🎙️Bram Weinstein on Free Agency, NFL Draft & Best Plays Bracket | Get Loud | Washington Commanders

Published Mar 21, 2025, 11:15 AM
Leave Jenks & Smoot a voicemail at 703-726-7419 or send us an email at washingtongetloud@gmail.com (05:10) Commanders Free Agency (25:45) Voicemails (34:15) Bram Weinstein Joins the Show (58:00) 2024 Best Plays Bracket https://www.commanderscamp.com/ The views and opinions expressed by our podcast guests and/or hosts are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Washington Commanders or any of their representatives.

Coming up on a Get Loud podcast. Oh yeah, it's the off season for you guys. Yes, never stop for us, never stopped, never lost, never lost. We're gonna talk about free agency, also the NFL dragt. Yes, we're gonna bring in Brian Weinstein, give us some porters. Yeah, what does brim have to think about everything? He needs something to do?

He told us that, yeah he does, and we and Anna has created this breaking game because of course this time for the final fourth season best plays of the year.

Who wins mea jinks, It's gonna be a competition. That's coming up next.

Welcome to the Get Loud Podcast for everybody, Seat Geek this summer Seat Geek. Guys, your taken to the best live concerts in the DNB at Northwest Stadium.

See Geek, the official Tickety partner the Northwest Stadium. I'm Michael jenkinst smooth. Oh, how you doing? I'm good? Your new father? I am a new father and I have to ask you this. Are you a kid guy? Are you a dog guy? You know what's funny. I had a dog for a long time. What kind a basset hound? You should have named them? Slow Pope? She was slow Josie was slow. They low energy.

She went viral a few years ago and I started interacting with Chrissy Tigan on X. She was like, oh my god, I used to have baskets when I lived on Hawaii. So that one off for a couple of days. It was crazy because I did a video of her walking to get her bread next door. She passed away. And now I have a cat, So I've done both and I love my cat.

One thing about cats, they are very aloof you don't They're low attention. You don't have to give cats any attention. And I think dogs would make them the best friend. They just they gonna follow you no matter what, no matter what, no mail and would I can get up and go to the kitchen, Here come the dog. I can get up and go to the bedroom. Here come the dog. But I did. I just did add a new family member. He's a Yorkie Shaw Terrier name so not. His name is Little Finger aka Peter Baileish all right, and he is full of energy.

Listen for him to be five months old.

He literally jumps off the floor onto the kitchen table any time he wats.

Oh that puppy energy is crazy.

No it's and he just he has no laws right now, so he eats and shoes up pretty much everything. So now I'm gonna be forced to bring him to work with me because every time I leave because I'm believe in putting my dogs in cages.

Yeah, I just think it's just I don't like that makes me. I don't want to see any animal the cake. Yeah.

So therefore I'm gonna be forced to bring old little Finger to work with me because if I don't, he's gonna chew my house up and spit it out. He's been on a mission to get kicked out since I got him there.

So he's been running rogue as we speak, sounds like.

He's running rope right, like, Oh my gosh, and he's gonna come here. No, I'm gonna tipt the studio. I'm gonna tempt.

Him because like I walk in the house sometimes and I'm like, how did he How did he get there?

How did he get up there?

So I'm a tempting to put some ring like cameras in the in the kitchen and in the living room, just so i can see how is he getting these things done? Like he puts his mind to something and he goes gets it. I put these treats right, you've been in the kitchen before.

You know how high the cameras have been in the case.

Put the treats on the counter, left out, went to the grocery store, came back to bag, was ches real loaded the floor. I'm like how, First of all, how did he get on the countle?

That's what I want to know. How did he get on the counter. He tow it up and not just treats all over the ground.

So one he says, you're going to be in the house here and walk outside and be like, how's that dog behind the wheel of my car?

Listen, that's what type dude you. First of all, he's very smart. Yorkies are super stubborn and also very smart.

Very smart and very athletic. So I got to find a way to stop a little finger.

So does this mean you're a dog person?

Then I've been a dog person my whole life, Like I have never had a cat.

Funny thing, Okay, I got drafted here in No. One.

Rod Gardner went in the first round. I went in the second round. Me and Rob became cool close. Rod is sixty three. If you look on his Instagram now two hundred and forty pounds, just that wrestler. He tells me, smooth man, I like cats, I don't like dogs. I was like, you know you sawt right, So this is what I did. I went back to Shihuahuas. I gifted one of the shahuahs to Rod because I was like, man, you need a dog. I refuse to come over your house, and you got to cass.

You intentionally gave him a dog, intenly.

Gave him a puppy. I paid one thousand dollars for this puppy. Damn Chico and Wheezy is what we named. My dog was Chico. His dog was weak. I gave him Weezy on a Monday. The next Monday, he returned them to me from the Jeffersons. Did you name that dog.

After Okay Lituisey? I think he named after Lil Wayne.

But he returned it seven days later like I can't do it, And I like what you mean you can't do it?

He liked the dog using the bathroom. I like, that's what puppies do until you train them not to do that. He was like, I ain't had no dog. I don't want no dog.

Dogs were nasty, So I took the dog back and I had a naghbor at the time. They had a little daughter, she was around six seven, fell in love with him. So I ended up giving and my neighbors wheeze it, and I kept Chico. Yeah, incredible, Yeah, it happens. Well, now we get loud with dogs and we get out and we got the hot ticket percent of my seat. Geek this summer Seageek has You're taken to the best live concerts in the d NV at Northwest Stadium. See Geek, the official ticketing partner of Northwest Stadium. How about some dogs we signed in the off season. You know what, I have loved.

This off season because you know, I have always been one of these guys. Bring them on the beef. Where's the beef, where's the bacon?

I know, even though I've been part of them shining rims out there, playing corner, playing wide receivers. I know where the game has won it. The game won in the trench. Yeah, with the big uglies. So I looked at all the guys we got. We got some mountain of Amen's. When I say I'm talking about all of them, they are huge, right, and they are setting up to say you, we're not getting pushed around anymore.

Not only are we not getting pushed around, we're.

Going to work so hard in free agency that when we go into the draft, we're drafted only best player available.

That's what the great teams do.

Nobody, any team that goes in into the draft, a lot of New York Giants with.

Needs across the board. Across the board, your knees won't be met.

You know that, right, Because I can take a quarterback at one that don't mean he gonna be a great quarterback I can take.

I can take in the first pick of the second round.

I can take a wide receiver of running back that don't make them fill the gap. So that's why the best teams go into the draft and make sure they go into the draft not needing to address this one position.

So I'm not a prisoner to it.

They do it so I can load up rooms, so I can pack rooms. Who is the best player available, I'm drafting him. I don't care who we already got. We adding talent to the team, and that's what you want to do.

And they got talents and backup pieces on the line, and obviously trade for Larry Tunsul means that you're gonna protect Jay Daniels's.

Blindside, but also it allows you to build depth. That's that's huge, Jeremy Tumnsel. It's the mountain that moves Larry Tunsel.

Is that that security guard in the club that you look at one time and know he's gonna kick you out. This is the guy, This is the protective of all protect us. This is what you want. I don't know if you've seen him in person.

