A BLOCK (1:48) SPECIAL COMMENT: "Simply because people disagree with a (Court) Opinion," says Chief Justice John Roberts over the weekend in Colorado, "is not a basis for questioning the legitimacy of The (Supreme) Court." Firstly: of COURSE it is! (2:50) Ever heard of Dred Scott, Johnny? (3:54) Secondly: that is hardly the primary reason your court's legitimacy is being questioned. It's being questioned because the Supreme Court has been poisoned by Conservatives. One Justice's wife is an insurrectionist. Another Justice is there because a Senate Majority Leader made up a phony rule. A third is there because the same Leader didn't FOLLOW the phony rule. At least three of them lied to the Senate. Alito gave a political speech mocking anybody who opposed him, or wasn't Catholic. It's time for Chief Justice Roberts to resign! (7:19) Judicial corruption is so pervasive that the "Special Master" Trump proposed to a judge he appointed, is the husband of one of the judges he appointed to the appeals court that next gets his case! (7:58) Happily the Department of Justice has offered Judge Cannon a climbdown from her decision to threaten National Security. (10:00) May video from London's Daily Mail has new significance: it shows Trump taking boxes of stuff from Mar-a-Lago to his golf course in New Jersey three days after the National Archives emailed about missing stuff (10:55) and last night we saw more video of Trump and private jets, ferrying him from New Jersey to DC sparking all kinds of speculation with the easiest explanation: he has another golf course near Dulles Airport (11:15) No, I don't know why he went, but the last time we saw him go to a golf course he buried a wife in it. Has Trump got anybody he needs to bury?
B BLOCK: (15:20) EVERY DOG HAS ITS DAY: Janet the Boston Terrier in New Jersey (16:40) POSTSCRIPTS TO THE NEWS: Looks like the Russians are losing badly in Ukraine; a Kansas sheriff thinks he's going to war against the IRS, and the Royal Beekeeper has let the bees know the bad news about Queen Elizabeth. (19:55) IN SPORTS: Mahomes' hand is fine, Aaron Rodgers' head isn't (and it's probably my fault), who drew the line at Soldier Field, and Baseball shorts Doc White (24:10) THE WORST PERSONS IN THE WORLD: CNN's Jake Tapper vies with Mike Pence and Kimberly "The New King Is My Friend" Guilfoyle for the honors.
C BLOCK: (29:05) THINGS I PROMISED NOT TO TELL: The strange tale of how ESPN wanted me to take on New York radio legends (and illiterates) Francesa and Russo, but fate intervened.
Countdown with Keith Oldman is a production of I Heart Radio. The Chief Justice of the United States should probably resign after that. There are a lot of clueless public figures today, but can you name one who has sounded more clueless recently then John Roberts did over the weekend at the just concluded Tenth Circuit Bench and Bar conference in Colorado. Simply because people disagree with an opinion is not a basis for questioning the legitimacy of the court. John Roberts is talking about the blowback to the Supreme Court for having overturned Roe v. Wade, and he is so wrong it is nearly impossible for him to continue as Chief Justice. Firstly, that is not the only basis for questioning legitimacy of the Supreme Court. It right at the moment, John, I'll get to that in a moment, But just as a statement, quote, because people disagree with an opinion is not a basis for questioning the legitimacy of the Court. That is not only nonsense, it is historically proven nonsense. There have only been seventeen Chief Justices of the United States. You would think one of them Roberts would know about his predecessors, like one of them, Roger B. Tawney, who oversaw a Supreme Court so disconnected from reality, whose opinions were so disagreed with that they were literally ignored, and the Supreme Court itself was irrelevant in American life were nearly a decade. The primary decision that nearly destroyed the Tawny Supreme Court and nearly destroyed the Supreme Court forever was dread Scott, which forced a freeman back into slavery, as the Roberts Court ruling on Dobbs will force American women to give birth against their will to become breeding slaves. But there's actually an even bigger issue than the at A title wave is going to wash away the Roberts Supreme Court change its size and composition at the minimum, and it will put John Roberts next to Roger B. Tawney on the shortlist of the most infamous Chief Justices of all time. And he thinks it's about their verdict, not the political corruption and subversion of the Constitution that has delegitimized his court. Listen to more of John Roberts from this Colorado conference over the weeknd. The Court doesn't retain its legitimate function of interpreting the constitution. Um, I'm not sure who would take up that mantle. You don't want the political branches telling you what the law is. You don't want the political branches telling you what the law is, John Roberts, could you be any more naive? One Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas is the husband of a January six insurrectionist, a pure example of the political branches, specifically one political party, telling you what the law is. Another Supreme Court Justice, Neil Gorsuch, has his seat