The new documentary, “Black Girls,” explores the many intergenerational facets of Black womanhood, including beauty, childbirth, community, love and relationships. Among the personal stories is seven-time Olympic Gold Medalist Allyson Felix. Film director B. Monet and Loren Hudson, the senior vice president and chief diversity officer at Comcast Cable, talk more about the film and the importance of championing stories of resilience, community and introspection. The documentary can be viewed on Peacock, Xfinity, and for free on Xumo.
Plus, it’s a special time of year. As some people are preparing for the holidays, some metro Atlanta students are gearing up for graduation. Among those earning their diploma is Shari Jackson, a mother and former caregiver. Rose talks with the non-traditional student, who majored in human services, about her academic journey at Georgia Gwinnett College and why she feels it’s her life purpose to serve.