I have not seen him yet, but this is how you're gonna look at him. Oh yeah, I just put I wouldn't even like make eye contact. I'd be like, wow, no, I'm won't look right hello sir. His hand, yes, just covered my whole hand in and hand for the risk.

You know.

That reminds me, Am I talking about this earlier this week. This old school, but I remember you appreciate this.

Yeah, years and years ago, Andre the Giant was performing not far from where I grew up, and so in the newspaper like, Andre the Giant is coming to town.

So they in the newspaper.

You open it up and there was a picture of his hand, of his hand and it was I remember as a kid putting it right there, and his palm was so much bigger than my whole hand, and I was like, that is the largest hand I've ever seen in my life.

Remember the moment all of us do hate his babies? You just got chills. I did. Do you remember the moment that Hog Hogan body Sam Yes, andreda giant that wrestled many of three. I don't know, but we lost it. We lost it so bad. Me and my cousin just we started. We started a raw rumble in my Grandmama's living room went down like listen. First of all, nobody had picked him up before.

Yeah, nobody had picked him up, like I thought Kamala was gonna be to pick him up.

But nobody had picked the Kamala.

Nobody had picked up andreda giant at the time. And when I seen Ho Hogan do it, and this is before he turned heel. This is the hero Ho Hogan it was. It was rememberable like the Jordan flu game. I hate to say it and I know rest, but it was legendary.

When Hogan picked this moment of a man up, it was unbelievable. Do you remember when Mark Henry was in W W Hues, I do. Okay.

So the guy that was his coach, because you know he was an Olympian, right, was Terry Todd. Terry Todd was one of my teachers at the University of Texas and he taught a class for football players called the History of Pro Wrestling. And he would play us WrestleMania's and like, all right, we're gonna watch WrestleMania three. It's when Hulk Hogan body slammed Andre the Giant, and then we take a multiple choice test on what we watched in WrestleMania.

It was incredible, first of all, way for Texas to get there, at the least through school. That showed you I was the same. It was my one elective as a senior. Yeah, why was you in?

Because I was almost done. The whole football team was in there. I was about done, So I had like one elective. I was like, I can finally take this class. It was the easiest class I've ever taken in my life, the History of pro Wrestling.

We doesn't watch WrestleMania about who was in this class? Was it you and Roar Williams or somebody who was in this class? Which because we didn't have this class in it was remarkable.

You know, the Ivy League of the South, we didn't have this wrestle mania in there. And by the way, any old heads out there, if you can name every cat on this shirt, I will.

Send you a Washington hat. Okay. And everybody can't name cat on this. You can't name well, yes you can, Heathcliff. You can't Heathcliff. You know that. That's it. I can't be giving everybody else and just but we can't trust people no more because of Google. Right, I got it, Fred, and you just google it. I don't want you to do that. I want to do it.

So some other guys that we signed, honey, y'all, but who are not wrestlers.

Noah Brown, first of all, love this, by the way.

Love he earned it, he sure did. And this is to pick up. And this is what this is what this friend child showing you. If you come here and you earn it, we'll reward.

You can't beat that Michael Gallup signing. You know what.

Everybody went from that room at the beginning of the year last year with the other guys we had saying were just not enough. Guys they proved to be enough. But now you've taken that room to a whole other level. And the d BO Samuels, Michael gall you're talking about Depp like you're talking about not giving I mean, cornerbacks a risk no matter what wide receivers in the game.

And also Jeremy McNichols at running back, and I really love he earned it.

He sure did, man, And this is a guy.

I love guys like this who've been around for a while, maybe not household names, but they just keep finding a way and when they get their chances, their opportunities to make the most of it.

I wish I was his agent. I would have him a McDonald's contract at no time. He wanted them grinders that make your team up. Like he's a grinder. He's a guy that.

You give me a chance, I'm gonna go make a play. I love guys like that great. Sometimes it ain't about going side of other people, it's about resigning your own great job by them.


What is it like when you're in the locker room, Because that's the one thing, as I've gotten orders, we always focus on the superstars, and I get that, but a football team is a team in depth is so important and when you have a guy like that. You look at you said, Man, that guy continues to find a way.

He is a football He was a fighter. Yeah, and that's what you want on your team, especially this team. This team. You want to fight because you only good as the fifty third person on the roster. And they understand that.

They understand when my number is called, I need to be ready to go. They understand that, Hey, when the superstar I ain't having a good game, I need to step in. I need to have that good game. I need to become a household name. The only way for me to do that is when the light is on me. I need to perform. And that's what they're doing.

They find character guys that love to perform when the light's on.

Defensively, yep, you got guys, a couple guys coming over from the Patriots and Jonathan Jones and Dietrich Wise and Brench Steel's right there because especially what you're talking about Dtrick Wise. So I didn't realize and the point.

Of his brother played here, Daniel Wise, I forgot about that, listen.

Man, Football is a lineage like they go, like, no, lie, when we do our application, Yep, we have to fill out of application. You do have to come by and they fail application when you fill it out the first night, and the first thing is on.

Their full name. Of course, second question.

Is do you have any reletives that have played pro sports period?

They want up.

They won't know it's that bloodline there. And since I was the first smoop, I think I had an unk in the Olympics.

But no, they want to know that lineage.

And we got a guy and Daniel Wise, there's a mountain mimit of a man that's a captain of a team. You notice free time captain. You notice this is what they like. They like leaders, and he brings that.

Jonathan Jones. I think people don't understand what we're getting in him.

We're getting a guy that could play all over the defensive backfield. We're getting a guy that been there, done that, two time Super Bowl winner. He knows how the yellow brick rode, he knows what at the end at the yellowbridge rope. He understands the game. I just love what Adam Peter is doing. He's just not going out there getting the biggest names possible. He's going out there getting guys that actually fit the culture and fit the locker room perfect.

I wanted to ask you about Javon kinlock No text me. I know we talked a little bit about.

Him line week, but you know, he's the guy who hasn't reached his potential and just yet.

And I love that he's got a ceiling.

Now, yeah, I can say I love the fact that he hasn't reached his potential yet. Every guy that you get doesn't have to be at the peak of his game already. Every guy that you get doesn't. For example, Philadelphia took a flyer on Josh Sweat coming out of college.

I was very high on Sweat. Everybody knew he had a knee problem.

They said, we're gonna be patient with this, right because once we get him to the point where he can play, it's gonna be peak performance. And hence they went out and did it well. This is the same thing with Ken Law is he was you know, he was very ranked, very high, and came out in the draft, started his career kind of slow, in which everybody don't. Is not an instant hit time you get lead. Some guys need time to learn how to be a pro, learn how to dominate in their own way inside of the defensive call. I think we're gonna get everything from Ken Law because I always like stories too. A guy that was homeless on the streets of DC, he growing up, now he's at the top. Don't think this homengry dog ain't gonna forget about them lonely nights. Don't think that he ain't gonna love to represent Washington. Don't think that he ever will forget the team that basically set him up for life. When he comes to money.

Know that home gred dog gonna bite somebody.

And there's something about coming home, you know, it's sort of like, maybe it's not exactly the same. I know you were born in DC, but this is your home. It's like when you were in Minnesota, you wanted to come and you wanted.

To come back home, Sitt And I told him up there, I love Minnesota, I love the city.