solely because the political branches, specifically one politician, the then Senate majority leader, made up a rule permitting him to deny even adhering to the Supreme Court nominee of the president from the other political party. Another Supreme Court Justice, a glorified paralegal named Amy Coney Barrett, has her seat solely because, after promising to apply that made up rule in all future identical circumstances, the political branches, specifically the leading politicians of the then Senate majority lied and did not apply that made up rule. All three of those justices and probably a fourth lied under oath to the Senate during their confirmation hearings in writing the opinion to overturn Roe v. Wade, yet another Justice, Samuel Alito, not only cited as legal president the hallucinations of a seventeenth century British judge who used to hang witches, but he then gave a purely political speech in another country, mocking those in his country, our country, who disagreed with the witch hanger and with him and with his personal religion. Chief Justice Roberts, you don't want the political branches telling you what the law is. You preside over a political whorehouse under your stewardship, Roberts, the Supreme Court has less legal authenticity than the Shariah courts of Iran. You have taken two hundred and thirty three years of American Supreme Court history, which survived even Roger B. Tawney and dread Scott, and destroyed its legitimacy. All of you are wrong on the facts, wrong on the precedence, wrong on your understanding of how to conduct yourselves simply as citizens of this country. Simply because people disagree with an opinion is not a basis for questioning the legitimacy of the court. We do question the legitimacy of your court Mr Roberts, just because of a decision that the Senate will sooner or later erase. We question the legitimacy of your court, Mr Roberts, because you and your court are illegitimate. Whatever happens with Clarence and Jinny Thomas, with the unspeakable Elito, with the naive Little Roberts, with Trump and the Special Master case today and this week, all of it adds up to something I don't know if this country can accomplish in time to save democracy. The judicial branch has been amazingly corrupted and delegitimized, if what is happening on the Supreme Court, and how amazingly John Roberts is unaware of that, We're not evidence enough the names of the would be Special Masters in the legal attempt to cover up Trump's international nuclear espionage crimes. That would do the trick as well. One of the two nominees for Special Master Trump has just nominated to the judge on this court that he appointed is not only the husband of yet another judge Trump appointed to the Appeals Court that gets this case. Actor this judge has done with it, but he is the husband of somebody who was on a shortlist of possible Trump Supreme Court nominees. The proposed Special Master is also known as quote the godfather of the Federalist Society in Miami. It is indefensible, it is incestuous, It is unspeakably morally corrupt. Happily, it also might be academic. As I suggested here last week, Judge Eileen Canon has threatened national security. She has been apprized of this, not from this podcast, but from the Defense Department and the Department of Justice. In the d J request that she walked back as much of this as she can as quickly as possible. Politico boiled it down. They told Cannon that she now has personally held up the intelligence assessment of how much espionage has damaged the country's defense, to say nothing of its defense partnerships with other countries. So the d o J offered the judge a deal. Exclude the hundred most classified documents from the view of any Special Master, and they'll give Trump back everything else he stole from the United States of America. Justice also told Cannon that she's going to look terrible when her decision is reversed on appeal, because there is no court in this country, not even a politically corrupted one which could hope to survive ruling that Trump is the rightful owner of a hundred classified nuclear documents or can use any legal trip to keep prosecutors from using them against him. Trump's lawyers were to respond to this deal, which Judge Eileen Cannon would be well advised to take sometime Monday, Well, guess what they're going to say. What matters, of course, is how the judge responds in the interim. Got another one right, Building on what Ryan Gooden observed that the original search warrant was not exclusive to Marilago, but referred to all of Trump's properties. I suggested here last week that not only should mari Lago have been searched, but also Trump's Bedminster golf course and Trump Tower in New York. And forgive me for quoting myself, but here's what the script said. And sealed off and closed to the public indefinitely, months, years, whatever, until we are confident there are no more documents describing a foreign government's military defenses, including its nuclear capabilities, of the thousands of documents stolen by this trader at Trump. And now you've seen the London Daily Mail video of Trump getting on a private plane on May nine in Palm Beach with chas now new meaning to it. The nearest airport, of course, to Mari Lago