Are the best things in life still free?

Published Aug 14, 2018, 10:00 PM

Ever thought of your data as currency? When was the last time you read the privacy policy when you signed up to an online service? Who has the time? And what are you going to do if you don’t agree? 

Professor Maurice Stucke argues that what we all thought was free, is still actually costing us – it’s just not taking our money. Coining that now pervasive aphorism, in the digital world the currency is data and we may well be handing it over without knowing its true value. This is just one of a series of economic, political and social risks associated with the rise of large data-driven business models highlighted by Professor Stucke. 

In this episode of Competition Lore, Maurice Stucke explains how our data is powering digital platforms and outlines a regulatory and enforcement agenda for governments and competition authorities to keep a check on their power.

Here is just a sample of Maurice Stucke's  recent work:

No Mistake About It: The Important Role of Antitrust in the Era of Big Data, 2015 (with Allen Grunes)

Debunking the Myths Over Big Data and Antitrust, 2015 (with Allen Grunes)

Virtual Competition: The Promise and Perils of the Algorithm-Driven Economy, Harvard University Press, 2016 (with Ariel Ezrachi)

When Competition Fails to Optimize Quality: A Look at Search Engines, 2016 (with Ariel Ezrachi)

Big Data and Competition Policy, Oxford University Press, 2016 (with Allen Grunes)

How Digital Assistants Can Harm our Economy, Privacy, and Democracy, 2017 (with Ariel Ezrachi)

Should we be concerned about data-opolies?, 2018

Featuring regular cut-through interviews with leading thinkers, movers and shakers, Competition Lore is a podcast series that engages us all in a debate about the transformative potential and risks of digitalised competition.

Join Caron Beaton-Wells, Professor in Competition Law at the University of Melbourne, to tackle what it means to participate as a competitor, consumer or citizen in a digital economy and society.

Competition Lore is produced by Written & Recorded.