I love what you've done for me. But I actually want to go back home.

Like I felt like if the best football player from me happens in Washington and I got nothing to explain why. It ain't that I'm just so unhappy here. It just feels like I want to be back with Coach Gibbs. That was my thing. I want to be back with coach Gibbs. I want to be back with Greg Williams. I want to be back with my teammates, my brothers. So therefore I had to go upstairs and orchestrate that thing. So coming back home sometimes for the best. And I think with this guy, he's represented like he gonna always feel like I got to play a little bit harder than everybody else on this team because I'm from this city, just like Lamont Roach.

I represent this city, right.

So I you fight a little harder, you know what I'm saying, You fight a little harder. And by the way, we interviewed him before that massive supposedly upset. I know they stolen did it, but guess what we know the politics of box box.

You know it's you see this all the time, but guess what they do it logically because Lamont roaches in company, he ain't the guy that put them butts in his seat. Tank was.

So therefore, if it's that close, we're gonna keep the guy that keep putting these butts in his seat.

We even gonna keep him unblemish.

We're gonna do something until they feel like you just go take it by knocking him out, right, But we as Officionadol's that's watching the fight.

No, that roach won that fight for DC. He won that fight for DC.

It's like all things being equal, we gotta go with the more popular guy right now. You have to keep those ticket receipts coming in and then once you knock him out, then you get the time.

But that's why Tanker's in the rush to get this rematch, right, That's why he's in the rush to get this rematch.

He wanted to get that unblemished.

And when he took that knee, so he very glad they wont Sugar Ray Fred because sugar.

Rate Fred, he would have took that knee. I would have snuck him right then, right in the jaw.

I'm just telling you, I feel like he was robbed. But great entertainment, great fight, and I love boxing. But boxing has to get a commissioner. Boxer hasn't need a structure. The ain't a white needs to take over boxing like they did the USC. They need the best fighting the best at all time. Like I'm tired of people being able to fly may whether they self through a career, right, you know what I'm saying, just dodging people fighting him at the right time.

No, get it to where it used to be. Boxing for a long time was.

The most popular sports. A big boxing event back in the day just dwarfed everything. When you had a true prize fighter. Yeah, and you had three or four fighters who were always like in the public.

Contract, always there. And we talked about the best walking. Is it baseball with your with your music? Oh yeah, is it boxing? I knew Tank was gonna lose when Jim Jones and Juice and Tanna walked in with them just dirty old men. I knew then that he had lost. And the month came in by hisself. Then, well, I used to love watching Mike Tyson where that uh just to that tile, he just cut a hole in.

I was like, you know what, he's gonna kill somebody out here.

Like, come on, man, if you're boxing, you're coming in here with all these shiny things.

And then this dude just walk in with a tile. Things have changed.

Who just gotta walks in with the mask and that had the heavy garb Davantae Waller, Yes and so interviewed Devonte Is a few years as super nice guy. But it's weird to watch the progression from Tyson walking in.

With towel from the holiday inn right and from the local motel cites this was not like a designer time, this was a dirty old hused tole that he probably used the training right. He's like, I just got out of show you the towel on. Yeah, yeah, and I'm gonna whoop you. You rubbed your face. You be like, yeah, I'm about to get whooped.

We're gonna talk to Bram Brad Weinstein, of course, voice the commander boys something.

We're gonna talk about the draft.

Also, make sure you call us, leave us a voicemail seven oh three seven two six seven four one nine. You can email us as well, Washington get loud at gmail dot com. We're gonna talk with Brim about the draft. Yeah, but you've made a point to say, which I think is a great point.

Do you draft for me? Do you have the best athlete?

Ideally you just get the best player you can available.

Yes, and only the great GMS go out and try to do this, and the great GM say I cannot do that, go best play available if I still got holes in the roster.

So what I need to.

Do in the free agent period is feel these holes in this roster. So when we transition to the draft, we're not looking at draft needs. We're looking at highest grade, all right, highest graded person available. Think about it, Philadelphia've been doing it for the last five years with Hoyi Rosemen.

He was not supposed to get Jaylen Carter, all right, he fell to him.

Run the ticket up, best play available, Nola Smill, best player available, run it up, Jordan Davis, best player available, run it up.

Do we need more d linemen? Don't matter? Run it up? All right?

All right, we donna draft Quinn Mitchell right in the first round. Who's the best player available? Left Coop with the gen we just put somebody in their room, don't matter, best played available, Go get him, put him in the room.

Pack the rooms.

That's what you want to do as a great GM. You want best play available at all times. You don't care room you packing, You want them. You want some rooms overpacked. That's how you get leveraged. That's how you get depth, and that's how you get trade bait. Right there, right now, New England is taking calls on Joe Milton because guess what, they had took a quarterback and took another quarter back.

Right, So packing rooms is what you do. So it's an interesting bounce because you do want to pack room. But also there are needs that are real things, but you don't want them to be needs.

You don't want to know by the time I get to the draft, right, I don't want to go in here and be a prisoner of needs, because then it's gonna force me to take a player only because I need that position, not because.

I need that player.

And also I think we have to remember too, like edge is a need, like this team needs an edge, right, But also it's March right now. Yeah, so there's plenty of time between now and the season for things.

What about the second third wave of free agency? Like people forget.

About this because some teams gonna draft a player, they gonna release some wildly veteran, right, So some things you need to be patient. You don't get a Michael Gallup because you ran out there. You got a Michael Gallup because you were patient.

And think about it.

Most our moved just off season has been more trades than free agency.


So he's looking at the free agency board and be like, Okay, that player, that player, maybe this player, but no, I can't find the player I want.

Yeah, this free agency, and I'm not gonna overpay.

For him, So I'm gonna go give up some and I'm gonna trade to get the guy. Nobody even knew Laramy Thomson was available, right, Nobody had ever talked about him being available.

Now we knew Debo was available, right, But Larry, we had no idea.

No one of the top taw becaus in football because they don't come available.

That's the way it goes.

But if you're smart and you roster watching and you're saying to yourself, that can't pay everybody. Did you notice the day after we traded for Laramie Tompson, Derek Stingley JUNR got paid.

He sure did.

But they couldn't pay Derek Stingley with Tonsons still on the roster. So that just shows you the high IQ of mister Peters. That's why I say, let grandma cook.

And also I love that you said be patient because you can't overpay or overextend yourself and be desperate in the moment.

You let things play out. Let it play out. And that's why I say every year we see three or.

Four Pro Bowlers released after the draft because they found their cheaper replacement.

Yeah, we see it every year, and I love that he's just not going out here and giving DK metcab for one hundred and fifty million dollars stuff like that.

I love DK. Yeah, I think it's little od pay because that's what free agency is.

It's a bidding war. It's like shopping for a house. House hit the market for seven hundred. By time me and five families get through bedding on it, they said, ain't fifty.

How did it get here? It's not even worth for eight fifty. It got here because she said five more dollars than him. I said five more.

Dollars than up, And before you know it, we are one hundred and fifty dollar. I'm gonna with draw my name out of this.

So it's like you've been there, I've been there, Come on about it. Just being in on the house in northern Virginia.

You know that you're going to overpay sometime because not because of the house, because.

Of the people that being against you.

