who wrote when fascism comes to am Arca, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying across And also the quote leaves out the last element, it will be firing guns. Its ultimate target is the secular government of the United States. It's short term target is the Democratic Party and also members of other religions. The new polling of registered voters taken by NBC News after the search at Marilago, gives some hope that at least some people are beginning to at least recognize the danger most important issue, with percentages reading up crime six percent, abortion eight, climate change nine, immigration thirteen, jobs, slash economy fourteen, cost of living sixteen, threats to democracy one. Of course, there is an asterisk there at Yes, it is impressive that more than a fifth of all voters see threats to democracy as the biggest issue of the day, but in the mice type of the poll there is no party breakdown between Democrats and Republicans, so we don't know how many Democrats oppose threats to democracy as opposed to the Republicans who favor them. God knows. These threats are cascading down upon us, and to go all Biblical on you, it's time for the scales to fall from your eyes about them. The threat to democracy is groups like the New Apostles and their rat tour. They have declared war on this country and the only great replacement that Tucker Jiminy glick, Carlson keeps repeating, like a sprinkler going off is actually a description of what the Evangelicals want to do with and to the rest of us. And they are acting with impunity now and impunity imparted to them by Trump and the ancient creaking we have all the time in the world government that does not understand this threat nor its imminence. On Saturday night, a former candidate and a Republican primary for the House from the New Jersey third dropped out of the race for the school board of Hamilton's township that's next to Trenton, adjoining where else the Pennsylvania border. Nicholas Ferrara said only in light of recent events, I will be dropping out. Best to luck to the other candidates. Those quote recent events unquote were the uncovering by Politico of Ferrara's posts on the extremist site GAB from January. Quote I'm all four in capital letters quote execution of the Marxist Communist Jews, who really are fake jew Luciferian Synagogue of Satan effers. So a down and dirty assessment of each and every Jew and every person of every religion must be made on an individual basis to separate the wheat from the chaff. The chaff gets thrown into the lake of fire. End psychotic quote. Take this man seriously. He is not some guy living in the woods burning his own excrement for fuel. He is a real estate agent and attorney. He claims to have finished second in his class at Rutgers Law School. He posted all of that about executing the Jews and then ran for the Republican nomination for the United States House of Representatives. There were thirty two thou votes. This pig got twenty eight hundred of them. When he dropped out of the school board race because he called for another holocaust. He didn't even try to apologize or distance himself. This is a man who should be receiving care somewhere. They are all men and women who should be receiving care somewhere. But in the last thirty years we have let down our guard and our understanding of how easily people will join cults and crackpot religions and authoritarian groups and the worshippers of one man rule. These people are the threats to democracy, and Doug Mascriano and Ron de Santis are ready to use these people to gain personal power. Ron de Santis as my friend of half a century. The Philadelphia newswriter Will Bunch noted, at five ft eight, Ron de Santis is the living embodiment of what a later friend of mine, the Great Jimmy Breslan, once wrote about Rudy Giuliani. He's a small man in search of a balcony. We must stop the small man now. We must destroy the balconies now before it is too late. And this Ferrara is just the worst of the ones from just this past weekend. Mark Fincham is the election denying Republican candidate for Secretary of State in Arizona, Carry Lake, the washed up newscaster from that state who saw a career opportunity in fascism and is now the Republican nominee for governor of that state. Fincham and Lake had each endorsed Jaren Jackson, one of the Republicans in the runoff for the seat in the Oklahoma State Senate race in District Too, that's just northeast of Tulsa. It turned out Friday that Jackson has said, quote, I'm not beholden to Jews or any other groups. I ain't owned by the Jews. All Jews will go to hell if they don't believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ, just like everybody else unquote. But wait, Jackson is an equal opportunity gutter snipe. L G t b Q, he says, is using language designed by Satan. L G t b Q is the gateway to pedophilia unquote. When carry Lake's endorsement of Jackson was called out by the Arizona Congressman Reuben Diego, carry Lake responded by attacking Diego. Finally, somebody with half a brain in her campaign convinced her to say something else. Quote. I obviously rescind my indorsement, she said, if his reported comments are true. If and as of Sunday night, Fincham has not only not rescinded his endorsement of this Jackson, he hasn't even addressed the vile vile. Not surprising, Fincham was endorsed by GABS CEO Andrew Torba, who claims America is run by a quote Judeo Bolshevik group. Fincham hasn't repudiated Torba either. Lake's action was almost a surprise. CNN reports that last November, she posed at a campaign event with Grayson Arnold, whom CNN identified as a Nazi sympathizer who calls Hitler quote a complicated historical figure which many people misunderstand. As crazy as this sounds, if this were all somehow limited to religion and religious prejudice, we might still get a handle on it. America has ground religious prejudice into the dirt before, and we could do it again. But Saturday, in Florida, a Republican primary candidate for Congress from the sixteenth that's Sara Sota Florida, Martin Hyde, posted a video to YouTube saying that the FBI search for missing nuclear documents at Trump's crap shack was an