is Palm Beach, and he was headed for the nearest airport to Bedminster, New Jersey. And you've seen this video that he boards and the flunkeys around him are loading bankers boxes on board the private jet to take from Mari Lago to Bedminster with him. This was three days after the National Archives emailed Trump's attorneys about classified material that seemed to be missing and might be at Mari Lago. There's another twist here that flows back towards where we started in this putridcy of judicial corruption. A suggestion over the weekend that the Department of Justice may just reset the odds on getting an honest judge and file against Trump, not in Florida but in Washington, And that in turn circles back to the rather remarkable scenes at dinner time last night. Another private jet, another long distance lens shot of Trump boarding it, Another long distance lens shot of Trump descending its stairs. He flew from New Jersey to Dulles Airport outside Washington at dusk Sunday. This has been interpreted as portending everything everything from his arrest to his restoration, to officially announcing his candidacy, to offering proof that he did not post the claim that Queen Elizabeth secretly neithered him, or maybe offering proof that he did and she did. As always, in this time of conspiracy theories and hopes overtaking realities, the simplest explanation is the safest, and Donald Trump is the simplest. The likeliest reason for him going anywhere is golf. He owns the National Golf Course in Potomac Falls, Virginia, mere dullest airport. Of course, there is one final conspiracy twist that I don't mind speculating about. The Last time we saw him go to one of his golf courses, he was burying his first wife there. Huh do we know if he needs to bury anybody at the golf course in Virginia? Still ahead on countdown. Don't look now, But there's something funny going on over in Ukraine. I've never really seen one before, but that's got all the earmarks of being a run. The Russians appear to be fleeing in sports. What was going on on the sidelines at Soldier Field in Chicago before the Bears game yesterday. Not players or coaches doing weird things. I mean the sidelines themselves. They weren't you know lines, They were all crooked E and curve did e. Worst persons, what's the last thing you want to hear in the days before you become King of England, after you've waited seventy years for the job. How about having Kimberly Gilfoyle claimed that you two guys are friends. Hello? That's next? This discountdown. This is countdown with Keith Olberman still ahead on countdown. Patrick Mahomes hand is hurt. Oh maybe not. He just throw five touchdown passes. Sports News Worst Persons coming up first. In each edition of Countdown, we feature a dog in need whom you can help. Every dog has its day today. That's Janet. Janet is a five year old Boston Terrier in New Jersey, used for years for breeding at a puppy mill. When she began to lose weight, they threw her away literally. Outcast Rescue found her and is getting her treated, hopefully adopted a loving home after five years of slavery. The weight loss turns out to be just an infection. Their fundraising goal via Cuddley is just five forty bucks. You can donate directly via that website Cuddly, look for Janet in New Jersey, or you can find my tweet about Janet's fundraiser on my Twitter account for dogs in Need at Tom Jumbo Grumbo and thank you very much. Coming up and countdown. Kimberly Gilfoyle insists she and the new King of England are friends, and Jake Tapper as sure as his new CNN fascist bosses, that he will be their friend and say whatever they want. First postscripts to the news, some headlines, some thoughts, some snark. Dateline Kiev, Ukraine. If you know anything about the First World War, you know that at one point Russian soldiers simply gave up, started running away and oh, by the way, a little ticked off at not being sufficient we supplied. They shot a lot of their own officers on the way home. We don't know about the shooting the officers stuff yet, but they're certainly reenacting the fleeing part, abandoning territory. They had one around Kharkiva and Carson in Ukraine, while Russian state TV commentators who had previously been fantasizing about beating the United States and some sort of nuclear war as a result of Ukraine now blame each other for what went wrong in Ukraine. Several news organizations in the area reporting the surest sign yet of a possible Russian collapse. The Kremlin has reportedly postponed its plans to stage the sham annexation referendums in Ukrainian regions. They thought they had one dateline Topeka. Maybe it's wheat blindness, Maybe it's just delusions of grandeur. The sheriff of Johnson County, Kansas, Calvin Hayden, says he thinks he's going to have to deploy his deputies to repel eighties seven thousand new I r S agents invading county. Calvin here says, quote, it's important for us to have an army that you can depend on, because I will tell you they're gonna have every r S agent in the United States come to Johnson County, Kansas before they start doing the crap they're doing. We're gonna be five hundred strong and we'll do what we need to do. If Calvin doesn't sound crazy enough, turns out he also believes that as sheriff. He