They gonna keep fighting to get what they want, and that's how prices go up with That's what free agency is. Free agency is a frenzy of we started here and we ended here because if you got four or five teams going against each other, the price is only gonna go up. So free agency is the classic time to overpay.

Like you're gonna overpay everything. Yeah, Like, who got it right?

I say that Cincinnati paying Jamar Chase what they did, they got it right.

But I don't think you had to pay Ta Higgins all that they pay Tea a lot. That's too much. I mean, Jamar, you had to Jamar. That's where he slotted, Yes, two hundred and fifty million dollars in one room, and they still potentially got to pay Trey Hendrickson.

They can't play track right, they can't pay truck dealing, and they can't.

Hold them hostage no more either, because now we know on the outside looking in, you can't pay him right, We're not finna give you a first round, second round for him when eventually you're gonna have to release him anyway.

Why would I.

Give up something when you can't pay him? He either gonna hold out? Are you gonna have to release him? I know, I know your situation now, so I'm gonna be patient because you'd have just spent two hundred and fifty million in one room.

Now. I know you want to keep Joe Burrow happy, but man, it's a lot for two receivers, and don't forget his deal.

So on offense right now, those three guys make up four hundred millions ridiculous.

I believe that those three take up more the salary cap than any other three players than.

Any other team. Yeah, so you got to realize three fourths of your money it's on three players. Great job, Cincinnati. We don't have to worry about you here. Guys, come on here.

I think I think they're good. Yeah, I can hear myself sometimes I have to check.

Okay, Well, in case you guys didn't notice, we did get a table for Janks.

Yes, I was gonna mention that.

Major upgrade here.

Thank you.

Yeah, you love them.

Thanks to Cayla for bringing it out.

Cala built it herself.

Yes, she loves woodworking, exactly working.

That's how much we care about you and getting you a table.

Thank you. Look how easy this. Well, I'm glad the fans brought it up. There's a whole discussion about it. I was like, man's attention to detail like Jinx is just on the disgrace.

I appreciate that that they noticed the SIGs and sometimes I don't, and so we were really quick to meet that adjustment. No Janks just wanted a table and Bob we could get it to. Yeah, we want to get into our voicemails and emails. Let's do this and any.

Smooth ladies first, guys, been a fan ever since Martin riffing.

Man, I've seen the Super Bowl game and it was on from there.

Uh just want to say I thank you guys are having the podcast.

Let us know what's going on. You guys are just also.

Gonna keep it going. Commanders, Command Center, everything.

Man. I love it all. Man, It's all good.

But smoop, I want to ask you one thing, man, what's going on with these DC dependents.

Do this year?

He didn't look so good last year. Man, it just didn't work out and didn't pan out. So what you think is gonna go on with this year? They brought him back, so we're gonna see what's gonna happen. Man, thinks.

I love you guys on here. Man, y'all do real good job. Man. I appreciate y'all.

Appreciate you, man, and I can I get to go.

See one of the games. Maybe this year, if not, possibly next year. But I really would love to go be a fan.

Sit ninety one ninety two when they wanted.

And man, I just love to be in the stadium, never being seen the Skins play in Charlotte because I'm from North Carolina. Okay, I just want to know, man, and what's.

The what's the future gonna look like for this year? What we're gonna do this year? We got to be stacked up. Look like the defense is gonna look a little bit better.

We got some run stoppers, so I'm hoping it's gonna be a great year.

We double up from last year, and let's go win a bowl.


Appreciate you, God, thank you.

Thank you. Man. Did he ask me about the DC Defenders first? Right to that?

Yes, because I'm I'm a fan of the Defenders. I go to every home game. I am basically the mascot of the My coach, Greg Williams is the defensive court. I didn't know that I support him most definitely. I go to every game. Montae Nicholson, a couple of X players didn't play for the team, DJ swearing to that place for that team. I support all of these guys, So I'm always at the defensive DC Defenders game, and I must say, before we got back on track, they were the best football team in the city.

Yeah, they represented the city.

And Jenson, you know you're gonna have to go with me, because until you see this beer snake, you haven't say we have to go.

You haven't seen fan of them until you can gave your cup up to be a part.

And like they say, your cup can't be a part of the beer snake into the beer it's gone. But I think the DC Defender is gonna be a good team this year. They might have a chance to win this thing. And this year they pushed it to the brink last year. They're going to be a good team. And the fan base they shows you how rabbit this fan base is for football. Their attendance is off the chain. I enjoy Audie Field, I enjoy the DC Defenders, and they're gonna have a good team this year.

I'm a Greg I'm a g dub guy UFL preview. Yeah, most definitely man ball is football.

And I had already said when I was young and I would watch guys get cut friends because you just one thing I can say about this year that kind of I mean this time of the year. That makes it hard is the locker room. You had like ninety eighty dudes in there. Yeah, we know, like thirty gonna get cut thirty five. Some of these your friends, they won't get to live their dream no more. So having this minor league system gives them a chance to rebound and get a chance to live that dream again. So I had already felt bad because the NBA always had the G League, the baseball always had the miners, and we never had nothing. The closer thing we got to a minor league system was NFL Europe.

Do you remember that? Absolutely? That's how I got the Barcelona go to support some of my family that was playing football. I know that you spoil your friends in that way.

Why not come on, man, and if you're a sports guy, you already love sports, so you might as well go like support people.

And just right here in the city anyway, why not.

Like I'm DC everything. That's why I say right now, we in a gap. People were in a gap called the District of Champions. It ain't called the District of Columbia no more. We got one more piece to get and thank Lord that the Wizards are doing everything they can to make sure we get it.

They stinking all right.

And guess what that automatic put them in the Cooper flag sweep steaks.

I didn't win it. I need to see.

Alie s stopball is going to be take him out the game, all right, because I could see it right now, and he from Maine. Just they're just holding him up like just the baby from Maine. And I could just see Cooper flag signe the Washington Wizards and that flag just waving in the background.

Just a new American hero. And guess what the Nationals with James Woods there, guys, they're on the there, younger town, the Washington commanders is on the up. And also now he'll come to Wizards. It's exciting time one more piece, yeah, Anna.

Okay, so we got to get to brim Oh really shortly, but we're going to get to more voicemails. So you guys, do not forget to call us. Leave us your voicemails seven O three seven two six seven four one nine. We will get to more after our interview with Brown, and don't forget to leave us emails at Washington get Loud at gmail dot com. So you guys have forgotten but you can definitely leave us emails with questions, I don't know, suggestions.

Whatever, thoughts. Yeah, how you're feeling, what you're doing?

This something you know, because this is the dark time of the year where men get depressed.

So women out there support your men. Do this dark sports?

Why do you get depressed? To Fred?

Well me right now?

You don't have many men that I've bumped into in the Groce store and they're like, man, I don't even know what to.

Do with my no football, like old woman to cheer me up.

Yeah, like they don't. They like depressed right now? So dark it's a dark sports time right now. You got realize the draft is also in Green Bay issues.

Yes, oh yeah, I'm sorry. Do you get started? You can start this on off.

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That was incredible. Okay.

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The foot ball experts and have some fun playing on a pro for feel that Jane Daniels actually play on the same field that he threw the hell Mary on.

