Sakara Life Teaser: Danielle Duboise and Whitney Tingle

Published Jan 16, 2025, 10:00 AM

Join Rachel Zoe, Danielle Duboise and Whitney Tingle for a fun rapid round segment! This female duo is behind the incredible brand, Sakara Life and their inspiring interview is out tomorrow! 

Okay, everyone, if you're listening to Climbion Hills and this week, I have the most amazing best friend female duo behind Sakara Life, Danielle Dubois and Whitney Tingle on the pod this week. These gorgeous girls are so incredibly impressive. I cannot wait for you to hear the full interview it's out tomorrow, but enjoy this quick, little rapid round to get to know them a little better. Okay, biggest pet peeves.


I mean, people are chewing with their mouth open.

Oh my god, me too, Oh my god, me too, and so many close people in my life do it and it makes me scream.

Beat you. I'm your beach for me for sure right now.

One thing you would tell your younger selves.

I think that there is so much power and authenticity and for so much of my life I was trying to prove something, be something else. And you know, as I approach maybe forty in a year and a half, it's like I think back to all the times I just wouldn't kind of embrace who I was, and both in business and personally. And I don't know if you saw that stuff going around social media, but it's like love is not the highest vibration. It's actually authenticity. Like when really we really get to speak and act and think like that as a reflection of our most authentic desires, that that's the highest vibration it can be.

I would agree with that. I think you just have to always unapologetically be your authentic self, whatever that looks like, and be okay with what comes after.

And I think for me, something that somebody said recently was you don't have to make the right decision. You have to make the decision and then make it right. Yeah, And I think, you know, I could get so caught up in trying to make the right decision or let perfectionism get in the way of progress and production, and so you know something that I have to constantly remind myself of.

Still, that's a good one for young people too, as they're coming up. Is sort of like, because I think we all, especially the older you get, the less you have that struggle. Typically, But I find like in your twenties, as you're building life, every decision is so freaking scary because you're like, if I meet the wrong one, my life is over. I have no career, Like I'm done. And then you get to a point at some age, whatever that age is, where you just go like, no confident my decision. If I make the wrong one, I'm learning from it, you know, I think. And so that's why I think that's very profound because it may not ultimately be the right decision that you made, but at least you can make the choice to take something from it, right.

Yeah, And also not making a decision is making a decision.

Right by the way I do that, Sometimes I'll just like I can't. I literally, if I have to make one more decision today, I'm done. I can't. My brain shut down. Okay, Coller text tax go to karaoke song. I don't carryoke.

It's my greatest fair Madonna like a prayer, That's what.

I'm not big on karaoke. I like to sing, but I'm not big on karaoke.

Save or splurge.

More of a splurger.

Favorite dessert.

I love a good brownie.

You guys did a good one, and my last delivery we got a good one, really, which means you know it's good because I didn't tell them it was. Okay, what's one tip that you guys could share with our listeners of sort of what you can start doing like today for yourself for your health. Like what's like a quick tip where you're like like almost like how you guys hit rock bottom and said, I'm now going to take care of myself.

Eat more colorful foods. That's what I'm really into is eating the rainbow. Yeah, today I had purple sweet potato, red cabbage and this purple rice in one of our Sakara meals, the Umami Please bowl. And I think purple is a highly underconsumed color of the rainbow. And so you know, just if you so many people eat beige foods, and if you focus on getting that rainbow into your diet through whole foods, you get so many amazing antioxidants that just have so many benefits.

I love that. I think my greatest hope for people, and like my long term kind of like life mission is to really help people understand how to kind of create body intelligence and then use it. And I want everyone to be their own best expert on their health, not their doctor, not their Instagram, not anyone but themselves. We have an inner knowledge that we consistently and constantly either ignore or aren't even aware of, and our bodies are talking to us all the time. And if we get really good at kind of cultivating that relationship with our bodies, we'll have far fewer questions on what to eat, when to eat, how to eat. And I think everyone is so overwhelmed right now on how to eat. And you know, it's hard not to be seduced by the trends and the abs and whatever. But how you should eat is your business and really no one else's. And then once you come to how to eat, you can order takara or you can kind of figure out how you do it. But I think it's really our job to get to know ourselves so well that we know ourselves and we cannot be seduced by kind of outside voices

Climbing in Heels with Rachel Zoe

Rachel Zoe is known as one of Hollywood’s most powerful fashion authorities. She welcomed audiences  
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