has the authority to order the FBI to leave his town, but he doesn't have that authority against the I R S. Calvin says the I r S can enter the homes of US residents without a warrant. Calvin's official biography a Sheriff includes this note. He quote also has a distinguished record of community involvement, including serving on the boards of the Consolidated Rural Water District Number six and number seven. Calvin also believes nobody realizes he dyes his hair and dateline Buckingham Palace. They have told the bees. The British Royal beekeeper John Chapel has confirmed that he has onto each of the palace bee hives to inform the residents there that Queen Elizabeth has gone to the Great Apiary in the sky. Mr Chappell says he's tied morning cloth to each hive and then quote, you knock on each hive and say the mistress is dead, but don't you go. Your master will be a good master to you. British newspapers say this is a b tradition thought to date back centuries, although reading through all the background on this stuff, I'm thinking it may just be a case that the Royal beekeeper's hat is too tight. This is Sports Center. Wait, check that not anymore. This is Countdown with Keith Alberman in Sports Early in the first quarter in Glendale, Arizona, yesterday, the left wrist of quarterback Patrick Mahomes of the Kansas City Chiefs looked so hurt that the discussion was only about what they would find when they X rated after the game. Mahomes then threw five touchdown passes in KC beat Arizona. The Packers lost in Minnesota seven. The highlight down ten zip Aaron I'm immunized Rogers shown sitting on the sidelines, gesticulating at a coach and at a tablet, presumably trying to figure out a way to blame my tweets about him for his failures. Another indeubible image from the first Sunday of the NFL season before the Bears forty Niners game in Chicago. The signline painted onto the field nearest the visitors bench was wobbly, not a straight line. We're talking alternating slight curves to the inside and then to the outside and then to the inside again, maybe five degrees each way, spanning about thirty five yards in total, the side line looked like a pool noodle. The Bears promptly beat the nineteen to ten. For Chicago's next game on the twenty five at home, expect the sideline to be shaped like the design on Charlie Brown's sweater. Baseball George W. Bush was part of the Texas Rangers commemoration of nine eleven, marking we believe the first time he actually paid attention to anything about nine eleven. In awful news, on the same front, the former Atlanta Braves relief pitcher Anthony Barbaro, who retired in two thousand sixteen to become a New York part Authority policeman, was killed while driving to work at the nine eleven memorial at the World Trade Center site. Yesterday, on the field, Albert pooh Hole's hit his six d career homer to pass Alex Rodriguez for fourth place all time as the St. Louis Cardinals beat Pittsburgh four to three, raising the stakes in the fascinating scenario that pool Holes is supposed to retire in a month, whether or not he has hit his seven hundredth career home run or even perhaps gotten close to Babe Ruth seven and fourteen to be remembered. Detroit Tigers Hall of Famer Al kay Line said he was retiring after the nineteen seventy four season. He hit his three home run on September eighteenth of that year, and then in the next twelve games hit none, and he retired with three homers and not four hundred. The Dodgers clinched their playoff berth yesterday, and baseball again humiliated itself historically. Pitchers Zach Gallon gave up a run yesterday, the first he has allowed in forty four innings. The Arizona Diamondbacks, one of the worst organizations in sports, had to make more out of the streak than it really was. Not only did they claim Gallan's record was forty four and one third scoreless innings, and you can't have a partial scoreless inning. An inning is either scoreless or it's not scoreless. But in any event, they called it the seventh longest streak in baseball history. In fact, it is only the eighth longest streak. The list of Diamondbacks and Major League Baseball's website put out left out the original record shutout streak forty five innings five straight shutouts complete games by Doc White of the three Chicago White Sox. That was the record. When Don Drysdale beat it in n was a big ceremony and everything in. White sent a telegram to Drysdale. They just left it off the list. Baseball, while insisting Gallon's streak reached and one third innings also on the list, shortened Don drysdale streak from fifty eight and two thirds innings to just fifty eight, because apparently you can have one third of a scoreless inning, but you may not have two thirds of a scoreless inning still ahead. It's one of the least important but weirdest things that ever happened in my career. I almost went back to work for ESPN in two thousand one. That it did not happen was a small solace in a terrible time for them and for me. First, the daily roundup of the misgrants, morons and Dunning Kruger effect specimens who constitute today's west pleasings in the world le Bronze former Vice President Mike Pence. There's dumb and then there's Mike Pence. It literally took him a week to