Should I say hell Noah?

You guys won't want to miss it.


We got to bring in brim talking a little draft as promise, we bring in the voice of the Cranders, Bram Winstein. Now I to see Bram during the off season. So we're talking a little free agency, a little draft here.


First of all, what have you been doing with your time now? You're not calling games? Yeah, it's free time.

Now, sleeping over the emotional ride. But it's marked some officially bored Uh. Yeah, so I'm ready for this. Invite me more often I am bored out of my mind.

We were just talking about this.

This is the dark spot for all like football officionados right now because it's.

Just no football there. But I'm sure you needed some time to.

Get your voice back because you had some great calls this year. What do you expect us to do in the draft that now that we've added some key cogs and free agency. Do you feel like I feel that some the free agencies that we brought in here makes us go best play available in the draft instead of addressing need.

Yes, the fact that they haven't gotten a premier edge rusher, although I'm not really sure how they're using Javon kinlaw yet. Like I think that's a kind of an open question of like, if you look at this group that's really deep, are they rethinking how they're going to set up an edge, and if they are, then maybe that makes us feel a little differently about where the draft is or who they would try to go acquire at what would be a typical position. So, without really knowing the answer to that, that feels like.

An opportunity for them.

I still think they need playmakers on both sides of the ball, and specifically on offense. It feels like they've decided to go in the direction at tight end to run it back. That makes sense to me, But at running back, at wide receiver, where there's still room I think to improve the position group as a whole. At running back, where I think there's room to improve the position group as a whole. But large like to answer your question, I think you're right, like I think what's changed here is is I don't think they're taking a tackle any longer in the draft, which was one of the spots that I thought that they might take in the first or second round. I would doubt that now. But that's about the only ones I think. Everything else is pretty much opened up.

So you say in the wide receiver room kind of brings up question marks. Even though you got Terry, you got Dbo, you resigned Noah Brown, now you just signed Michael Gallup.

I think that's actually a pretty deep room as it goes.

But if you want to ask some college youth, I understand, especially with this being one of the best running back classes that I haven't seen probably like ten years, I can see why you say, let's ask some running back depth.


I look at the running like Ashton Genty's not gonna be available to them at twenty nine.

That's not going to happen.

But there are others you know that I think like we could go through, Yeah, that really stand out. This is a very deep running back class. Unlike last year, where there were premier running backs on the open market, if you were willing to pay for them, you could go get That's not the case obviously this year. So I think it's a possibility, and I do believe that coming into the season, there were a couple of things that I think, if we were being honest about, the roster really needed to be improved. And this Laramie Tunseel trade really changed everything for me. I what really opened the door for everything else that we're talking about now to happen. Bringing him in allows them to move Coleman to wherever they deemed that he should be guard, right tackle, whatever that may be. Restructuring that the Andrew Wiley allows some flexibility with him to play guard until Sam Cosby comes back, maybe a flex swing tackle for them, And.

So the door's been opened.

Differently, I think to look to these other position groups, and I agree with you the running back position is really deep with what appears to be difference makers, so I'm not sure that that's not the direction they go with the first or second round pick, Graham.

How do you balance that out between Ideally, you get the best player out there, you find a way to get him on your roster, and maybe there's someone you don't want to overdraft, but it fits a very specific need that you have to have or that you really want. It's a very tricky thing. I mean, this is what Adam Peters gets paid to do. But how do you balance those two things when you're right there at twenty nine?

I think by doing what they did with the Tunsil trade really more than anything, or the debo trade, where they addressed what were clear voids ahead of the draft, I think that's what opens the door for you to take best player available, not digen Hoold into well, we have to get this, so we might as well take a chance and put unreasonable expectations on somebody to come in and fill a hole that we need. This is why I've liked what they've done in free agency. I think they had a lot of holes to deal with. I think they were still in year two of a rebuild. But because Jade Daniels had the season he had, because they have a chemistry in this room and a culture that's been built very very quickly, the windows open very differently than I think most teams at this stage of what would be what they're calling a recalibration and what I think some people call a rebuild. I love what they've done because they addressed what I don't know that people were pointing at as maybe the biggest prominent issue for them offensive line. But I love that they went and took a swing for the fences for it because I agree with that sentiment that that needed to be addressed, especially in light of the Cosme injury, because without him knowing exactly when he's going to be back and exactly what he's going to be on the field, it is another starter They were going to have to deal with in some way or in some form until he's ready and up and going. And so this deal has a trickle down effect on literally everything for them. It's the one move that they I love Devo too. It's the one real move that they made that I think allows them the flexibility of what we're talking about, which is, let's just get to twenty nine.

Let's see what our options are.

It's possible one of these quarterbacks is there and someone wants to trade up and they can recoup some of this draft capital back and move back and still get a really good player. That's a distinct possibility to me. And in that case, if we're talking about a position like running back that's really deep where you could get really good players probably in the s round as well as late in the first round.

Well, the Navy, you take.

That chance, and you drop back a little bit.

We're just in a position now because in my opinion, of that Tunsil trade to not have to overthink exactly who we're gonna take, or say we have to take this position group, I think it's opened the door for them to be flexible at twenty nine.

First of all, Bram Nobody wants to talk about the fact that the draft is a crapshoot. No matter if you're picking number one, are you kicking two hundred and fifty six? You don't know what you're going to get from these guys. Just because there was great college players do not make them great pro players. I am a product of getting drafted best player available. I was in the second round and I got through in the room with Dale Green, Dion Sanders, and Champ Bailey, and I'm a better cornerback for it. So I know as a baby of best player available and watching Philadelphia do it for the last four years, they get Jalen Carter because they went best play available. So I think when you're in this spot, you don't want to be a prisoner at twenty nine.

And I'm with you that.

I think they're gonna look at that as a move piece because to me, besides, I had the top ten in this draft. All the talent is from pick forty five to pick ninety. To me, like the middle of this draft to me is scrong.

Within the top I agree, I think, like I think you have to be flexible. This is what I like about this front office is doing I think they're flexible, Like they'll come out and say things, we want to build through the draft, and then it looks like they're not doing that by trading away a number of picks to address the needs. But they're not sitting there in this well, we said we're going to do this, and that's why we're going to do it. They looked at the options that were in front of them. If you're being honest about the free agent class that was available to them, who of these type of players that they acquired were they going to get if they just went down the path? I fired a couple of none of them right in the same way that you're talking about the draft, which is I agree with you, Like the top ten picks.

Travis Hunter is going to.

Be terrific in the NFL, cam Ward's probably going to be terrific. Abdul Carter is going to be terrific. But the list gets short. It is not like last year. Last year had a lot of top heavy, high end players. The receiving core to all of these quarterbacks that most of which look like they're hits.

All of them, Yeah, all.

