Clairsy & Lisa’s series about How To Make It In WA continued with the new Perth Film Studio currently being built in Malaga. They spoke to the Minister for Culture and Arts, David Templeman who gave them an update on the studios progress, when it should be finished plus they types of jobs it’s going to create in the film industry here in Western Australia.
Cleary and Lisa's how's the majors in Wa sep in this sun and make you a start.
Indeed, way is the hub at the moment, with movies being made here, quality television series being made here, and so we are taking a bit of a deeper dive and today we want to talk about the film studios that are being built at Malaga with the Minister for Culture and Arts stated Templeaman, good morning, welcome.
Oh, good morning, and it's going to join Clary and Lisa. How are you going lovely very.
Well dover now it's all so exciting and this just makes it all the more so. Tell us about the Malaga film studios that are currently being built.
Well, constructions commenced and the big, the big film studios are now underway. So they're like big sheds really then four of them, yes, and they're very in size. The biggest is about twenty thousand square meters in law space, so big space. But look, they're underway now, will be opening those in early twenty twenty six and everything seems to be on track there now. In the meantime, it's what's happening in the meantime that's really important because in preparation for the opening and for the obvious content delivery that we want to see through that production facility. Is all of the work going on under the screen screen facility or the screen strategy, and this is all about developing the workforce because what we know is when you begin to get a real steady pipeline of work through film series, whether it's bigger film films or it's a television series or documentaries or whatever it might be, you need the crew in place. You need to have a steady supply of crew, and so the workforce development is critical. And so the first part of the strategy very much is focusing on that. That's aligning with our training institutions. It's making sure that our it takes are well aware that there is going to be huge demand for a whole range of technical expertise. So all of those that support a film film production, we want to of course ultimately train and retain our w a creative workforce here in preparation for the studios opening and operational and it's very exciting, very exciting. I mean I've even announced my retirements well because I want to go into the film industry.
You should be close.
You should be in musicals, mate, because we know that you've come a colleagues there in Parliament will miss those songs of yours.
How many jobs do you think it will create?
I mean, I mean I think I always I always say people people should. They don't do this. Of course, when they've seen a film or even a documentary, they don't watch the credits. They don't watch the credits. But the credits actually tell us story. Because that's the list of people who work on a production. They include people that not just at the forefront. You know the producers, the directors and the actors, but it's almost good behind them that do all the work, the technicians, the carpenters, the set builders, the technical and electricians and all of those. And what we've seen, and this is one of the exciting things about it, is when we've had productions in for example, regional wa the economic benefit is huge because what happens when the production team comes to town is your sparkys are employed or asked to come on set, get things ready. Your carpenters are there to help with set building. They source transport and logistics locally. You've got to feed the people locally, and of course accommodation is tagging up. So this is also not just about the Malaga Center, which is going to be critical, but it's also about supporting a burgeoning industry our regions as well. So this is just a you know, this is really a major plank in our creative industry is being created before our eyes. Now we are readily Yeah, well we're protecting huge attention. I mean people around the world. Nicholas Cage film down here in the Southwest and he just raved about the place. Now when that film goes live, he's got a standing ovation at the Chance Film Festival premiered over there. When it goes live around Australia and around the world, people will start saying, where's that place film? Because there's beautiful backdrops that we have in Western Australia. Yeah, that also added to our advantage.
Yeah, absolutely beautiful light here as well over and are consistently pretty good weather. Yeah, not tomorrow, but most tomorrow's going to be ubbish.
I know that projects, especially in notly would they take years to find funding and support and the rest of it. But I know you're talking about twenty twenty six film Laga to open, But are there any bookings as yet formula.