compose a tweet criticizing the president's speech in Philadelphia, and he wrote, never before in the history of our nation as a president stood before the American people and accused millions of his own countrymen of being a threat to this country. Mike, as a preface, who was that guy again who tried to get his mob of thugs to hang you? And if you don't want to be personal about it, Mike, there was Trump's speech in Orlando June eighteen, two thousand nineteen, when he said Democrats quote are driven by hatred, prejudice, and rage. They want to destroy you, and they want to destroy our country. But Mike, go on, idiot. The runner up Kimberly Gilfoyle speaking of girlfriend of Junior Trump. She said something very curious. And this is very curious, even for Kimberly Gilfoyle quoting wishing my friend King Charles the Third all the best. Wait, King Charles, the new guy is a is a friend of Kimberly Gilfoil, like like one of Kimberly Gilfoil's friends, somebody Kimberly Guilfoil screeched at once somewhere and got a selfie with or like one of the the Kimberly gilfoil friends, the photos of whose private parts are in an album. One of Gilfoyle's Fox News assistants testified she forced her to look at once that kind of friend. Who's next on the list? Have he has to resign? Who becomes the King? The kid, the bald kid, but our winner. Jake Tapper the latest CNN talking head to announce he has been intent on welcoming the former News Networks new insect overlord's Chris Licht and John Malone. Let me give Mr Licht his full title Chairman and Chief Executive Officers CNN Worldwide and guy who when we were at MSNBC together, I used to think eight paced on the air, Jake Tapper indicated he is going with the licked Malone conversion of CNN into Fox News with nicer looking studios by suggesting that President Biden should invite Donald Trump while he is under investigation for international nuclear espionage crimes against this country, he should invite Trump to join the American delegation to the funeral of Queen Elizabeth. Tapper also defended CNN's sketchy legal analyst Ellie Honig by launching an on air attack on MSNBC quoting him, a bunch of MSNBC legal commentators attacked you. Have they apologized at all? Have they acknowledged that they were wrong and you were right? Oh? My god, Jake, are we gonna do CNN MSNBC apologies? Now? How many do you guys owe me? Just over the Iraq War? Like fifty terrorism and other seventy five? And Jake, more importantly, did you kiss enough conservative ass? This week? CNN's Jake Tapper who was absolutely committed to making sure that he remains CNN's Jake Tapper two days worst person in the world, not of the number one story on the Countdown in my favorite topic, me and Things I promised not to tell the first time I ever heard either Christopher Russo or Mike Francessa on the air. I was the sports director of the CBS television station in Los Angeles. Because of when most big sporting events start, the reality that everybody in the East and the Midwest laments the game's end too late, especially for kids on the West Coast, it is exactly the opposite, the game's end way too early. Thus the Super Bowl or the n C Double A Finals, or a late running world series game or whatever is over at about nine pm local time at the latest. Sunday afternoon football has done at four A station like mine Channel two, which carried all of that in the late eighties and early nighties, thus had to do extra sports programming. I used to come on after the late CBS games on Sundays for an hour with NFL highlights, and often it would be the highest rated TV show in Los Angeles for the week after the World Series. We always did our own post post game show for at least an hour, and I remember one Saturday night when the CBS network n C double A basketball coverage ended about eight fifteen our time in l A. We stayed on the air until the eleven o'clock news started. Anyway, on one of those nights, CBS wrapped up it's postcame basketball coverage by taking one of its off air researchers and putting him on camera. All of us in the studio in l A were standing around watching waiting for them to finish, so we would jump into action, Me to my anchor desk, the camera people to their cameras, etcetera. They're probably ten of us in the room. Back in New York, The new guy making his TV debut was quote CBS college basketball expert Mike Francessa. They asked him for his assessment of something about I think Seaton Hall's team, and he said something like Lord got gout from the album. In our l a studio, there was about a five second pause, and then all of us burst into laughter simultaneously. I remember the studio audio guy, Bob, who had been in the building where all of CBS Radio used to broadcast from in the forties. He'd been in the building working there continuously sincere and he asked me, you're from New York. What the hell did that guy just say? And I said, I have no idea, because long ago, my father had warned me that if I wanted to go into broadcasting, I could not let myself talk like everybody else in the family and everybody else in the neighborhood we were from the Bronx. I had no idea what the god that's going through awesome people meant or even was. Later that year or maybe in nineteen ninety, I