Of them look like they're hits. The receiving players Brian Thomas Belik neighbors, all of these hit players came out. I agree with you once you get past about number ten and we're not even in the business of taking your quarterback, And it looks like a couple quarterbacks are going to be overdrafted this year because of scarcity. There is not a lot of what looks to be premiere players, which again leaves the flexibility. So if at twenty nine, and for some reason, and I doubt this happens, it's Shador Sanders falls in that neighborhood and then someone goes, all right, now it's worth it to move into the first round because we get the fifth year option for him and we'll give up something for draft capitol and return. Washington should be wide open to something like that. Or if Jackson Dart is available there, well, there's some other players that people move up for. I think this is this is not saying out loud like, yeah, we want to build through the draft, but I agree with you, this draft doesn't have all of these high end players in it. We needed to fill a lot of holes. Well, the free agent class only offered you what they had. The options are what they are, So they went and did something that seemed different from what they were saying they were going to do because of what their options are, and look what happened. They've put themselves in a position to do as well as they can in this draft and leave themselves open for options and not have to pigeonhole themselves.

I loved the approach to all of this.

They have a lot of holes that they had to fill, some of their own making some that they had to go about it, and they haven't gotten stuck in their own thinking of, well, we said we're going to do it this way, Well you could only do what's in front of you. And they've adjusted to it.


And when you look at guys like Jonathan Jones and Dietrich Wise their history with the Patriots, you're talking about a three time captain, guy.

Who's won a Super Bowl.

So it feels like signing those guys, besides adding some nice depth pieces, is very intentional because of their history and that they know how to want to be a part of.

The what coach coach of guys?

Yeah, yes, I remember we played New England in the preseason, last preseason game, and I remember looking at them and they were there and their defense has been very good for a long time for good reason, right you know, Jard Mayo had taken.

Over for Bill Belichick. They've known to be a great defensive unit.

And I remember sitting there watching the preseason game going, I don't know if their offense is going to be any good, you know, because they just look across the board. But I know defensively they're going to be very competitive. And these were a couple of players that stand out, and now that they've had this changeover, these are a couple of guys that kind of fell through the cracks for them. I think the why signing is huge, honestly, YEA for their hopefully the rush defense, for the rotational pieces. Their defensive line is very deep. Look at their cornerback group in one year. How different it looks now the group that they're going to be what looks like right now sending out there. And I don't think they're done.

At corner two.

I think they need to think about, you know, how are they adding to that group as well? But I will say this and I'll see if you agree with me Fred on this. I still feel like on both sides of the ball, Deebo's a major upgrade in terms of a playmaker on offense, but I still think there's more that's necessary explosive players. I would say the same thing on defense that they still are looking for a game changing type of player, and I'm open to any position group that's coming from, whether it's defensive end or corner. They are better and deeper at these position groups than they were a year ago, and I am more bullish about what they can do with this group. But I still think they're looking for that playmaker on that side of the ball.


Yeah, and we did fill in some gaps we lost Chin. We filled that in I think Jonathan Jones with him, Marshaw and Lattimore, Sam Rich. Still, I think that's a legit core of football player. I could take them and go to war with anybody receiving corps. But you're right to add some icing on that cake to make it better. It would be good to have that player that really stands out. And it's a couple of defensive player, especially in the backfield South Carolina. I killed his name, Emma or you are whatever his name is. I butchered it all the time. But he was a monster at the come by his film matches has come by. So it is some players out there that might make you second guess leaving from twenty nine. If they're there, maybe Jane Pierce Jr. From Tennessee you talked to by Edge Rusher. He's one of the best edges in this in this dreo. So yeah, it might be some guy that make you sneak there. But yeah, I think they are still going to add some pieces to this car.

Yeah, I think that like playmakers, explosive playmakers. They were amazing and it was almost unprecedented how good they were in clutch fourth down positions, in drives late in the game, in one score games. And I think we can all agree that if they add some premier talent with some playmaking ability on both sides of the ball, the outcomes might not be as close.

Yeah, yeah, we won't. We won't have to win it at the end of the game.

Correct, Like there's going to be a correction to stuff like that. You can't win every game by one.

Scowork, you can't win every game.

Last play the game last year was a miraculous, incredible I'll never forget its season. But moving forward, if we're going to keep winning at a clip like this, twelve wins the season, getting to the playoffs, hopefully more than that, going to the place that they want to get to. They need some premier, explosive playmakers on both sides of the ball. And I'm not sure I still see it yet. On defense, although the group as a whole, yeah, like better when they had a year ago. But we all on the defense.

Yeah yeah, now I'm finish say we Also, I think size matter, and I'm always one of them people.

I like the guys.

They smell like bacon trench warfare would win this game. And I felt like they looked at Philadelphia and said they're just bigger than us. So if you look at wise, if you look at the guys we signed, especially on defense and offense, they are mounting of men. They understand that if we don't win the line of scrimmage, Jayden can only do so much, Bobby Wagner can only do so much.

A Lottimore can only do so much.

We can't get pushed around by the bigger Philadelphia Eagles. And if every guy that I looked at that they signed, it's over three hundred and twenty pounds.

That's right.

It's both sides of the ball too.

Like I know, Josh Sweat is gone, but you still have to deal with that defensive line because of Jail and Carter.

They have to get better up front.

This is where the Tunsil trade really matters for them, and I think as they head towards the draft, which kind of goes back to what we were talking about earlier, and this is why they're not pigeonholed into anything. Why I like that they're in the position that they're in because of this trade. They have a choice to make here, and I think they could look at this offense and go, Okay, we've got Terry McLaurin, Deebo Samuel, we know what we have in the tight end room. We feel a lot better about our offensive line right now, and we're gonna feel really good when Cosmey comes back that we have a group that we can go to war with with a group like this, Do we go over the top and use.

Twenty nine on a running.

Back which would because it could be a playmaking, game breaking running back, or say Matthew Golden out of Texas is available for them, You've got an opportunity to get a playmaking wide receiver. Do you go, you know what, let's load up on offense and see how good we can be. Can we be a top five offense? Or do you look at the defense and good? This is why the options are open here. And like you said, James Pierce or a couple of the edges, A very deep groups tackles, a very deep group coming into this draft.

Do you look at that and go, Okay, it is a void. We do need it.

We feel better and if we get a playmake to add to all these other players. Are we competitive to become a top ten defense and not a defense it's ranked twenty? You know if they these are the choices they have to make, and I think they're easier now because of what they've done over the last week.

Plus great problems to have. We got to have them all more often. Spram Weinstein, the voice of the Commanders brand. We appreciate the time. Man. Good to hear from you.

Yeah, good to see you guys.

I'm looking forward for some of them. Great in game calls again. Hopefully this season matches last season.

Bre Man, I wish you were still playing, Fred God, I want to call your plays.

Listen, you know, I'll give you some love out there. Too, and I break Davis and on the thirty one line.

Great to get some insight. Good to see Brown, always good to see Bran all the way. So now we got a voicemail, I believe. And then we're gonna finish up with a little tournament style. Well, it's going to be a bracket but football.

Yeah, from the plays of the season. You're gonna go bracket to see which one is the number one? Which God yeah, yes, no, I don't.

Well, inspired by March Mountains, We're gonna yeah, Like like Jank said, we're going to do a little best from the who best moments from the season bracket.

That was, by the way, high Point. It's the small school. I always pick one or two three small schools, the poor.

Mississippi State scot some.

We never we ain't done the dogs. We always the overdub all school high Point. And I went did a little vestigation from the school a high Point. Do you know if you go to high Point any time it's ice cream trucks, you get out the ice cream free. What do you know it's a steakhouse on high Point that they eat for free, so they could teach them how to eat in business etiquette.