Yes, there are actually there there, I can't announce which ones are. Basically, basically, the home Fire, which is the operator of the center, is already fielding a fielding interest for bookings. The other thing, of course, which I think is important, is the governments invests a huge amount in what we call screen attraction initiatives. So we've got a twenty million dollar screen production attraction fund. Now this is like the cream. This is like the cream on the cake. It's the money that really ultimately gets a production across the line. So we've gone for all of these incentives that are similar to other states and territories. But of course we've got a natural attraction and the natural elements I think that are going to really attract people to come here. But the other thing about our film studio is it's actually got room for growth. Now. Most of the others in the other states are now constrained. They can't go any further because there's no further land available. Ours is a big site. It'll include what's already proposed, but it has rooms of course for further expansion in the future. And it also of course has a big area for what they call the backlock. So that's where you can store and have a whole range of other additional resources stored on the site. So our site is big, it's not constrained like those in the Eastern States. So you know, Melbourne's docklands is now constrained. You can't build any further because there's a freeway in one corner and residential on the other. Ours is a very good and very much a greensfield site. So it's done really be a benefit when we have to expand it in the future.
Yes, being a bit of a movie nerd, I do watch the credits and of course you often see that you know, stuff is done on location, like we talked a lot with the good people of York about the beautiful location that off for the twelve and then other stuff is done in the studio.
So now we will also be a one stop shop.
Where absolutely so post production, pre.
Production, exactly post production, and so.
This facility will ensure that everything can be done here in wa You won't have to go away for other parts or elements of the film to be completed. It will be state of the art, obviously latest technology. We're kind of very excited about. This is This is a real game changer for Western Australia and any young person, any young person out there who's in Whopper or who's going through training in the creative industries, this is particularly exciting for them because there is now a pathway for them to train, get experience, work and stay in Western Australia doing a craft that they love. And I think that's one of the real positive things about this.
And of course it's not just for the actors and the directors and whatever.
There are so many different skills things that are required and added all levels of capability too. There's something for everyone to try to, you know, get in on how important is the entertainment industry at a way or how important do you foresee it being when we've got all this look.
I think people are very much about experiences. I think lots of people now seek creativity is something that's a very human element. And so when you invest in the crowdive industries, as the government has, you enhance that liveability of a place, the appeal of the place to visit to live. I mean, it has so many other benefits that make for a great place for work, for you to live, work and visit. Now we for example, I mentioned about the Surfer for example with Nicholas Kochel, but there is a direct link to having films and using landscapes and ocean scapes and coastal planes from the series at all. We've got it. We've got everything. I mean, you go to Kimberly, the Kimberling, You've got this ancient landscape. All of those also help sell Western Australia. Yeah, yeah, that place. Where's that place? You know we've had for example, Mystery Roads series four is now being filmed in w A. So all Mystery Road has been filmed in West Australia, has been three series, the four ones underway now it's down in the in the southwest Pemberdin area. So directors want to come here, producers want to come here. So you know, this is why we've got this great momentum.
Now, Hey, David, I'm thinking I'm getting excited because you use the word backlot and obviously it makes you think of Hollywood a lot. I'm thinking about Yeah, I'm thinking about the you know, the majesty of being in a golf cart and feeling like you're in Hollywood. You might spot a star, you know, as were the or whoever's drawn here from the States.
See this is what I mean. I've already sort of asked Ricky leaf Beast from screenwisk can agent? I want to get an agent? Yes, I want to want to be immersed in this. I'll take any job you want to give me a job as a Yeah, it's very exciting.
It's very excited, is yeah.
Well, we share your excitement.
We can't wait until you know, things get really rolling year after next and we hope will be tours available for the public.
It's wonderful. And the girl cut well, I.
Reckon you two. Look Gray mc cart and I could be in the back giving servant copy.
You just don't what's there as long as you sing it.
It is so cool. Thank you so much for chatting to us today.
Thanks man, and all the best next year and beyond.
Mate. Yes, thanks very much. David.
Well, we know what he's planning.
He's not running for our parliament, so for him, that is very exciting. And I think the thing I hadn't thought about until you mentioned that the room for expansion in it Malaga with more Land wouldn't have happened if it had been a frio. There was FROs and cons for Frio.
So yeah, was a good choice because you know, it's not competing with a lot of other stuff that Frio already.
Had pretty quick directmun from the airport too.
Tomorrow we're going to talk to a casting director very good as.
We continue our little journey along and how to make it in w Way and so many things being made and so many great plans. That is exciting stuff.