went home to New York to see my dad and my mother, and I must have been in the cab going back from the airport to the city, and the driver has on the new afternoon team on the still relatively new all sports radio station w f A N and I hear this guy Francessa and somebody else with it even worse New York accident who turned out to be this Christopher Russo. They're combined mangling of English was so impenetrable that I actually asked the driver, Hey, do you know is the announcers union after on strike or something? Are we listening to the station's janitors filling in? Almost by accident. A couple of years after that, I was one of the people who launched ESPN Radio and its original format of sports talk seven hours each night Saturday and Sunday night news opinions, endless guests, but no listener calls, and it was surprisingly successful, largely because there wasn't any competition in any event. By this point, Francessa and Russo were the kings of the very small but quickly growing sports talk field. They mentioned this fact occasionally, like every fifteen to twenty minutes. At least, That's what I'm told to this day, even though I am the descendant of proud five generations of nothing but new Yorkers. I really have never understood a single thing either of them has said. During the time I was in the field, Francesa and Russo did two things about ESPN Radio insulted on the air and then off the air, continuously try to get jobs at ESPN. This was made even hotter by the fact that when it launched our ESPN Radio weekend programming ran in New York on w f a N. In person, Russo was all, he's really nice. He often sneaked one of his sons onto the field at Yankee Stadium. Was obviously a devoted undoating father. Francessa is Russo's opposite. He is not liked and clearly does not want to be liked. In two thousand and one, something really weird happened. ESPN finally decided to go into competition with them and with w f a N. To my shock, given that I was then at the peak of the nuclear war that ESPN and I conducted from about through about two thousand five, an old friend from radio, who was now an upper management at ABC Radio approached me about being the first prime host at ESPN's new all sports station in New York, which ABC was going to launch for them drive time in the afternoons. I even had to sign a non disclosure agreement just to listen to him pitch me at a Starbucks on the idea of going head to head against Francessa and Russo every day I remember saying to him over and for again, are you sure you've cleared this with the headquarters at Bristol, you know where ESPN is. The money turned out to be insufficient, and the ESPN people were, surprise, surprise, not completely on board with the idea right at that moment, and the deadline for the launch of the first show was approaching so quickly that even after months of frustrating discussions, there was no chance we could get the deal done in time, and so we let the idea kind of peter out. It later turned out to bear fruit in many different ways. I went back to ESPN Radio four years later to work with Dan Patrick every day on his show, and then back full time with the ESPN in two thousand thirteen, and then back to Sports Center in two thousand eighteen. So it all worked out. But this is one of the strangest things that has ever happened, and it connects to our recent sad commemorations. And again, any time I talk about this, I want to make it clear I am not saying that anything that happened relative to me nearer or around September eleven was of any importance whatsoever, or that I had any kind of hard trip compared to anybody else. But it does throw you some perverse things sometimes, and in this case it was perverse, ominous, and even grotesque and a favor. I'm not equating what happened to me to the rest of the events of that time, but I still shudder when I consider that the planned start date of the competition for Francessa and Russo on w f A N, which was going to be called The Big Show with Keith Olderman, which was to begin on ESPN Radio New York. The start date was Monday, September two thousand one. I've done all the damage I can do here. Help me out. Give this thing a good review or ratings, subscribe or forward. It's somebody just lie. The Countdown theme is from Beethoven's Ninth arranged, produced and performed by Countdown musical directors Brian Ray and John Philip Chanelle. All orchestration and keyboards by John Philip Chanelle, guitars, bass and drums by Brian Ray, produced by t k O Brothers. Other Beethoven selections have been arranged and performed by No Horns Allowed. Our sports music the Old Woman theme from ESPN two, not from ESPN Radio New York, written by Mitch Warren Davis, courtesy of ESPN, Inc. Musical comments by Nancy Faust, the best baseball stadium organist ever, and our announcer today was John Deane. Let's countdown for this the si day since Donald Trump's first attempted coup against the democratically elected government of the United States. Arrest him now while we still can, new episode tomorrow. Till then, I'm Keith all Reman. Good morning, good afternoon, goodnight, and good luck. Countdown with Keith Old Woman is a production of I Heart Radio. 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