assault on every American and quoting Hide, I wish they'd turn up at my home because they'd have gone home in a body bag. Nothing further from Hide, nor from the Republican Party. And Hide is on the ballot tomorrow. And it was the worst statement by a Florida Republican in nearly twenty four hours on Friday, Luis Miguel, the Republican running for the State House in Florida District twenty that's st. Augustine, tweeted quote, under my plan all Floridians will be able to shoot FBI, I, R, S, A, T F and all other federal troops on site. Twitter. Twitter immediately banned this idiot Luis Miguel the Republican Party. Luis Miguel is still on the primary ballot tomorrow. These are all from this past weekend. Only these people are the proverbial, clear and present danger to the country. They do not believe in democracy, they do not believe in elections, they do not believe in laws. They believe in authoritarian fascism. And if they give you a chance to ask why or on what basis, they will say God told me, or Trump told me, or Trump is God, or I don't have to answer your goddamn questions. What further evidence do any of us need? The New York Republican House candidates saying Merrick Garland coach should be executed and we could go, then saying, oh, I was just being facetious. The Nazi flags outside the Turning Point US A youth conference on July. The Ohio state representative who wants the Holocaust to be taught from all perspectives, including that of a Nazi soldier. The Alabama government ordering a reporter out of an official event because her skirt and her open toad shoes were too revealing, too revealing for her to report from and be a witness to an ex secution. The Texas State Republican Party adopting a plank reading quote homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle choice on June eighteenth and calling for the repeal of the nineteen Voting Rights Act and replacing the public vote in Texas with a Texas State Electoral College. The former Solicitor General of Texas trying to restrict anti HIV drugs because he thinks they quote encourage homosexual behavior, prostitution, sexual promiscuity. Senate candidate J D. Vans trying to limit divorce in Ohio last month. Senator Braun of Indiana saying interracial marriage should be left to the states. The Trump supporters buying CNN the richest of them, saying it should now model its programming after Brett Bear on Fox Nudes, or maybe we should go back to the source to original material from that group I mentioned first here, the New Apostolic Reformation. This is them in it Anta in July packed arena, thousands of people chanting with them. New Apostolic Reformation, and are mixed with Maga, mixed with a thing called flashpoint and the turnaround. And this this nightmare, this ultimate threat to democracy, the recitation of something they call the Watchman decree. Whereas we the Church are God's story. Whereas we happy given leave from Him and now exercise our whereas we are gods and mass, whereas we are the world influencers. Where else, because we are equipped to destroy were That's their leader Dutch. Dutch goes on for nearly four minutes. Let me cut to the chase we will, we will God that was worthy of Nuremberg rallies Dutch. The Watchman decree, people publicly announcing that the laws, the elections, the history of this country are no longer valid. That they believe God has anointed Trump. For they pretend to believe that God has anointed Trump and that they are in charge. That they quote have been given legal power from Heaven and now exercise our authority. And what do we do now? On Thursday, a man named Oliver Yannick was arrested at a resort in Tablas in the Philippines. The government considered him a fugitive from justice. In Germany, and had acted in coordination with the German embassy. In April, a court in Munich had issued a warrant for Oliver Yannick for public incitement to commit criminal offenses. Specifically, this Oliver Yannick was charged with telling his social media followers to execute politicians. The Germans, with the help of the government of the Philippines not exactly liberal Land, have a rested him and he will be returned for trial in Munich. How many of these people here in America walking around free right now? How many of these threats to democracy that are finally perceived as the most important issue, not just in an election, but the most important issue of our time. How many of them have used social media or other public platforms to call for executions. It's called stochastic terrorism, terrorism by proxy. I say it, you do it. Eleven days ago a man had heard only a few days worth of these sirens calls, and he tried to get into the FBI headquarters in Cincinnati to kill FBI agents. I'm sorry, it is the last question I want to ask. It is the last step I want to contemplate. But as calls for executions, executions of religious minorities, that's what the candidates said, kill all of the Jews. X Accutions of FBI agents, that's what the other candidates said, executions of the Attorney general. As these calls ring out from people in every corner of this Christo fascist movement, where are the arrest warrants for those who threatened American leaders and American FBI agents and ordinary American citizens with death? Let's countdown. Most of our music, including our theme from Beethoven's Ninth was arranged, produced and performed by Brian Ray and John Philip Shanelle, who are the Countdown musical directors. All orchestration and keyboards by John Philip Chanelle, guitars based on drums by Brian Ray, produced by T K O Brothers. Other Beethoven selections have been arranged and performed by No horns allowed. Let's countdown for this the six fiftieth day since Donald Trump's first attempted coup against the democratically elected government of the United States. Arrest him now while we still can a new episode tomorrow. Until then, I'm Keith old Reman. Good morning, good afternoon, goodnight, and good luck. Countdown with Keith Olderman is a production of I heart Radio. For more podcasts from I heart Radio, visit the I heart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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