Oh wowtop.

So while y'all tripping on high point, you might need to go see the campus.

Now here's like water everywhere.

Oh my gosh, wow search that that's incredible. No regrets about where I went. I'm still above through.

All right.

So Anna James Smooth, this Willy smithter Phield, let the king sister. I've been seeing everybody going crazy, everybody trashon Hunter at Colorado playing wide receiver and defensive back.

And he's a great one.

I think he's gonna do great jobs in the NFL. But we have a guy by the name of mikey aunt Man Samwich Steell who.

Can do the same thing.

So the question is, do you think Savwie Steel needs an offensive package? Oh yeah, I remember the number from Virginia, that's all.

I remember the number car All right, guys, I'm gonna be looking for the answer.

Y'all have a good one. Thank you. First of all, he ain't Willy Smith the Phield, that's you. I'm Willie Smith.

To Phielth that's my best friend from Mississippi named Percy Donason, all right, and he stole my name and he refused to give it back. But he's a football Some and most people don't know. Michael sam Steel came to Michigan as a wire receiver and he moved to corner, so he does have their versatility.

I just think we want accent out of him.

Yeah, because I played with a lot of corner I played both positions.

I played with Chimp Bailey.

I mean most corners or receivers have played one of the other, if not both, if.

Both, you have to play both.

If you the best received on your high school team, you probably the best call the same thing, right, the same thing. So it just happens until like you get with the top of the top and they're like, oh no, you're a corner, not a wire receiver. You'll be a better wide receiver than a corner. So everybody won't get the Travis Hunter's treatment. And only reason I think he's getting it because he played an average one hundred and forty plays a game.

Also, he's really really special and unique he is. But he'll go to kicker.

What if I told you is a draft good rule? Oh that Travis Hunter pounds for pound is not the cornerback in this drail.

Would you believe me? Guy from Michigan, Will Johnson Johnson six two two hundred pounds four three four four forty. Uh He's basically a faster version of Childs Woods. Okay, damn all right, So I compare these guys. So Will Johnson is a faster version of Childs Woods. And as a dB, Okay, I compare Travis Hunter the Champ Bailey. He's a longer, skinnier. Yeah, he's lean Champ, He's leaner, all right.

So to me, he's the second best corner and he's probably the fifth best wide autum, but the best overall athlete, but the best overall athlete, and that's what keeping him at the top. But if I'm a quarterback needed team getting the best athlete, don't do anything for me. Like if I'm Tennessee Titans, yeah I got Will Levis. Travis Hunters is not gonna make me that much better, Like I'm gonna be forced to take you to doing Sanders even do I want Travis Hunter? Like so some time the positional need is bigger than the person. And like I said, I love Travis Hunter, but in the NFL, his size, which me and him was the same size coming out, skinny, I don't think he obeya continue to hit these running backs for four quarters, these tight ends that's six six, two and fifty pounds, and then get on the offense and play sixty plays and get smashed by Bobby Wagner, then gets smashed by Nikobe Dean three four five times a game, and then go back and play corner.


I just don't think can you put a package in? Yes, he can't play it for a game at both.

No, he just can't. Not today's game. No he can't.

He can't, especially with his build like you were talking about. No, I just think it's gonna be too much for his bill. It's gonna be too much.

I think you're right.

And look Sadry still would be awesome in theory, but ultimately you don't want to do anything to impede his development as a corner.

Yes, and until he becomes a and look, he's close, like he said, like that corner.

Yeah, you aren't putting nothing else on his plate exact because even when we had Champ, we would put him at slot wire receist. We'll put Champ at tailback and runs talk sweeps like come on, Sean Taylor play wide receiver.

Yeah. People don't understand.

We used to throw them jump balls into his own all the time because he was the biggest athlete and one of the best athlete standing in at six y three, got a forty inch vertical to throw the ball up to him. But he got the body to do that. I don't think Travis Hunter has the body now. In three years, after all these stakes and weights, yeah, he'll probably be to one hundred and ninety five pounds.

He'll be ready to do it. He can change for sure. Yeah, guys, let me tell you about tel Geek.

They have your ticket to the best live concerts in the DMV at Northwest State and they make it easy to catch world conquering tours and high watch performances from your favorite artists all summer long. See Geek has the best seat, your seat for an unforgettable summer. From rock Royalty to rap superstars R and B the country find it all on Seegek. The official ticket he part Northwest Stadium summer concert season officially starts with Sea.

Geek has Country Music taken over? Yes, Yes, it's getting there everywhere booze in like.

From Virginia, from Virginia, from wood Bridge, Yeah.

And uh everywhere.

I turned right now because I grew up in Mississippi, mean you grew up in Texas, so country music is second nature to us. But for the rest of the United States, they didn't really take it all in. Like Cooper Flag is sitting in Maine, I'm sure he ain't bopping his feet to Chaboozie.

You've just seen a lot of genre crossing music right where it's country, but it's possible maybe.

It's R and B infused.

So it's with today's music, it's hard and harder to give it a classification.

Yeah, and guess what I think they are understanding that one of the most profitable has always been country music. Oh yeah, yeah, because of the concerts and it just the country music just has this draw to it. I say this, country music has always been happy music.

Yes, and country music now is not country music, you know what I mean.

Very it's very popul it's.

Very pop very power and like myself, I'm from the home of blues and now I live in the home of go go.

Yeah. I have always my.

Family loved the blues, but I'm too happy to like the blues.

Because I was asking him, like, ain't y'all miserable? Like every song is about somebody wife leaving the house getting burnt down, like it's the blues is for sad people.

So I was like, I don't like blues. I like happy music. Go go to me, awhile, but go go It's happy.

Always has just like a positive feel. It got a positive get up yesterday, get up, let's move, let's sell it round. So yeah, most of definite, Let'm win it. Bracket time, yes, bracket time.

Okay. So basically staff writers oxell Be helped me. See this.

Is the guy that I continue to beat in cookouts.

I know Fred's Fred's rival that I I will say I beat you in the bank office.

You say, it's all on technicality, follow the rules.

Not mine.

It was.

Like I lost because I brought a bad dish. I lost.

All right, Well, I am going to I think I'm gonna make a little graphic to put on the video version of the podcast.

But basically, here's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna I'm gonna.

Basically give you guys each like a matchup, and you'll decide and as we go.

Which one moves forward?

Yes, all right, okay, So in the first seed with the hail Mary versus our eighth seed, which is Mariota beating the Cowboys in Dallas.

I mean, I mean, I love Mary. I call him Yoda because you have the young get to he's awesome, Mary Yoda.

I enjoy and him for him to come in there. We took Jay and up they getting threw around the game. Didn't really need the game. And that's why I got the dumb It can't be in front of the hell Noah because the hell Noah not only propelled us as the darlings of the NFL season, it also sent the Chicago Bears and their tail spiral.

And also that's gonna be that will be one of the most iconic plays in franchise history, not just from the past season.

Is the Commander? Yes, right there is the biggest play. I don't know. Could the Detroit plays.

Well, yes, yes, next one our four seed didn sur faceth seed the overtime win over the Falcons, which I believe clenched the.

Playoffs for us. Or our Eagles went.

At home, which both of them came to the last play.

Yeah, both of them with walkoffs by Jedi five both of them.

Was that's a tough one.

Great ones right there, now, y'all know about the personal thing I got going on with the Falcons because that's my ex wife team.

Oh that's right.

I thought you also had something personal against the Eagles now that the fans are coming after.

You, I really do so a person. But actually that's so true.

I've had this personal fight with the Eagles forever though, Yeah, forever, I've had this with the Eagles. I would have to say the biggest one is the Eagle win too, because it's individual. The Super Bowl champs. We didn't know it did, but we knew they had a good chance to win it. And just to show that we can beat them, like we're not too far away from y'all.

I go with the Philadelphia win, right, And also do we have like five turnovers in that game? We had no business win.

In that game and still one of that game, So the battles of the bird. I rather eat Eagle than Falcon.

That was clever.

I like that.

Yeah. Yeah, Eagles went at home. It's always nice to see whatever opponent.


All right, onto our second seed versus our seventh seed, the win in Detroit for the NFC Championship, No, the divisional Divisional and then Daniel's scrambled touchdown to Terry versus the Saints.

One is a play the other one is the tired game.

No I know, but that play against if there was an upset, I would say this would be potentially it just because look, the winning Detroit was massive, but that play was You can watch that three or four times and I'd be like, did I just see what I just saw?

That's a special play.

But that Detroit game, I know, with Detroit being the like Detroit but a chanceah, And we went thumped them. We went to Detroit and went into the Motown building and ripped all the records off the wall. We went to Detroit, knocked on the Ford building and kicked every Ford tourists.

They hat We threw it in the wall.

The fiesta whatever y'all like Detroit pieces turned it down, threw it on the ground, little seasons.

No thanks, we don't want nothing to do with y'all.

It's gotta be Detroit because that's a second like, that's a big old win.

That the second place. We hadn't been to the second round of the playoffs in one hundred years. You cannot discount the game. I think it got as much as I love it play. Yeah, you're right. I know you're right. It's gotta be Detroit because that Detroit was Okay, yeah, we're their series.

That was that was a big one.

So we're gonna we're gonna select our second seed win in Detroit.

Yeah all right.

Next is our third seed versus our sixth seed. Zane Gonzalez game winning field goal? Yep, in the postseason or Monday Night Football went over the Bengals.

Bengals and when you say the postseason, are you talking about.

I believe Tampa. That was Tampton. That was Tampa.

And we're talking about the win over the Bengals. Yeah.

With that Terry.

So Bram's call iconic, it was. It was a dagger. But it's hard to it's hard to compare thing he's to the playoffs. It's hard to compare regular season.

I know, the kind of don't compare.

Like it's like I can't see him say big Zany and Gonzales making it field goal, sending us to the Knicks round. It's better than a play that was made and what we.

Three I know, but that I think that for the season.

Every tournament has an upset. Yeah that's my upset. But I get you got to move it on. I understand it's a play. All right, I'm with you. I'll go with you. We can go with the Daniels Harry.

Wasn't that when you were like, Okay, that's it, Like that's the real deal. That's the one play where immediate you're like, we got a truth.

We have something.

He's the truth. We got a superstar.

Monday Night football.

All right, I think that's our Who know we have we have two upsets in our brackets so far. All right, it's between Hail Mary and Eagles went at home.

I think it's a hell Noah, it's.

The heck.

In the division.

Team picked the win the super Bowl before the season started. We need a win against them. We need to split with them, all right. They are competition like we've never had before. We're trying to prove that we are on your level.

But a play that you hardly ever for every Hal Mary that works in the NFL, Hell noah, there are one hundred others that fall flat, picked off, intercepted, So you've hit to it once in a lifetime and from a guy that the team picked up that was discarded by the Texans. While you got a Bears defender taunting the crowd, I mean, and then Chicago Spirals after that, and.

Klar Williams coming home. Oh, and I just remember him sitting on the bench like this. This is when I knew we had the better of the pick because he's emotional, emotional thugs leader hug. Look at it this way. Ten years from now, which play will you remember more? Oh? It's to hell Noah?

Yes, all right, okay, next one, that winning Detroit or the Monday night football went over the Beangals. It's the winding Detroit I hear y'all.

Detroit fans felt so good about that. Everybody thought Detroit was. All I heard was knuckles.

I'll never forget when Jameson Willis scored that touchdown and went key and peel on us.

You know what I'm talking about. I was like, oh my god, we got to whoop these guys. And we whoop these guys. It's got to be the win of Detroit. Yes there, all.

Right, Raiter Championship.

Best Moment spracket of the twenty twenty four season. Number one the Hell Noah versus number two Detroit win.

I think this way we're gonna be split it.

I think this is where is going to be split because I'm about the quality of the game, and I ax myself. If we don't complete the Hell Noah, you still make it to the playoffs, or do we?

I think we do. I think one less game winning.

Don't deterar us from the playoff because then we just would Eleving and what six Like we still make the player and we're.

Still in the same spot. I'm gonna go to Hell Noah.

I feel like when I saw that, that will forever be a magical moment.

And look, the winning Detroit was amazing.

No one expected us to win, but I'll always look at it like that was incredible.

We didn't finish the job, because the job is to win it all. Hell Noah will stand on its own.

Remember that one time when I thought the game was over, nobody thought we were gonna win, and we walked off and the stadium is erupting, like I cannot believe we just saw that.

I'm gonna go ahead.

I think the championship. Mama got to be that grabbed the mic. I'm going to Disneyland moment.

It's fair.

Can't mean I thought, Noah, do I grab the mic and disney Land here I come.

Playoffs. I just won a game that got me four quarters away from the super Bowl. I'm going to Disney World, all right.

I think it's the Detroit win because it also moved us away from misery with the Cowboys. Yeah, so the Cowboys now, by themselves, twenty nine years, they haven't been to the NFC championship.

Now we took away from them. Say no, we're not longer with you.

Y'all are by y'allself is the stinkinest organization in football.

We are over here now. It's with us in the Eagles.

Out of the last two teams to go to the NFC Championships. We're on their pace. We're not on your pace anymore. Like the hell Noah was good. It was gratifying. We got to talk about it. But it's one play. It's one play more important than the stint of the season. I think that the playoff game is axtension of the season.

Yeah. So, therefore, and which one would the most quality team? This Detroit Detroit team had destroyed Chicago, destroying everybody, and we went destroyed them. What up? Though?

Well, if you guys want to weigh in, yes, we're seven One night drop it in the comments for sure.

That's a good one.

Jaks, thank you.

And I think my vote is the Detroit Win is the champion. Are you standing firm? I'm standing firm on the hell noah, But I mean so I get both sides right. So this is what we want you to do. And what's the names either go hanshtag Smoot, Detroit Win, hashtag, jinx, Hey Noah, to see what y'all think is the number one play of the year, It's got to be Detrius.

The beautiful part about it is is that we had in such an amazing season as we have all of these.

Plays to and left some out. Yeah, we left So there's one we forgot. Let us know as well. That sipp of the Good Laugh podcast. But another good one. That's my guy, frit Smoot. I'm Michael Jenkins, for Anna, for Kelly, the entire crew. Have a great week. See you next time.

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